Furious Combo

Chapter 811 - : Missed

Jiang Yan is not the first person to come out of the portal. He is headed by more than a dozen demons of the Chaos Legion and then his team of Suzaku and Joan of Arc

However, as soon as the dozen demons of the Chaos Legion came out of the portal, they disappeared. When Jiang Yan came out, he found that the blue divine light wrapped the entire space, and there was only Joan of Arc, hidden in his shadow. Yu Nan

The army that came out of the portal was isolated in another space and could not enter at all

Looking around, Jiang Yan’s pupil of Suzaku saw the surrounding walls and the terrifying giant crossbow on the head of the city

These giant crossbows themselves are made directly from the bones of ancient giant beasts. This giant beast has a pair of narrow wings. The bones of the wings form a crossbow arm. The white crossbow erected on the giant crossbow is a white bone arrow. Inscribed with complex scriptures

Joan of Arc also immediately noticed something was wrong, she could not even reach the twelve six-winged light angels

The shadow angel was dispatched to separate her from Jiang Yan. The millions of men were isolated and the shadow angel had a city power for him.

In this way, the strength comparison between the two sides is immediately reversed

After all, Joan of Arc is a person who has become a god. He immediately wants to understand the truth. No matter how much the other party ’s cannon fodder, there is no possibility of harm to himself. The other party obviously does not know the existence of Yu Nan, so his chance is great

Fang Cai ’s horror is the first time he has come into contact with the shadow angel, the inevitable reaction in the spirit of the gods

Saint Jean della put on a mask of armor and said to Jiang Yan: “Which one to kill first?”

What she asked was Jiang Yan. Actually, Jiang Yan gave Yu Nan a signal to really kill the enemy. It must be that if Yu Nan Yu Nan was exposed, she would be a little stronger. , Still does not have an absolute advantage

Because of his own divine power, when faced with the shadow angel, restraint cannot play a decisive role

However, according to his own information, the other party has a maximum of 12 shadow angels. If this can be slaughtered, then the rest of the shadow angels will come together and it is impossible to make the twelfth.

Maybe after killing this shadow angel, you should leave the doctor anyway, if there are no twelve shadow angels, after you have advanced to the central god, the space controller will have no way for yourself

It is undoubtedly that the advanced neutral god’s own must have the fighting power of the upper god

Joan of Arc thought of this and suddenly relaxed her mind to kill the Shadow Angel this time. She would never go crazy with the doctor. She is a **** and the other is a fairy. If you kill the space controller, you may not be able to leave. And the other party must have the means to escape

Maybe the doctor wants to use this technique to remove himself and fight the space controller, so do n’t be fooled.

Gods never have any allies, not to mention that this ally is still a fairy

Nini smiled and said a word in her mouth. Jiang Yan could n’t understand it. The syllables were a little complicated. It should be God ’s Word. In less than a third of a second, the frequency of sound vibration reached tens of thousands of times.

This is also a precursor to the release of powerful divinity by the gods. Instant divinity may not break through for Jiang Yan and Joan of Arc, but this kind of divine spell that requires chanting spells is in danger of being killed.

Joan of Arc knew how powerful this divine art was, she did n’t even open her mouth, but just flicked her hair. Between her hair tips, a ray of light formed the appearance of the holy sword. Every ray of light was shot in all directions and could be cut. Open a regular silk thread to block her and Jiang Yan’s strength, and a gap appeared instantly

“Kill the donkey”

Jiang Yan said nothing, the wings behind him vibrated, and a black-and-white dagger immediately appeared in front of the goblin in the god’s skin. The goblin waved the nail stick violently and smashed it on Jiang Yan’s dagger.

With a snort, the nail stick was cut off, and the goblin’s hand was light, but he didn’t hesitate, kicking it in the opposite direction, this time Joan of Arc’s attack also arrived

Jiang Yan said to kill the donkey, then she would cooperate, and by her own words, she would definitely die here

The goblin panicked, his weapon was cut off, the opponent’s weapon was even more terrible than his artifact, if he was stabbed with a knife, the gods skin would definitely be unable to defend.

The goblin’s feet were misaligned, and as soon as he turned around, he withdrew 100 meters away. Jiang Yan was still there, but Nini did not catch up, but spit out a word again. , The entire body is compressed hard, more than half smaller

Jiang Yan stabbed at the heart of the goblin, and the goblin responded quickly. If he kicked this leg, he would smash one of Jiang Yan ’s legs.


A violent explosion happened, and Nini did n’t even see how Jiang Yan fought back. The powerful shock wave made her body covered with godskin feel out of it.

Jiang Yan even detonated Shutu Leizhu at close range

Ten thousand injured enemies and eight thousand self-damaged

Then Nini ’s heart was cold, and then she felt a hot feeling, and the fish spit out of the wound in her spine. It just flashed for a moment, and disappeared. The scepter that Nini turned back shot down and covered her forehead , Looking at the space in front of me in horror

Yu Nan’s sword pierced her spine, but she felt that her head was about to split, and the soul above her head wanted to escape

This sword was made by Yu Nan and the sword of Asura

The **** here is saying that Yuanshen no matter where her split sword hits the enemy, as long as the defense is broken, the only one that is really injured is the only one part that is the enemy ’s eyebrow.

The shadow angel Nini ’s skull is actually cracked. If it is not wrapped in a godskin, the soul will fly out long ago and be absorbed by Yu Nan ’s Danjie sword

Yu Nan was also surprised. He gathered his body strength with such a sword, but he didn’t kill the shadow angel’s attention, but they were all attracted to Jiang Yan and Joan of Arc.

Jiang Yan did not expect that Yu Nan’s sword did not kill the shadow angel, and that goblin also recovered his composure in a panic. The magical power of the god’s skin allowed him to escape if it was not wrapped by the god’s skin. Tu Leizhu exploded and he was dead

Now that the goblin is not dead, all the explosive power that he should have suffered was shared with Jiang Yan and Jeanne d’ Arc, so that the two of them were unable to pursue

This Jiang Yan was not surprised. He had never wanted to kill the goblins. His purpose was to use this explosion to oppress the goblins, so that the goblins could not help the shadow angel Nini.

Such a good opportunity was not grasped. Jiang Yan felt that he was underestimating the enemy. He underestimated not the shadow angel, but the space controller.

In the calculation of fairy art, the space controller is indeed the weakest period. It is not a problem to unite the Joan of Arc, but it is not a problem, but unexpectedly, under the space controller, this kind of shadow angel has such a powerful combat power and is in a crack. The skill of not killing the Excalibur, originally designed to kill the gods

Shadow angels are dressed in godskin, and they also have **** attributes

The shadow angel hit Yu Nan with a sword, and a gap appeared on her forehead. Even the skin of the **** was difficult to repair. She couldn’t open her mouth with the Chinese network. As soon as she was cruel, Nini slammed the scepter into her forehead In this, use this middle-class artifact to repair the wound

The shadow angel ’s body is similar to a piece of equipment itself. It has extremely complex attributes. If it is not the Sword of the Divine Sword, it is aimed at her damage, and it will not be so injured.

Ordinary fairy attack, she can also heal quickly, this shadow angel uses the godskin, which is pondered by the space controller to deal with the fairy

Outside of infinite space, there is indeed a fairy, even if the number is extremely rare, it is also the biggest instability factor for the space controller.

I just did n’t expect that the first enemy of the fairy world appeared to be the contractor cultivated by his space.

Shadow angel Nini sent the scepter into her skull, the scar was finally repaired, and the soul no longer wanted to escape

This time, she was really scared and never had such a moment, she felt that death was so close, so memorable

Before being transformed into a shadow angel, she was an angel of the goddess of nature. The transformation between life and death is an ordinary thing. Under the hands of the goddess of nature, how can she die?

Even if the goddess of nature is imprisoned in the divine personality, as long as it does not fall completely, the angels under her will not die

After being transformed into a shadow angel, Nini was given the power of eternal life by the space controller. The so-called eternal life is that after death, you can be resurrected in the tombstones of the gods. This resurrection is not restricted by any rules of life and death.

She will not have any loss of strength, and even her soul will remain full. As long as she pays for some survival points, she can be resurrected in the tombstones of the gods.

But just now, Yu Nan’s sword made her feel like she was dead

Yu Nan shook her narrow sleeves ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Hidden in the shadow of Jiang Yan, the two sides did not fight immediately. After a short contact, they suddenly quieted down. Around the city walls, those giant crossbows were also because of the talent. Explode and blow off the crossbow

These giant crossbows are also a threat to Jiang Yan ’s battle. The powerful divine creatures are slaughtered and made into city defense crossbows. Once the crossbow is fired, the triple iron armor of the chaotic devil will also wear an artifact that is not specifically used for defense. If you are hit positively, you may be damaged

In battle, if such a crossbow hits anyone by chance, it will change the situation on the battlefield

The aftermath of the explosion dissipated, and the five people present stood firm. Jiang Yan looked at the shadow angel Nini and suddenly said: “Jiande, you must kill her. Within three minutes, if you can’t do it, I Turn around and leave, I can’t join you anymore “

Jiang Yan ’s pupil of Suzaku saw Nini ’s forehead, the wounds filled by the scepter, a series of regular forces were being decomposed, and Yu Nan ’s Asura split sword was being restored to a divine symbol.

If this shadow angel is completed, the attack of Yu Nan will reduce the lethality of the shadow angel, and the ending will not be easy to say.

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