Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 41 – The Beginning of a Nation! 01

[Chapter Size: 4300 Words.]


Jon Snow POV

Somewhere beyond the Wall, 290 AC, Some time later.


The Dwarves, a race described by the gods as natural and skilled craftsmen, are an ancient and distinct race, even older than the Children of the Forest. They lived in isolation, having withdrawn from human society and hiding for a long time due to constant judgments and misunderstandings about them. Jon Snow, recognizing the importance and inherent talent of these beings, plans to integrate them into the fabric of his nascent kingdom as renowned artisans. He understands that their expertise and knowledge would be invaluable in building and maintaining a prosperous civilization; however, to draw out a race that has hidden for tens of thousands of years after leaving the surface ages ago would be a significant challenge.

Jon proposes to offer the Dwarves a home where they could work and live without fear of judgment or persecution, a place in the mountains of his territory where their traditions and lifestyle could be preserved and respected. Even knowing that they too will be swallowed by the cold shadows of the undead when they attack everything alive on this land, he realizes that, despite the prestige he offers, something more is needed to convince them to leave their self-imposed exile.

In the second week of preparation and planning, Jon focuses on developing future trade with other places and used his acquired knowledge to create items distinct from the rest of the world, including an innovative cigar made from local plants and herbs. This cigar, designed to burn slowly and offer calming effects without negative side effects, is just one example of the many new and unique products that Jon plans to introduce to the market worldwide in the coming years. He believes that the potential trade of these products will attract the Dwarves, showing them the tangible benefits they could obtain by joining the kingdom of Arctica.

Jon is preparing since the task of convincing the Dwarves to join Arctica will be a significant challenge, but he is determined to offer them a place where they can thrive and be valued for their exceptional skills. His goal is not only to build a kingdom but also to create a diverse and inclusive community, where various races and beings can contribute and live in harmony.

"My king!" Ducken and Vashid, now members of the newly formed royal guard, greeted with reverent respect. They approached Jon as he contemplated the horizon of the emerging kingdom before him and the people working on building more of the kingdom. He had just finished his daily training with Brynden, where each day he learned more about his role and the mysteries surrounding his mission. His gaze swept over the cultivation garden he had created, where women collected fruits for their families, and the mines, where men, under the supervision of William, worked hard to provide the necessary resources to build the tools for the future of the kingdom.

"How are things going with William, Ducken?" Jon asked, his serene tone hiding the weight of responsibilities he carried.

"Everything is going as planned, my king. The giants are making a great effort carrying a large amount of stones and excavating. I fear this is thanks to Serena wanting to impress you, my king," Ducken replied, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. Jon rolled his eyes slightly, aware of Serena's intentions, but also reminding himself of his youth.

"Great," Jon nodded with a gesture of satisfaction. "And the free folk, Vashid, what are they thinking of the place?" He directed the question to his other guard, Vashid, who, coming from the free folk, had a special connection and understanding of his people.

Vashid, with his firm posture and attentive gaze, had adapted well to his role alongside Jon. He had a natural ability to understand and communicate the feelings and thoughts of the free folk, serving as a vital bridge between them and their new young king.

These moments, simple yet full of meaning, were what strengthened the bonds between Jon and his people. Every conversation, every small interaction, was a piece in the mosaic of mutual trust and respect that was being built. Jon knew that to build the nation he dreamed of, he needed not just stones and wood but also the support, loyalty, and love of his people. And with each passing day, every decision he made, every word he shared, he wove more tightly the web of his community, preparing himself and them for the future he was determined to create.

Vashid spoke with evident sincerity and respect in his voice, reflecting the general sentiment of the free folk towards Jon. "My lord, they are very pleased. If there are some against, their noise is very small. Your standing with the free folk is tireless. You are a mighty Warg, stronger than they have ever seen." He continued, highlighting Jon's notable achievements: finding the legendary Children of the Forest, creating a forest that provides constant food, and planning the construction of stone houses that would offer shelter and security far beyond traditional tents.

Vashid acknowledged that the move to permanent buildings might be viewed with suspicion by some, a deviation from ancestral traditions, but emphasized that the majority saw these changes as a positive advancement, preferring the protection and comfort of these new homes over the cold and uncertainty of tents. "I am sure everyone has a high outlook on the future by your side, my king, more than Mance or anyone else could give to us." He added, expressing the gratitude and willingness of the people to contribute the necessary work to realize Jon's vision.

Jon, hearing Vashid's words, felt a surge of gratitude and determination. He assured Vashid that the free folk would be rewarded for their efforts and sacrifices while they are working as Jon instructed in building the now settlement, but soon to be a city. They were not just building a kingdom; they were building a future where each contribution would be valued and where everyone would have a safe and stable place to call home.

With this assurance, Jon prepared for a critical mission: to visit the Dwarves for the first time. He left the kingdom and traveled to a distant mountain 54 kilometers from the retreat, accompanied by more than 2,000 men as an escort, a necessary measure given the uncertainty of how the Dwarves would react to being found after thousands of years of isolation. Jon had his concerns; he knew the Dwarves might see him as a threat, but divine information suggested that this was the right time for the meeting.

Upon arriving at the foot of the mountain that Jon had seen with the vision of the ancient gods, as he approached, a strange door was found and it quickly opened, Jon and his group were alarmed when they were greeted by a group of 50 Dwarves in heavy armor mounted on giant boars, wielding war hammers and with serious expressions on their bearded faces.

They seemed to be waiting for him, a sign that his arrival was known or perhaps even anticipated. Jon knew this moment was crucial, not just to establish an alliance with the Dwarves, but to show that he sought a partnership based on mutual respect and cooperation. It was a decisive step in his journey to build the greatest nation in the world, a kingdom where every being, human or not, would find their place and thrive under his leadership in this land isolated from the rest of the world.

As Jon and his group faced the formidable guard of Dwarves on giant boars, the initial silence was broken by Jon's firm voice, as he stepped forward with a respectful but confident posture.

"Hello, I am Jon Snow, leader of the Arctic Tribe, and I come in peace to talk," he began, his voice echoing against the rocky walls of the mountain. "I have been guided here by visions of the ancient gods, and I believe our meeting is not mere chance, but a predestined moment."

One of the Dwarves, apparently the leader of the group, dismounted his giant boar and approached Jon, observing him with intense and evaluative eyes. "We know who you are, Jon Snow," said the Dwarf, his voice deep and resonant. "And we know the stories of your vision. But words are wind, and we need more than pretty speeches to trust a human after thousands of years."

Jon nodded, understanding the mistrust. "I do not expect immediate trust, but I ask for the opportunity to demonstrate my sincerity. I come with the intention to form an alliance that benefits both my people and yours, an alliance forged in respect, cooperation, and mutual prosperity."

The Dwarf studied him for a long moment before responding. "And what do you offer in exchange for our cooperation, Jon Snow? Dwarves are not fools enough to accept empty words as payment."

Jon stepped forward. "I offer lands in the mountains of Arctica, where you can live, work, and prosper without the fear of judgment or persecution you faced for ages that even we do not know. In addition, I offer the position of renowned craftsmen in my kingdom, where your skills will be valued and respected. And, of course, I am open to hearing any other conditions or desires you may have."

There were murmurs among the Dwarves as they considered Jon's words. The Dwarf leader then nodded slowly. "Your offers are generous, Jon Snow, and they deserve consideration. Come, we will take you to our king. He will decide if your intentions are true and if an alliance can be formed. Because we do not believe merely in prophecies."

With a gesture of his hand, the Dwarf leader indicated for Jon and his group to follow. Together, they entered the mountain gate, Jon, accompanied only by Ducken, Vashid, and a small group of his royal guard, entered the heart of the mountain, guided by the Dwarves. To his surprise and relief, they spoke in the common tongue, facilitating communication. "Come human, only you and a few more, my king awaits," one of the Dwarves invited, his voice firm and authoritative. Jon, cautious but determined, proceeded, passing through the imposing stone door that led to the realm of the Dwarves.

The sunlight was quickly replaced by an inner glow emanating from the bowels of the mountain. Jon and his companions found themselves surrounded by a spectacle of forges and lava rivers, an impressive vision of power and skill. Some forges were active, with Dwarves working diligently, their curious gazes fixed on Jon. Others remained inactive, a silent reminder of the dormant potential of that civilization.

As they advanced, more Dwarves stopped their activities to observe the newcomers. Jon noticed the presence of women and children among them, appearing to be a thriving and natural community, he couldn't help but wonder how this race had been hidden here all this time, nor did Leaf and the other Children of the Forest know them. He briefly recalled the Dwarves who had been hired to entertain in his father's feast hall, a distant and strange memory compared to the reality he now witnessed, on one side there was a man of short stature after being born with some deficiency, but here they are a natural race, which is surprising.

Finally, they arrived at an imposing structure, a Dwarven palace that exuded authority and wealth from within this mountain. Guarded by Dwarves armed with war hammers, the path to the king of the Dwarves was marked by stairs leading to a grand hall. The decoration was breathtaking, with precious stones embedded in the walls and such exquisite artwork that it surpassed anything Jon had ever seen.

In the center of the hall, on a majestic chair adorned with gold, silver, sapphires, and rubies, sat the tallest dwarf Jon had ever seen. The presence of the Dwarf king was imposing, and the chair on which he sat was a work of art in itself, reflecting the splendor and pride of his people.

Jon knew that the wealth and beauty of that room could awaken covetousness in many men, but he was there for a greater purpose. It wasn't gold or silver he sought, but an alliance, mutual understanding, and partnership that could benefit both his people and the Dwarves. He was there to establish a new era of cooperation and shared prosperity, a crucial step in his journey to build the greatest nation in the world.

Jon Snow, closely followed by his loyal guards, Ducken and Vashid, entered the grand hall where the Dwarf king awaited him. The air was charged with expectation and a slight tension. The Dwarf king, with his long, braided beard and eyes that seemed to have seen centuries, watched Jon approach. "So you are the new king in the lands of the retreat? You are just a child!" King Thor spoke with a voice loaded with disdain and disbelief, clearly questioning the capacity of a boy to lead a kingdom.

However, Jon was not intimidated. "I am, my name is Jon Snow. And who might the king of the Dwarves be? And how do you know about my land? We have established there a few weeks ago," he asked, maintaining a posture of respect, but firmness.

"I am Thor, the current king of my race, human. We knew of your arrival a long time ago," Thor replied, revealing a prior knowledge of Jon's arrival, which piqued the young king's curiosity.

"And how would you know that, if I may ask?" Jon inquired, genuinely intrigued by the Dwarves' foreknowledge but reminded of some words from the Dwarf before. "I come to you seeking understanding and friendship. It is said there is a prophecy involving my arrival and the fate of your people. I ask that you tell me about it."

Thor observed Jon for a moment before responding. "Yes, Jon Snow, there is a prophecy, as old as the mountains we call home." He paused, as if gathering thoughts from ages past. "30 millennia ago, our sages predicted the arrival of a powerful human, one who would bring significant changes to our people. This human would be the cause of the destruction of the heart of the mountain, our sacred home."

Jon listened attentively, each word from Thor weaving a complex tapestry of fate and choice. "And how does this prophecy speak of my role in all this? And what does 'destroying the heart of the mountain' mean?"

Thor tilted his head slightly, his eyes reflecting the glow of the torches in the hall. "The heart of the mountain is more than a place; it is the essence of our being, the source of our strength and our refuge. The prophecy says that, with the arrival of the human, the heart would begin to weaken, leading to the death of our mountain and, possibly, the end of our people as we know them."

Jon felt the weight of these words, the responsibility and possibility they carried. "And since my birth, have you felt this change?"

"Yes," Thor replied. "Nine years ago, we began to notice the changes. Veins of minerals drying up, caves once filled with echoes now silent. And despite our seclusion, we noticed strange activities in the outside world. All this led us to believe that you might be the human of the prophecy."

Jon remained thoughtful, processing the implications. "And what does the prophecy say will happen next? Does it speak of war, destruction, or... of hope?"

Thor sighed, a look of conflict passing across his face. "The prophecy is unclear. It speaks of change, of a new path that will be opened. It says that the human king would offer us a new way out of here and would need our people, but it does not specify whether this would be for good or ill, nor whether we would accept this fate or not. Many of us fear what might come, as dwarves are stubborn, but there are those among us who see this as an opportunity for a new beginning."

Jon nodded in understanding. "King Thor, my intention is not to cause destruction or bring an end to your people. I seek a future where our peoples can prosper together. If there is a way to change what has been foretold or to better understand our destiny, I am willing to work with you to discover it."

Thor looked at him for a while, sizing him up carefully, "However, the prophecy did say that the human king would take us from here and would need our people, but it did not speak whether we would accept you. Personally, I am disappointed that it is just a child I am dealing with," Thor continued, expressing his disappointment and doubt about Jon's capability.

Ducken and Vashid, sensing the tension in the air, reacted according to their personalities: Ducken with clenched fists, ready to defend his king, and Vashid with a look of perplexity, surprised by the revelations and the tense atmosphere.

Jon knew he needed to prove his worth and the seriousness of his mission. He understood that convincing King Thor and his people would not be a simple task, but he was determined to show that, despite his youth, he possessed the strength, wisdom, and determination needed to lead and fulfill the prophecy, benefiting both his people and the Dwarves. It was a critical moment, and Jon's words and actions at that meeting could define the future of both races.

Thor, the king of the Dwarves, clearly expressed the precarious situation of his people and the possibility of setting out in search of a new home if they did not find sufficient reasons to ally with Jon. "Then prove you are worthy, Jon Snow," he challenged, casting an evaluative look over the young king.

Jon, aware of the weight of his words and the importance of the moment, responded with sincerity and determination. "I understand, I won't lie, I need you and I want to help you. I will do everything to be worthy of you being in my kingdom." He then offered a gesture of goodwill, handing a cigar to King Thor, an innovative product developed in Arctica the last week.

Thor, initially wary, took the cigar and examined it with growing interest. "What is this? This smells good," he inquired, not hiding his curiosity about the strange object. Jon, seeing the opportunity to strengthen bonds, lit a cigar for himself, demonstrating its use. The smoke rose in the air, and Jon inhaled it deeply, exhaling it afterward with an air of contentment.

Thor's reaction was instantaneous and surprisingly positive. "HAHAHA, This is funny, you look like a damn dragon now. Why do you do this?" The Dwarf king's mood changed completely, a smile lighting up his previously grim face. Jon, noticing the change in mood, encouraged Thor to try it for himself. "It's relaxing. Try it, and you'll know what I'm talking about," he said, lighting the cigar in Thor's hand.

Jon extended the cigar to Thor, who took it with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "It's called a cigar," Jon explained. "It's made from special herbs we grow in Arctica. When lit and inhaled, it provides a sense of relaxation and well-being."

Thor examined the rolled object that now burned between his thick fingers, his nose slightly wrinkling as he smelled the more intense earthy aroma than before. "I've never seen anything like this," he murmured, still uncertain. Jon, with an encouraging gesture, lit a small flame and carefully ignited the end of Thor's cigar.

"Like this," said Jon, demonstrating how to hold and inhale. "It's a unique experience."

Thor, with a determined look, mimicked the boy and brought the cigar to his lips and inhaled deeply. His eyes widened slightly with the novelty of the sensation, and after a moment of contemplation, he exhaled the smoke, which gracefully curled in the air.

"By all metals and gems!" Thor exclaimed, a rich and deep laugh escaping his lips. "This... this is indeed relaxing. And the smoke! It's like I'm exhaling the breath of a dragon."

Jon smiled, relieved and pleased with the positive reaction. "See, Thor, my intention is to offer not just words and promises, but also to share with you the innovations and pleasures that Arctica has to offer. I want our peoples not only to coexist but also to share knowledge, culture, and moments of joy."

Thor, still holding the cigar with a newfound appreciation, nodded slowly. "Jon Snow, you are full of surprises. If you can bring something so small, yet capable of changing my mood like this, I'm curious to see what else you have in mind for our people."

"I have many plans, Thor," Jon replied, his expression serious, but his eyes shining with the promise of a shared future. "And with your help and the Dwarves, I believe we can build something extraordinary, something that has never been seen before in this world."

With a respectful nod, Jon knew he had taken an important step towards winning the trust of the Dwarves. The cigar, a simple invention, had become the catalyst for a more open conversation and, hopefully, a lasting alliance.

"Your cigar is a symbol of innovation and pleasure. It makes me wonder... what more can you offer to my people who have lived in the shadows for so long?"

Jon, noting Thor's growing interest, responded confidently. "King Thor, my vision for Arctica is not just to build a kingdom, but to create a place where everyone, regardless of their race, can thrive. And as I said, I offer the Dwarves a mountain in Arctica to call home. There, you can live freely, practice your arts, and be recognized as the master craftsmen you are."

Thor considered Jon's words, the cigar still burning gently between his fingers. "The mountain is dying, Jon Snow," he said slowly. "I have no choice but to at least negotiate with you. But understand, what you propose is a huge step for my people. What guarantees can you offer that Arctica will be the home you promise?"

"I understand your concerns," Jon affirmed. "And I am willing to work side by side with the Dwarves to ensure that all needs and traditions are respected. In addition to the land, I will offer positions and titles of honor, ensuring that the Dwarves' knowledge and skill are valued and essential for the prosperity of Arctica."

Thor nodded, reflecting on the offers. "And about the prophecy... If it really is you who was predicted, how do you know your leadership won't bring more harm than good?"

Jon looked directly into Thor's eyes. "I don't have all the answers, Thor. But I commit to seeking wisdom, justice, and the well-being of all under my reign. My intention is clear: to unite our peoples and create a future where both the Dwarves and my people can look back and be proud of what we built together."

Thor fell silent for a moment, then took one last puff on the cigar before crushing it under his boot. "Then, Jon Snow, let's see if you are the leader you claim to be. Let's negotiate the terms of this alliance. But know this: my loyalty and that of my Dwarves must be earned every day."

With a nod, Jon agreed. "I am ready for this challenge, Thor. Together, we can create something never before seen in this world, a legacy of strength, respect, and prosperity."

And so, amidst smoke and promises, a new alliance began to take shape, a pact that could change the fate of many and shape the history of an emerging kingdom.

During the negotiation, Jon observed with satisfaction how the Dwarves reacted positively to the proposal of receiving a mountain to call home and being officially recognized as the kingdom's craftsmen. The idea of being treated with respect and receiving honorary titles was particularly appealing to them, representing long-due recognition of their skills and traditions.

Jon shared with them his plan of governance and the political structure he had been developing with Brynden's guidance over the past two weeks. It was crucial for Jon to demonstrate the vision and seriousness of his leadership, presenting how Arctica would become a fair, prosperous, and welcoming kingdom for all its citizens, regardless of their race or origin.

The Dwarves were especially excited about the proposal to build the greatest kingdom ever seen with their own hands and to have an entire mountain to themselves, where they could construct their palace and live openly under the sun alongside other races. The promise that they would be the renowned craftsmen of the kingdom, admired and respected for their creations, resonated deeply with them, awakening a feeling of pride and hope.

Moreover, the ancient prophecy of the Dwarves, which predicted the arrival of a human king who would lead them to be recognized and renowned once again, seemed to be fulfilling before their eyes. The Dwarves, who had long lived in isolation without the opportunity to showcase their superiority in craftsmanship and forging, now saw a chance to emerge from the shadows and reclaim their prominent place in the world.

This initial contact between Jon and the Dwarves was more than a negotiation; it was a meeting of destinies and a rebirth of hope for a people who had long awaited their moment of recognition and glory. Jon Snow, with his vision and determination, was ready to lead both his people and the Dwarves towards a future where everyone could thrive and share the greatness they were destined to create.

The acceptance and enthusiasm of the Dwarves to join Jon's vision and build a new kingdom under his leadership marked a moment of great celebration and anticipation. "Dwarves!!! Prepare for your journey, we shall create a kingdom once again!" Thor exclaimed, his voice echoing through the mountain. The Dwarves, with renewed joy and hope for the future, began organizing their journey to the land of Arctica, ready to embark on a new era of prosperity and recognition.



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