Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 86 – Artican Trade in Westeros 13 (Dorne 11).

[Chapter Size: 3900 Words.]
Thrid Person POV
Dorne, 295 AC.
The ships began to anchor in the harbor while Doran's guards were already trying to maintain
order in the city, announcing that there was no attack, just commercial boats setting up stalls in
the harbor, as the giants lowered the sails and undertook the heavy tasks required to dock the
ship and begin unloading their goods.
At that moment, Jon approached the ships with his guards mounted on Ghost, as people
moved away with a mix of fear and respect after what they had heard about the "wizard of the
"My king!" The men already on the ships that had come with Jon many days ago approached
while displaying their Eldenmetal armors.
"How are things going?" Jon asked.
"The ships are docking and getting ready to start removing the goods," the man informed Jon.
Jon nodded, and they began to move towards the ships filling the entire harbor. "Prepare to
unload and keep the products safe before the Dornish inspect the cargo for the merchants, do
not let anyone else through," Jon said, and the men nodded as more soldiers came off the
boat, since a crowd was forming at the harbor, this would prevent problems.
The ships that had just anchored began to come out and greet Jon. "Bring the goods to the
front of the ship," he said, and the men began to do so, while the giants started to bring the
heavier loads and all the ships began to do the same throughout the harbor.
Jon waited for the goods to accumulate while only merchants began to arrive after getting past
the guards who kept the crowd from approaching.
Jon continued talking to them and instructing the men as they began to move the goods into
the city, his ministers also soon appeared as they assisted him after the Dornish confirmed the
negotiated goods.
The giants present were much larger now, and the curious people just stayed there to watch
them with curiosity and admiration, seeing men of 4 meters in their armors for the whole city.
"What can we do with the ice?" asked a man from House Martell responsible for the ice in

"You can place them in Sunspear, at least until we build the storage, but I would recommend
using it and distributing it throughout Dorne for everyone to know, after all, they may not last
long," Jon said, implying that his storage would be made with a special material to hold the
energized boxes by the grand weirwood even more.
"Yes, my lord," he said and began to leave and start asking for Martell men to pick up the boxes
and leave for the castle.
Jon spent some time in the harbor finishing organizing his goods while staying until late
afternoon as he emptied all the commercial ships, and asked everyone to rest when everything
was finished, after all, they needed the ships still in the harbors to start picking up the goods
they bought.
"Let's return, we have more work tomorrow," Jon said as they returned to his wolf with his
guards before going back to the Dornish castle.
"You finally returned," said Ygritte waiting for him at the entrance with Seryna.
"Let's dine... I have a few more engagements," he said and accompanied his wife inside.
They dined with the Martell family, and Jon returned to his room with nothing much different
than usual. The next day, he met with Doran and began to organize the final points, he ended
up closing the harbor while the ships were there, picking up the goods and relocated any
arriving commercial ship at sea to another area.
"About literate people, can you help me with some of your men to speak to your population?"
Jon asked.
"Yes, I've already been speaking with some contacts in the city, we are organizing this," he said.
"Alright, but I need to filter these people, so we will be interviewing the candidates," Jon said,
in short, he could not place just anyone in his kingdom, even if it was to be isolated.
Doran nodded a bit hesitantly, after all, he wanted to place many spies, but nodded, seeing
that he could not go against Jon's logic. "Alright. My men will be in touch soon to talk about
this," he concluded, and Jon nodded, before returning to the city, as today would start the first
shipment of items bought for the ships.
And as expected, the first wagons began to enter the city, filling its streets with various animals
inside them, after all, Jon had purchased thousands of animals not just from one trader, but
from all who were able to negotiate.
Throughout the rest of the day, Jon and his men began to organize the ships. He might not have
been dealing with this, but he wanted to participate in the logistics process. In the end, they
only managed to load 2,000 animals and arranged their transport on a few ships, after all,
there were a total of 8,000 animals and it was a lengthy process to get them out of the desert
and onto the wagons.
In the end, it took 4 days to fill a dozen ships with this part. On the fifth day, they began to
bring in steel and iron ingots, tons and tons of them filling the ships over the next 2 days.
"Jon, can this iron be used for building the army?" Arya asked excitedly.
"Yes, but it's still not enough. We've only purchased 10 tons. We need to buy more on this
trip," Jon said when Arya decided to join him one day to see the process as well.

He had been talking to all the merchants and ended up creating some contacts, which he found
even more important than the nobles residing in Sunspear.
On the seventh day, Doran managed to find someone who could make a large purchase of
books, and Jon had bought more than 28,000 books as they filled the ship's storage.
"My king, the ships are almost full," said a man responsible for the Arctic load.
"That's good, just one more thing left to finally leave the port," Jon said.
"Should we organize our interviewers?" the man asked.
"Yes, I want the literate and some wargs to interview the men Doran is trying to place in our
realms. The literate to prove they can read and have the capacity to teach, and the wargs to
feel if they are lying through their animals," Jon said, and the man nodded.
Jon looked over all the papers in a cabin with everything that had entered his ships and
nodded. They were not exempt from problems these days. He found some tongueless children
trying to sneak onto the ships and even listen in, but with his constant vigilance of wargs, none
were successful. Attempts were also made to rob them, but the Arctic soldiers were quick to
intercept them. The strangest thing, however, was people trying to get on the boats in the
animal loads or hiding in boxes, but none passed the animals' scent.
Doran said he would take care of all of them, and Jon suspected that Doran had placed some of
them to try to get onto the ship, but Jon just wanted to laugh at their failed attempts.
And at that moment, another similar situation appeared. A man entered the cabin after asking
for permission. "My king! We've caught an intruder," he informed, and Jon nodded. "A Dornish
man again among the pigs?" Jon laughed.
"No, one of those children again," he said, and Jon thought.
"Let me see him," he said, wanting to see the boy. He hadn't talked to any of them, so this
would be a good opportunity now.
They left the cabin and went to the deck where there was an 8-year-old boy, very dirty and
barefoot, trying to get away from a dwarf laughing at him, while he looked scared and his fear
increased when he saw Jon approaching.
"What do we have here..." Jon began.
"I doubt he'll talk to you, my king, after all, he has no tongue," the dwarf said with disdain.
"Who would do this to a child?" said a soldier from the free folk.
"Someone very cautious, and that someone is behind the child," Jon said thoughtfully and
turned his gaze back to the boy.
"Answer me by nodding your head. Are you from here?" Jon asked, but the boy remained silent
and didn't even respond with a head movement, just looking at him fearfully.
"Hm... You may not speak... But you certainly have to pass information to your informant..."
Jon began, looking intensely at the boy. "So at least you know how to read and write the
basics," Jon said, and the boy averted his gaze at that moment.

He turned to his men. "Try to find out where this boy keeps the ravens and bring them to me,"
Jon said, now knowing what kind of situation he had here. He was tired of finding children with
their tongues cut in the last few days and didn't think they would be from Doran.
Jon saw that it was late afternoon and decided to return to his wives. "I'm going back.
Remember, we're finding spies every day and it's not just the Dornish who want to extract
information or get on the ships. Limit talking in the city and discuss plans only inside the ship's
cabins. Be careful even when talking to children and do not trust the prostitutes, understood?"
Jon demanded, and his men nodded quickly.
After that, he started to return to Sunspear. Instead of meeting his wives as expected, the
maester appeared at the door, which made him a bit suspicious.
He was about to approach, but the Arctic guard stopped him. Jon had already instructed to be
cautious of that man. The maester stopped, a little startled by the intervention.
"Lord Arctic," he began, greeting him. "I apologize for interrupting you, but your wife felt ill this
afternoon due to her pregnancy." He said, and Jon already knew this as soon as he felt his
animals alerting him in his mind, but she had been attended by a woman who had studied
medicine with Jon in recent years and was stationed in Sunspear. Now, he did not understand
why the maester came to approach him at this moment.
"Yes, she is being taken care of, as far as I know," Jon spoke with a severe tone.
"Yes, my lord, but I could have a better look at her, if you would allow me," he said with a weak
Jon looked and knew of the malice this man emitted. He held himself back from drawing his
sword from his waist and killing him right then after he made that request, but it would not be
wise, and the man had not done anything. Then, taking a deep breath, he turned back to the
maester. "I appreciate your concern, but she will be fine in the hands of my healer, so do not
worry," Jon said.
"But my lord, these methods are questionable, it's much safer for someone who has been
trained at the Citadel," he insisted.
"You, my king, maester, the queen does not need you," the royal guard spoke this time, also
not liking this insistence and seeing that his king could kill this man seeing him holding back
from it.
"I have already spoken, maester, we do not require your service, if you would excuse us," Jon
said, passing by the man while he was left a bit stunned. Jon had spoken in a hostile tone and
continued walking, trying not to draw his sword from his waist.
"My king..." the guard tried to advise him, but Jon did not let him finish.
"If something happens to Ygritte here, I will kill the entire Martell family and burn this castle
down," he simply said, and the guard felt a chill seeing his king at the peak of his wrath.
They followed in silence to the room where Ygritte, Seryna, Arya, and the healer, Ana, were
while Jon entered the room alone.
"How are you?" he asked, approaching Ygritte.
"My king," Ana greeted him with respect.

"Jon..." Ygritte spoke a bit tiredly.
He looked at her fondly and turned his attention to Ana, waiting for a diagnosis.
"She's fine, but a bit troubled with the pregnancy," Ana informed.
"Understood. Did that maester try to approach?" Jon asked, and Seryna nodded while Arya was
a bit angry.
"He kept insisting to see Ygritte," she said, crossing her arms.
"If he tries to approach again, kill him. Do not trust anything he says or eat anything here
outside of our meals or something that did not come from our ships," Jon said. He would keep
an eye on the kitchen with his animals; any abnormality would be a declaration of war worse
than any so far.
They nodded, staying a while longer, they went to dine with the Martells.
Jon looked at the family as they sat at the table; some things had changed. Trystane did not
approach Arya, nor did Arianne approach Jon, after all, he had made it clear he was not
interested in her. His youngest son was still afraid of Jon, and Nyra, they had not spoken in the
last few days, she seemed to be avoiding him.
"So everything's ready to bring in the gold tomorrow? You also have interviews with your
lecturers, right?" Doran asked, though he already knew all this.
"Yes, we'll transfer all the money to the castle first thing in the morning and spend the entire
day interviewing candidates," Jon said.
"It's a pity that our days are ending..." he said in a sad tone, but Jon did not know if he was
being sincere.
"Our paths may cross in the future, for now, we're heading to the other side of the continent,"
Jon spoke.
"I understand, the Reach, I hope the Tyrells treat you well, after all, we know what happens
when they don't..." Doran laughed at his own joke and turned back to Jon. "I heard your wife
fell ill, the maester sought me out to ask if you wouldn't need his services," he said, noticing
Jon looking at him with a hostile tone, giving the impression that the green part of his eyes was
"If you're wise, Prince Doran, it's better to keep your maester away from my family," he spoke
with a tone of threat greater than any before, causing Nyra and his other children to choke,
never having seen Jon so threatening before.
"I understand..." Doran said, maintaining his calm but knowing there was something behind
The rest of the dinner was silent after that episode. Jon returned to his room, and the next day,
a huge cargo, even guarded by giants, moved through the streets of Dorne as they headed to
the Dornish castle. Jon had brought it to pay for all the purchases made, as he had bought
more than sold. With all the discounts Doran had granted him, he carried 500,000 gold coins in
ingots in wagons through the city.

There were no problems, and the money was in the Martell vault in less than an hour. For the
rest of the day, his men began interviewing future instructors in the Arctic, some were skeptical
and did not accept, while some were hopeful in a realm that lived with giants, people, and
dwarves. They seemed very wealthy and would earn 1,000 gold coins at the end of the fifth
year, which was much more than they could earn in a lifetime, even a farmer could be content
with one or two gold coins each year from a bountiful harvest.
Of course, there were many people wanting to go to the realm as well, even some with good
intentions like Bards wanting to tell stories and gain inspiration, but all were denied. The Arctic
would not be open for 5 years, and even then, it would not be a mess to enter as everyone
Out of 4,000 interviewed over the next 3 days, 534 people passed, although less than Jon
expected, it was still a number with people who would be easier to trust, while others left for
various reasons from lying about being able to read to having ill intentions.
The ships finally began to leave the port, but a part of them did not return to the fleet but went
north, where Doran had organized an area for collecting desert sand as they filled the ship's
Thus the ships departed and spent 5 days collecting sand until they filled everything they could,
it was fast thanks to the giants and Jon had finally come to the end of his journey in this realm,
without any major incidents. Doran seemed to have received Jon's message and kept the
Maester away from them, however, Jon noticed a letter falling in his room the night before.
"What is this?" Arya asked, seeing the letter in Jon's hand that was thrown at the window.
"It's that Nyra," Ygritte spoke, "Her perfume makes me sick," she admitted, feeling the scent on
the letter.
Jon opened it and began to read. "She wants to meet me tonight..." he said, closing the letter
and burning it with his small flame magic.
"Isn't she an enemy?" Arya said confused, after all, she already considered the Martells
"We shouldn't speak of them like that, Arya. We're on a diplomatic mission, and all who tried
to harm us are either exiled or kept away from us," Jon said. He had to be honest, even though
he didn't like the Martells and saw how ambitious they are and like to play games, he also
couldn't blame everyone when no one really got hurt here.
"What are you going to do?" Seryna asked.
"I'm going to talk to her," Jon admitted.
He wanted to talk to her one last time and see what she wanted. Then he left the room and
went to the water garden with a guard, who asked him to wait away while he went to the
center of the place and saw Nyra sitting in a gray dress reading a book, the same one she had
taken from the library weeks ago.
"You came..." She murmured, almost in disbelief as she saw him approach.
"You like this book, from what I've noticed..." Jon said, looking at the book.

"This..." She returned to normal and heard his observation as she turned back to the book. "I
like this book, it speaks of the Targaryen dragons, my mother used to read it to me in my early
years..." She said with a sad tone.
"I admire many dragons from this book, one of which I'm most impressed by is how Caraxes
faced Vhagar fearlessly in the eye of god," Jon said, and Nyra seemed excited by that.
"You've read it then?!" She said. "I've read a lot about the battles, it's a shame that the dragons
have gone extinct... Sometimes I think that the dragons from the Dance, who fled, are still out
there..." She said in a hopeful tone.
"Perhaps, they might surprise us one day..." Jon said, recalling the dragon he felt in Skagos, that
surely was Cannibal, making him question why that dragon had been sleeping in those
mountains for hundreds of years without anyone having reports of it...
"I hope you're right... After all, what we want doesn't always happen, but we might end up
with something we desire in the end," She said and looked at him.
"Do you believe we can be free if we wish?" She asked suddenly with a melancholic tone.
"I believe so, I am proof of that. I thought I was a person trapped, but not by someone or by a
set of iron bars, something worse. I thought I was trapped by destiny, the destiny of being a
nobody, a bastard who tarnished his father's image," Jon said, and Nyra looked at him with
"Seeing you makes me feel the same way, maybe I can choose my own path one day and not
what people impose on me, sometimes I just wish for peace... to live a calm life, without
political games or the worry of a new war coming," She spoke without caring about giving
valuable information to Jon, after all, he already knew she was a Targaryen.
"You can have that, but are you willing to pay the price for it? I am a powerful person, but I had
to pay some things, my own blood hates me out of envy, not that I regret it, but everything has
a reaction," Jon spoke, and Nyra shivered a little.
"I can't abandon my family, Jon," She said, calling him without titles and knowing what he
meant by that.
"So you'll be a puppet?" Jon questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"No! Stop, I don't want to talk about this anymore," She said, tears starting to flow from her
"..." Jon remained silent.
She wiped her tears after a while and looked at him again. "I may not have the life I could wish
for... but the moment I saw you, I knew I would love you after so many days," She admitted,
being in love, feeling a kind of connection she hadn't felt with anyone. She saw how Jon was a
powerful leader, unbeatable on the battlefield, and would do anything to protect his wives and
sister, Nyra was envious of Ygritte and Seryna.
She stood up after seeming better and looked at him with her purple eyes internally, "I don't
know about my uncertain future, and believe me, I would love to run away on that ship with
you, but I can't, the only thing I can do is give you what's most precious to me. I want you to be
my first man, and if one day you can take me with you, I want that," Nyra spoke sincerely, not

minding giving her virginity to Jon in the hope that if one day she marries according to her
uncle's plans, she at least experienced love in her life.
Jon looked at her approaching and listened to her words. He knew he loved this woman too
despite their turbulent relationship during Jon's stay in Dorne. He wanted her and would marry
her if he could, but it seems he cannot do that, not now. Still, he let his desire take control of
his actions as he accepted Nyra's approach and started to move towards her lips while
beginning to take off her dress right there. At the same time, with a mental command, he
made all the snakes drive away anyone nearby so he would have that place just for the two of
them for that night.
Raccoon here:
I won't build a sex scene between siblings, but you can understand what happened, I know it's
incest, but this is Game of Thrones between two Targaryens.


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