Future Live Broadcast: Gao Leng School Flower Calls Me Husband?

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Future Live Broadcast, Martial Arts Exam

The practice of martial arts is definitely not as simple as imagined.

A skill, as long as you learn it, you can use it directly, but if you don’t even know the theory, the route of the exercise, and the fit of this exercise with your body, then even if you can use this exercise, you are looking for death.

The human body is not a computer, and only needs others to make a computer that can be directly used by people who do not understand the principles of computer manufacturing.

The learning involved in this is not at all simple compared to the so-called science.

In this era of advanced technology and even the creation of Gundams, people can rely on martial arts to become more powerful than Gundams.

How can the practice of martial arts be simple?

Even if you don’t have to be proficient in all martial arts theories, at least, you still have to master the most basic martial arts theories.

You still have to know something about your physical attributes.

Therefore, in this world, even the most genius people will spend a lot of time in their lives learning the basics of martial arts.

“True Qi, after it is produced in our own body, flows in our body with our thoughts, converges and grows.”

At this time, Hou Tongshan was lecturing everyone.

“When our True Qi encounters an acupuncture point, it meets another True Qi and collides with each other, which will inevitably damage our meridians, then, at this time, we need to pause a True Qi first, because the attributes of True Qi are different, and the True Qi we need to run first is naturally different…”

At this moment, everyone in the class listened very carefully.

Although the technology in this world has reached the point where knowledge can be directly transmitted, knowledge is something that is thought out by the human brain, and some fixed things can be transmitted, but knowledge that needs to be used flexibly is not.

Because of this, the existence of schools is necessary.

Moreover, knowledge transmission will inevitably cause some unpredictable effects on the human brain, and under normal circumstances, no one will want to use knowledge transmission as a labor-saving way to learn knowledge.

After a lesson, all the students were still satisfied.

Hou Tongshan’s eyes looked at everyone present and said:

“Okay, after class… By the way, I would like to remind you that there will be a mock exam in the afternoon, and everyone will work hard to get a good score in the exam. ”


“Finally for a practice exam? Great——! ”

“I couldn’t help but show my skills for a long time.”

Some people who are relatively high in cultivation can’t help but be very excited.

There are also some people who are shallow in cultivation, or ordinary people, when they hear that they are going to take the exam, their faces show a weak look.

“It’s over, I haven’t reached the fifth level yet, can I pass this exam?”

“Don’t say it, I’m not even quadruple yet.”

“…… Remembering that when I was cut more than thirty times in the last exam, I couldn’t help but be afraid. ”


“Ye Xuan, how are you preparing?”

At this time, Ye Xuan’s tablemate Li Chao smiled at Ye Xuan:

“I’m already fivefold.”

Obviously, he had the intention to show off himself.

Fivefold is already an excellent result, although it is completely incomparable with the ninefold, but in ordinary people, it can already be proud.


Ye Xuan said:

“I’m far from the fivefold.”

I am already a warrior, five times more than five, how can I not be surprised, not surprised?

Ye Xuan thought to himself.

“Hahaha, then you need to work hard, don’t be like last time, it will not be good to be cut with a few swords.”

Li Chao laughed and talked about Ye Xuan’s last results.

Because Ye Xuan has always been very low-key, he will naturally have some mistakes in the exam.

It is normal to be cut with a few swords by the test subject.

Of course, it was pretended by Ye Xuan, and with his strength, it was naturally impossible to fail the exam.

What’s more, he also has the blessing of invincibility…

It’s just that he needs to keep a low profile.

Just as the two were talking, suddenly.

In the sky, there was a voice again.

[Please enjoy the future live broadcast.] 】


Hearing this, everyone looked up at the sky.

“The future live broadcast is about to start again.”

“If I’m not mistaken, this time, the content of the live broadcast should be related to Ye Xuan again.”

“This future live broadcast, simply change the name to live broadcast Ye Xuan’s future.”


“Why should I watch Ye Xuan sprinkle dog food on me every day?”


“I really don’t want to watch him sprinkle dog food if I can.”

“Watching Ye Xuan sprinkle dog food does anything help me understand the future?”

“No, but it hurts me a lot now, I’m still single, but he has started a happy life with two school flowers——!


Listening to the discussions of everyone around him, Ye Xuan couldn’t help but twitch his face.

Blame me?!

I didn’t make this future live broadcast, and I also want to know what my future looks like.


At this time, the future picture is slowly opening.

Although they said it, everyone’s eyes were still motionless staring at the picture in the sky.

In the picture.

At the Martial Saint Academy, a tutor was standing on the podium and speaking to the students below:

“Students, as I said before, now we have a mock examination room, and the content of the exam is to fight against the five-fold beast.”


“Fivefold beast? It’s too hard. ”

“I can’t even quadruple, teacher, can I abandon the exam?!”

“This can’t work, let’s go to the examination room with me.”


Under the leadership of Hou Tongshan, a class of students with different expressions was brought to the scene of the mock exam, which is a building full of science and technology.

Outside the picture, looking at the scene in the picture, the students in Ye Xuan’s class couldn’t help but get excited.

“Sleeping, finally our future has appeared.”

“I thought this future live broadcast would only broadcast Ye Xuan’s future.”

“Unexpectedly, the content of this exam is actually for us to fight against the five-fold beast, and when it’s over, I will definitely be abused very badly.”

“Instructor Hou is also too bad, we are only in the first grade, and we actually let us fight against the five-fold beast?”

“That’s it.”

“Hehe, fortunately I’m already fivefold.”


I didn’t expect that the content of the future live broadcast would actually be the exam in my class, which may be a boring live broadcast content for people all over the world, but for the people of the eighth class of the first grade, this is very interesting.

And when the people in the eighth class of the first grade were excited, people all over the world were also watching this live broadcast.

“Great, I finally don’t have to see that guy named Ye Xuan sprinkle dog food on me again.”

Someone said happily.

However, the people around him reminded him:

“Hey, if you look carefully, there seems to be a familiar person among the students in this class.”


At this look, the man was immediately speechless.

Or Ye Xuan…

“Why is it still him, damn ——!!!”

“I have already eaten dog food, let my single dog watch Ye Xuan, a scumbag, hug left and right, and I feel the malice of this future live broadcast for me.”

“Wait, if you think about it, the content of this exam is a five-fold beast, and the one named Ye Xuan is only fourfold.”

“Yes, why didn’t I expect, hahaha, so it is, this time, I finally want to see this abused named Ye Xuan?”

“It’s so cool——!!!”

“I’ve long wanted to see him abused.”

“The mock exam, it’s not single-handed, the test questions won’t put water on him, and this one named Ye Xuan will definitely be taught a terrible lesson.”

“Uh… IMHO, first-year students face exams of the five-fold beast, and they are generally abused very badly. ”

“Haha… That’s right. ”

“Quick, let me see the scene of Ye Xuan’s exam.”

After figuring out the content of the live broadcast, many people got excited.

At this moment, many people around the world have the same attitude, and they all want to see Ye Xuan being abused by the exam…

After all, Ye Xuan has attracted a lot of hate in the previous few future live broadcasts.

Holding two school flowers left and right, can this not make people jealous?

You know, these two school flowers are talented girls, but Ye Xuan is just an ordinary person, and many people have already learned about Ye Xuan on the Internet.

When they knew that Ye Xuan was only quadruple, and the two genius beauties were both nine-fold, those people felt that they were going to be stupid.

The envy and jealousy of Ye Xuan can be imagined.


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