From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 16 Winning People’s Hearts

Walking out of the cell where One-Eye was held, Lawrence shook his head and put aside the matter about Silla.

I couldn't think of a way to deal with Silla at the moment, and if Silla wanted to take revenge on someone as important as himself, with his style of acting, he would have to go through a period of careful planning.

The conflict between the two sides will not break out in a short time, and Lawrence has nothing to do with Cilla hiding in the dark, so he has to patiently look for a turning point.

At that time, if he was really desperate, Lawrence could shamelessly ask Governor Pauly for help. This is a critical moment for Corsica's survival, and Pauli will not just watch Lawrence, the central figure in the plan, die.

If this is the case, Pauli, a shrewd political veteran, will inevitably put forward corresponding conditions. At that time, the price to be paid will not be decided by Lawrence.

This feeling of leaving one's fate to others is something Lawrence really didn't like.

Lawrence walked into the garrison hall and saw that there were especially many patrols in the hall today. Almost half of the soldiers from the patrol were there, standing in a circle and watching something. From time to time, some people exclaimed.

Seeing Lawrence coming up, the patrols quickly moved out of the way to make way for Lawrence.

What everyone was watching was a heavy oak box. The box was open and the most eye-catching thing was the gold coins piled into a small mountain in the box.

Lawrence nodded. This was what he had just ordered. The gold coins taken from the place mentioned by One Eye should be almost the same as the two thousand coins mentioned by One Eye.

Just grabbing a handful from it is enough to make an ordinary patrolman's salary for a year. It's no wonder they gathered around to enjoy it.

But they also understand that this huge sum of money only belongs to Lawrence, and it is quite rare to be able to put it in the middle for them to take a look.

Lawrence looked around. All the patrols were still staring directly at the wooden box. Even a young soldier who looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old was drooling on his clothes.

At this time, old Sean happened to come up from the dungeon. Seeing that everyone was still watching, he quickly stepped forward and flattered Lawrence:

"What are you looking at here! This is the legal property of Monsieur Bonaparte, let it go!"

Old Sean's prestige in the team is not low. After hearing this, everyone reluctantly took one last look at the pile of gold coins and prepared to disperse.


Lawrence suddenly raised his voice and stopped everyone who was about to leave.

Old Sean was even more confused. There were two thousand gold coins here, enough to turn the poorest poor into a respectable middle-class gentleman. What exactly did Captain Bonaparte want to do?

"Brothers, who do you think this money belongs to?" Lawrence asked loudly.

The patrols were stunned on the spot, wondering what kind of act Lawrence was playing. Could it be that he was testing their loyalty? So he replied sparsely:

"Of course Monsieur Bonaparte."

"Yes, it is your lord's property."

Lawrence stood patiently, urging everyone to tell his answer with his eyes. Of course, everyone's answer was the same without exception: Monsieur Bonaparte.

"You are wrong, my brothers."

I heard Lawrence shouting in a stern and passionate voice, then slowly walked among the people and said loudly:

"We are the great Corsican defenders, the guardians of countless people, and the closest brothers to each other. There is no brother who does not share his wealth, and no brother who does not share honor and disgrace! Even if you all vote, Even if you let me accept this windfall, I can’t go against my conscience and possess it!”

Old Sean couldn't help but widen his eyes after hearing this. He didn't care about the scene words Lawrence said, but the meaning behind these words seemed to be to spread the money to everyone.

"Two thousand gold coins! If I had this money, I would resign directly and go to Pisa to retire. I would go to the pub every day and order three dancers to accompany me." Old Sean couldn't help but swallowed. He really couldn't believe that Lawrence would This huge sum of money is shared with everyone.

"Of course, in order to prevent the devil called greed from affecting the friendship between brothers, I will use my power as a chief to dispose of this property."

Lawrence then said that of course he would not directly divide this huge sum of money among everyone:

"Therefore I declare that each person's share will be added to your salary and will continue to be distributed! As long as I am still your commander, this money will continue to be distributed! And as long as I am still your commander, the wealth we share will continue to be distributed. There will be more and more!”

The patrols were stunned on the spot, their brains thinking rapidly. Two thousand gold coins were divided among fifty people. Each person could get a full forty gold coins. Although it didn't seem like a lot, Lawrence's words seemed to imply that there would be more. Much wealth is shared with them.

Of course, all this assumes that Lawrence is still their commander.

Old Sean is truly a man, and he immediately understood Lawrence's intentions. As long as the money is still being distributed, Lawrence will have an irreplaceable position in the team.

This is a naked attempt to win over people's hearts, but no one will refuse such a direct win in the face.

I don’t know who took the lead in shouting:

"Glory to Bonaparte!"

Soon, the soldiers all looked at this young and promising officer with gratitude. Not only did he turn the patrols from street rats that everyone looked at to heroes who received flowers and cheers, but he also brought the most direct benefit to themselves. .

Especially the visual impact brought to them by the mountain of gold coins in front of them: As long as Monsieur Bonaparte is leading us, this is our wealth!

The same thought arises in everyone's mind:

Follow him!

Everyone couldn't help but follow and chant:

"Glory to Bonaparte!"

"Glory to Bonaparte!"

Lawrence then ordered Old Sean to lock the box, put a seal on it, and move it into the storage room on the fourth floor. Only on payday can the box be opened in front of everyone.

After giving the instructions, Lawrence waved to the patrols and prepared to go home to enjoy the dinner carefully prepared by Anna.

The excited soldiers followed Lawrence out of the station, singing an ancient folk song praising the lord's wisdom in unison. When Lawrence returned home, the enthusiastic soldiers still stood in front of the door and sang the entire folk song before leaving one after another. .

Anna, who was lying on the balcony and watched the whole process, couldn't help but rub her doubtful little head and said:

"Oh my god, sir, did you invite them to drink? A group of grown men singing and dancing."

Lawrence smiled and walked to the balcony, waved goodbye to the soldiers who were leaving, and said to Anna:

"Sometimes, worship is a more powerful thing than alcohol."

"Really?" Anna put her head on her arms, tilted her head and looked at Lawrence, and said seriously:

"Looks like I don't need to drink anymore."

"Huh? Why?" Lawrence was stunned for a moment.

Anna pursed her lips and smiled mischievously:

"Because I admire sir very much."

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