Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 307: The Making Of Legends Part 1

In the deepest recess of space, three figures stood outside a boundary that leads to their destination. "So they own this whole section of space?" Misaki asked.

"Mmm… the entire area, which is trillions of light years in size, is their domain." Alicia replied. She frowned slightly because the area was so huge.

"Since they are ruling these planets, the best thing we can do is just blow them up and make sure each living member of the death race is dead. During war, casualties are a given. And I, for one, have never cared for such things. As my sisters, you also need to learn that being cold blooded is sometimes the answer. In cases like this, we can not save the masses. We can only destroy and wipe out everything we see. We will turn this section of space into a void of nothingness." Misaki had long lost any sense of care for those who were not her kin, so blowing planets up even if they were innocent did not matter to her. If they were within the territory of the death race, they were now all considered an enemy.

Alicia frowned at this, but she knew what Misaki was getting at. Seeing her big sister's cold eyes made her sigh. "We will do as Big sisters says." 

Alicia waved her hand, causing millions of warships to appear behind her. She turned and looked at the massive army and took a deep breath. "My people!" Her voice echoed throughout every ship catching the attention of those on board. "From this moment on. Unless they are one of us, they are the enemy. We will follow my Big Sister's orders and wipe out all life in this section of space. Use your weapons and destroy every planet, moon, asteroid, and sun you see. Since the death race has caused our families and our plants to come under siege, we will show them what it is like to lose everything, one planet at a time. 

"I know some of you may be against harming the innocent. But in this war, we can not spare a soul. Those connected to the death race may act innocent one second, but once you save them, they could turn on you and stab you in the back. We will show no mercy! We will fight until they are all wiped out. And then… We will rip a hole in the dimensional wall and move on to the next universe. We will continue until we have reached our main goal. If they run, we will follow. Our work will not be done until all of the death race is gone. 

"So I ask you to follow my lead as we create a path of blood that will stain our hands for all eternity. To those in command, if you wish to separate from me now, then you may do so by turning your ship around and flying away. I will give you ten minutes to decide." Alicia did not want to force people to commit genocide. This all had to be done of their own free will.

"Little Ai is very kind. No wonder you have a halo." Misaki teased as she ruffled Alicia's hair.

"Big Sister! Don't embarrass me in front of my people." Alicia pouted. Ah Chun, who was standing at the side, felt envious, that was until Misaki ruffled her hair after causing her to pout.

As the ten minute deadline was up, Alicia once again began to speak. "I see you all chose to stay. For this, I am grateful and sorry that your hands will soon be stained with the blood of innocents. Now! Ready your ships! We will now enter death race space and destroy everything in sight!"

The massive fleet of warships all ignited their thrusters at the same time and began moving forward. Masaki, Alicia, and Ah Chun also moved forward and crossed the red line into death race space.

At an outpost on one of the outer planets, alarms were going off left and right. "What the hell is this!? Someone actually dares to move such a massive army into our death race's territory?"

"Should we send out scouts?" 

"Yeah, send out the scouts. We have to…. Wait, what the hell is this power reading that is heading straight towards us? Shit! They locked on to this outpost!" 

They knew it was already too late. They could only watch as the light outside got brighter and brighter until the world they were on was struck. Hovering above the planet in space, Misaki stood there staring at the planet. "That's the outpost! Let's move!"

Misaki had already detected that outpost which was why she picked this location. She wanted to take the outpost out first. But this was also the first act of the war. With one planet down, there were many to follow. In no time at all, an entire galaxy was completely wiped out. 


"Sir, we have an issue." A higher up of the death race knelt down in front of the man sitting on the throne.

"Oh? Explain." The man ordered.

"We have lost one of the outer rim galaxies." 

"Then take it back. What is the problem? Just capture the people who dared touch my death race's property."

"Sir, we can't take it back. When I say gone, I mean it was destroyed in under an hour."

"What!? Does this universe have such an advanced civilization? I am sure we wiped all advanced civilizations out, or they surrendered to be under our command besides the machine empire!" 

"I do not know where they came from, but sir they are much more powerful than the machine empire and it seems one of them is a creator."

"What!? Contact those bastards and ask them why they dare send people to my domain!"


"Ai how are you doing?" Misaki asked.

"I am fine. After the first few solar systems I stopped caring." Alicia replied. She was coming to terms with the current state of things.

"Then we will push on. We must not stop until we have cleared them all out." 

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