F*tanari System

‘Couple’ Argument

A week passed on this ship. I cast an enchantment on the fish that I caught to slow its rate of decay. It would take fifteen times as long. As long as I kept it powered. It wasn't easy to keep something decomposing enchanted. I heard there were necromancers in this world, and I was wondering about their craft. I could slow but no stop the decay. How did they do it? It was a question that I would ask if I ever met one.

I wasn't particularly interested in the craft, though. It was more of a passing interest than anything else. The galley continued moving at a slow pace. I looked up at the small single mast and knew most of the ship's space was for the oars below. I was disappointed with the level of seafaring technology in this world. It wouldn't be too difficult once I am in the proper position to change this. It would revolutionize the trade for our country and give us a head start on new lands. We could conquer new lands then. This would start a new era, probably. It would also increase my hold on any government position I am in. Regardless when I started to take place in the government after being an ambassador, I would need to cement myself in the people's hearts.

If I was to do this correctly, I could cement myself to be not only the best in history, but I could give myself free rein. This meant I could do things that would otherwise be shunned. This would leave me more and more benefits in the end if I did things correctly.

"Well, I lived better than my parents did so... My life is better than what it used to be... Our nation has progressed, and we now suppress them..." These are the thoughts that would forgive anything someone would see as bad. Although I didn't think there would be many things that I wanted to do that would constitute 'Bad.' They would be unethical by my predecessors' standards. This came down to wanting to do experiments on prisoners and things like that.

This world was unique in a way that my previous wasn't. One thing was that if I wanted to make a bank, I would actually need to put the gold in a safe place with A rank battlers atop it. These could be wizards or warriors, but they needed to be there all the time. This world was to the law of the jungle. Most lower dredges of society stayed there due to a lack of talent or education. There were probably many talents missed just because education wasn't there for them. For example, take my little Susie, and I felt a pang of guilt, but she was an Extreme talent in Fire magic. Going the pure route. She was only found because she was my daughter.

I honestly was surprised even our own Silvermoon Tower was not equipped to find talents or have them reported to us. The best people could hope to find a wizard to recommend their child or take them as an apprentice. This wasn't even considering how much a normal person with an education was worth over someone without it. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I stopped staring at the mast and went into the captain's cabin, where I saw Rose with the bitch-boy husband.

"What?! You're mad that I am treating you like this?!" I realized something was up as I entered the cabin while the rest of the ladies were getting sun on the deck. I stayed silent as I heard his voice.

"They emasculated me, Rose, as are you. I just want to be treated a bit nicer!" He spoke back, and I noticed his voice was more feminine than I remember.

"Do you remember the time where you forced my family by publically telling the governing body we were engaged when we were still in negotiations? Everyone knew we were in negotiations, and you came out saying they were over. Your family was only briefly above ours in the Elder counsel due to political maneuvering over those trade laws. Our family couldn't fight back without a struggle hold over our businesses, and your family ruthlessly took advantage of that to lock you to me. I remember that. Do you think all those years where I wanted to gag every time I was forced to kiss you in public was nice for me? Do you think when you forced me on your bed and had your way with me was nice for me? Stop me when I am at a point where you EVER TREATED ME NICELY! You think now when you are at your lowest; I give a SHIT!? Do you know how many times I contemplated suicide while I cleaned up your messes? I never counted, but I know it's more than fifty times I stood at the edge of that house, staring down to the forest floor, thinking to end my miserable existence. You KNEW IT TOO! I told you once at my lowest points. YOU FUCKING LAUGHED IN MY FACE THEN FORCED YOURSELF ON ME!"

I set up a sound barrier, listening, and tears flowed down my face at the raw emotion in her voice. The little bitch boy still stood definitely, though.

"Rose, the past doesn't matter..." He spoke up, interrupting her, and I almost exploded in anger there and then.

"DOESNT MATTER?!" She turned back with vigor, "You think that years of your abuse and rape don't matter? The Past doesn't matter? Do you know what Chelsea wanted to do was leave you in the Elven Forestry, where I know your parents would do what they could to fix you? I took you with me, so you remain as you are. A little bitch boy emasculated like you so deserve to be.  No, we are nice to you compared to what you have done to me. I have never felt happier in my life with you, groveling at my feet. Do you know how good I feel when you lick up Chelsea's cum out of my pussy after she pours her semen into me? Better than I have ever felt with any rape you did to me. I was miserable for years!" I saw the tears full of anger and emotions pouring down her face. "You haven't felt a tiny bit of the pain I have been through. Not a single bit! All you have done is make me miserable, and Chelsea has made me happy. I FEEL SAFE WITH HER. She never forces me, and even if she has more women, she always takes time out for me. Did you even know me? Did you? No, I was your piggy bank. I made money, and you spent it. You wanted a job. I gave you one. Then you created EVEN MORE MESSES FOR ME TO CLEAN UP!" She started to hyperventilate, and I walked forward, much to her dismay. My arms encircled her, and she started to cry louder. I pulled her into my bosom, and I turned to the bitch boy.

"So, I think some punishment is in for you." He was pale, and I couldn't care less. I knew Rose had something she was hiding when it came to their relationship. I think I only got the surface of what happened to her. She was crying like a child in my arms, and I let her continue. She seemed to be letting out a ton of emotion right now. In my previous world, arrange marriages were almost dead among the middle class and lower class. It was rare among the upper-class nut uncommon, even among the ultra-rich. This was one of the reasons. Some societies kept it going, and I knew that it could make happy couples even in this world. They were the exception, though, and not the rule. What this little bitch did to Rose was disgusting. His admission saying that it didn't matter meant he hadn't even repented for what he did. I even felt I had a weight lifted off my shoulders for what I had done to him. Now the guilt was completely gone. All sympathy for this trash of life was gone. This bitch boy was a narcissistic abuser.

Now he was asking to be treated nicer. I was leaving him to Rose, and I think that was a mistake. I shunned the details since I was unconsciously guilty about what I did to this person. I just heard Rose's words echo through my head, and I just grew angrier. I was starting to see red how angry I was. I continued to hold Rose and started to rock her as she brokedown gently. I then started to empty my mind and cool down. The level of anger I felt would have taken me to kill him offhand. Abusers of women like these deserve to suffer. His suffering had just started.

My mind started to calm down, and my focus came back as I held Rose in my arms. "Is everything alright?" I got a mana message from Mally. I turned to the door, and my mana found Mally at the door. Apparently, I hadn't put up the sound barrier fast enough, and some shouting was heard. I sent a mana message back that something has come up that I need to deal with, and the captain's quarters were locked down for not.

Seconds later, she confirmed it, and I turned to the bitch boy. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I didn't do anything she said!"  He denied fear evident on his face. I wasn't going to let it go this easily.

"What did you want her to forget about the past. You obviously did something and told her to forget about it." I asked.

He seemed to panic, and I closed my eyes. I didn't want to just take a side without the other. My anger was suppressed, and then I remembered Mally was on the other side of the door with Illusion spells. I looked at him. "Tell me the truth, or Mally is going to come in and peel it out from you. Oh, and one more thing. Lie to me, and the punishment becomes worse." I then sent my mana out, watching his body closely. His heart rate his body language and started to watch for tells. He panicked before he dropped to his knees.

"I never saw what I was doing like this. I- I- I wanted the girl I loved to love me back! She always was like this. I grew up knowing that once you married the woman in your life, you Love each other. I fought for that?! WHY COULDNT SHE LOVE ME BACK! I JUST WANTED HER TO LOVE ME!" He screamed, and her sobbing stopped and looked at him with tear-soaked incredulous eyes.


His mouth then opened and closed, and I needed no more. His mouth opened and closed like a dying fish, not knowing what to say. I didn't need to hear anymore. I was done with this. He was a part product of the society that created him, but his personality was still trash. Over the time that I made him a little bitch he didn't change. It amazed me until I realized without knowing, Rose kept her old tormentor beside her. She treated him lower than she used to, but trama was a hard thing to touch upon. She, without realizing it, never disciplined him and showed him to his place. Figuratively speaking, she stopped using the stick, and he got full of himself. This was not okay.

His tendencies resurfaced, and he was dumb enough to get into an argument to change his treatment. My mind spun when I realized this couldn't have been the first time this argument went on between them. This was the first time I caught on to it. Or anyone else, since we were in Silvermoon Tower with good sound insulation, it wouldn't be hard to argue without others knowing.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" I told him. My rage was incandescent. I was originally going to be easy on him.  His mouth closed, and I could tell his fear increased. I covered his body with mana protecting him, then incinerated the clothes that were on him. "For the remainder of this trip to the Demon lands, you will be naked. I don't give a fuck about your complaints." I told him, and Rose was still crying. I let go of her, though, but not before I leaned down, making sure I could look in her eyes.

"I know now, just wait for me here. I will start his punishment." I told her she looked at me with tears in her eyes. Our eyes locked, and it took a while before she nodded. I got up, and he was still on his knees, and his mouth was about to open when I stood above him. "Did I fucking say I wanted to hear you speak?" I told him, and my hand tangled into his hair. I started to drag him out onto the deck.

The door slammed open, and out on the deck, people were startled as my clothing was tear-stained, dragging the little bitch boy behind me. Sailors and guards turned to me. My women looked at my face and knew I was furious. I was rarely angry, let alone this angry. I turned to everyone and dragged the Bitch boy in front of me. "Ladies and gentlemen and Bunny-kin of all types. This little Bitch boy Elf here has just admitted to rape and mentally torturing his elven wife. I have now declared on this boat only in your off time that you may treat him as you please. If your a woman, maybe make him pleasure you. Man? Use his little asshole or his mouth. I care not. What I do want to know is that he is having a terrible time. Understood?" I yelled over the crashing of waves."

The silence was a split second before everyone realized the Crime I told them about. Then Outrage settled over the bunny-kin sailors, and the guards looked furious as well. In Bunny-kin culture, rape was rarely done. Most were willing participants. We breed frequently and had kids freely. Contraceptives would be a joke in Bunny-kin culture at this point. I looked at the captain, and he gave the nod, and I tossed him to the guards. "Have Fun!" I announced and walked over to the captain I hadn't talked to much.

"Is what you say true?" He asked me, looking at me with a deep look. The Captain looked like a strong fellow Bunny-kin with a diplomatic mission of our standing. I knew that he had more clout than a simple look could show.

"His own mouth confirmed everything," I told the captain, and he nodded.

"Okay, then. The sailors can use some relief, plus this will keep pregnancies down for the return trip." That was it, and we separated. I then went back into the cabin to console Rose. My ladies already came back inside to start without me talking to Rose as she calmed down. I walked in, and I heard laughs from outside. I knew they were going to be treating that little bitch like he deserved.

"Rose..." I took her attention, and she looked at me. "I know things were hard, but I will change that, okay?" I told her that without knowing how to make it true. "I am going to punish that little bitch myself a bit to calm down. I need an outlet to rage on right now, and he seems the right target." Rose nodded again.

I was about to step out again, and I heard her speak. "Thank you," I stopped at the door, contemplating what to do, then stepped out back into the sun. The little bitch boy's face right now was giving Oral to that cute guard I had seen before. She had Blue hair and fur, and I knew she was at least a C-rank wizard. I walked over, and I smiled at her.

"Thanks for starting. Before everyone gets a piece of the action, though, I'm taking this ass and stretching it again. I told her. The smile on this cute guard's face was a sadistic grin.

"Sure, Ma'am, little fucking pricks like this bitch boy who have done this to women deserve worse." She said simply before turning to look down and slapped his face hard. "Do it better Bitch!" She commanded him, shoving his head deeper into her pussy. He was on his knees in front of her, and I lifted his ass up, forcing him onto his feet. The Guard lowered her hips to keep the spot. She slapped his face a couple more times for the fun of it. "That's better bitch boy; put some effort into it. Your day is just starting!" I heard a whine come from him as I found his putting two fingers in it. I widened it a bit to make sure before I started to get ready with Doorknocker. I then remembered a skill I picked up. It said I could control my blood flow. A dick becoming hard is all about the flow of blood when you get excited. I started to feel it out, and Doorknocker started to get hard immediately.

I didn't think anymore, and I shoved myself deep inside of him. I heard a scream into the Guards pussy, and I saw that sadistic grin turns into a sadistic smile. I couldn't care less about the little bitches discomfort as I started to fuck his tight asshole hard. I stretched this last year, but I hadn't used it as much since then, and it had started to tighten. I noticed the cum dripping from his flaccid cock but didn't care as I roughly fucked his ass as hard as could. I was fueled by rage, and to let loose more, I started to slap his ass cheeks. The guard across from me enjoyed her show and would join in slapping his face with that same sadistic smile blossoming on her face.

I was fucking his ass hard and dug as deep as I could, and I heard his moans grow as I was fourteen inches deep. Then my mind turned to that skill. If I could get hard with it, why not add more blood than usual. I had a smile on my face as I hypothesized something. What if I wasn't reaching my full length because I didn't have the blood for it, and I was what smaller men would call a grower, not a shower. I watched with mana as I bucked my hips into his ass and watched my blood flow from my body into Doorknocker. Then it started, and it felt weird but good. Soon from three inches thick, my cock grew to four inches thick. I started to make my cock longer going from my original fourteen inches, and it continued to grow. I finally stopped at eighteen inches. All of it swallow by the bitches ass. Tears streamed down his face as an even larger cock was buried even deeper inside of him. The only reason I stopped was I was feeling hypotension throughout my body. That explained something to me that I hadn't realized was a problem. It wasn't a problem, and I started to ram that bitch boy's ass hard as he cried out.

The Guard slapped his face hard, and I noticed fluids started to drip down his chin onto the deck. She smiled and slapped his face one more time. "Good job with your mouth this time." She hoisted his head up to look into her eyes, and she spat in his face. "People like you make me sick." She then turned his face to the next person. It was a Bunny-kin sailor who looks pretty average with his hard cock out. "Your job is only starting..." She finished gleefully and passed him off to the sailor who thanked her.

On the other hand, I was finally nearing orgasm, and I was happier with my discovery and venting my emotions. I wasn't about to leave without filling him up. I then let out an orgasm, and I could have sworn I heard my balls turning out a large orgasm that I proceeded to dump into his ass. I moaned as I fucked his ass, and the Guard came up and high fived me happily as I slowly pulled out of his now full ass. "Fuck, that was a nice one..." I said no one in particular as I came clear, and the bitch boy fell to his knees.

I stepped away, noticing some free sailors coming over for their turn, and I stepped away. I didn't speak to him again, walking back into the room in a much better mood to deal with consoling Rose and having a serious talk with her.


I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.


I would love to thank Fate Hydrax, fightnguru, Achleys Apep, Royce321, G. Dunlop, Stormrall,

  1. Krebs, MadRat, Florian, SoundsMad, Mael, Grangel, Kuuh, Smile, Nightrise, Joris Zono, Curtious1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Zach, Ritsu 229, Ryu, Mario L., Celeng Liar, Arl, julekule, Z. T. Wyen, Jache, Russ, Deputy Caveman, GIDOEN Fry, Minos Akuma, ShadowReader, K. Kordrich, BIGSHOTSWAG, L. Cole, Prodical211, Hydra587, W. Bolsvert, Sheperd, DeivinetGamer9, Belkoth, JTOKING, M. Butlar, Tiffy Tang,Julie C., Neptune, H., R. Boyle, J. Paul, J, Durmey, EZ Gipten, Tnarb, D. Jones, BlindTatic, K. Fang, T. Baker, C. Kramer, Qwan, S. Tadaewsky, A. Neal, Kuroko, Alukard, Dannyzee123, H. Dehesdin, D. Rachal, Ayth, The Theoritizer, EXORAVANT, Von, Kovaton, Gapir58, Chris, Ryuu Sakuri, Chad Ray, Caid, MaraH87, Za'afiel, a.r. ortega, J.N. Seib, J. turpin, C. Panagis, Alex, J.W. Thomas, LessJP, D. Rachel, Unholy Valkyrie, Magnus Svendsen, Sky Horse, Sam, Huzaifa Khan, Aniyah Frazier, bearagon, DarksoulS, Dragon Empryean Shadowless, Alex, Prodigal211, Judd, Vincenzo_45R, C. McConnell, key, J.J. Betts, Kio Fang, Yanuut, Shayne, AnarchyBellic, R. Happel, Crazed Warrior, Fiduciam, Rodimus Scoop, J. Backer, R. Andersson, Faisal, Valkyrie, Justin, EchoingRuby, KeyKraft, mjkenstock, M. Kline, C. Spiller, Akashihestia, Christian, Sjors Simons, H. Morshedy, CrusaderHandrail, mafika, A. Loston, •, S. Simons, Jkidill M, nahmate, Carson Nielsen, Treebeard Joshua, e. Reith, J. Baker, A. Monroe, J.Backer, Alex, l2i OP, UK Cuddleyguy, Czelphaghor, L. Navarro, S. Sharp, B. Mcmahon, Chaotic Thief, McDaniel McDaniel, Seitei, LazyBear, Tyler, Blank5312, for supporting me on Patreon.


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