Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 64: Casper!

Editor and Proof Reader: King Of Mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[Chapter starts Here]]]]]]]]]]

Fu Yan listened to the alchemist carefully. After the alchemist finished explaining, he bowed and left hurriedly. During the whole time, he was very respectful.

Fu Yan sat down for a while after the alchemist was gone and digested the information given to him.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked towards Marin and said.

"Well, it's time for me to go. Remember, your first visit to the LIbrary is free and you can choose one book for free but the rating of the book cannot surpass the knowledge you submitted earlier."

Marin also stood up and upon hearing Fu Yan, she bowed and said.

"Yes sir. I understand. I thank you on behalf of all the people of the Xoria Empire."

Fu Yan nodded and swiped on his tattoo. His body soon started to shine and a beam of light fell down on his body from the sky.

Marin bowed more deeply and said.

"Have a safe journey Lord Librarian."

When Marin said this, she tilted her head and looked towards the ministers below with a stern look.

The people below also started to bow towards Fu Yan and said in unison.

"Thanks for your guidance Lord Librarian. Please have a safe journey."

Fu Yan smiled when he saw this scene and nodded towards Marin.

Marin's smile became wider when she saw this. She knew that Fu Yan was satisfied with their hospitality.

The white light intensified and his figure soon faded. He was again surrounded by white light and felt like he was floating. After a while, he saw the great hall of the Library as the white light started to disappear.

He looked around and saw that he was in the teleportation chamber. He got out and went towards the back room to change his clothes.

When he was going towards the back room, he saw a worker sorting out the books. This worker did not have a body but more like an ethereal form. He was floating and the lower half of his body was just smoke.

When he saw Fu Yan looking at him, he stopped what he was doing and came towards Fu Yan. He bowed and asked in a low voice.

"Greetings Lord. How can this humble servant be of help."

Fu Yan smiled and said.

"Nothing. I was just intrigued about your body. Anyway, since you are here, run a test on this potion and tell me about its effects and side effects." Fu Yan took out the advanced Bio potion that he got and gave it to the worker.

The worker bowed and took the potion. Just when he was about to go, Fu Yan called him and asked.

"By the way, what is your name?"

The worker gave a slight smile and said in a cautious tone.

"Lord, we workers don't have a name. We are recognized by the tags on our bodies."

Fu Yan shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"Well, I don't know what the previous Librarians were thinking, but this can't go on. This is too inhumane. Anyway, you will be called… let me think. Since your body looks like a ghost then I will call you Casper. Though that one was cute, I still think this name suits you better. So how about it? Do you like this name?"

The black ghost did not respond for a moment but after a while he hurriedly replied.

"Thanks, my Lord. I like this name very much." He then gave a deep bow to Fu Yan. A faint smile could be seen on his face and compared to before, his eyes had more respect for Fu Yan. This bow that he gave to Fu Yan was full of appreciation.

Fu Yan smiled and said.

"Well, it is decided then. You will be called Casper from now on. So Casper, give me the report about this potion on the front desk. I will go change now. By the way how long it will take to analyze this potion?."

Casper bowed and said.

"My lord, it will be done by the time you finish changing."

Fu Yan nodded and started to walk towards the back room. He changed back to the clothes from Earth but he felt like he was forgetting something. He tried to remember but he could not think of anything. He was surprised by this because ever since his brain was enhanced by the Library, he never forgot about anything. He could even remember things from when he was a child clearly.

No matter how hard he tried, nothing came into his mind.

What he did not know was that it was not him forgetting things, but more like the Library did not want him to know about it. At least not yet. The note that was in his pocket magically disappeared when he came back to the Library and he had no way to know about it.

After changing, he came to the front desk and Casper was already waiting for him there.

When he saw Fu Yan, he again gave a bow. Fu Yan shook his head and asked.

"Why do you keep bowing towards me? I don't think this is necessary.'

Casper shook his head in denial and said.

"My Lord this can't be. This is a way for others to know about your authority and to let us workers know that we have someone that commands us. Please don't ever say this again, I beg you. You gave me a name. That is already enough of an honor."

Fu Yan did not say anything. He understood that authority and rules needed to be in place to run a workplace more efficiently.

"Ok, I understand. So what does the report say?"

"Yes my Lord. The potion you brought is very good and is very beneficial but there is a side effect to it."

"Side effect? Isn't it perfect!" Fu Yan exclaimed.

[[[[[[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]]]]]]]

when I am hungry I can't write, if I cant write you guys cant read so please feed me those delicious "POWER STONES".

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