F*tanari System

Demon Politics

I woke up slowly compared to usual, and my body was cramped and sore. I remember back in my previous life this sensation. It was a surprise to lose my virginity this way in this life, but I smiled. It wasn't as if I hadn't taken my fair share of them myself. I soaked in the soreness, knowing without realizing it, I permitted them. I will talk about it later with them, but for now, I have a couple of questions for myself.

First, Did I get pregnant? What would I do if I did? Did the System give me points based on this? The questions flowed quickly and thoroughly as I lay in the pile of bodies on the bed. I just then realized we left the little bitch in the corner with hypnosis therapy all night for over twelve hours. I couldn't muster the ability to give a single shit, though. He was a weak-willed little prude boy that got more than he deserved. That was nothing special about it. There were many cases of people dying just to see something they shouldn't have.

My mind, after a night of festivities, was sore and weak. I realized I also promised something today for Kate, which in retrospect, was a little unfair to the others. They just took the first time from me together, so they should be happy. I decided I needed to get my head straight. I slowly made my way up and off the bed from the arms that clung to me. I couldn't care less about my state as I sat down to meditate.

My mind slowly went into the quiet world of myself looking into it. I needed to know where a seed was sown into myself. I looked deep but found that I was indeed fertile last night. It wasn't sown in, though. At least not yet, so I decided to clean myself out since my schedule was too full for pregnancy on myself. The feeling was weird thinking since I had many kids I hadn't met yet. I decided to finish protecting myself before doing some more fun with it.

I realized that I might need to do the same with my new women. Ashai, Trisha, and Rose, though, don't seem like combatants. They look more into business or service. It was something I would have to bring up to them and have a serious talk about.

I centered and started to flow with the mana in my body, calming and reinforcing myself. I healed the damage last night's adventures did to me as well. The soreness and the pain were gone in minutes; all that was left was a grumble in my stomach.

I stood up, noticing Emily cleaning up the room. Mally was taking down the Wards around the little bitch. He slumped to the floor, eyes wide open but asleep. It was odd to look at, but I stopped caring seconds after looking. I started to get up, and we all went to the baths. Many would say how much we bathe and how clean of people we are. It would be very wrong. I chuckled to myself as I was in my own thoughts. In the baths, the girls stripped when I noticed I didn't even cover up in any way.

"Chelsea, you are in the Elven territory; you shouldn't be naked in the hallways!" I heard after I entered to see my mother with us. My eyebrows shot up in surprise, thinking that it wouldn't be until later in the day we would be visited, by my mother.

"Bah, I know what your thinking, honey. Do you even know what time it is? Knowing you, probably not. You have many women around you, but not one except Emily tries to take care of your time management. Emily is so in love with you that as soon as you show your cock she can't think of anything else." My mother aired some of my 'dirty laundry' For the girls who probably already knew that.

"Okay, mother, I know-." I was cut off, and my mother turned angrier.

"Chelsea, I give you a lot of freedom. I just told you that I wanted to put you in the power of our people. You only Go around fucking your women making new women follow you around and fight. That is the limit of what you have done recently." She was upset about something, and I was beginning to realize it might be something serious. "I know all you want to do is be a fucking researcher for the truth of mana or all that bullshit. Hell, at your age, I would be right with you! But Chelsea, I just to you, our people are about to go to WAR!" She yelled out the last word.

"Do you not feel anything about your people? I told you we need as many allies as we can get our hands on. I let you do whatever to that little bitch Elf you have in your room since It relates to some benefits for things. But WHAT THE FUCK! Walking to the baths covered in semen and dried on female ejaculate in the middle of the most prudish country we know about?! Do you want them to take offense to the Bunny-kin from the Beast-kin Country?!"

I finally realized what she was mad about and realized how I had been holding myself. For the last week or so, I had been showing off my noble name. Acting above the law doing whatever. My name though had meaning with more than just commoners needing to respect it even though I wasn't in the Beast-kin Country. It carried diplomatic meaning. This could be used against us by nations wanting the Elves to join them to kill us. We needed elves on our side or neutral in the coming wars.

One less enemy was substantial in a world war. The Elves could easily join the Dwarves to attack us. The Dwarves were not close with the Beast-kins, to begin with, but I also solidified them as enemies. this was another front in the war. The Goat-kin would need to be reinforced with troops of other tribes. This meant fewer soldiers against the Empire.

"We need the Elves to state neutrality or friendliness, and you are spitting in the face of their culture!" I hung my head in shame at my mother's words. Before I knew about the upcoming war, my actions were of a spoiled child. Now I was a spoiled child that disregarded the lives of their people. "I see the gears in your head are finally turning! You have mana to hide, Chelsea! There is no excuse you can tell me that will let me brush this off."

She finally stopped yelling at me and just glowered at me, "You are right, Mother," I said, simply acknowledging my mistakes, "Absolutely correct every day but one. I plan on joining the war myself. This means I am acting suicidal as well by doing it. I just was not thinking. I was stuck in my own head and did something stupid. I will not ask for forgiveness though I will change my actions from now on."

I stopped and washed my body. My women had all dressed when coming to the baths and started to undress and clean themselves. My mother joined us, and I let it pass, getting used to being around my mother naked.

"Chelsea," My mother started again when we were in hot water with my women. Her breasts barely poked up out of the water. "You need to attend a meeting with the Elders of the Elven Forestry. This is important, and I just received a message a couple of hours ago they want to talk to us. This meeting is high stakes, and you need to be on your best behavior. This will be a show of the political world for you, Chelsea. This is no research lab." She was looking at me critically.

"This will be a test as well whether we as a nation even let you act as a Diplomatic Envoy to the Demons." She paused, looking at me than my women. "Well, to be honest, I think your brother would be better with the Elves than you. You probably would be a smash hit with the Demons." She chuckled, and Mally laughed as well. I threw a questioning gaze at Mally.

"Chelsea, You are sexually charged with almost unlimited stamina in the bedroom. The reason you stop at night is that you run out of people most of the time. Last night even you were almost on auto piolet on Trisha and Ashai. They were spent, then you proceeded to fuck us into submission right after. That will make you a smash hit with two of the fifteen houses that rule the Demon country. We have fifteen provinces with a leader from one of the houses ruling for two years. We have a remarkably fair attitude between all the ruling houses." Mally paused, questioning whether she should continue.

"Honey, please continue; I am a politician. It is nice to hear what people think of their government." My mother popped into it.

"Fine," She took a deep breath and tried to relax more into the bath. "Demon Country is run by the Succubus, Incubus, Beholders, Vampires, Imps, Devils, Watchers, Gargoyles, Wardens, Medusa's, Shadow demons, Venomancers, Warlocks, Winged Demons, and finally the Jinn. Each house rules a province of all types of species of demons. Travel between is free and unfettered. This allows any type of demon to live where they want to within our country. The ruling house, though, will stay the same regardless, and if that house happens to die off? It must be replaced with another house of that species. This means all races have equal representation. The politics between houses, though, are a little different depending on the strength of the species.

"The more powerhouses that species has means more power in politics. This strength right now mainly resides with the Vampires, Devils, and the Watchers. These have become the biggest powerhouses in the country. But the law that each house only has two years allows the weaker races not to be taken out of power even if they have bad times with their power.

"A century ago, someone killed off all the Gargoyles powerhouses. They are still recovering from it to this day. However, they still have political sway not only in their province but with the others just based on needing their votes. This makes the other houses help them out and make us more centralized. The second thing is that our country is allowed to join the Demon Army regardless of what species. This forces all species to be well... Less racist. This used to be a problem and is still a problem for some, but it is remarkably less than it was.

"I am straying, though. Succubus and Incubus, though, would get along great with you. This would probably easily secure two votes in favor of the Beast-kin Country. Hell, you can probably count the Vampires as well with that. They are pretty promiscuous due to our close alliance in the political world. The Beholders, though, will not like you very much. They do not procreate in a typical fashion and use it only for the furthering of their race. The Devils are another breed altogether as well.

"Devils are hellfire users and find fascination with watching others burn under their flames. Do not piss them off; otherwise, it will occur into a fight. On the opposite way of that, to gain their approval, fight them. Do not piss them off, though, to start the fight. Just request a friendly bout, and they will have fun with it, and you will gain comrade if you either win or lose. They care not for honor or that bullshit. They just love to fight.

"Let's see, Medusa hates to be stared at; they usually are beautiful men and women. But they are shy as fuck! For some reason, they, as a species, feel people are staring at their snake hair. I like that hair, though. The cute little snakes eat as well, and well, I will leave their physical looks for later. The point is that do not stare at a medusa; otherwise, you will pick a fight with them.

"Gargoyles are another weird race that will be hard for you to get along with. They are weaker at the moment. Acknowledge them, though, and you will make strides. Most of the time, in our current politics, they are snubbed. They are an important vote; you will need to make them feel important.

"Watchers are a race of magic users. They are weak in physical abilities like the Beholders. To get on their good side, have a good conversation with them. That is honestly the best way, I think. They pride themselves as Intellectuals with the best institutions in the world to learn from. I never went to one, but they constantly brag about it the times I talked to prideful Watchers."

Mally had been talking for a while explaining to us, and my mother looked fascinated with her point of view. I listen, fascinated as well. Our faces were starting to become red from the heat of the baths. I even was starting to become light-headed.

"Mally," I started while she was thinking. "I am fascinated, but I think we need to go!" My mother turned to me, and I felt mana release for a second before my mother blanched.

"Shit, Chelsea, I got caught up as well!" We started to get ready and used mana to run to the room for my clothes. I sent a mana message to Mally as we ran out.

"No problem, Babe, I will pick up where you left off with that little bitch as well... It will be fun!" I got back in a mana message as my mother, and I almost ran out the door towards the Capitol building of the Elven forestry.

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