From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 4 17.2

Volume 4 Chapter 17: First challenge in a while Part 2

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

Standing at a bit of a distance from the ancient forge I cast a look at it.

Daisy and the staff of the archeological guild seemed to have a lot of fun tweaking the weapon.

…For now, I guess I can leave it to them.

Things seem to be going well, I thought, whenー

「Can I borrow a bit of your time, Axel Granz?」

The white snake called out to me.

「Hm? Yeah, what is it, Snake God.」

「I wanted to formally express my gratitude. Carrier Axel Granz, you have my thanks.」

「You are welcome. Somehow, I feel like for the past few days I’m just getting thanked over and over.」

Well, since it’s not a bad thing I’ll accept it, but even so.

I feel like they are repeating it too much.

「I apologize for that. However, I wanted to say it, since I had no chance to do so, not taking part in yesterday’s feast.」

「Ah, well, it was indoors after all.」

The snake god’s body is extremely huge.

After pulling her out of the transportation bag, her thickness and length were enough to stop all the traffic on the main street.

Unless the room is this spacious I think it would be difficult for her to get indoors.

「It’s difficult being this big.」

「Yeah, truly so. Quite a bit. …And, sorry. Can we talk at a bit of shorter distance?」

「Hm? Yeah, sure.」

「Thank you very much. Then……」

Having said that, the Snake God quietly slithered closer.

The movements were beautiful, and even gave off some sense of elegance.

「Heave-ho…… Um. This way I can properly talk facing a human.」

And came so near that I could touch her were I to reach out with my hand.

However, it seems like to everyone else, those movements had different implications.

「For Snake God to approach on her own volition……」

「It’s my first time seeing Snake God allowing anyone so close, with the exception of the exploration chief and research chief……!」

Such voices could be heard.

The surrounding became quite noisy, butーー

「You usually don’t come this close to people?」

When asked, she blushed a bit.

「Yes, well, I’m of such physique after all. Unless the person is strong, I’m afraid to come closer in a fear that I might crush them.」

「Ah. You are very considerate, as one might expect from a local god.」

It seems that in exchange for tremendous power, local gods end up with such personalities.

I remember hearing such a thing from one of the heroes.

And it seems that the snake god is no exception.

「After all, I was pretty much given this power to help humans. Though the other day I was the one to be saved instead. That was a very pleasant experience. ーーTo think that the rumored carrier himself, the one with whom I wanted to talk so much, would come to my rescue.」

The words of the snake god were puzzling to me.

「Hm? So you knew about me already?」

「Yes. A few months ago I heard about you from the god that shared their blood with me. 『The hero that defeated the demon lord got himself a pretty amusing job.』they said. So I thought that I certainly would like to talk with you.」

「Such a thing happened?」

「Yes. On top of that, I also heard rumors from the City of Stars. During that time, one of my priests went to the source of those rumors, the City of Stars……But I didn’t think that you would come here on your own.」

There is no direct path from here to the City of Stars, with several routes existing.

Which means that we must have missed each other.

「I see. I’m glad that you wanted to talk with me so much, but it’s not like I have anything particularly interesting to say.」

When I said that the snake god brought her head closer to me. Andーー

「I think retiring as a dragon knight and becoming a carrier is a big enough of a topic…… And I also heard from the god that bestowed their blood upon me, that you stepped directly into the holy realm where the dragon god resides. They said that it was extremely fun.」

She said, narrowing her eyes.

「Though I don’t remember doing anything that fun. Well, I changed the job through normal procedures, and I stepped into the holy realm only because it was required to defeat the demon lord.」

「……My, how should I put it, you are quite frank about this.」

「There is nothing to hide after all.」

「This free-spirited nature of yours is what must have struck the heartstrings of the gods…… Indeed, just looking at you should be enough to spare the gods from their boredom. I understand their attention on you.」

「Their attention…… on me? 」

I never felt it.

「At least that is what the god, that bestowed their blood upon me, was saying.」

「Well, that is quite curious.」

「Indeed. I am quite happy to talk with you like this after a chance brought you to my side.」

Having said that, the snake god smiled.

「Haha, well, personally I’m glad that I can have such a friendly chat with a local god. That’s is quite a rare experience.」

At least this is the first time since I took the helmet, so it’s quite interesting.

And so, with both the snake god and me smiling, we continued our conversation.

And during that time.

「Ugaaah! It’s a failureーー!」

Came Daisy’s voice.

Reacting to Daisy’s shout I look to the ancient forge.

「No matter what I do…… It’s not working……」

I saw Daisy, holding her low hanging head.

It’s quite unusual for her to act in such a way. Did something happen?

「Daisy, what’s wrong?」

「Uuuh, my friend. Looks like this material won’t do. I can’t fix the spear……」

After saying that Daisy looked at the ingot on top of the platform.

That was 『Yang Scale』 that she wanted so much.

……Was there something wrong with it?

And before I could utter my question, Daisy spoke.

「At this rate there would be nowhere near enough magic power volume or permeation. Or rather, the Yang Scales I used had a lot more vibrant blue color……」


Daisy’s words spoke a very different tale than the material in front of us.

「Yeah, but this one is very white?」

「Yeah. That is what I see as well.…… At first, I thought that it had such a color because it was produced only moments ago…… But after all, it really seems to be different from the one I used in the past. Though the material composition itself seems the same to me.……」

Even though they have the same substance composition, why do they behave differently as materials?

Those terms that only alchemists would understand wouldn’t do anything, so I’d better ask her to explain it in simpler words. And when I thought thatーー

「So it was no good after all……」

The snake god behind me said.

「You expected this? I remember you saying that things depended on whatever we will be able to use this……」

「I hoped it would turn out otherwise. However, now it is clear. The 『Yang Scale』that Daisy-san used previously was a complete one.」

「ーーSo you mean, this one is not?」

The snake god nodded.

「Yes. The other, old name, for Yang Scales produced by me is『Sun Jewel』for they absorb the light from the sun and convert it to the special magic power. Filled with it to the brim, those jewels change their color to that of a clear blue sky. That is the material known as 『Yang Scale』, but you can see how it turned out this time.」

There is not a speck of blueness to it.

What we had here was a pure white ingot.

「For the few months since those purple storms began we didn’t have any satisfactory clear sky.」

「Worsened weather is the fault of the purple storm?」

「Purple colored clouds constantly get in the way. And since I produced the yang scale in such a situation, it turned white like that. Even so, it’s still a very potent material, so I was hoping that it would be enough.……」

The snake god apologized, looking disappointed.

「Ah, well, since this is all you can do for now, it can’t be helped. So this a defective material……」

This reminds me, the situation in the City of the God tree was somewhat similar.

A bit of a change lowers the quality of the material or even ruins it.

This case is close to that.

「It’s a problem common to alchemy, often coming up, but to think it would happen again, right after the City of God Tree.」

It looks like Daisy had the same thoughts.

Even so, there is no point in such reminiscence.

I understood that it can’t fully manifest its potential. If that’s the case.

「What can we do to solve this?」

I should ask for a way to deal with this.

I asked the snake god, to which she closed her eyes, and after deliberating for a whileー

「Either allow me to bask in the sunlight and produce a new one, or expose the created yang scale to sunlight for a period of time. ……However, this yang scale came into existence with my blessing as a local god, so the moment you go away from this town or the desert, it would wither and become useless. So with the current situation……」

「With the clouds getting in the way…… It might be difficult.」

If leaving outside and just putting it under a random ray of sun was enough I would’ve done so immediately.

However, if that is not possible, I guess we will have to look for a more fundamental solution.

……Now, I wonder, what should I do. Now, though a bit pushy, there is a way……

Though it’s questionable if it would fit our conditions.

And the moment I was about to ask about it.

「Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but.」

「Hm? Michaela-san?」

Michaela’s voice came from the side.

Furthermore, she wasn’t alone.

「Master. Sorry for coming late.」

Berzelia was with her.

「Oh, you brought Berzelia?」

「Eh? Ah, yes, Berzelia-san came some moments ago. The timing was just right since I also had business here.」

「I see. Thank you, Michaela.」

「Ehehe, since I had plenty of sleep, I now have plenty of energy. ……and, eh? What’s wrong? Hero alchemist looks very depressed?」

Berzelia trotted closer and noticing the dejected Daisy, asked.

「Well, you see, Beze. We’d like to get sunlight on this…… But clouds are in the way. So I’m wondering if there is a way.」

「Clouds are in the way? I don’t know what this is all about, but if you only need to get the thing above the clouds, then I can do it if you want?」

Daisy’s eyes shone upon hearing a casual line from Berzelia.

「……I see. There was such a way.」

She looked as if she found a solution, but it is too early to be sure of that.

That is what I was thinking about as well.

So I immediately asked the Snake God the question that was bothering me about this.

「Snake god. Will it still be in the range of your divine protection if we go above the clouds?」

「What do you mean?」

「As you know, Berzelia is a dragon. Riding on her I will be able to get through the clouds and expose the yang scale to sunlight. Right, Berzelia?」

「Eh? Y-yes. As I said before, this much is no problem? But flying through the clouds is scary, so I’d like Master to fly with me……」

「Yeah, I know. ……That’s how it is, we can get sunlight for it. But, well…… I wasn’t sure if we would still be in the range of your divine protection. What would you say?」

When asked, the snake god made the most serious expression that she showed until now.

「That is…… Well…… I never tried that, so I can’t really tell…… I feel that it might be impossible, but it is difficult to tell for sure.」

To those words, Berzelia went 「Ah」.

「Did I give you false hope? Sorry for speaking out without a proper understanding, Master……」

Berzelia said, shrinking herself.

While thinking about her often turning timid at such times, I shake my head.

「No, it’s good that you proposed the idea, so there is no need to feel down. And it also seems to be one worth trying.」

I say while patting Berzelia on the head.

「Doing something is better than doing nothing. Berzelia, it’s been a while since we flew high up into the sky.」

「Eh……? It, it’s okay?! It sounds like it might fail though.」

「Well, I also want to test how well I can ride you in my current state. I think it’s a good chance, so I think we should try.」

After I said that, Berzelia raised both of her hands, looking delighted.

「Yaaay! It’s been so long since we flew together!」

Looks like she regained her spirit.

Well, I don’t know how it will turn out, but now we at least have something we can try. So this is fine. And while I thought thatー

「Ah, excuse me, Axel-san. If you are going to actually try what you just said, then there is a request that I’d like you to take……」


「Yes. It’s related to the conversation just now. …… I’d like to ask for your support to get rid of purple storms in the desert and Eniado.」

An unexpected line from Michaela.

This might allow us to solve our own problem as well.

「Getting rid of the purple storms, huh. This would be beneficial to us as well. Please elaborate.」

「Yes. Edgar, Snake God, please listen as well. After going through the information gathered by you, we might have found the cause of purple storms and the way to get rid of them―― I will now describe the plan that might allow us to resolve the problem plaguing our town.」

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