F*tanari System

C-rank vs B-rank

My hand came down upon her ass as I dumped a load into my mother's awaiting pussy. I traded tounges with Emily as I rode out my orgasm in her tight pussy. I moaned into Emily's mouth as I did so. I smiled as I broke the kiss with Emily. I looked around the carriage as it moved on. It was a mess.

The carriage was covered in old or new semen. My women laid about in various states of disarray. I had to tell the truth to myself. Ever since that itch in my balls disappeared, my temperament changed. I could think clearer, and my sex drive increased, not decreased. No one was left standing except Emily. Emily reached down to my still-twitching Doorknocker and fondled my balls lightly. I moaned again as the pleasure spiked up to my head.

It was then I heard a knock on the door. I turned to it a little put-off. I stopped as I felt my mother push me off. She was no longer lost in pleasure anymore and got up. The carriage filled with mana quickly cleaned it. She hastily put on clothes, and I joined her, grabbing my own clothes. Emily was getting dressed behind us as we stepped out. Outside, the carriages and carts had stopped. The entire diplomatic train had come to a halt.

Across the Road was a tree that fell across. My instinct spoke that this was not an accident, though. I sent out a ping of mana to detect any presence only for my mana to leave without bringing back anything. Not even the trees around us. I opened the carriage door and spoke inside quietly, "High chance of enemies, Wake up," I finished, and heard movement inside. I closed the door as my women did what they needed to do.

The Bunny-kin wizards gathered around, ready for battle. I was looking around, seeing nothing. My nerves picked up, and my mother looked around. Then she scoffed. The look on her face turned to disdain as she saw something I didn't see. "Chelsea, learn from this. Never attack a merchant train like ours without much information. This attack would be deadly... If I was not here. They did not know I was the one to bring these guards. This is an insult to our nation!" She exclaimed after explaining. Soon the forest changed. The air changed, and the mist moved as my mother's mana moved.

Soon what we saw were humans all around us. They were armed and moving closer to us. They looked like rouges and bandits. There are wizards in the back with mana fluctuating behind them. I was surprised at the change and how I could not detect them. The wizards around us mana started to move as well, but all were put to nothing, as my mother's mana superseded everyone else's.

Her mana gathered, snuffing out everyone's spells, and lightning erupted. From her hand, a storm arose, hitting humans dead center of mass. Rouges in leather armor with energy mana tried to protect themselves. They failed just as did the others looking like bandits with mana fueling their bodies. The smell of charred flesh reeked out into the battlefield as the storm from her hand continued.

My mother looked concentrated, but the disdain remained. I felt her mana slowly dwindle as it continued. Within five minutes, the field was littered with the corpses of enemies. Over a hundred 'Bandits' lay dead as charcoal on the ground. My mother's mana stopped, and she turned to me.

"This is what a B-rank is capable of, Chelsea. The game changes after C-rank, and the death totals increase. There is no such thing as a B-rank being killed by a solo or a group of C-ranks. There is only the slaughter of those who try." She looked back to the 'battleground' "This was about an eighth of the people needed to kill me. All of those dead people were at C-rank. The mana used to defend themselves was everything they had. That only increased my mana expenditure. These men and women were after your's and your women's lives." She said. Her voice was serious and flat.

"This is why the Empire must disappear. They allow their citizens to do it. The slavers guild is starting a war against us. We have told them to return our citizens. They said our people illegally entered into their borders. This makes them criminals and allows them to be slaves. This loophole we have asked to be closed. They think we are weak." She sighed deeply. She looked at the field of charred bodies. "Find any clues where they may have come from. You have an hour. Then I want a report!" She commanded, and the wizard guards moved towards the remains. She opened the carriage and entered. I followed her, deep in thought. The inside was a flurry of activity trying to suit up. It showed how badly out of place we were in.

None of us were ready if combat did start. We took it for granted with the guards. My mother laughed as Betsy fell onto the little bitch boy trying to put on her leather pants. Their surprise at our reentry.

"Isn't there a battle coming?" Emily was the only one equipped and just at the door.

My mother laughed at the state in the carriage. "Yup, you are all too slow, and I finished it. All that is left is charred remains. All of you need to train your readiness." She sat down with a sigh, "Not completely all your fault, though. You need to work on readiness and be no more than a minute. Chelsea, I was surprised at how fast you were ready."

"I dress light," I commented, "Comfier, Easier to move in, and practical with my women," I finished with a smile.

The way my mother was eyeing me, though, made Doorknocker twitch. I had just finished inside her, not even ten minutes ago. Everyone else was exhausted, but my mother was ready to go again. She was insatiable as I was; she sighed, soon afterward, looking at me, still hungry. "I want another round, and my pussy wants more. The problem is that I need more mana in case we run into another attack." She pouted, and I smiled, knowing her pain.

I decided to watch my mother meditate for the next hour or so. Everyone around but Emily was exhausted. I didn't want to get riled up after watching my mother's massacre. The quick battle showed how weak I was.

There were so many things I still needed to learn, and that brought a smile to my face. A knock sounded at the door. I opened the carriage door to a blue Bunny-kin with a cute face. Her face was cold, though, as I inspected her. She had blue hair and fur, with a black robe covering her body. It kept her body hidden, unfortunately.

"I am here to report to Tower Mistress!" She announced, and I waved her in. My mother opened her eyes, looking at the woman.

"Ma'am, we found that the attackers are a group of slavers from the Empire!" She told us, "They were not after us in particular but after elves. They are low on them in the empire by the papers we found. The slavers were part of a larger group although, the name was left out. We have found dozens of captives in their midst. We have freed them and given supplies. The guard captain sent a message to the nearest lodging. We have given the captives gold in case it was needed as well."

"Nothing of note then? At least the elves will be a bit more awake after this. They think the distance will keep them out of the human's hands." She smiled in thought before returning to herself. "Great work, this calms my fears towards a dwarf attack. Less chance they are allowing it... Were there any dwarf captives?" My mother looked much more careful in her thinking now.

"No, Ma'am, There were only Elves and Beast-kin, among the captives freed." My mother waved her off. She lost herself in thought, and I had a bad gut feeling.

"I agree," I said out loud, and my mother turned to me.

"What?" My mother looked shocked.

"I agree with your thought that the dwarves are not innocent here," I said before continuing. "First, this is their territory. No dwarves were captured, making it even more suspicious. Next, the dwarves joined the Kingdom of Arlin with against the Beasts. Finally, our relations have continued to sour. The Dwarves have made it clear we are not friends at this point." The entire time my mother nodded along.

"You are right," She sighed, "We cannot trust them, and we haven't. Let us get out of their territory in peace first. We will stop once a day to inseminate your women and me, then meditate. This is the plan through the territory until we reach our homelands."

I nodded then noticed the guard had not left. She had a blush, but my mother dismissed her.

"Get ready," She said, looking at my women, "Battle maybe soon."

All the while, the wheels of the Diplomatic train started to move into motion.

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