From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 27 Fierce Battle

"Oh my God! It's One-Eye, the leader of the Sea Serpent Gang! Didn't he just break out of prison?"

"The group of people opposite him are patrols. Could it be that Laurence Bonaparte has tracked down One-Eye."

"As expected of Laurence Bonaparte, he found One Eye in just one day."

The dockworkers passing by immediately recognized One Eye's identity, and started whispering among themselves in twos and threes.

"Bah!" One Eye spat hard on the ground and said arrogantly:

"Sir Bonaparte, I didn't expect you to find me so quickly!"

Lawrence looked around in confusion and wanted to say, didn't you bump into it yourself? But after thinking about it, he realized that it was another good show directed by that bastard Cilla.

"Everyone obeys the order, loads and prepares to fire."

Lawrence ordered in a deep voice to his subordinates. He also took out his pistol and started loading gunpowder. At the same time, he said calmly to One Eye:

"If you stay well in prison, I can still keep your life as promised."


One-eyed snorted disdainfully, and with all the flesh on his face piled up, he said in a cold voice:

"I told you when we first met that I would chop you into sticks and throw you into the sea. Laurence Bonaparte, this sea will be your burial place!"

"Brothers, follow me!"

One Eye shouted, and dozens of sea snake gang members rushed out of a wooden house behind him. At the same time, dozens of dock workers around him took off their shirts, revealing the sea snake tattoos inside.

Lawrence's pupils trembled, his eyes moved rapidly, and he quickly scanned these gang members. He roughly estimated that there were at least a hundred people in total. These were definitely all the members of the Sea Serpent Gang!

When Old Sean saw this, his legs were shaking a little. Although the patrols were armed with muskets, at such a close distance, the patrols would be forced into hand-to-hand combat after a round of volleys.

In hand-to-hand combat, facing enemies five times their own number, it can only be said that there is no chance of winning.

"It was a miscalculation."

Lawrence couldn’t help gritting his teeth and admitting that he underestimated Silla’s methods.

I thought that Silla would only use some tricks to make things difficult for him as before, but I didn't expect that he would suddenly intersperse a fatal attack in the midst of small fights.

He obviously wanted to use One Eye to directly kill him. Even if One Eye was re-arrested afterwards, as long as One Eye insisted on the personal grudge between himself and Lawrence, no one would suspect that Siro was behind this.

Even if someone suspects it, there is no evidence.

"Ciro Russell, I will personally send you to hell one day!"

Lawrence growled, then his eyes narrowed, he raised his head, pointed the gun at One Eye, and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

One-Eye is no ordinary person, and his fighting instinct is extremely developed. The moment Lawrence raised his gun, he flew out to the left and hid behind the cover of several wooden boxes.

"Everyone obeys the order and fire freely!" Lawrence ordered loudly, and at the same time inserted the pistol back into his waist. The distance between the two sides would not allow time to load the second shot.

One Eye hid behind the bunker and also shouted loudly: "Brothers! Charge!"

The blast of the patrol's muskets collided with the charging shouts of the gang members. After a round of volleys, only a dozen gang members were shot and fell, and the remaining eighty or so people stepped on the fallen gang members. The man continued to charge at the patrol while brandishing the machete.

Lawrence gritted his teeth, pulled out his dagger, and continued to order: "Everyone put on bayonets! Don't mess up the formation!"

The length of a musket with a bayonet attached can reach about 1.4 meters. Compared with the machetes that are slightly longer than kitchen knives in the hands of gang members, it can be regarded as a long weapon. If the two rows of spears can be maintained in a formation and look after each other, they can resist more. a period of time.

The twenty people selected to accompany Lawrence today were also the elite of the team, and they did not break up and flee in the face of an enemy that far exceeded their numbers.


One of the gang members charging at the front roared and surged up, raising his machete and about to strike down. A patrolman in the front row, with quick eyes and quick hands, thrust his bayonet forward and pierced the throat of the gang member.

When he took the bayonet back, another gang saw the opportunity and rushed up to him and slashed him with their swords. At this moment, the patrolman in the back row stabbed out with a knife, accurately piercing the heart of the sneak attack gang member.

This kind of resistance only lasted for a short period of time. Even though a small river of enemy blood flowed from under the patrols, the opponent was actually outnumbered. As more and more patrols were injured, the formation had changed. Can't keep it up.

"damn it!"

Lawrence cursed bitterly, swung his knife and struggled to block the chops of the crowd in front of him. Although the physical fitness of this body is much better than that of Lawrence in his previous life, his lack of combat experience still makes it difficult for him to parry.

"grown ups!"

Ya'an struggled to use his sword to fight off the machetes of the crowd in front of him, and mercilessly penetrated the heart with the sword, and then hurriedly pulled away to rescue Lawrence.

Old Sean was already short in stature and was nearly sixty years old, so he had to rely on his experience to dodge the swords and shadows quickly, and soon he retreated to Lawrence panting.

"Lord Bonaparte, run!" Old Sean clutched his chest and gasped for air.

Ya'an also nodded heavily, swung his sword to repel the two attacking gang members, and said to Lawrence:

"I'll cover you, my lord, please leave quickly!"

Lawrence gritted his teeth. He had already faced death on the White Rose and was not panicking at this moment. Unless it came to the last moment, he would never lose the elite of this patrol team here.

After the first round of volley fired by the patrol, One Eye also emerged from the bunker, watching with cold and teasing eyes as his men swamped Lawrence and his party.

Although he might have to spend the rest of his life in anonymity after doing this, One Eye still felt quite happy when he thought about his humiliation at the hands of Lawrence.

"Laurence Bonaparte! Put down your weapons and beg for mercy now, and I can still keep your body!" One Eye shouted arrogantly at the patrols who were still struggling to support themselves.

Under the protection of Ya'an, Lawrence quickly analyzed the situation at hand. If he retreated forcefully, I am afraid that except for himself and the old Sean who could not fight, everyone else would die on the spot. Such a loss was unacceptable to Lawrence.

What's more, Lawrence also knew that if One-Eye dared to openly attack him like this, he would definitely have no intention of appearing in the public eye again in the future, and even if he wanted to seek revenge in the future, he would be unable to do anything.

Ya'an already had five or six stab wounds on his body. Although they were not deep, blood was still oozing out. He held his sword and fought with the two gangsters who were coming towards Lawrence, and at the same time shouted at Lawrence:

"Sir! Let's go!"


Lawrence looked at Ya'an who was covered in blood, bit his lip tightly, and moved his right foot back slightly.

If it really comes to the end of the rope, Lawrence will retreat without hesitation.

Is there no chance of a transfer anymore?

One-eyed man walked towards Lawrence with a ferocious smile, and the flesh on his face was completely squeezed together.

And just when the arrows and stones were intertwined, a voice came that surprised both One Eye and Lawrence:

"Laurence Bonaparte? One-eyed?"

"Who the hell?!" One Eye yelled and looked at the person who made the sound.

Lawrence also stood firm and looked at the person calling. The voice was not familiar, but it seemed that he had heard it before.

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