Game Invasion: Fighting for the relationship between male and female hosts is addictive

Chapter 80

Although the situation stabilized quickly in the previous life, the internal test players who knew alchemy would come out to sell their own primary treatment potions, and the official also began to ship a large number of them to help all players overcome the initial difficulties. At the same time, modern technology can also produce drugs with therapeutic effects, including injections, tablets, and capsules. However, a market with more than one billion players will take time no matter how fast it is. These are not like belts. No matter how rich you are, each person can only wear one. Most people who buy them will not buy them again. Treatment items are consumables. They will be sold out in seconds when they are put on the shelves. The market for primary treatment potions will be boiling for at least half a month. She made up her mind to think of ways to sell Su Yitong some in the next few days. She also didn't believe that the Su family was really in a desperate situation. After all, the family started preparing after the first internal test. If there were not enough alchemy potions, there were first aid bandages. If things got worse, there were cooking dishes. They were all solutions.

Now it was just right. She made money, helped Yu Xunhuan solve the matter with the Lin family, and earned favors from Yu Xunhuan and Su Yitong. She also left the Su family with the impression that she had connections. More importantly, she was always thinking about them in her words.

Where can I find such good relatives?

When Yu Xunge thought that she had cheated them so much, openly and secretly, and they were still grateful to her, she felt comfortable physically and mentally. She could clearly feel that the pain and hatred in her heart were being healed.

Yu Xunge didn't go out of her way to tell Yu Xunhuan that she had settled the matter with the Lin family for him. He could find out about this kind of thing himself, and it would be unnecessary for her to "take credit". After breakfast, she put the cat bed in the game backpack and drove out, shaking off several people who were following her, and parked the car near the entrance of the dark market.

After finding a hidden place and using the camouflage skill, she went to Zelan Star. She often made medicine and had no shortage of potions, but wasn't it to make the potions look hard to come by? She went to the female undead mentor for a 50-minute class, packed the potions that the Su family wanted into two storage boxes before returning to Blue Star.

In this way, "after going through untold hardships", 2,000 bottles of potions were delivered to the Su family, and exchanged for 600 kilograms of gold.

Although she could use the game's email function to send these things to Su Yitong, she still wanted to pay for them, mainly to see if the Su family had any new equipment.

After entering the house, she habitually explored Yu Xunhuan's God-given talent.

Then he was completely silenced by his current skills 4 and 5.

They were pure white and flawless, benefiting others and himself.

However, these two lines of skill descriptions became illusory after using the detection, and then a black line quickly crossed out these two lines of skill descriptions, and a line of solid small characters appeared below, which was the most authentic information of the God-given talent skills.

Yu Xunge pretended not to see it. This disguise was probably not to deceive herself who only met once every few days or even weeks. Most likely, she wanted to do something to the Su family. She didn't want to expose it now.

These are not the main points. The main point is the red blood drop symbol after the names of Yu Xunhuan and Su Yitong.

It's just that Yu Xunhuan's red blood drop is illusory, while Su Yitong's is more solid.

She moved her mind to the blood drop, and with a thought, she detected the detailed information.

[Unknown Curse Level I]: All treatment effects are reduced by 5%; HP cannot be automatically restored; contagious;

Oh, what kind of curse, isn't this that!

AI! This is AI!

Yu Xunge tried to hold back her laughter. After exchanging a few words with Su Yitong and Yu Xunhuan, she refused the Su family's invitation to keep her for lunch and left on the pretext that she had to pay the balance.

She was afraid that if she didn't leave, she would laugh out loud.

Level I, I don't know if it will be upgraded as the condition gets worse? But then I thought of the contagious sentence again. It seems that I have to be more careful in the future, lest these two people start to retaliate against society after discovering this curse and infect everyone around them.

I just don't know if Yu Xunhuan and Su Yitong have discovered it themselves. If they do... it will be fun.

But thinking that the blood drop is as illusory as the God of Food's talent skills 4 and 5, she suspects that Yu Xunhuan has already noticed something wrong and has hidden it in advance?

After keeping this matter in her heart and making up her mind to pay close attention to the reactions of several people, she drove away from the Su family. During the period, she also deliberately went to the dark market and wandered around there for ten minutes before going home.

After putting the cat bed in the backyard, she washed and lay on the bed, forcing herself to stop and sleep for a few hours. She was waiting for the game to invade in the early morning of today, and yesterday in the early morning

Digging out the magic eye, she hadn't closed her eyes for two days and two nights.

Although the body has been digitized, there are still some bad conditions, otherwise how could Yu Xunhuan and Su Yitong get sick? Didn't she also fall into severe weakness due to frequent phantom shifts before?

Rest, must rest...

Close your eyes for five minutes, finally fall asleep, Yu Xunge's mind flashed that line of instructions, and woke up with a smile again...


Yu Xunhuan did find something wrong. After the game was officially invaded, he immediately checked his God-given talent to see if there was a miracle, but he didn't find a miracle, but found an inexplicable curse.

Although he didn't know what this unknown curse was, the fact that it was contagious was enough to make Yu Xunhuan alert. At that time, Su Yitong was in a hurry to find Su Baige and others to discuss how to deal with this situation. Almost the next second after Su Yitong left the room, he used the skin shed by the chameleon tea pet to hide the curse information.

Until dawn, Su Yitong was busy leading his men to attack the dungeon, while he was absent-mindedly practicing cooking skills in the kitchen.

He wanted to check, but the Lin family incident had just happened, and Su Yitong must be keeping a close eye on his whereabouts. He couldn't go to the hospital for a check-up by himself, but he didn't trust those brothers. What if... what if the result of the check-up was a handle? Wouldn't that mean he was sending himself to the door?

After thinking about it, he still felt that Yu Qingshan was the most reliable. When Yu Xunge came just now, he wanted to find a chance to talk to her and ask her to bring a tube of her blood back to Yu Qingshan, but Yu Xunge was too busy. She didn't even have time to sit down and drink water, let alone talk to him privately...

Yu Xunhuan couldn't sit still the more he thought about it. Was this curse only on him? It was a pity that he didn't have any exploration props or skills...

Thinking of the game, he chatted with Yu Qingshan directly.

[Yu Xunhuan]: Dad, what are you doing?

[Yu Qingshan]: Looking for a dungeon

[Yu Xunhuan]: Can you come to the Su family?

[Yu Qingshan]: What's wrong? What happened?

Yu Xunhuan didn't have time to reply, because Su Yitong brought someone into the room, saying that it was her friend, and introduced them to each other.

However, Yu Xunhuan knew very well that this was Su Yitong's person who came to investigate Yu Xunhuan's God-given talent. The so-called friend was just a fig leaf to avoid hurting feelings.

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