Furious Combo

Chapter 817 - : Sacrifice (middle)

The desolate king was stabbed by the short sword, and the gray dwarf grinned and drew the short sword. At the heart of the desolate king, a burst of blood was sprayed from the vest. This blood was dark green and exuded a foul smell, as if decaying for months. time

There was a bang in the mouth of the Desolate King, his teeth were bitten, and he swallowed his stomach directly. There was no painful expression on his face, but anger.

The Desolate King is the strongest person in the second echelon of the Suzaku team. Jiang Yan also valued him very much, and he did not spare any effort in training. He regarded the Suzaku team as his own home, and took each member seriously. Serious practice, work hard to improve your strength, and strengthen your position

In the Suzaku team, where you are, it means you have the responsibility

The Desolate King ’s responsibility is not light. In the plan of the siege of the space master, he has many places to be responsible. If he dies now, Jiang Yan will go back and change the combat plan, and he will enter the brother of the Suzaku team at the same time. Live without his ability

Speaking of it, he is a ranger profession, but after entering the rule system of the two world stones, he has no profession. What he is good at is the organization of small teams.

Jiang Yan is responsible for him, it is the person in the second echelon of the Suzaku team. The desolate king knows that this is not to look down upon him, but to pay special attention to him.

The explosive power of the Desolate King is not the gray gnome can understand. After the anger flashed on his face, the sword in his hand has wrapped around the body for a week, and there are cracks in the zigzag shape.

The gray gnome grunted, her arms were all cut off, the muscles in the wound squirmed, and the arm that wanted to grow outward was limited by some force.

Pulling the sword in anger, the explosive power of the desolate king’s proud skill, even though the demi-god can also kill the gray gnome, although it is powerful, she is too underestimated.

The Desolate King looks like, in this Suzaku team, it is only a medium level who can think of his explosive power so terrifying

Jiang Yan’s face was gloomy, dozens of healing skills fell on the body of the Desolate King in layers, and a golden golden pill was sprayed from his mouth, directly penetrating the desolate King’s wound

Even so, the desolate king fell down, a clear cloud in his clear eyes

The team stopped, and in the distance, thousands of gray gnomes rushed towards this side. When everyone ran, they were dragging afterimages behind them, and it was incredible.

Jeanne d’Arc was also dignified, and the space master finally couldn’t help it, and sent a killer to the gray gnome, a race that made her such a bright gods hate

The gray dwarf itself is an intelligent life training killer class without camp attributes. It is very scary. Many times the gods were assassinated by the gray dwarf.

The gray dwarf whose arm was cut off by the desolate king jumped in a space and wanted to escape. As a result, around her body, hundreds of thousands of sword lights blocked her in place.

Strictly hit the Desolate King, how did Yu Nan let her escape the gray gnome, she did not expect her bloodline ability, she would be restrained by the opponent’s sword energy, locked her body, and even the shadow could not escape

Then she was kicked heavily on her vest

Yu Nan’s foot, the skill of kicking the gray dwarf directly into the Nether’s Foot in Huangquan has now been transformed into Yu Nan’s ordinary attack. You can only use this pair of shoes to display it.

Although Yu Nan wanted to kill the gray dwarf with the Danjie sword, it was only her perception of danger that was more sensitive than Jiang Yan. Her instinct told her to hurry away the disaster star, otherwise, the people here must at least die. half

The gray gnome is also supposed to be the same. If she is dead on the space controller, she will use the art of interpretation to come up, except for Jiang Yan, the rest must die at least 90%.

The gray dwarf was kicked into Huangquan, which is the real world. Although the prefecture that controls Huangquan has long since ceased to exist, there are still many powerful creatures of the soul type. These creatures cannot survive without Huangquan, so they will not invade. Other worlds, but in Huangquan, if they lose their control, they are the king

No matter how powerful the gray gnome is, it wo n’t last long.

It was the only regret of Yu Nan that she could not beheaded by herself, but if the desolate king ’s power to pull the sword out of anger was too cruel, she wanted to easily kick that one. It ’s not easy for the other party to be a strong assassin, and Yu Nan Comparable

At this time, Jiang Yan had suspended the Desolate King and placed it in front of him, whispering to the Desolate King, “You will not die, at least until you kill the Space Master.”

There was a smile on the young face of the Desolate King. He did n’t speak. All the power was used to suppress the injury. The knife of the gray gnome was too cruel, even Jiang Yan himself, I am afraid it will not last long.

Seeing this scene, Jeanne d’ Arc ca n’t say anything. She can only command her temple knight to face the grey dwarf. The temple knight does not have any advantage over the race of the grey dwarf. It is just the magician of Jeanne d’ Arc that restrains the assassin. Professionals like killers are also good at

Jiang Yan’s healing skills have little effect on killing the gray gnome. The other party has already exploded divinity and regular power. Jiang Yan can only let the desolate king die.

It is Li Chunfeng who really treats the Desolate King. Li Chunfeng ’s hand is pressed on the desolate King ’s wound, and the other hand is a snow-white pearl. This is a fairy, which is designed to expel various negative states, toxins, and power against the rules. It is used for making

Jiang Yan solved the gray dwarf leader at the expense of the desolate king.

The space controller sees all this in his eyes, and his anger is beyond anger. Before being kicked away, the gray gnome leader clearly can use the power of understanding, but she hesitated, but hesitated for one tenth of a second. The other party causes any real weakening

The man who cut off one arm of the gray dwarf with a sword, has been able to stand alone under the treatment of the other Taoist, and is walking into the abdomen of a robot.

The power system of the robot itself, the space controller also sees clearly, from the world of Transformers, the combat power is probably the peak of the s-class

Although the swordsman has been weakened a lot, but in the brigade, there is no way to do anything for him. With this lesson, the opponent will definitely not let any killer directly infiltrate.

The **** slaves are all untrustworthy. They put her on the tombstones of the gods, let her refine her divinity, get rid of her dependence on the kingdom of God, and gain a certain degree of freedom

The space controller is a little irritable. He dispatched the Shadow Angel himself, and failed, dispatched the Grey Gnome, or failed this Grey Gnome, and he didn’t even kill any one of the other.

What’s the point of killing many more slaves under her men? Those robots and zombies are summoned. The only loss is the survival point.

The other party has an eternal city, there are many survival points, this level of garbage, no loss of heartache

When the space controller calmed down, the grey gnomes were dead and wounded. The strength of these grey gnomes was not strong enough, but Anna had too many robots, and the cooperation with those temple knights, after running in, was quite equivalent. Tacit understanding

After the Desolate King was restored, Jiang Yan and Joan of Arc began to move forward again. At this time, there was no such thing as mutual temptation between the two sides. Jiang Yan knew that this time, there must be sacrifices for the Desolate King. That Li Chunfeng had a life-saving fairy, still aimed at his injury

After this fairy is used once, it will take more than two months to repair itself. If this kind of thing happens again, your healing skills are not very effective.

Jiang Yan did not know that his worries were superfluous. The regular power of the gray gnome, and some men under the control of the evil door space, could cause him unhealable damage, no more than five.

Jiang Yan and Joan of Arc have fewer and fewer men, and the rate of decrease is getting faster and faster. The two began to pay attention to control, let robots, zombies, and low-level angels die first.

But as the battle gets more intense, everything is not so easy to control

Beside Jiang Yan, the devil of the two Chaos Legions was killed, and their souls did not escape. They were completely crushed by the rules of the infinite castle

The two team members were seriously injured, but this time, they were rescued by Jiang Yan ’s healing skills, and they could only hide in Transformers first, and only come out after replying.

The tombstones of the gods who are in control of the space master are getting closer and closer. There is still a maximum of two days. Jiang Yan estimates that he can come under the tombstones of the gods and attack the master of the space.

At this time, he came to a turning zone with high walls on both sides and no figures on the high walls ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ there were no enemies coming in front to block

Jiang Yan froze for a while before there was a team of heavy armor rushing here, but I do n’t know why, after the bizarre space fluctuation happened, the pair of heavy armor soldiers did not arrive, but went to another passage

In this way, if you set up the Earth Leizhu here, you can directly destroy the maze leading to the tombstones of the gods, and you can reach the position of the tombstones of the gods in half an hour.

How do space controllers make such mistakes?

Jiang Yan ’s pupil of Suzaku looked at the tombstones of the gods. After touching his eyes once, Jiang Yan looked at the top of the tombstones of the gods for the second time. The space controller seemed to be asleep and lying there motionless.

Jiang Yan hesitated for less than half a second, and when this thing never happened, she asked Anna to continue to command the robot, cooperate with the Temple Knight, and move forward step by step.

He didn’t feel the danger, but he didn’t act rashly. The kind of change in the mind of some was not normal. At this time, you don’t need to make your own judgment, but just need to make your own decision. To be continued If you like this work, you are welcome Come to vote for recommendation, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation)

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