From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 4 14

Volume 4 Chapter 14: Hard choice

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

Some dozens of minutes of running through the desert.

I reached the investigation point.

For a few minutes after that, I kept running around.

……Then, I noticed a white light and decided to check it out……

And it seems that that was the right idea.

Behind the wall of white light, which most likely was a barrier, was one man and a big snake. That matches the information given by Michaela.

「White snake and a man with short hair…… Yes, just as Michaela said. So you are Snake God and Edgar from the Archeology Guild?」

The one who answered my question was a man that was lying face up behind the wall.

「Ye-yeah…… And who… Are you? How did you get here……」

「Carrier Axel, who was hired to rescue you.」

Both the man and the white snake reacted to those words.

「Carrier, and that with the name of Axel……?」

「No way…… Flying carrier who the bards sing about?」

「I’m sometimes called by that name as well. I came after taking a request for your rescue from Michaela of the Archeology Guild. ……So, I don’t know which one of you put it up, but do you mind if I pass through the barrier? I can’t even approach since I don’t know if it’s even okay to touch or not.」

「Ah, ye-yes, go ahead. I【Permit】.」

With that line from the white snake, I was able to get inside the barrier.

As I came closer to Edgar, he turned only his head to me and said.

「N-now I see. A mighty carrier, just as rumors said. So that’s why you could come even to those cruel lands… cough……」

After speaking only a few words, he coughed.

The dehydration is obvious.

And he wasn’t the only one in that state.

……The snake god’s scales also looked greatly withered……

I already knew that Edgar and the snake god would be severely dehydrated.

So I pull out two tubes from the transportation bag and stick them in front of the two.

「…For now, I brought miraculous water. Can you drink?」

「Yes. Thank you very much……」

The snake god took the tube in their mouth and started drinking.

The dried up scales immediately began regaining color.

Which means that there should be no problem with the snake god. Howeverー

「So-sorry…… That’s a bit too much……」

Trembling, Edgar took the tube and brought it to his lips, but it seems that he had no power left to drink.

As such, I brink out two additional tubes.

And sprayed Edgar and the snake god with them.

Hitting their bodies the miraculous water is immediately absorbed.

「I owe you… one.」

「It’s fine. For now, you should’ve recovered enough to drink by yourself.」

Merely spraying them with the miraculous water cures dehydration and recovers lost magic power.

While being glad that I heard about this from Michaela, I shower them with the water.

A few dozen seconds later.

「……Thank you, Flying Carrier-dono. I feel much better.」

Edgar recovered enough to sit up.

Looks like the situation is no longer critical.

「Good, good.」

「Yeah, but we have used too much water……」

「Really? Well, that can’t be helped. For now, I will check how much water i still have so we can return to the town, please wait for a bit.」

Thus, I decided to confirm the contents of the transportation bag.

Hearing Axel the Flying Carrier, the snake god thought to herself.

……Ah, he probably can rescue only one of us……

The one who came to us though had enough strength to reach all the way over here and though was praised in many rumors as amazingly skilled, was still but a lone 《Carrier》.

With his physique, he can carry one person at most.

……He can’t possibly carry someone as huge as me.

Though we recovered from dehydration, it still doesn’t change that neither Edgar nor I can move freely.

Thus, it will require him to traverse the desert while carrying one of us. But with his build, it would be impossible to carry me.

…That’s probably the reason why he gave so much water to me.

I appreciate his consideration.

Even though he has to go back through that desert, I forced him to use up a large amount of water.

Right now, looking into the transportation bag, he is probably calculating how to make that water last all the way to the city.

If he didn’t use so much water on me, his journey would’ve been that much safer, but he still cared for me, knowing that he will have to leave me behind.

…Humans care for me despite my inhuman appearance. I’m really grateful for that.

Thus, I have no bitter feelings about being left here.

However, it looks like Edgar also noticed that I will have to stay here.

「Snake god-sama……」

Not fully recovered, he looked up at me with sad eyes.

Even though he was so happy after seeing the ray of light in rescueー

…Good grief, this child’s emotions are all written on his face……

He shouldn’t make such a face.

Thinking so, I say to him.

「――You should go ahead, Myers. You should be saved first.」

Upon hearing those words Edgar made a truly despaired face.

「S……Snake god-sama……! But…… What about you……!」

「No need for concern. As low-class as I may be, I’m still one carrying the blood of gods. I’m a lot tougher than humans.」

「Ridiculous. You already used up so much magic……!」

「Even so, I certainly will last longer than you…… And most of all, you surely would be able to provide the guild with a better explanation than I. Besides, if you remained here, I wouldn’t be happy as well.」

It’s not about feelings or emotions, it’s about practicality.

There is nothing more that I can do for Edgar.

If a chance to survive appeared, it should be used.

「……Do not fret. We, lesser gods, received the power of gods to help and protect humans.」

「Snake god-sama……!」

Edgar cast down his eyes.

「Because of my powerlessness…… Please, forgive me……」

With his head hanging low, he spoke while grinding his teeth.

It looks like he accepted it.

……Even though it should be going against his will.

What a good child, I thought, thenー

「Excuse me, carrier Axel-san, that’s how it is. Can I ask this of you?」

I called out to the carrier, who after confirming the contents of the bag was silently looking at us, in order to tell him the conclusion we reached on which of us should survive.


「I don’t quite get what are you going on about…… I want to carry you two to the town, so can you not move for a bit more? I’m trying to get measurements.」

Axel said with a serious look.



「Hm. Okay. I think I’ve got it.」

Then, after making a nod he took the transportation bag into his hand, andーー

「……If I get out this much you should easily fit.」

Gave it a good swing. And with thatーー


A large mass of water scattered from the transportation bag.

Like rain, it flooded a dry area inside of the barrier.



Both Edgar and Snake God shouted in panic at his bizarre actions. Howeverー

「What do you mean? I’m getting some water out of the bag to increase the available volume. To be frank, even after using some, there is still an extreme quantity left over. Even after doing this, the amount almost didn’t lessen at all. To get Snake God-sama in here I will have to spill just a bit more.」

Axel replied in a relaxed tone while continuing to scatter water.

「Yo-you have so much water left even after Edgar and I used so much of it……?!」

「What a volume…… So you put so much training into tempering your transportation bag……」

「Not sure about the training. Anyway, Michaela-san told me that I’m free to scatter the miraculous water if it gets in the way of the rescue. So I just did exactly that. Now I think you two would have no problems with getting inside.」

Hearing those words Snake God exchanged glances with Edgar.

And turning to Axel at the same time, they asked.

「What do you mean by…… Getting inside……?」

「Don’t tell me that you want to carry Edgar and me in that bag?」

「Yeah, of course. Didn’t I say that at the very beginning? I came to rescue you. ーーAccording to that request I shall surely carry you two to the town.」

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