Gacha Addict in a Matriarchal World

Chapter 63: Preparation

Chapter 63: Preparation

“Are you out of your mind?”

That was the blunt reaction I received from Ellie after hastily briefing her on the situation, with Lydia and Karen right behind me. It seemed a bit harsh.

“Ellie, this is really important. Can you please consider it, just this once?”

“No, it’s not possible. There’s no reason for Jonah to get involved in this mess. Let the authorities handle it.”

“But what if the authorities aren’t on our side?”

“Then we do nothing. Just live quietly, as if you’re unaware of anything. Jonah’s good at that, right? Adapting and taking advantage of situations without getting directly involved. Just follow suit this time.”

“I know, but…”

That approach had always worked before, but this situation was different. The task of defeating the first floor’s guardian had to be mine, or if not mine, then at least let it be the protagonist’s. Honestly, I’d be okay with Ellie or Lydia taking on the challenge. Truly, anyone is acceptable, as long as it’s not One Who Devours the Twilight.

With a heavy sigh, I closed the gap between Ellie and myself, effectively eliminating any space between us. In simpler terms, I hugged her tightly. While my face was pressed against her chest—not as ample as Lydia’s, but still generous—I wasn’t focused on the softness but rather the sense of comfort it brought.

In this scenario, the act of me pressing my face into Ellie’s chest isn’t a big deal. It’s merely a form of close physical contact. What’s noteworthy is that my stomach brushed against Ellie’s waist, and my waist grazed Ellie’s thighs.


Ellie stiffened as if struck by lightning, her body rigid and unyielding. I inhaled deeply, enveloped in Ellie’s embrace. A peculiar scent enveloped me, a blend of the unique aroma of a woman’s skin and the fur of a wolf hybrid. This observation isn’t meant negatively. Both scents were pleasant, making the experience doubly enjoyable, if not more so.

Ellie’s face flushed bright red when she realized I was taking in her scent. Her ears stood up straight, and her tail tensed. Her pupils, slit like those of a predator, darted about aimlessly. The twitching of her nose suggested she was aware of her fragrant body odor, amplified by my blessing.

Ellie became as rigid as a mouse in the presence of a snake. Meanwhile, like a snake wrapping around its prey, I tightened my embrace around Ellie and whispered, my breath tickling her ear.

“Ellie, is there really no way? You know this is the first time I’ve asked you for such a favor. It’s very important to me.”

“But, that’s…”

Though she didn’t speak, she seemed to swallow nervously, as if her throat had gone dry. I continued, subtly rubbing my body against hers.

“If Ellie helps me… I’ll do anything for Ellie.”

“An… anything?”

“Yes, anything. Even the bondage play you’ve been curious about recently or the role-reversal scenarios you’ve looked up. You don’t have to choose just one. We can explore them all.”

“All of them…”

“How about we let our imaginations run wild? We could start with a bath together. Ellie, imagine you’re washing me, your chest covered in bubbles… as if you’re claiming every part of me.”

“Every part…”

“So, since Ellie has taken care of me, it’s my turn, right? No need for a brush; I’ll use my hands. Or perhaps, another part of me… like rubbing with my belly? No, that might be a bit awkward. There’s a better option, right?”

With that, I subtly shifted my hips against Ellie’s firm thighs. Ellie’s breath caught, a soft growl escaping her lips as if she were trying to suppress something. Sensing the tension, I pulled away, leaving the air charged between us.

“What do you say? If Ellie helps, we could start right now.”


Ellie remained silent, her lips pressed together.

Turning slightly, I noticed Lydia sighing and holding her forehead in exasperation. At the same time, Karen, although pretending to cover her face, peeked through her fingers, her breaths shallow with barely contained curiosity.


I formed a V with my fingers, offering a silent victory sign to the duo struggling to compose themselves. Lydia wore a look of utter disbelief as if a harsh truth had just dawned on her, while Karen, clutching the goddess statue I had given her, began to pray fervently for reasons unknown.

‘They’re taking this way too hard,’ I thought, giving them a moment to recover. Ellie, having wrapped up her contemplation, finally addressed us.


“…What?” “I’m willing to make concessions to help Lydia and Miss Karen. But Jonah, you’re not part of this deal.”

“This mission is personal for me. I’m open to assistance, but I can’t just stand by and watch.”

“This isn’t up for discussion. You promised you’d do anything, right? Well, this is my condition.”


‘This isn’t going as planned. Troublesome.’

Avoiding the catastrophic scenario of the World Tree’s power falling into the wrong hands is possible. However, I also wanted to play a part in this. Considering the circumstances, perhaps it’s time to call in Eve? She might not rank among the universe’s mightiest, but her vast experience surely places her above the average adventurer.

Given her connection to the World Tree’s power, she might be eager to assist. However, if Eve joins us, there’s a risk I won’t achieve sufficient contribution to claim the rewards even if we defeat the guardian of the first floor, meaning I could miss out on both the initial subjugation bonus and the opportunity to gain power from the first floor.

Lost in thought, I hardly noticed Lydia regaining her composure. She interjected with a weary tone, seizing a brief pause in the conversation.

“Wait a moment, Senior Ellie. Let’s have a word.”

“What now? Lydia, you’re not buying into Jonah’s wild tale as well, are you?”

“Just come over, will you?”

The two made their way towards the warehouse on the first floor, pulling Ellie along almost by force. Lydia usually tries to shield me from danger, but today, it seems she’s on my side. Could it be because of my saintly (not) act in the temple? Even those who don’t pursue a clerical path in Pangrave hold the Goddess of Love in high esteem. This reverence likely stems from a childhood filled with tales of the Goddess’s feats, the temple’s strong influence, and the inherently lovable nature of divinity.

Perhaps it’s time I stopped resisting and started leveraging this to my advantage. While I’m not convinced of my sainthood, the entity that summoned me to Pangrave and bestowed upon me the gacha ability must be the Goddess of Love. Thus, she probably wouldn’t mind if I invoked her name occasionally. She’s not likely to be that petty.


I find myself mulling over the relationship between the unidentifiable god statue I carved and the exquisitely crafted 3-star statue now in Karen’s possession, my head tilting in curiosity. After my “request” to Ellie, Karen, who had been behaving awkwardly, hesitantly began to speak.

“Sir Jonah.”


“You once mentioned your relationship with Ellie…but observing you both now, it appears far more intimate than you described. Am I right?”

“Well, I guess you could say that. Ellie took me in when I had nowhere else to turn. She provided me with food and shelter, and as I grew older, I began assisting her with various tasks. While it might sound like I was a kept pet (man), the reality is quite the opposite.”

“The opposite?”

“It’s me who’s always reaching out to Ellie, seeking food, companionship, a place to call home, even asking, ‘Can I touch your chest?’ I’m the one eagerly anticipating the day I become an adult.”


Karen covered her mouth with her hand, a look of surprise flashing across her face. Then, it dawned on me: Karen was also a virgin, a fact confirmed by the unicorn dagger.

“Hmm. I see. Inquisitor Karen, you’ve remained untouched by the opposite sex because you were rigorously trained from a young age and dedicated yourself to missions as you matured?”

“How, how did you know!?”

“Well, it’s not hard to guess…”

“Truly, Sir Jonah possesses the goddess’s insight…”


My casual boast was taken seriously by Karen as a divine blessing. As I contemplated how to correct this misunderstanding gently, Karen glanced towards the warehouse where Ellie and Lydia had gone and posed a question.

“By the way, Sir Jonah, I have a question that’s been on my mind. It might come across as a bit impolite, but may I ask?”

“How impolite could it be? Just so you know, I’m still growing, so I’ll get taller.”

“I wasn’t going to ask about your height.”

“Huh? You mean you weren’t curious about… other measurements?”



As we both looked puzzled, Karen quickly grasped the misunderstanding and shook her head frantically, her face a mix of shock and embarrassment.

“How could I be so inappropriate! I didn’t mean to ask anything of that sort!”

“What I mean is, as long as it’s not that kind of question, feel free to ask.”

“Huh? Yes…”

It seems there was a misunderstanding. Let’s proceed under that assumption, given the clarification. Karen, her face betraying her thoughts, cleared her throat to refocus the conversation.

“Ahem. Earlier, you mentioned loving everything in the world, even enemies.”

“Yes, what about it?”

“However, your actions today suggested you hold Miss Ellie in special regard. I’m curious: can universal love and romantic love coexist? It’s a topic of much debate in the temple, and I’d love to hear your thoughts, Sir Jonah.”


I understand her question now. At first glance, professing to love everything in the world might seem noble and impressive. But from another angle, it suggests a lack of special affection for anyone. Conversely, romantic love places a select few above everyone else. So, the question is whether universal love and romantic love can coexist and, if so, which takes precedence? It appears the temple is deeply engaged in exploring the nature of love, possibly with differing viewpoints. To me, this seems like a false dichotomy.

“But that’s…”

“Universal love should be like this, and romantic love should be like this… discard these stereotypes. The heart, to begin with, has no form.”


Karen’s eyes widen as if she’s had a revelation. What is this, an enlightenment machine? She seems to have revelations at everything I say. Why does she take my words as gospel? I couldn’t help but let out a bewildered chuckle, albeit briefly. Suddenly, a crazy idea popped into my head which I had to try immediately.

“Inquisitor Karen, may I ask you a somewhat impolite question?”

“Of course. Feel free to speak your mind.”

“Then, without further ado…”

I pause for a moment, offering her a bright smile.

“Inquisitor Karen, what’s more important to you, faith or money?”

“Obviously, it’s faith.”

“Then, how much are you willing to donate to me?”

“My entire fortune.”

The answer sprang forth without a moment’s hesitation. Smiling broadly, I extended both hands.

“All your wealth. Will you entrust it to me? I promise to use it for a good cause.”

“If Sir Jonah needs it.”

Karen nodded calmly and took out her wallet. The moment she placed the wallet entirely in my hands, the door creaked open.

“Sigh. Jonah. I just heard the whole situation from Lydia. We really shouldn’t be doing this, but just this once…”

Ellie, announcing her participation by scratching the back of her head, froze. Her eyes, wide and trembling, locked onto the heavy wallet in my grasp.

“You’re not doing what you did with Lydia, are you?!”

“No! This time, it’s different because I asked and received it willingly!”

“So, it’s like when you took ten silver from me…!”

“There was no exchange involved?! I simply asked, and it was freely given to me!”

“Do you think that makes any sense?”

“Well, even I find it nonsensical that someone would give away their entire fortune on a single request. …But ta-da! I’ve managed to accomplish that difficult task!”


Ellie glared at me, her eyes filled with doubt. It was clear there was a lack of trust.

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