Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 74 – Artican Trade in Westeros 01.

[Chapter Size: 3200 Words.]


Jon Arctic POV

Arctican Realm, lands beyond the wall, 295 AC., at the same moment.


As Artica's fleet advances through the channel, passing by the farms of Artica, led by the flagship, they head toward the vast gate with the huge statue under construction, which serves as the entrance and exit to the kingdom. As they pass through the gate, the fleet enters a territory outside the walls. They continued in a long line of ships, the sailors along the canal's banks noticed small tribes and clans of the free people watching the fleet's passage. Some react with admiration, others with caution, but no one tried to stop them, just observing from afar.

Jon, standing on the deck of his ship, observes these tribes with a somewhat thoughtful look. "Jon, you can't save everyone..." Ygritte commented by his side.

"I know, but I still don't understand why these people won't go to Artica and I know most of them are not bad people..." Jon commented with a sigh.

"Unfortunately, many believe that the kingdom you built is a southern kingdom, against their beliefs of the free people, but I'm sure most of them will come to Artica once they realize the danger," she said calmly.

"I hope so, there are still many people who can be saved from the slaughter that is happening," Jon murmured.

As the fleet continues its journey, the surrounding environment begins to change. The canal widens, and the frozen banks give way to vast expanses of open water as they approach the salty and frozen water. The air becomes colder and the sea breeze more intense, carrying with it the icy breath of the Arctic itself.

"Incredible, this is the sea beyond the wall!" Arya approached Jon looking at the fleet entering the sea for the first time, now they were wearing warmer clothes, although Jon and even Arya had some natural resistance to the below-zero cold of the place.

"Prepare sails, we have to get through this sea, stay alert at the helm," shouted the man responsible for steering the large ship as he directed the ship's men to prepare, for in this sea there were large icebergs and ice floes in the middle of the route to the south.

Leaving the canal behind and entering the vast and relentless Sea of Ice, Jon's ship continued leading and cutting through the icy waters with its reinforced hulls. Jon breathes that air with satisfaction, knowing that navigating those waters was quite dangerous, as there were violent storms, sea monsters from the legends of the north, and, of course, ice that can trap and crush an unprepared ship. However, he had designed his ships and prepared his men for all these possible events more than 2 years ago.

After the first ship left, the fleet followed its leader to sea, the Artican flags fluttering in the wind, boasting the emblem of Artica: the blue snowflake.

It didn't take long for the 200 ships to be at sea and everything around to turn into a labyrinth of ice, with large icebergs witnessing the passage of the fleet.

"Turn to this board!" the captain shouted for the flagship to avoid a large iceberg in front.

"Look at that ice! It looks like a mountain!" Arya exclaimed.

"Captain, the sea is frozen ahead!" said a Warg with his crow in the sky analyzing the route.

There were many birds in the sky, as all the ships were analyzing the route and following the leader, on Jon's ship there were many birds on the sails and next to the ship, since this was the way to keep communication with all the ships and they all followed the main one while choosing the best route.

"Our hulls can cut through that ice," spoke the captain after entering his own northern owl, after all, he had to be a Warg too.

They continued through the ice-infested sea, dodging large ice stones and cutting through the ice with the tip of the ship a few times. The sailors of the other ships, although trained, had no experience, even working with all their efforts to adjust sails and changing routes, trying to predict the unpredictable movement of icebergs and floating ice masses, some ships encountered some difficulties. Like the case of a galleon, the most agile and fast model of ship, veering too late from a submerged iceberg and scraping its side against the ice, tearing wood chips from the hull with a screeching sound, but still able to continue the journey, the Artican warriors were already working on the repairs.

Another ship, a carrack loaded with supplies, underestimates the strength of the cold currents and collides with a larger piece of ice. The impact is strong enough to shake everyone on board and leave a visible mark on the reinforced hull. Quickly, the crew mobilizes to check the integrity of the ship, ensuring that it can continue the journey. Jon observes these incidents from the deck of his ship, he orders the more agile ships in the fleet and those with maintenance materials to approach the damaged ones to offer assistance. After that moment, the fleet no longer has major incidents in this ice maze and continues the journey.

"Finally," Seryna commented next to Jon, it was 4 hours as they passed through the icy sea and finally emerged into open water with less ice, which means they were heading south.

"We are heading south!" Arya shouted the obvious joyfully.

"Yes, maybe we should leave you at Winterfell?" Jon joked.

"What?! Not yet!" Arya shouted, pouting.

"I know, but we still have an agreement..." Jon said, and she averted her eyes.

Jon knew that his father must be so angry that it wouldn't be good for Jon to enter Winterfell at this moment. He had stopped sending letters a long time ago, since the only messages from his father were demanding Arya return to Winterfell, but Jon does not regret it, he knew that this version of Arya after spending 3 years in Artica was much better than anything her version during that time in Winterfell could be.

However, he wanted her to return home, always saying that even though she liked Artica and showed no interest in returning to Winterfell, she should still visit her parents and talk. Jon knew how shocked her father and mother would be as soon as Arya set foot again in her old home.

Jon looked at Arya, now, with 11 namedays complete, Jon's sister was blossoming into a young woman of unparalleled beauty, promising to become, most likely, the most beautiful woman in the world in the future. Her grey eyes, so lively and curious, reflected the shine of the icy waters they sailed, she was beyond beauty a future great warrior and a woman who would be much smarter than Luwin, more prepared for command than her own father while at the same time sharper as a lady than her mother or brother could be, Arya was already strong, smart, and beautiful at this age.

Jon should take her to Winterfell at this moment, but ended up delaying it even more for the next few years, seeing that she still had a chance to learn and grow, beyond what she already learned her basics, Jon planned for her to learn not only about the art of navigation, the subtle art of negotiation, and the complexity of diplomatic relations they would face on this journey, but also about herself and the place she wished to occupy in the world. At this moment, Arya was not just the younger sister of the king of Artica; she was an explorer, a warrior in training, and, above all, a Stark who would get to know the world on her own terms and not simply have her fate outlined through a marriage contract for an alliance between two houses like most ladies of Westeros.

"Jon, you should have built more galleys, we would impress the South more with a large army!" Arya changed the subject.

"Perhaps, but we are using this journey to negotiate, our carracks are full of Arctic products and gold ingots. I intend to clear all the ship's holds to not only place our products in Westeros but bring back all kinds of things that we still need for the kingdom. Be they material products or animals as we can bring," Jon said, looking towards the icy horizon.

After that, Jon ended up going to his cabin as the day ended, they had already left a dangerous zone to navigate, with much less ice to continue during the night and even so, wargs with owls would always be watching the sea.

After spending a night with his wives, Jon entered the special kitchen for him and his family on his ship to have breakfast with products from his land. As soon as he finished the first meal, he put on a cloak and went outside, greeting a giant walking on the deck and went to the edge of the ship where two eagles were watching him attentively.

"How are you?" Jon touched the heads of the eagles, and they did not seem averse to his touch. The two eagles shook their bodies in a form of protest, making Jon laugh. 

"You are much more accustomed to our warmer lands, but you are naturally resistant to the cold, more so than your parents, so you will survive if you get used to it," Jon teased with a smile to the birds. 

The names of these particular birds were Phaenix and Bleufire, offspring of Caraxes and his mate. These eagles are a few years old, as Jon has been caring for them since their birth, but unlike the other offspring Caraxes sired, these were intentionally kept to the size of a common eagle for greater utility, in addition to being beautiful and exotic birds with the colorations of their parents, serving as agile and durable scouts for Jon in the sky. 

"Come, you will stay with me today," Jon said, and the birds obeyed, landing on his shoulders quickly, which they usually did when not on a mission from their master, their attentive gazes and vibrant colors making them a constant and comforting presence beside the king. 

Besides these birds, Jon only brought his nearly 3-meter wolf, Ghost, as his official animals, although Jon did not have many, he controlled many animals but could not give attention to all, unfortunately. 

The days continued with the fleet speeding south, Jon maintained a routine of taking care of his wives, spending time with the animals, talking to the ship's captain and his men, solving problems and commanding the fleet as his command was requested, and even training with Arya on the ship's deck. 

A week of sailing brought the fleet in sight of Hardhome, where, Jon already knew as he inspected the North beyond the wall with his animals, a large camp still maintained its place there, while his eyes also flew over the area at that moment, even after three years. Jon had heard of Mance Rayder, the King-Beyond-the-Wall, in his years, but had never met him; he knew his camp was much further north but never really took an interest in looking for him in those lands, as it would be futile as he could not leave Artica in formation in the last years. 

The continuous presence of the campers at Hardhome suggested they did not believe Jon's words many years ago. To Jon, every person's life was precious, and the idea of saving those who could live under the laws of Artica, instead of letting them perish at the hands of the white walkers, was something he always sought, but he could not save everyone and now did not have the time. 

Beside him, Tormund, a man who left behind the wild life to become a key piece in Artica, commented in his unique way. 

"I don't miss that place, nor the life I had before Artica," he said, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon of Hardhome. 

Tormund, besides a strange friendship he built with Jon, had unwavering loyalty, had remarkably adapted to the new lifestyle. Jon had brought him into his inner circle, entrusting him with command positions and making him a valuable friend. Tormund had found satisfaction in Artica, saying he lived better than any kneeler; as an Artican, he could fight, drink, and most importantly, take care of his daughters in peace and safety. 

On the other side, as Artica's fleet advanced through the sea, the presence of 200 ships became visible against the vast blue emptiness of the northern sea. Jon knew the free folk lurking along the coast could easily discern such a congregation of sails and masts on the horizon and did not need to have eyes flying in the sky to see the large number of "Ants" forming on the beach at that moment. 

In the sky, he saw people from the beach exclaiming and pointing at the ships, many wondering where those ships came from and what those flags meant, with most believing they were southerners trying to attack the north, but many still old in that camp knew very well what that flag symbol meant, as they still tell stories about how an 11-year-old boy came to them and killed a grown man easily while commanding giants and riding a wolf larger than they had ever seen armored in strange metal.

"My king!" The captain approached Jon at that moment while he and Tormund were still looking towards Hardhome. After bowing his head in greeting, he continued, "If we are at Hardhome, it means we are close to the Wall. Should we follow the plan?" He asked about leading the fleet as his king had already outlined.

"Yes, our presence in the North at this moment could lead to political implications and complicate our stay in the South, so let's avoid the Night's Watch starting to send letters throughout the kingdom about a large number of ships with unknown flags coming from the north of the Wall without knowing their intentions," Jon spoke, although Artica was not an unknown symbol, Jeor would have to do his job as lord commander of the Wall, and Jon wanted to avoid that.

"Then we'll cut through the eastern side of Skagos as we agreed!" The man nodded and left to give orders.

"I still think we shouldn't fear the southerners..." Tormund murmured.

"We don't fear them, Tormund, but before an enemy, it's better a friend," Jon spoke and continued. "And remember, Artica has no enemies." Jon smiled.

"It's not that Artica has no enemies, it's that Artica eliminates all of them..." Tormund murmured about the meaning of Jon's words.

"You learn quickly, my good friend." Jon laughed.

The fleet began to cut to the southeast, avoiding the coast of the Wall, then even the imposing Wall was not seen on the horizon, which made them miss a great view, but Jon would leave that for the way back.

The mighty island of Skagos finally appeared a few days later, and they followed, "Damn North, this island is a dream..." Jon could not help commenting. Of all the places in the North, this island was the most beautiful, as he saw its vegetation and mountains, with volcanoes and other plains.

"What is that?" Jon felt something at that moment while looking at the island's mountains.

"Jon, are you okay?" Arya asked beside him, seeing Jon acting strangely and murmuring something softly.

"It's nothing... I think..." Jon commented, he had a brief vision as soon as he felt his mind being pulled towards those mountains, but he did not know which one, his vision suddenly darkened, and green flames began to emerge from the same darkness, an emerald and malevolent eye seemed to be staring at him at that moment questioning his presence there, 'You think you can dominate me, human?' The creature spoke these words inside Jon's mind as a challenge, its voice ancient and distorted.

Jon took a deep breath, pondering what that thing was, ignoring Arya, but he knew very well what it was, on that island, there was a dragon, and it was one that Jon could not handle... He would have to return to Artica and see in the green vision who that dragon was, which seemed to have been sleeping on the island for a long time.

As the fleet spent their next days, they ended up approaching the coast, alerting much of the Skagosi people, who seemed quite primitive, like the mountain clans in the North.

The dragon was not the only thing Jon encountered in that sea, another connection called him to the west, he saw something he never imagined, even in the green vision he had never encountered one, as he would have to know the exact time and place, leading the Arctic king to believe they were just legends.

It was at least 20 meters long, and its tentacles made it double in size, an ancient kraken, which left Jon shocked as he could see it in his mind. He did not know what called his mind to the creature, but he saw the ancient creature become curious about him, allowing him to easily form a connection between them. Jon saw its life trajectory, and this kraken was at least 130 years old, it came from the same sea, the Shivering Sea, further north, and had been traveling for years.

Jon seemed to be conversing with the Kraken, not with words, but with intentions. The Kraken eventually submitted to Jon, giving him an idea. Thus, while sailing, Jon shouted to Arya, always the most enthusiastic of the group.

"Arya! Do you want to see something cool?" He asked while he was a bit away.

"What is it, Jon?" She approached as his wives also came closer, curious.

"Pay attention. I have a new animal, and this one is quite useful on this journey," Jon said and pointed his finger toward the clear sea, as there was no more ice in this part.

Suddenly, tentacles began to emerge from the sea, leaving Arya and the others open-mouthed.

"By the old gods! What is that?!" Tormund shouted, startled from a distance.

"This is my kraken, it will accompany us on this journey. I will call it... Serume!" Jon declared, excited about the new possibility. He brought the kraken close to the main ship and made it touch its tentacles with Arya, always wanting to try everything, no matter how dangerous or scary it might be for her.

After a few days, they passed Skagos and continued south, eventually passing the north and heading as their first stop to the extreme southern tip of Westeros, Dorne, thus 200 ships followed cutting through the sea along with a Kraken accompanying the main ship submerged below it like a guard dog.


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