From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 449 I am the leader

This attack from the devil happened too suddenly. There was no movement before it, and even Meng Hao didn't give any warning at all.

Until now that the raid was over and the Kingdom of Dark Night had evacuated with almost 80% of its arsenal, there was silence among the recruits.

No king realized that the war had skipped the early reconnaissance stage and entered frontal combat.

However, the news is not delayed to this extent.

As early as the discovery of the demon legion's raid, the local forces in the arsenal had already reported the attack to the imperial headquarters. At this time, it should have almost begun to be passed on by the local empire to every kingdom.

As expected, just a few minutes later, the group suddenly became excited.

"The Kingdom of Dark Night is attacked by an army of demons!"

"Yes, I received the message too."

"what's the situation?"

"I just received the news that the Kingdom of Dark Night encountered a large-scale attack by an army of demons. It is said that they came directly from the face. There are more than a dozen demons at level 20, and even demons at level 21!"

"Damn! Isn't the Kingdom of Darkness over?"

"It should be over. In a raid of this scale, the demons would rush to annihilate them all in one go. We have not established an offensive and defensive line at all. Even if we set up support at this time, it will be too late."

"It is estimated that most of the lords should be able to escape in time through the bronze altar, but the people and heroes can't"

"It's so miserable. It's so miserable."

"By the way, it's all like this, and the Night King hasn't come out of seclusion yet?"

" @Shen Fei, give it a try."

" @Shen Fei."


The series of messages that followed were all about Shen Fei, and there were also some information about the king's current situation.

Obviously, almost all the kings feel that the Kingdom of Dark Night, which has the greatest potential and even created a demon spy detection artifact in time, is really over this time.

And it ended so suddenly.

Some kings have realized that the end of the Dark Night Kingdom will bring a huge blow to their camp.

Not only did they lose a kingdom with the highest potential, but most importantly, they also lost the arsenal with the largest local power!

Some kings are already reflecting.

"We failed to do our best defense and still fought independently without knowing the enemy's methods. If this continues, we will lose."

"That's right. In fact, I believe you have already realized this, but no one dares to take the lead and act as the leader."

"The Kingdom of Dark Night will be chosen as the first target of attack by the demon clan. In addition to their important arsenal there, there must also be a reason why they made a detection artifact - this is the demon clan's warning to us. Whoever dares to come forward will be punished. Will be hit hard."

After typing this paragraph, the group fell into silence again.

Because that's exactly what happened.

But what really silenced them was that even though they knew this, no one dared to stand out.

Because once the war finally fails, there may still be kingdoms that can escape unscathed, but those who take the lead will definitely suffer heavy losses, and may even be unable to recover.

Isn’t the Kingdom of Dark Night the best warning?

Seeing this, Shen Fei knew that it was time for him to appear.

This "leading bird" can only be taken by the Kingdom of Dark Night, because they already are.

Moreover, there must be many of these kings who are courageous enough. If it were a little later, someone should stand up.

Therefore, Shen Fei no longer peeked at the screen.

Speak directly.

"We were just counting the losses. Let me tell you about the situation now."

The moment he spoke, there was a brief hesitation in the group, and it seemed that many lords were unable to react at once.

But soon, everyone made a loud noise.

"It's the Night King!"

"Is it really you?"

"Brother, are you okay?"

"The war is over? How many of you have fled back?"


No wonder they are so excited. In their opinion, the Kingdom of Dark Night should be completely finished and has basically withdrawn from this war.

But it seemed that Shen Fei was still in the mood to speak out, and his mood didn't seem to be intense.

Some kings couldn't help but feel unbelievable.

Could it be that under that level of offensive, the Kingdom of Dark Night could still have room to breathe?

And their suspicions were confirmed.

"Although there were some losses, we evacuated very quickly." Shen Fei said, "Together with the arsenal, about 80% of the kingdom's losses in lords and subjects should have been evacuated, but the important members have all been evacuated. It’s okay, the combat power is basically preserved.”

"F*ck! F*ck!" A king who clearly came from Eastern human culture was the first to express his shock.

The other kings also behaved similarly.

Because, how is this possible?

Judging from the news, the Demon Legion has definitely brought out its main force. Basically, its strength and strength are crushing advantages, and it is still a surprise attack!

But a loss of only half a percent, even if it was an evenly matched frontal war, should not be just this loss!

How is this done?

Someone immediately thought of something and asked quickly: "Did Instructor Meng Hao take action?"

This seemed to remind many people that yes, it was most likely that the mysterious and powerful Meng Hao would take action or the association would help.

However, before they could ask questions, Shen Fei denied it.

"They are some of my own trump cards." He said directly. "To put it bluntly, I have absolute confidence in defense and evacuation. Otherwise, I would not be stationed in this most important arsenal, and I would not I will directly share the Shen detection device with you beforehand. Probably among all the kingdoms, I am the only one who is confident that I can maintain my status as the 'leading bird'."

Yes, it's that direct.

Shen Fei is not the kind of person who wants something in his heart but is coy and secretive verbally.

He directly stated his plan - to be the leader.

This unabashed thought was naturally noticed by other kings.

But compared to this, what shocked them more was Shen Fei's methods.

He actually relied on himself to calmly evacuate under such a level of surprise attack and still save the arsenal?

For everyone to have come this far, to put it bluntly, they have more or less some trump cards.

But is your trump card a little too exaggerated?

But no matter what, this is good news for them!

"Okay!" A king immediately replied, "I absolutely support you becoming the boss!"

"That's right. Since none of us have the courage, let's just follow the instructions honestly."

"Just for the credit of saving the arsenal from the raid, there is no one more suitable to be the boss than Mr. Shen Fei."

"I also agree that there must be a leader, otherwise this war cannot be won."


Shen Fei noticed that the first few people who spoke out were almost all people who had established a good relationship with the Kingdom of Dark Night under the arrangement of Li Tingyu, and even had certain interests.

Obviously, they have already gotten closer to the Kingdom of Dark Night. If the Kingdom of Dark Night takes the lead, it will be more advantageous for them.

This is also one of the reasons why Shen Fei gave Li Tingyu the order he did before.

Under certain circumstances, even a small interest relationship may be magnified.

What's more, Shen Fei is indeed the last one to qualify.

He is not afraid of being targeted by the Demon Legion, and has already proven himself in this raid.

Even if some kings want to fight for it, they can't give any reason at this time.

Therefore, Shen Fei naturally became the leader.

"I noticed that there are still seventeen kingdoms that have not spoken out." The first thing Shen Fei did after taking office was to establish his authority, "Maybe you have your own ideas, but trust is mutual. Since you don't trust me , don’t trust the people we decided to stand with, so don’t blame us for not trusting you either.”

As soon as these words were said, a message came out that said sarcastically: "Is this how you become a leader? Do you strike at the same camp first?"

"It's the simplest truth to deal with foreign affairs first." Shen Fei had no intention of hiding it at all, "Okay, from now on, I will ignore the information of more than a dozen of you, and I will establish a communication system as soon as possible. As for now, I ask you to shrink all your camps, so that if the same situation occurs again, I can take you away in the shortest possible time. "

After these words were spoken, some kings who originally wanted to say something were completely speechless.

They had already learned Shen Fei's style.

But what's even more amazing is that he can really control everyone.

Because he can save the kingdom from the attack of the demon army!

Suddenly, those kingdoms that had not spoken out before became unable to sit still and began to speak out.

Later, Shen Fei temporarily accepted them as punishments such as "ranking lower", "paying more", "depending on performance", etc.

After this set, he has established his authority.

At least no one dared to oppose him casually.

"The rest will be left to you first." Shen Fei put away the terminal and looked at Li Tingyu, "Send envoys to establish a unified military command channel as much as possible, and then monitor the battlefield situation. Our military command headquarters will also need to Fully operational.”

"Yes!" Li Tingyu was also faintly excited.

This is not just as simple as commanding your own kingdom, but commanding hundreds of very powerful kingdoms.

For her, it was simply the pinnacle moment of her life.

Of course, there is a lot of pressure.

But Li Tingyu has always been the type to withstand pressure, otherwise she would not be able to reach this point as a mere legendary hero.

Then he acted quickly.

Thanks to the communication capabilities of the local forces, which are not weak, and with the help of the local communication network, the Kingdom of Dark Night has established a rapid information response network with every kingdom in a short period of time. In this way, no matter where problems arise, All can react quickly.

Although it was only the beginning, a unified surrender alliance was indeed established in the shortest time.

However, everyone soon discovered that the demon army had withdrawn.

Yes, even through the search through the world's heavenly law, no traces of the demon army that had raided the Kingdom of Dark Night could be found. They apparently left the world directly.

But no one felt that they gave up the offense.

"Why do they fight whenever they want and leave whenever they want?" A king couldn't help but complain in the group, "The initiative is completely in the hands of the opponent, so how can we win? Even if we repel for a long time, we can't be sure that the opponent will not come." "I guess it's a counterattack." "Yes, the demon army also came from other worlds. That world must have their production bases and logistics bases. As long as they are destroyed, it will be over." "What about the coordinates? How can we get the coordinates?" "And have you ever thought that demons can transit through multiple worlds, just like us. We can also evacuate at any time, but the speed is not fast. But once we evacuate, how can the demons find us?" "." After this analysis, many kings were silent. They have realized that this is probably the normal form of the war in the heavens. It is difficult to end. Unless one side is temporarily given up, peace can be achieved for a certain period of time. Shen Fei spoke up at this time: "We are the defenders this time. We don't need to think too much now. We should be patient and vigilant. At the same time, we should speed up our development and prepare for a protracted war. Anyway, whether it is a war or not, we can't stop our own development."

"The leader is right. With strong strength, everything will become simple."

"Well, development is the hard truth."

"You don't have to wait. While strengthening defense, do what you need to do."


With the voices of response, the group gradually returned to its usual silence.

After all, all the kings are already strong men above level 18, and they also need to practice themselves.

Including Shen Fei, in fact, it has always been very calm.

He has placed the arsenal in his own world, continuously producing and arming his legion, which can be regarded as turning "public" things into "private use". It can be said that both the Dark Night Kingdom and the small world civilization are still maintaining a high speed of development.

So he is not panicked at all.

Very stable.

Just continue to devour the world, strengthen the strength of himself and the small world, and wait for the enemy to make a move.

What he didn't expect was that he would wait for 20 to 30 years.

The demon army was silent.

During such a long time, even Shen Fei felt torn apart, especially before that, there was a massive invasion, as if they were going to launch a full-scale attack and launch an endless war.

As a result, they failed once and they will not come again?

However, at this time, Meng Hao, who had disappeared for 30 to 40 years, suddenly sent a message to Shen Fei through private chat.

"The situation has changed."

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