From Bookish To Goddess

Ch46 Peace Treaty?

I wanted to start the day with another delicious burger. When I arrived at the eatery, I noticed that people were trying something new. It appeared to be mushrooms filled with cheese. I approached the counter, observing what they were preparing.

“What are those?” I asked the morning cook, as the aromas of fresh cheese and savory meat wafted towards me.

“They’re Mushroom Pies. We wanted to experiment with new recipes after you donated the cheese. Would you like one?”

“Yes, please, and a burger as well,” I replied, and the cook began working. I watched as my burger was grilled along with its bun. She also placed another mushroom on the grill and added some ground calamity beast meat. She placed a pot on an open flame and tossed a bunch of cheese into it. My mouth watered as I witnessed the cheese turning gooey.

As the food was being prepared, they added various spices. The burger was quickly assembled, plated, and then they made the mushroom pie. The cook opened up the mushroom and started pouring the cheese inside, while using a spatula to mix in the ground calamity meat. It was then topped with what appeared to be some onions, plated alongside the burger, and handed over to me.

I put up an illusion barrier while I ate because I knew this was going to be a mess. I picked it up and tore into it. Cheese gushed out as I pulled out each bite. I scooped up the cheese and put it into the next bite. This was a gooey delight that I hadn’t enjoyed before. In my time, cheese was just a garnish, not a main course. I began to wonder what other dishes could be made.

Maybe I could make a Chefstrid? That was of lower importance at the moment because I had to get in the mental space for a verbal war. Well, not a literal mental space, but a more metaphysical one, which has other issues. Let’s just say I had to get myself in the zone.

After I finished up, I cast ‘Self Cleanga’ to ensure I hadn’t left a mess on myself. I wouldn’t need to if I ate more prim and proper, but where is the fun in that? Eating at the pace you enjoy is almost always best! Noble etiquette is far too monotonous to do all of the time. Trust me.

It was a wonder that I had made it this far to this point so fast. Sometimes it made me want to just retreat into the library. Quiet and full of books. I could take a few others with me as well for another few centuries. Then again, who knew what else would happen when I came out next time? I had to get things done now.

I headed to the conference room while reading my book, but out of the corners of my eyes, I could see all the hopeful looks from the people. Instead of shying away, I tried embracing their well wishes. It didn’t have an immediate effect on me, but I felt entirely more confident. Their faith in me felt real and empowered me. Is this an ability of a deity? If so, I had to do this more often. It was almost like delegating my anxiety away.

Standing there by the door was a man with his eyes furrowed together and lips pursed inward. He looked at me with the caring look of a long-time friend. It was a look that reminded me of when my father would leave for certain danger. He would always smile, but right after, he had the same look this man did. This man often reminded me of my father, Hightorn.

It must have been the longing to have a family around me that was making these connections. But even if I knew what they were, that wouldn’t stop me from liking them.

“Are you sure you are ready for this?” he said firmly, looking into my eyes to try to get a read on whether I was telling the truth.

“I sincerely am. I recently found a new source of strength. My people... It must be something relating to the divine, but right now isn’t the time for that. Right now is the time for my people,” I said confidently, feeling the belief channeling through me.

He cocked his head sideways, then returned to a more normal expression. I had seemingly assuaged his worries, which I understood, considering how I was in large groups and what things kept happening. He opened the door for me.

Lian, Kobrick, and Firth were waiting for me at the table. Their conversations stopped when I entered. “Are you ready? Is everything in place?”

“I have speeches prepared,” Kobrick said, handing me a few pages of paper.

Highthorn closed the door behind me and sat down. I gave them a quick once-over; everything seemed in line. It seemed more of a statement than anything, since we weren’t directly pleading for any immediate change. There was a subtle undertone that change was coming, though, and we would lead it.

“Firth, is everything done as far as the exchange?”

“Yes, it is all just a formality at this point. The goods promised will be in the conference hall. All we need to do is deliver the people to them.”

“Hmm I could just take the goods and return them at a later date. I don’t really like how they have any say in this.”

Firth looked pensive, unsure of how to respond.

“It’s fine. I don’t want to deal with them anymore. Their treatment of me has been extremely disgraceful. I will just teleport them into the room once we are ready to do the exchange.”

“Lian, do you have anything?”

“No, Goddess Astrid, I do not.”

I took out new amulets of protection that I had made and distributed them to the others. “Put these on; they are amulets of protection. After you put them on, stand up and prepare for teleportation, or you will land on your butts.”

When I handed them the amulets, their eyes glinted and lit up. They held the amulets in their hands and started thanking me for the divine gifts. I guess I really didn’t think about it that way. They were more like coworkers to me, but I didn’t take into consideration my position. I am their goddess.

To hurry things along, I spoke over them, “Everyone ready? 3... 2...”

They all shook out of it and popped up. I cast group teleportation. The spell wove around us, emitting a blue light, and we popped over to our destination. In front of us was the same conference hall as last time.

There were guards around the entirety of the building. They went to grab their weapons when I appeared out of the light, but as soon as they saw me, they put them away. The same guard who had driven me to this place greeted me. “We apologize for being rash. After last time, we don’t want to take your safety lightly.”

“Thank you for the consideration. Let us move past this. You are not directly at fault. Only those involved should be apologizing to me. Others involved should be the ones apologizing. May I head in?”

“This is your land. You are our goddess, and you may go wherever you wish. Let me lead the way,” the guard said, turning around and awaiting me to move forward.

She was right. I was the goddess here as well. I needed to start acting like it. Since I decided to accept the mantle, I had to start acting like the goddess to all, not just those in the refuge. Still, her words felt somehow odd. I couldn’t place it.

Upon entering the main conference, everyone had their heads bowed in silence. Having read up on etiquette, this is what you do when you are in the wrong in current times. In the past, it was everything from bowing to groveling, and what I liked the least was when people tried to kiss my feet. I swear, during that time, my fan club would find reasons to apologize just to get near me. All they received was a boot to the head. My favorite form of apology was, of course, gift-giving because people would bring me new books.

In the center of the room, there were stacks of books. I calmly made my way to them, barely able to contain my joy. {You three inspect the other goods. I will look through the books and count them. Highthorn stand guard.}

I kept going through the books; I had already counted them all. There were nearly 500 new books. Some of the books seemed to be outdated manuals. I desperately wanted to just dive into them right then and start reading. Everyone staring at me wouldn’t matter because that’s what my fan club did.

“Everything is in order. Are the books satisfactory, Goddess Astrid?” Firth asked, shaking me out of my yearning to read.

I simply nodded my head and decided to change the script a little. {There will be a slight change to the plans.} Their eyes strained slightly before returning to normal. They had enough restraint to not give anything away.

“Open!” I exclaimed, envisioning the doors to the library swinging wide. Suddenly, a large pair of double doors materialized, shocking everyone present. The unexpected sight caused them to cease keeping their heads down and instead stare, waiting to see what would happen next. I mentally communicated with my bears, instructing them to gather the desired items and transport them to the refuge through the stable connection.

A moment later, the doors swung open, revealing a procession of beardians and bearbrarians walking out. The room was filled with astonishment and disbelief. With a simple wave of my hand, I teleported the prisoners to this location. They knelt on the ground, their wrists bound to their ankles, displaying the unmistakable signs of having been broken.

“Once the legendary library bears have collected the items, remove all of these criminals. However, spare Donna, as her crimes remain unpaid,” I declared to the stunned audience.

In the midst of them all, King Don sat, wearing a wide grin. He appeared to thoroughly enjoy the moment, which puzzled me. I had expected him to be more concerned, like the others. A sense of anticipation grew within me, suggesting that something significant was about to occur, and I would either relish it or lose control once again.

It will be fine. He isn’t that dumb. Only his daughter is a villainess. I thought to myself, trying to calm my nerves. Even with everyone believing in me I couldn’t override the feeling that was growing. Logically something was going on and I couldn’t figure out what it was. Maybe he just enjoyed seeing everyone realize what he already knew? Ya, that’s it.

The exchange took place after the guards had taken the prisoners away to return them to the corporates. The bears stood by the doors, while the bearista stood in front. Now, it was my turn to fulfill my role.

“Everyone present here has already witnessed my power when I was attacked. Now, everyone has also seen that I am truly the divine goddess. You have all been bystanders and allowed things to deteriorate to a state where, instead of bestowing blessings upon all upon my return, I have been busy rectifying your mistakes. Since I am your goddess and you are my people, I forgive you for now. However, to say the least, I am very disappointed.” I paused, giving everyone a moment to comprehend my words and reflect.

“It was all Princess Donna’s fault!” someone shouted in fear, attempting to shift blame and save themselves. “Hush! While you so boldly try to blame royalty, most of you are nobility and the upper echelon of society. Both of you bear a financial, moral, and divine responsibility to prevent such things from happening. Do not think I am foolish enough to be unable to discern the truth of a situation. You all have failed this region, and you have failed me,” I countered, refuting the infuriating attempt to place blame elsewhere.

“Enough of this. There are many things I must tend to if I am ever to be able to fix this world and its calamitous curses.” Yeah, like reading more books! Stop getting in my way with your squabbles and egos! “King Al’Don, what do you have to offer to pay for your daughter’s now three crimes towards me? As far as I am concerned, she is out.”

The king stood from his chair, replacing his smile with a solemn look of remorse. His acting was clear to me. I just hope he was actually remorseful. I knew something else was going to happen; I just couldn’t figure out what.

He started walking towards me while speaking, “It is true, we have failed you. I lacked the foresight to see what my daughter could become. I tried to change her, but I failed. I also failed to lead my people. I failed to watch over the actions of the corporations. I have failed in my duty to the divine. Goddess Astrid, I have failed you, and I am unfit to lead.” He slowly got on one knee. WHAT IS HE DOING, HE BETTER NOT—

He lifted up his crown and presented it to me. “You are the Goddess and the best fit to lead. I give you my kingdom, since its people were already yours.”


I am in love with
this is also good

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