Furious Combo

Chapter 795 - : Destroy it, Bianliang (Part 1)

Jiang Yan’s preparation was to leave a hungry purple spirit on the earth. [Ye * zi] [Yu * you] Now the power on the earth must have recovered a large part. As a carrier of human civilization, the number of human beings has decreased sharply after the earth was scourged by space, and Jiang Yan left a violent aura, which will cause many geniuses to appear on the human beings who survive on the earth.

Another effect of Hongmeng Ziqi is obviously to bring the earth back to life. Other people get this thing, most of them will be used to upgrade equipment, or upgrade the city.

With this method of use, the space controller will take most of the energy of Hongmeng Ziqi, and Jiang Yan will not do this. He simply let Hongmeng Ziqi merge into the earth’s veins to form a most stable No matter how the earth jumps in the universe, Jiang Yan can calculate the position at any time.

After a few months of rest, Jiang Yan has been expanding his private troops. The so-called private force does not have anything to do with the Suzaku Hell Legion guarding Chaoge, nor does it recruit troops from the **** of Chaoge City. Jiang Yan built an army of immortal soldiers plus scientific and technological forces.

Now beside him, there are only less than one thousand demons in the Chaos Legion.

Creating fairy soldiers is actually similar to making puppets, or more like gods making angels. The fairy soldier does not need a soul, only materials. Jiang Yan has enough materials in the space. The fairy soldiers he needs right now are not for expansion. They just go to rob. There are three or five million, enough for Jiang Yan to use for a few years.

Immortal soldiers are consumables and have no souls. They all rely on Jiang Yan’s command. Jiang Yan’s current level can command tens of thousands of immortal soldiers. The extras created are just spares.

The real main force still depends on the army of robots made by Anna.

Today Jiang Yan cannot exchange technological materials in the space, but Anna’s mechanical space has advanced, and he has begun to evolve mechanical civilization. After the fusion of Tinder, Anna’s digital armor is already a technological life.

Three months. Enough for Anna to build a robot army of more than 10 million. [] And this time, her robot category is rich enough to cope with most scenes.

From the highest level of Transformers to the lowest level of humanoid infantry. Now mechanical squids are not considered robots, they can only be regarded as robot auxiliary equipment.

In Chaoge ’s space, no one knew about Jiang Yan ’s actions, but the Suzaku team and Daqingyi ’s Liyuan Society joined the expedition, this time the goal. Bianliang City.

The elimination of Bianliang City is another draw for the infinite space, making the infinite space much less profitable. The city of miracles actually provides the most survival points for infinite space.

Jiang Yan’s fairy soldiers are all stored in the Mirage Space of the Mirage Bracelet. The level of these fairy soldiers is obviously much lower than that of the real fairy fairy soldiers. But Jiang Yan’s goals are only contractors and aborigines. The basic level of fairy soldiers can be close to C level. Such a large army can be destroyed, and it is impossible to make S-level fairy soldiers.

The Suzaku team set out from the two world stones and did not disturb anyone. Anna’s mechanical space can also accommodate a army of millions of robots, and there are more than six million robots, which are set out in the two world stones.

This time there is no free war portal. Jiang Yan’s two world stones directly release the power to tear the space, forming a stable space channel, and the army follows the space channel. Killed the earth.

At the base of the earth, only tens of thousands of troops left by Jiang Yan are still active in the mountains north of Beijing. The Yin Ruins hadn’t had time to clean up these troops, after Jiang Yan returned. Establish a war portal directly, and contact Yinxu at the same time, requesting an immediate attack on Bianliang.

B heard this news and could only smile bitterly. Jiang Yan dare to come back, it seems this person. Much smarter than I thought, and very strong in my heart.

Ordinary people get rid of space control, I am afraid they don’t want to look back anymore.

Jiang Yan, however, took the space as a centralized station for materials and came back to fight, obviously for the benefit of Zhaogecheng. 【Ye * zi】 【Yu * you】

Fortunately, the last conflict with the elders also had results, because some elders obstructed and attacked the Bianliang City. They were postponed indefinitely. These elders were impeached and lost their status, and the power of B increased virtually.

With such power, this time, B directly summoned the army and demanded to enter the Bianliang according to the second set of plans.

B even came directly to the earth, and face-to-face negotiations with Jiang Yan, the content of the negotiations, nothing more than how to lay down the benefits of Bianliang City.

Jiang Yan didn’t mention too many requirements. In addition to the compensation for the loss of troops sent to Chaoge City and the cost of the battle, Jiang Yan only needed the soul.

Whether it is the aboriginal or the soul of the contractor, Jiang Yan has to take it away.

B was very shocked when he heard this request. Has Jiang Yan already had the means to transform his soul on a large scale? This is the most important part of an urban expansion force. B is preparing to advance to the Eternal City, so he has studied a lot of these things. Jiang Yan asked for his soul as a loot, and he immediately understood what Jiang Yan was for.

It seems that Yinxu was already far away from Chaoge City. If you do not work harder, I am afraid that you will not have the opportunity to negotiate with the other party in the future.

After the talk, Jiang Yan Liu Yi drank. There were only two people, and they talked together for another night. When B was gone, it was already radiant.

Whatever Jiang Yan has ambitions, he also has ambitions, the two sides need each other. He wants to get rid of the elder’s restraint, he wants to advance into the eternal city, and also needs a lot of war.

Without Jiang Yan’s help, these wars would stop the development of Yin Ruin.

Jiang Yan ’s army assembled in front of the war portal. Infantry robots with a height of more than three meters formed a square matrix in front of them. The equipment of these robots, all-colored cold weapons and dwarf muskets.

The equipment of science and technology weapons is not on these infantry, but a lot of flying robots, hanging a lot of energy weapons. These energy weapons are all refined by Taoism, and have the effect of breaking the devil itself.

The advantage of this kind of weapon is that what kind of energy-immunity properties have no meaning for this kind of weapon.

The attack of this Taoist energy weapon, the opponent can’t defend, or just fight against it. The comparison is who has money and who has abundant energy.

After the infantry, there are a large number of robot cavalry. The robot has cavalry, which sounds incredible and has some superfluous feelings. In fact, this is a variant of the fitted robot.

Just like the Transformers themselves, there can be many small Transformers combined into a large Transformers. The robot cavalry is a combination of two robots with completely different functional attributes. The knight robot is responsible for complex attacks, while the mount robot is responsible for moving, impacting, crossing terrain, getting out of trouble, accelerating escape and other abilities.

After the two are separated, the knight robot will automatically be transformed into an infantry robot. The level is about three levels higher than that of the infantry robot, and the combat effectiveness is not the same.

After the cavalry robots, there are Warcraft robots, magic robots, Taoist robots, etc., all of which are variants of technological weapons, incorporating all the regular forces that Jiang Yan can control.

These robot armies were neatly arranged and entered the war relay gate. When they appeared on the other side, they happened to be just outside the Bianliang City, just over ten kilometers away from the Bianliang City.

Jiang Yan built three war portals, and Yinxu also made three. For the same city, he made up to six war portals at a time.

The main force of Yinxu City has already assembled on the plain. For a million troops, a distance of more than ten kilometers is not a distance at all.

Bianliang City is also quite majestic, and you can see the tallest tower in Bianliang City more than ten kilometers away.

Jiang Yan ’s Suzaku team and B Yin ’s Yinxu team converge together. The robot army commander does not need Anna to charge. This time, the Suzaku team can stay in the Chinese army to avoid the beheading tactics.

Don’t look at Jiang Yan’s powerful team. In infinite space, there are many ways to die together. The power of these rules may not be comparable to the rules of the two world stones, but here is the main battlefield. Space rules will definitely work.

Jiang Yan has advanced into the Eternal City and refuses to let his team members make unnecessary sacrifices.

On the side of Bianliang City, when the war portal was established, the horn of the alarm had sounded, and the contractors who were working outside the city had already fled back to the city.

In this large-scale battle, the team struggled with the army in the wild, and the only result was being trampled into meat.

The white city wall stretches for hundreds of miles, forming an irregular circle. This is the defense system of Bianliang City. There are no large-scale imperial palaces on the three floors, but the internal structure of the city is a huge military fortress ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The first counterattack force was the air force of Bianliang City. In this Bianliang city, huge flying puppets rose into the sky, flying to the plain above the speed that surprised Jiang Yan.

This flying puppet, obviously equipped with Mormon, is full of brilliance and vividness, and the shape of the monsters one after another is very realistic.

There are hundreds of flying puppets. Behind each puppet, there is a cockpit. The cockpit is a semi-naked building. From the bottom, there is no suitable attack point. Only the layers of scale armor are seen. soldier.

These more than one hundred flying puppets, while throwing weapons down at the same time, are oil drums one by one. Intricate rune patterns are drawn on the oil barrel of green wood color.

Among Jiang Yan’s army of robots, giant robots ejected tens of thousands of mechanical squids. These mechanical squids rushed to the oil barrel and detonated the oil barrel in midair. The flames fell down, and the Taoists of Yinxu City used Taoism to blow them to a very far position, landed on the ground, and still burned themselves, burning the ground into huge holes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.) RQ

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