Game On: A World Reborn

Chapter Four

Most of my chapters are 1000 words. And I usually write these chapters on my phone, so I thought 1000 words looked like a lot, however I was just on my desktop so I could edit the tables as that's hard to do on mobile, and I read my chapter on desktop and realized that 1000 words is over in like 2 scroll wheel turns!! Unfortunately I'm currently on Chapter 14, and I don't feel like going back and editing all those chapters now. So starting from chapter 15, I'll be aiming for 1.5k-2k words at least, if I can I'll try to do more in some chapters, if I can!

Liang Wu sat in silence, staring at the system interface that hovered before him. The Quest Givers had fallen silent as well.


After a few seconds, one of them responded. “You still have a tutorial quest? That shouldn’t be possible, after all, we got rid of that dogshit quest that you creat—! Cough, cough… I mean, we got rid of that quest after receiving many user complaints.” Liang Wu recognized this voice; it was the one who called him a bastard when he joined the call. He would remember that for later, but that wasn’t what was important right now.


Another voice answered shortly after the first. “We can look into this, give us a few moments to check your quest logs.” This Quest Giver was one of the smarter gods Liang Wu had employed; he vaguely remembered his name being Ji Ling.


“Okay, I'll wait at most two minutes. You all had better find out the problem fast!”


“Yessir!” Ji Ling replied back.


The two minutes came and went quickly; however, there was no response until three more minutes passed.


“Uh… we think we have found the problem, sir.” A third voice spoke up. Liang Wu couldn’t recognize this voice; he had never really cared to remember anyone. It was actually quite surprising that he had even remembered Ji Ling's voice. 


“You made me wait five minutes, so you damn well had better have found the problem. Now, what is it?”


“There seem to be some conflicting system parameters,” Ji Ling spoke in reply again.


Liang Wu frowned. “What do you mean, conflicting parameters? How could there be conflicts when I'm the creator of this system!?”


“You are indeed the creator,” a fourth voice responded. “However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the way in which you created the system, so that it would be attached to the souls of each living being, has caused a clash in the quest system.”


“My true body's soul is running my system, which is then fed into my clone's body, and since I'm the only one who can access my true body, then you five can't alter my system, is that correct?”


“That is what it looks like on our end,” the fifth and final voice affirmed.


Liang Wu leaned back in his seat, processing the information. “So, I’m stuck in a tutorial quest that no one else has?”


“That is correct,” Ji Ling confirmed.


“Alright, I can fix this. Luckily, I added a teleport function to the Admin Mode when I created it. I just need to teleport to my domain and bring my true body out so that it can resync with the quest system.”


“That should work. What a great idea, sir!” the first voice complimented him.


“I remember that you were the one that called me a bastard when you joined the voice call. When I bring my true body out of my domain, I'm coming to visit you. You had better not try running, or my visit won't be very pleasant.” Liang Wu threatened the Quest Giver before disconnecting from the call.


Just before he disconnected, he heard an audible gulp resound in the voice call.


He dismissed the interface in front of him. When he glanced up, he saw Chen Li Li stuffed into the corner of the carriage, staring at him with a mix of shock and wonder plastered across her face. “What, you've never seen a being greater than a god argue with his subordinate gods before?”


She shook her head, which caused her twin-tails to slap against the carriage wall. “No, I've never seen a stark raving lunatic argue with himself before,” she retorted with a deadpan expression.


“You've still never seen that. Now watch this: teleport!” He stood up from his seat and shouted while posing with his arms on his hips in what he thought was a cool pose.




“Pfft! Ahahaha!” Chen Li Li burst into wild laughter. “Hahaha! Oh my God! That's so funny! You think you can teleport? Ahahaha! Aha! Ha! I can't breathe, it's so funny I'm going to die!”


Liang Wu looked around in confusion. Why hadn't he teleported? “What's going on? I should have teleported to my domain. Hmm… I really don't want to do this, but it seems I'll have to abandon this clone.” He closed his eyes and attempted to cut his connection with this clone body so that his soul would transfer back to his true body.


“Aaah!” He suddenly screamed violently as blood poured from his eyes. Shortly after, he collapsed while spitting out blood.


“Argh! What the fuck!? Ah! What's happening!? Aa—!” He passed out with blood still slowly streaking down his face from his eyes and the corners of his mouth. Judging from his confusion before he passed out, it seemed that he had failed in cutting his connection with his clone, and something very wrong had happened.


“Eeek!” Chen Li Li screamed in fear and jumped out of the carriage. “Che Fu! Help!” She yelled for the man driving the carriage; however, he had already stopped the carriage and was hurriedly rushing toward the carriage door. He nearly collided with the door when Chen Li Li flung it open to jump outside.


“Young miss, what happened!?”


“I don't know. He was talking about tutorial quests and gods and… and he tried teleporting… then he said something about… um… a clone, I think…? And then he collapsed with blood pouring from his eyes!” Chen Li Li was babbling incoherently due to the shock and fear of witnessing Liang Wu collapse.


Che Fu couldn't understand what Chen Li Li was saying, so he decided to just check inside the carriage. “My God! What happened here!?” His voice echoed out into the silent forest from inside the carriage.


Che Fu wasn't really a coachman; he was actually a guard assigned to Chen Li Li by her mother for her trip outside. As a guard, he was no stranger to bloodshed; however, seeing the state of the young man inside the carriage was shocking even for him.


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