From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 4 4

Volume 4 Chapter 4: Departure

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

With the help of Berzelia and Saki, who changed from dancers’ outfits into their usual clothes, I prepared a meal. So after arranging it on the dining table, we had a bit of a late breakfast.

And while drinking tea after the meal I chatted with Daisy.

「So, is the repair going well?」

「Yes. It’s about 50 percent done now.」

「Oh, you made it so far already. …But it seems like it’s giving you plenty of trouble.」

Daisy, being a skilled alchemist, can fix a weapon made of common materials in a matter of seconds. During the war, I often saw her easily fix even enchanted weapons.

And yet, when it comes to my weapon, it doesn’t go like thatー

「Well, as I explained earlier, the material of your weapon is pretty special. Even broken, it’s still sturdy, a simple break and reconstruct approach doesn’t work here. Naturally, it would take time. So don’t worry about it so much, my friend.」

「Indeed. For Axel’s weapons, being able to pierce through dragon’s scales is the minimal requirement. So every blacksmith at the City of God tree said that’s impossible for them to work with this. 」

Saki added.

Right. When the weapon just broke, we tried to visit a few of the city’s smiths.

And all of them said that it’s impossible for them, so it came to Daisy, who had both equipment and skills to fix this.

「It’s also fun to work on this since there is a challenge. 」

「Ahaha, thank you, Daisy. 」

Thanking Daisy, sitting on the table, I gently brush her, to which she wriggles in delight.

「Hehe, it’s nice to hear this from you. It gives me more and more motivation.」

「This much I can do as much as you want. If there is anything else I can do, just tell me.」

「Sure. Ah, right. Speaking of things to do, it’s about time to visit the archeology guild. The materials I require are a bit outside what the merchants guild can provide.」

With Daisy’s words, I look towards the room’s window.

This place is located near the center of the town, with a branch of the guild of adventurers visible from the window.

Farther behind it was the merchants guilds location.

「The archeology guildーー You mean that building at the end of the main street?」

When I ran around doing requests from the merchants’ guild I memorized most of the city’s layout. When I said this after going through my memory, Daisy replied with a nod.

「Yes, yes. They tend to store ancient materials and devices that they would find during their explorations. I’m thinking about borrowing some of that.」

Hearing Daisy, I remembered.

…Sidonius mentioned 『I have an acquaintance at the archeology guild. Visit them if you need something. And I would be glad if you can hand over this letter when you meet.』, so I received a letter of introduction and a missive from him.

So I guess this is my chance to hand over the letter.

「Normally, it wouldn’t be easy to get anything from them… But some of my old friends still should be there, so I think it will work out somehow, my friend.」

「Hm? Is that so? If so then it’s a great help…… If there is a need to go, then let’s do it today.」

Currently, it’s very late in the morning.

It’s not that far from the guild, and time-wise we should be a better coming at this time.

……And I also want to hand over the letter.

Since our course of action was decided, we should hurry up and get moving. When I thought soー

「Master, I washed the plates!」

Berzelia came from the kitchen.

「Oh, thank you, Berzelia.」

「This much isn’t a problem, I’ve got a taste of Master’s cooking after all. ……So, I overheard you talking, but are you going somewhere?」

Berzelia has good ears.

Looks like even washing the plates she still could listen to our conversation.

「Yeah, the archeology guild. We are leaving after this, are you ready?」

「Of course. I’m ready to go right this instant!」

Berzelia said, clenching both of her fists.

「I can go as well.」

「I’m also ready to leave immediately.」

Looks like other companions are also ready. Thenー

「Then, let’s go? To the archeology guild.」

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