F*tanari System

F*cking Aftermath

The two elves were watching now as I finished ejaculating inside Emily. It was a fantastic day, but I heard my stomach grumble in protest. I think it was nighttime. My balls still felt uncomfortably full. But I knew we needed to stop. The Voyeur of an Elf looked really hot and bothered. Each time she started to masturbate, though, one of us would stop her. It became a game for us to see who would catch her trying to hide the fact that she was about to masturbate to me fucking one of my women. The other elf, though, was fucked in front of her multiple times. Her futanari self was up for multiple rides on Doorknocker. The two at first looked the exact same, and it was something I was going to bring up when we finally went to eat something.

The room and we were a mess. Semen and female ejaculate was all over the room. We also all smelled like sex, as did the room. The second elf looked frustrated and went to masturbate even though no one was having sex anymore. I smiled, noticing the corruption that had already started in her. I wasn't having it, though, as I used mana and conjured an ice-cold wind in her pants, cooling those needy balls instantly losing that erection. She cried out, looking desperate.

"You may watch little Elf no touching, though," I stated, walking up to her and stroking her cheek. "If you want to release maybe later, you can join us again. Maybe then we can help you with that. But coming in and watching is rude." She looked desperately up at me.

"But, But you were with my sister multiple times! Why can I only watch!" She desperately pleaded to need to know. She confirmed that they were related, and I wondered how they were twins; and I looked closer in the relative darkness and noticed they looked identical to me.

"Sweety, You watched us with no want at first to join us. Now you want to join when we are all steamed out? That is kind of rude little elf." I leaned down and, through her semen-covered clothing, grabbed her balls. "These little balls are a little full and seem so cold." I leaned back and smiled. "Come again later after we all clean up and get some release, little elf. Or maybe you can do your favorite pastime now and watch us, you little perverted elf?" The look on her face made me think we would have two visitors tonight. We were going to need another room, though, and a shower.

A thought entered my head, and I smiled at her. "You also have to do two things for us little elf, for that sweet relief. We need baths which I am sure you have in the Inn. We will pay obviously but also need another room while this one is clean arrange it for us. That is your task; go now!" The girl looked at me with a mix of horror and want before getting up and leaving to everyone smiling at her but her sister, who frowned at the situation. I started to use mana to clean the scratched-up furs we had for clothing so we could leave the room. I wasn't going to give us mana baths, though. The cleaning of our activates was mana intensive with how long it had been left in animal furs.

We all dressed in the rags I cleaned off, and Emily looked a bit miffed. I cleaned, but we needed to get some new clothing. The elf sister still with us didn't know what to do with herself. Her stomach still swelled with my seed slightly, which received a twitch from Doorknocker. I stopped myself from starting another orgy right there and then. I was still full of lust from looking at any of my women right now. I felt Kate had drawn out a very primal part of myself. Also, I think what they say about bunny-kin might be completely correct more and more now—wondering if my species had something to do with my out-of-control sex drive.

I will note that down as a possible research path. I think I will start to get some people to do some of these experiments when I have finished this journey. I have a lot of new avenues to go down when I go back. The more I think about it, the more I agree that the journey out of the homeland is a good idea. If what I learned is true, that bunny-kin is this promiscuous as we are and populate very quickly. Then us being in a safe environment without leaving, we would become overpopulated in a short time frame. This society policy wasn't without thought the more I think about it. I think, though, there might be a better way about it than throwing young adults into the frying pan. Slavery here is very common in almost all countries. I think beast-kin in human nations would be looked down upon. Hell, I hear the Empire is hunting for slaves in Beast-kin country, although I never really paid attention to that back home. I wonder if it is true?

With my thoughts going deeper and deeper down a rabbit hole, I feel things being placed on me. I wake up from those thoughts to Emily dressing me carefully. I smile and peck her on the lips. "Thanks, was lost in thought Em'."

"I noticed," She stated simply and continued to help me dress quickly. I smiled and knew if I thanked her, she would simply get mad. I finally heard a small voice behind me.

"Umm, Excuse me, Ma'am or sir?" I stopped and looked at the speaker being the elf I so fucked hard earlier. I simply raised an eyebrow, which made her back off a bit. "Why are you treating my sister so differently than me?" I smiled at the question and approached her. I slowly looked her up and down.

"The question is, my little elf is why did you join us so quickly?" I asked back simply, and she looked at me confused. I sighed, realizing I was going to need to spell it out. "Now you, my sweet little thing, came in here and saw our orgy; what were your first feelings? It was not horror like your sister. No, yours was pure curiosity that quickly turned to want. Your sister had to bathe in the lust of others watching before she wanted to be touched. She might not even come tonight. You, my sweet little thing, basked in the pleasures of flesh multiple times, only wanting for me more, not less. Your sister wanted me to calm a temporary itch. Everyone here is a pervert, although I could make an argument against that for Emily." Emily looked at me with hands on her hips that looked cute. "Emily, your just Baby hungry you want my kids bad. That isn't being a pervert in my book. Tina loves large cock, till the point she goes crazy on it. Just the sight of my dick seduces her and bypasses all intellectual properties she has. She is a pervert. Mally literally feeds on sexuality and gains not only power but love almost everything to do with sex. She is down for anything if I started treating her like Kate, she would be down for that too."

Both Mally and Tina nod in acceptance with what I am saying. "Kate, do I even need to explain?" Everyone shook their heads, and Kate looked a bit annoyed, but that failed to make anyone care. "Betsy is an ex-bandit and is along for the ride. I haven't fucked her enough actually to figure out her Kink and if she is a pervert. The thing is, though, those nipples and milk make her feel like a pervert. In fact, I feel like there is something just under the surface that both of us don't know that makes her a pervert. I will find out soon," I said with a smile. "That leaves you, my sweet little elf, we come to you. You elves, I hear, are prudes. Your sister's reaction to us having an orgy proved that. The thing is, you reacted differently from what I was expecting, or any of us were. You were brought in just by looking at my cock. You wanted it.

"I do not know what makes you that pervert, but the fact is you are. That is why I treated you and your sister differently. Also, I consider myself a woman, and My name is Chelsea Loveknot; tell me your name, you sweet little thing." She seemed to be lost in thought in what I just said, and I kissed her deeply, her mouth auto-opening for me. I released her quickly once I saw she woke from her thoughts. "What's your name?" I said, a bit more commanding this time.

"I- I'm Asahi Ma'am," I smile and take her hand.

"Let's go get some food, Asahi, Bathe and come back for another round of festivities. Are you interested?" She looked shy and away from me but then nodded, and I pulled her along out of the room with my woman behind me, smiling.

Down in the dining room, we did not receive smiles. All the travelers of other species ignored us. The Elves, though, looked snubbed. Not pissed, but definitely not happy. The Innkeeper came up to me that I met last night before we went to bed and looked at Asahi. "Where were you all day. You and your sister were supposed to be working, not being fucking sluts upstairs entertaining sex fiends. Your fucking fired; no one will take in little fucking whores like you two. Your sister is doing her last duties for these sex friends; you can join them." The Innkeeper looked at me, and I was kind of in shock.

"You will have new accommodations like you will pay for. Don't ruin my fucking bathroom as well. It will take a fucking week to take the stink off, you guys. Pay up sluts."

I was about to fucking snap when Mally came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Elves are all like this. They think sex should remain with one partner and not until there about one hundred years old. Even then, publically or making anyone hear it is publically ridiculed. Chelsea just let it go. We are already getting the equivalent of a slap on the wrist." All of this was whispered, and Asahi was crying now. I stopped myself from killing the Innkeeper and realized my bloodlust was out of control.

I took a couple of deep breaths, and my temper came back in control. I put down some gold onto the outstretched hand. "For your trouble and your boring life, there is some extra gold. Now I will pay another fucking five gold for you to shut the fuck up next time you hear us. That and I want some food, drink, and bath all paid for. I will tip you cleaners even though it is your job to pay them. But one more thing Elf. I am pissed at your treatment of me. I am not a person people like to piss off." Her expression turned grave, "I will tolerate it this time. I like the looks of elves, and I like the looks of your city. I do not approve though how you are treating my friends and me."

"Bunny-kin, you are not from around here, so I will tell you what is happening! You and your 'Friends' are entirely too close for me, not even to accept your money. Half the day, we heard your actions. We do not mind that you follow your own customs in your room. But the second half of the day, you made it stop even though you took my employees to play with. Now they are not a part of your customs and laws. Elves do not like what you did in our society, and since you are ignorant, I am allowing you a pass. Next time I will report you to the authorities, and we can see what happens." The Innkeeper was pissed.

I began to delightfully laughing shocking the whole room but my ladies. "Okay, thanks for the heads up. I will make sure my women don't break the laws, but I couldn't care less about them. Call them next time; it will only be a hassle to me. Nothing more will come of it. Now, Bring, Us FOOOD! I am hungry, and I haven't eaten properly for a long time!"

The Innkeeper looked angry but stalked off into the kitchen. Asahi was still crying, and I started to pet her head. The sister came up looking pissed only to see her sister crying and try to start comforting her. I sighed, and the food with an angry innkeeper came up. "Eat, then please leave the dining area; you all smell disgusting." I had actually to agree that we probably smell horrible. Then again, though, she was starting to get me really fucking angry. I took another deep breath and let things flow over.

We all started to eat, and I called out twice to a pissed-off innkeeper for more food. Asahi and her sister started to eat with us after some coaxing, but the tears were still in her eyes. An hour or so later, we had all eaten, and much to the Innkeeper's satisfaction, we left to bathe. We just washed up this time, and I embraced Asahi to stop her tears and comfort her. Her sister looked jealous, but whenever I turned to catch her looking at me, she would quickly turn away. I smiled, thinking that she was jealous of something I wasn't quite sure exactly what yet, though.

I was still going to have another round after the baths with everyone though.

Tomorrow though we need new clothes to wear multiple sets too.

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