From the Abyss of Stars

032. Li Aozzi’s hands itch unbearably, eager for a fight.

  1. Li Aozzi's hands itch unbearably, eager for a fight.


"I don't care."


The golden rings in Li Aozzi's eyes dissipated. Manipulating the safety of the pistol with gravity was really not a high-difficulty operation for him.


If it were a professional warrior, this move would basically be ineffective. Professional soldiers have completely imprinted shooting techniques into their muscle memory?


But in the outer world, most people are not conscious of engaging the gun's safety. Even if it misfires, it's better than not being able to shoot first in a critical moment.


Ze Xi hurriedly put the gun down and raised her hands:


"Don't be excited, don't be excited, let's talk it out. Uh, little handsome guy, are you robbing money or robbing sex—... But you shouldn't, right? If you attack me, I should be the one taking advantage."


"Tsk tsk." Nuo Mi carried a wrench: "Is this all you've got? Don't you know the quality of us outer world people: mighty and unyielding."


"Nuo Mi, shut up."


Li Aozzi punched Nuo Mi on the head, pushed her aside, and asked Ze Xi:


"Are you Ze Xi? I heard you have some good stuff."


"Uh, I don't deal in human trafficking..."


"What are you thinking?" Li Aozzi said contemptuously: "I know about your trade with Mo Ao, Bankro, and Lei Zhiqiang. Privately, you often supply them with canned goods and medicines, right?"


"Ah? You know everything."


Ze Xi's face was a bit embarrassed, muttering under her breath:


"Who betrayed me... It must be Xiao Ze! That guy with the thief's eyebrows and mouse eyes, you can tell he's no good at first glance."


"Let's not talk about that."


Li Aozzi threw the prepared backpack in front of her:


"There are 120,000 Derbies in here. I want to buy something from you."


"…Oh my god!"


Ze Xi pulled her round glasses down, knelt down in disbelief, opened the backpack, and facing the neatly arranged new banknotes, swallowed her saliva.


"Such new and neat Derby cash—did you rob a bank? My goodness, it even has hyacinth patterns on it—this is firmer than the bills printed by the Rose Army!"


Nuo Mi clicked her tongue.


"What counterfeit money... It's printed with real machines; it's genuine counterfeit money!"


Ze Xi hurriedly looked up at Li Aozzi, patted her chest, and promised:


"Big brother! You are my big brother from now on. What do you want? Even giving you an armored vehicle is no problem!"


"Really?" Nuo Mi's eyes lit up: "Then I want the 'Wolfgang' amphibious 88mm anti-infantry armored vehicle under GTB!"


"That's already a mobile armor, okay!"


Ze Xi pulled down her glasses, stared at Nuo Mi, and said righteously:


"It costs extra. 1 million Derbies."


"Damn! The cost is only 600,000, how come it's 1 million from you, you profiteer, the Rose Army has it too, I'll go get it from them!"


"Stop arguing." Li Aozzi said: "I want the type of potion developed by the Abyss Humanitarian. The latest model."


"That... can be done." Ze Xi calculated, then nodded: "There's such a thing in the cold storage. I can get it for you right away. However, I can't guarantee it will be effective. It's just said to help others awaken their abilities... whether it actually works is still uncertain."


"Don't worry about it."


"Alright, you are my big brother—oh right, may I ask your name?"


"Me? You don't know me?"


Li Aozzi was surprised. Didn't he make a big fuss when he came in?


"Eh hey," Ze Xi scratched her cheek, realizing she was out of the loop, and said: "I just got back from restocking, hehe... not quite sure."


"I see."


Li Aozzi shrugged:


"I am Captain Gatling Maxim Lewis of the 153rd Field Army's Special Operations Department under the Rose Army. As for today, I'll give you some advice: don't make a fuss about this, it's a secret between us. I know where you work, and I know all your details clearly, understand?"


"R-Rose Army?!"


Ze Xi's face turned paler than Li Aozzi's. She quickly nodded like a pecking chick:


"I understand! Big brother of the Rose Army, I won't say anything. The cold storage switch was destroyed by the White Fang gang. I didn't see you guys; I just came to do repairs."




Li Aozzi was quite satisfied. He realized that the Rose Army's deterrent power to ordinary people nowadays was no less than the Law IV.


Unfortunately, he wasn't a girl. Otherwise, he would directly impersonate a Law IV agent, and the effect would definitely be more exciting.


"Speaking of which, I need to ask about something. The money is in the backpack, take from it as you see fit."


Li Aozzi spoke, and Ze Xi quickly fawned:


"You say, you say."


"ZX—102 isolation ward."


Li Aozzi said:


"What exactly happened there? Why lock up an empty ward?"




Ze Xi thought for a moment:


"It's not a big deal. I heard it was just a medical accident that caused some turmoil, and then Professor and Head Nurse Nordli had a little conflict—Head Nurse Nordli insisted on sealing the ward and not letting anyone in."


After speaking, she shook her head:


"I don't know the specifics, but I can tell you for sure: the ZX—102 ward once had a very serious casualty incident. It even made Head Nurse Nordli almost fight with the Professor... Since then, the rift between them probably began."


"Oh?" Li Aozzi raised an eyebrow: "There's such a story."


"You don't know? Head Nurse Nordli and Assistant Physician Anna, they are both students of the Professor. They left the Frost National Medical College because they were dissatisfied with the bureaucrats of Frost and came to the Abyss."


"However, now the Professor is dead, Head Nurse Nordli is seriously injured... It's hard not to suspect Assistant Physician Anna, the vested interest."


Li Aozzi listened, noting it in his mind.


The plot progress increased by 1.71%, indicating that this information was quite useful and related to a specific event.


It also indirectly proved that the secret of ZX—102 might be related to a series of anomalies at the Abyss Humanitarian.


Ze Xi was a second-hand dealer selling Abyss products to the outer world and buying rare metals and rare earth materials from outer world people at low prices. This kind of business only dealt with other refuge organizations.


From Ze Xi, there was basically no information about the Four Nations. Li Aozzi didn't waste effort; he pondered while sorting through clues, thinking about where to start investigating the secret of the ZX—102 isolation ward.


The Professor was already dead, Nordli's life and death were unknown, and Anna the Physician deliberately drove him away.


Nuo Mi was curious:


"So mysterious? What exactly did the old woman and that big woman next door do? Why don't I know anything?"


"That, I don't know. It was two years ago."


Ze Xi shook her head:


"Before that incident, Head Nurse Nordli was a relatively gentle person. She was the youngest and her emotions were easily swayed."


"However." She paused and said: "There is one person who knows the situation completely, but she is not in the Abyss Humanitarian. You have to find a way to leave the refuge and go to the Sikkim Settlement to find her."


"Sikkim Settlement?" Li Aozzi was taken aback.


What a coincidence. Anna had just told him that the White Fang gang might go to the Sikkim Settlement for a meeting.


And that happened to be his destination.


"Could it be... this is the true intention of the plot designer of 'Abyss of Stars'?!"


Li Aozzi suddenly connected the dots:


"It can unlock the [Mutant] profession—can produce the ability awakening potion—advance the plot, and go to new scenes to do tasks most suitable for [Mutant]. This is the plot that the previous life players did not discover!"


"Could this be the reason why 'Unremembered' could serve as the mainline mission for [Mutant]?"


Li Aozzi was a little surprised, then suddenly understood.


In the previous life, due to major bugs, people did not dig deep into the plot, and the jail-like experience of [Mutant] discouraged many players from taking the profession.


All tasks needed to be designed by the team and then generated by the game's neural network. The plot had to be written


before the scene and mission settings.


But Frost's player base was not large enough, and even fewer chose the [Mutant] path. If it were in another country, like Tianhuan, it would have been thoroughly researched long ago.


"Time and fate." Li Aozzi shook his head.


Probably the designer hadn't figured out how to coordinate the problem of too few [Mutant] players in Frost from the beginning.


After all—doesn't Frost already feel like jail?


Frost is already a mess of a country. If you don't go be a mage or a warrior, you're still here being a [Mutant]?


People experience the plot as endless purgatory; your plot experience belongs to a life sentence.


Li Aozzi shivered. He suddenly realized:


"Maybe, the designers didn't expect anyone to start with a male character in Frost and choose [Mutant]?"


This stack of negative buffs is comparable to the status bar of Poisonous Milk Powder.


Of course, this might be deliberate, concentrating [Mutant] players in the Red Arrow Empire, only to have the 2.0 version of the plot story.


That was the real excitement, even witnessing the sun extinguishing, walking on the surface of a black hole, Li Aozzi couldn't forget those days.


"No matter what, now, I have stepped into a field never explored by predecessors, truly uncovering the exclusive plot of the Dominator system profession—saying this, why do I feel like I'm the Dominator system's profession mentor."


Li Aozzi felt a surge of excitement. Since becoming a streamer, he had been chasing various streaming effects, putting all sorts of labels on himself, performing all sorts of silly operations just to make people laugh, and using this amusement to earn a living.


How long had it been since he felt this excited, like playing a single-player game, exploring the game plot, digging out the content, although there were no online partners, he was still immersed in it.


"This is the original joy of the game!"


Li Aozzi's hands itched unbearably.


"Being a clown for too long, I forgot that a streamer is a technical streamer, not an entertainment streamer!"


Thinking of the unknown plot and challenges ahead, a sense of pioneering joy welled up, igniting Li Aozzi's fighting spirit.


It was virgin territory never touched by anyone, all new as if waiting for his favor.


He began to crave a fight.

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