From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 25 Arrangement

Although the night is deep, Ajaccio never lacks sleepless people.

Xicheng District, headquarters of the dockworkers union.


One Eye suddenly woke up from the bed and sat up alertly. The habit of licking blood from the tip of a knife and struggling on the verge of death every day makes One Eye alert at the slightest movement.

There were sounds of footsteps outside the room, and then someone gently pushed the door open.

Through the moonlight projected in from the window, One Eye recognized that the person who pushed in the door was Ciro Russell, who even he wanted to avoid.

Silla smiled and lit the candlestick, and asked with concern:

"How was your rest?"

One-Eye twisted his neck, making crackling sounds from his muscles and bones, and said, "I might sleep better if no one disturbs me."

Silla lowered his head and smiled, jokingly saying: "It will be more comfortable than you staying in the dungeon."

One Eye said nothing, and glanced at Silla through the dim candlelight. This guy's thoughts were as unpredictable as usual.

"That's true, I owe you this time." One Eye leaned on the back of the bed and sighed.

Although he didn't know what the consequences would be if he owed Silla a favor, One Eye didn't want to continue to stay in that dark and damp cell to grow moldy.

"In this case, I need you to do me a favor." Silla still smiled faintly, as if he had guessed that One Eye would say this.

"Help? What do you want?" One Eye asked warily. Although he was simple-minded, he was not stupid. It is definitely not easy to get Silla to ask for help.

"Laurence Bonaparte will probably be furious when he knows that you and your people escaped from the dungeon in such a swagger." Ciro suddenly turned the topic to Lawrence.

"Humph, you didn't mean this." One Eye glanced at Silla with a mixture of dissatisfaction and fear, and said:

"With your ability, it is not easy to get me out quietly. You deliberately let me break out in broad daylight, just to make that Bonaparte lose face."

"Yo" Silla said with a slight surprise:

"I've changed my mind a little bit about you. After a few days in jail, you actually got smarter."

One-eye bared his teeth in displeasure, not seeing that Silla was beating around the bush here, so he said directly:

"What exactly are you trying to help with?"

Silla was a little more serious and analyzed:

"Then Lawrence was slapped in the face. He will definitely come to Xicheng District tomorrow to find out where you are."

"So what, he still dares to find out whether he came to the union headquarters." One Eye waved his hand nonchalantly.

"No, no, no," Silla stretched out her index finger, waved it in front of One-Eyed's nose, and said:

"I will not harbor you. On the contrary, I want you to take the initiative to lead people to attack Lawrence. Of course, you must not involve a single hair of mine."

After hearing this, Duyan couldn't help but screamed: "You want me to attack and kill a henchman of Pauli in the street?!"

Silla clicked her nails indifferently and said:

"After a fugitive escaped from prison, in order to evade capture, he led his men to attack the commander who came to pursue him. Such a logical thing, I'm sure this is happening somewhere in the world right now."

Seeing that One Eye was still hesitant, Silla stopped talking nonsense and directly threatened:

"If you don't agree, then saving you will be in vain. I might as well send you back to the dungeon before dawn."

One Eye shuddered. If others had said this, One Eye would have taken it as a joke. But when these words came out of Silla's mouth, Duyan believed that he would definitely do what he said.

If I refuse, I am afraid that when I open my eyes again, I will see the same darkness in the damn dungeon again.

"I understand. I will gather my subordinates tomorrow morning." One Eye closed his eyes and said helplessly, leaning on the back of the bed.

"Very good" Silla nodded with satisfaction, and did not forget to say before leaving the room:

"Remember, don't involve a single hair of my hair."

"I understand, why is it so mysterious? It's not like Lawrence can't figure it out." One Eye muttered impatiently.

"Idiot!" Silla shook his head repeatedly and said:

"So what if he knows it was me who instigated it? What I want is that no evidence can be left behind, do you understand?"

The next morning, as it was already past two midnight when he returned home last night, Lawrence couldn't help but squint in bed for a while longer. When he got up and got dressed, Anna had already returned from a trip.

She was wearing a light yellow headscarf today, and when she came in, she had a large basket hanging on her arm. It was filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, and there was even morning dew on them. It seemed that they had just been picked.

Carrying the vegetable basket into the kitchen, Anna looked a little worried and said to Lawrence:

"Sir, did something happen in the patrol? I heard people outside discussing it."

Lawrence struggled to button the sleeves and asked casually: "Really, what are you talking about?"

Lawrence had expected that One-Eye's escape would cause such an uproar. After all, a murderer with blood on his hands had escaped from prison. Such a topic would always cause panic in the neighborhood.

Anna pushed her chin with her hand and recalled:

"Everyone in the market said they would close their stall early tonight. They all said that One-Eye and his men had escaped from prison."

Lawrence hung the dagger and pistol on his waist. Although he had no talent in combat, he always felt more at ease with weapons.

"Did they say anything else?" Lawrence straightened his clothes, and continued to ask Anna as he had already put on all his clothes and equipment.

"Yes," Anna suddenly remembered and said with a smile:

"Although everyone is a little scared, everyone believes that you, sir, can bring One-Eye to justice soon."

Lawrence smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't know whether he should be happy about people's opinions. After all, he didn't have any idea about catching One-Eye right now.

At the patrol station, Old Sean had already distributed the muskets, bullets and gunpowder, and twenty armed guards lined up neatly in two teams.

With their crisp uniforms and shiny gun barrels on their backs, they were at least as powerful as the Corsican Defense Forces.

However, Lawrence also knew that in terms of combat effectiveness, these patrols were not inferior to the regular army that had experienced hundreds of battles.

At Lawrence's special request, Ya'an, the young man with unlimited potential who was reborn last night, was also specially summoned to follow Lawrence.

Lawrence glanced specifically at Ya'an who was standing behind him. The trace of cowardice that still existed in him last night had completely disappeared without a trace. Now his eyes were as clear as ice, and there was no trace of confusion.

"Yan, you can still give up following me now. The price you have to pay to achieve your goal may be beyond your imagination."

Lawrence put his hand on Yaan's shoulder and said softly.

Yaan's eyes were staring straight ahead, even though there was nothing there. His lips trembled slightly, and his voice was soft but firm:

"My oath has been made. For the rest of my life, I have nothing but atonement and revenge. For this, I am willing to give everything I have."

Lawrence closed his eyes, put his hands down from his shoulders, nodded heavily twice, then turned around and ordered:

"Everyone listen to the order and march to Xicheng District!"

Thank you to the book friends of "Floating Life and Eight Dreams" for your monthly recommendation and reward support. Thank you very much!

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Thanks to the book friend "Qin Wang Zhao Zheng" for the recommendation vote, thank you!

I still ask for your support during the new book period. This book will definitely leave no regrets and live up to everyone’s expectations.

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