Galaxy Hunter Online

Start of Book 2 Chapter 51: Into the Forest

Before getting into the pod, I decided that I needed to shower. It would not do well to stink up my pod after such a long night. I remembered showering before going to bed, but after dealing with the husband of the couple that I played with last night, I felt a need for another. I looked at my body as I stepped before the Mirror and sighed. 


I used to be a Pro Player in Virtual Call of Duty and, before that, some computer games. I was a pro-female gamer in a male-dominated game. I was eventually kicked out because my teammates couldn't play with me anymore. They couldn't stand such a dominant woman in their hemisphere, and they continued to fail in the games when push came to shove despite my high skills. 


I looked at my beautiful face in the mirror and saw my long red hair flowing down my shoulders and down my back. I looked good, and my breasts looked large today, almost in the D range, if not larger. Although some chub seemed to be returning, I was still in good enough shape. I was a fantastic-looking woman, and between my legs was the subject of either disgust or worship, depending on the lover. I was an intersex woman, more commonly known as Futanari these days. I have a pussy underneath my balls too. I sighed and loved my look, but I needed to clean up before I got to work playing Galaxy Online.


Galaxy Online, A game by Gabin Corporation, and I was betting my career on it. I was still a young woman, and I wanted to get back into the pro scene. I was ambitious, and I wanted it more than anything. The first thing I needed to get over was the tutorial. It was a Permanent death mode you had to make it through to get into the main universe, where there would no longer be permanent death. It was a hardcore start to the world, but it was also the Four times speed that they introduced that brought limits because this was no world where you could sleep inside your pod while you played.


God, I wished it was, though, as I could have some more free time.


Thank god that the game developer found a way to change the speeds of the Tutorial so people could change when logging out. It was a welcome relief, and I was already making use of it now. My default was now set to go one to one time when logged out and one to four times when logged in.


Without realizing it, I was in the shower for a while, just letting the water fall over me. I shook my head, but my mind seemed determined to develop wool. I thought about what Ura, the unique and sexy Captain of a little black market speed ship, was now in the dry dock. The Pirates I saved her from did an actual number to the ship, and the slipstream drive needs to be repaired.


Now, I grinned with satisfaction as I had time to go into the planet's forest. A forest teeming with criminals for me to capture, alive or dead. Now I was going to be hunting them down for a couple of weeks out in the forest. I needed this to prove to myself that I was moving the right way for the Pro scene. If I failed and died, I would have to start all over.

I turned off the water since I had finished washing. I stepped out and dried myself, and shook my head, not wanting to think about the implications of starting all over. Not only was I still in the tutorial based on something patched, but I would lose Ura. 


Shaking my head again, I did not want to think about that, and I finished drying myself and put on some Hot pants and a tank top. I made sure that I put up a vote on my sleep stream. I checked the cameras surrounding my bed to ensure they were off before double-checking my front door.


With that, I moved to the pod and finally opened it up, and got in. I laid back, and the pod lid slowly shut.


Logging in, I received a welcome as the rate of speed went back up to four-time speeds. Waking up, I found Ura spent sleeping beside me with her body pressed up against mine, her breathing a little heavy. I smiled, got up, and saw she might have enjoyed herself last night. I was happy that she got one last ride in before I headed out. 


Moving out of bed, I got up and started to gather my things. I ducked as I moved around and slowly made my way to the shower to wash myself off so I could be clean for the trip. My ability to clean myself would be minimal when I moved out. I washed and dressed in the camo gear I wore yesterday coming back and luxuriated in the feel of the nano fabric on my skin.


Looking into the mirror, my triangular ears stuck straight up, and my hair flowed down my back in a black wave with red highlights. I looked beautiful with my full get-up and was in the purple and blue colors of this world's Forest. The matching gear was filled, and I started grabbing my tools from my workshop. I would need all the mobile tools to help me with some of the things that I purchased in order to make traps. Now, on this trip deep into the forest, I would put my research to the test. I would test if this meme battle style that I wanted to go for would work. 


Well, at least in a forest where I could blend things in.


The amount of builds that I could already think about in this massive universe was huge, and I was looking forward to it. I usually played the free-flowing types in the past, but I felt like this was even more free-flowing than people would think. I would have to find things to make up for shortfalls that I will have in other environments in the future. For now, I was going into the forest, and I was going to be ready for a fight.


I packed some extra things into the bag and heard a cough from behind me. “Nyah, I am sorry, Mistress; I made something when I heard you are heading to bounty hunt while we are in dry dock,” Nyava said with a smile and held out a couple of bottles and a square-looking thing. “This is a skin injector for inserting potions into you without needing to swallow it. You press this part here,” She said, pointing at a little black circle, “Against the main artery you have and press it hard against the skin. It will inject the potions into your body and react quickly. It is better than drinking and works faster. I have enough for ten doses, and each is clearly labeled. There is a stamina potion, a Regeneration potion for healing major injuries, and an energy potion that will clear your head and replace sleep, unlike the stamina potion, which is just physical energy; then there is the instant healing potion. That,” Nyava seemed to cough before blurting out really quickly, “Make sure you have food if you are going to use it once. If you use it twice without a very large meal in your stomach already and in front of you, then you will run out of calories to run your body. Make sure that you only use it once. After that, As soon as you can, you eat.” 


I nodded, “Thanks, Nyava, I didn't know you got ingredients for potions yet,” I replied with a smile and put them together in a kit with their labels visible and the skin injector to the side.


“Ura ordered them and got them to me just before you went to bed. This was what I could do with the limited equipment I have.” Nyava replied with a blush on her face. “When you get back, c- can you punish me again? Really hard?” Nyava asked.


“I will punish you when I get back,” I said with a smile, “I promise to make it hurt.”


“Yay! Nyah~!” Nyava looked really happy, and I watched her skip out.


I stretched, picked up the heavy bag, and realized that my body was stronger than I thought, being able to carry this all. My guns were all attached to it, and my tools were on my body. I wouldn't be able to hunt well with this gun, but that was okay. I would make do with what I had now. 


“Hey,” I suddenly heard, and I turned to see Ura standing on deck in that hot Black and blue jumpsuit encased in Nano leather. Her E-cup breasts were in blue, while the rest of her was in black. I wanted to jump her just looking at her as she smiled at me. “Heading out soon?” Ura asked.


“After a meal and I finish gathering some things,” I told her with a smile, “I already washed your fun off me. Unfortunately, I wasn't awake for it. I will make sure to get my own back later,” I continued with a loaded smile that made her blue alien face turn purple with a blush that I loved on her. 


“I will see you after then,” Ura said with a blushing face, “Come eat a good meal before heading out and eating rations.” Ura turned, no longer talking.


The meal we had was a little awkward, and Nyava was keeping oddly silent while Emily had a data pad out, looking through things as she ate. She was in the grove, and the smile on her face told me that she loved what she did. I finished eating, and I grabbed my backpack without saying goodbye. I didn't want to do so for a bunch of NPCs because I felt weird. For the past couple of days in real-world time, I had only just met them. In the game, though, I had been with Ura for over a week, if not more, because I wasn't paying attention to the time and how fast it was moving forward.


Now I would be leaving the ship behind to make Federation credits and more. I needed to test my strength and my wit to move forward. This was only the tutorial, and the real world of Galaxy Online was supposed to be much harder, which had revived, whereas the Tutorial did not. I needed to be ready to pit myself now before I developed bad habits.


I walked out with a straight back and a large backpack on my back. My sniper and assault rifle were attached to the bag, and I walked with my shotgun in the small of my back with my handgun readily available. My ammo was in the bag, and a small rucksack dangled with tools and various things I may need, like materials that are not natural in the forest.


I was ready to go and looking forward to the experience. 


I quickly got into an AI taxi, smiled, and said, “To the Saint Forest entrance. Southeast side, please.”


“Saint Forest is only accessible to those with a bounty Hunter license. Please use your Bounty Hunter Association tablet to identify yourself.” The taxi replied. I grabbed the tablet and allowed the taxi to scan it. “Thank you, We will head there straight away.” The taxi said a moment later.


I watched out the window as the city landscape moved, and the taxi joined the masses of other vehicles moving. Watching fully automated cars move was something interesting to see, as there was no deviation in movement as they moved. People were looking to have it in real life, and I heard some companies were getting close. Toyota was the closest I heard lately, with many in the transport industry calling to have it ended. I didn't have a viewpoint on it, but here it looked good, and I sighed.


My taxi suddenly shot off from the rest, and the Purple and blue forest in the distance rapidly grew close, and my heart beat faster. I was excited about what was to come and couldn't wait to be on the ground outside.


Moments later, without caring about how I felt, the Taxi stopped about a kilometer away from the forest. “This is the closest I will bring you to the forest; Bounty Hunter, SleepyWonder, Closer, and Criminals may try to shoot this Cab out. Please use your tablet to call a taxi when you are ready to leave. It will only come to locations at least a kilometer out. Have a good day, and thank you for your patronage.” The door stayed quietly open and let me leave after grabbing my things. 


I looked at the blue grass and the purple tree leaves. It was going to make an exciting day, and I took a deep breath as the door closed behind me once I put my bag on my back. The Taxi left empty and rose into the sky, heading out to pick up another passenger. I was now alone with a massive forest before me. I was a sitting duck here, and I headed forward while checking the forest line. It was now or never, and I wasn't a girl that liked to sit back and get shot at. I would get in that forest, and I would start to play this game like the pro gamer that I was.


A smile etched my lips as I could not help but think of this as the Training Montage for my pro career. I would make or break this account now in this forest. I needed to get better, and I couldn't have the same thing happen as it did with Oxrock. I was motivated and unready, but this would change it all. Now I just needed to get this fluttering heart in control as I ran and disappeared into the forest.


Now, was I the Bounty Hunter I wanted to be?


Now was the time to find out.


Thank you for reading. If you would like to support me you can on my Patreon @

Or you can find various books on Amazon Such as:

Life of a Dominant Futanari

I Sissified My Step Bro

A Damaged Innocent Futanari

The Bullied Masochist Futanari

Galaxy Hunter Online

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