From Blueprints to Kamehamehas

Fists, Pigs, and Unexpected Power

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The dojo was buzzing with excitement as the students gathered in the courtyard. Master Mutaito had announced a sparring match between two of his top students—Roshi and Shen. It was a highly anticipated fight, as both had been neck and neck in skill for years.

Shen, always with a cocky smile, strolled in with his small pig trotting behind him. The pig, Baozi, snorted at the ground, more interested in sniffing around than witnessing martial arts.

"Really, Shen?" Roshi called out, an amused grin on his face. "You brought your pig?"

Shen smirked. "Baozi’s my good luck charm. You’ll need more than luck today, though, Roshi."

Roshi rolled his eyes, but he was still focused. He had been training relentlessly, especially since his reincarnation as Ethan. He knew that to survive in this world, especially with threats like King Piccolo on the horizon, he needed to push himself beyond his limits. And now, standing opposite Shen, Roshi couldn’t help but feel that today might be a milestone.

Master Mutaito, standing at the front of the courtyard, called for attention. His presence commanded respect, and the crowd of students fell silent.

"Before we begin," Master Mutaito started, "remember that martial arts is not just about strength or technique. It is about spirit, discipline, and respect. The true strength of a martial artist comes from within, from the dedication to improving oneself, not just defeating others."

Roshi nodded, absorbing the lesson. He knew all this, of course. He wasn’t obsessed with being the strongest, but he couldn’t deny that his training had paid off recently. He felt faster, more focused, and stronger than ever before. But the question lingered—how would that compare to Shen?

Shen, bouncing lightly on his feet, shot Roshi a confident glance. "Ready to get your butt kicked?"

Roshi chuckled. "Let’s see if you can keep up, Shen."

Master Mutaito stepped aside, signaling the start of the match. The courtyard seemed to hold its breath as Roshi and Shen squared off, circling each other with focused eyes.

Shen made the first move, lunging forward with a quick strike aimed at Roshi’s midsection. Roshi dodged easily, his body moving faster than even he had expected. It was as if his muscles were responding with more precision than before. He countered with a swift kick, and to his surprise, Shen barely managed to block it in time.

That felt... strong, Roshi thought. He didn’t have time to dwell on it, though, as Shen came at him with a flurry of punches.

Roshi’s body moved almost on instinct, blocking, dodging, and weaving through the attacks with fluidity. Each time Shen tried to land a hit, Roshi was already there with a counter. It wasn’t just that Shen was weaker—it was that Roshi had clearly grown much stronger.

He threw a punch, aiming for Shen’s shoulder, and to his surprise, the force of the blow sent Shen stumbling back a few steps. Shen’s eyes widened slightly, clearly not expecting such power from Roshi.

What just happened? Roshi wondered, his brow furrowing. Had his training really made this much of a difference? He knew he had been working hard, but he didn’t realize how much progress he’d made. Shen was usually a challenging opponent, but now, Roshi felt like he was holding back just to make the fight fair.

Shen shook off the hit and smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. "Not bad, Roshi. You’ve gotten a bit faster."

Roshi grinned, trying to keep things light. "Yeah? You haven’t seen anything yet."

Shen charged again, this time with a high kick aimed at Roshi’s head. But once again, Roshi dodged with ease, his body moving faster than his mind could even process. He swept his leg under Shen’s, knocking him off balance.

Shen hit the ground, groaning slightly as he rolled to his feet. Roshi could see the frustration creeping into his friend’s expression. Shen wasn’t used to being outmatched, especially not by Roshi.

Around them, the students watched in awe. The fight wasn’t unfolding the way anyone had expected. Roshi, always considered one of the dojo’s strongest, was suddenly in a league of his own. Even Baozi, Shen’s beloved pig, snorted in what seemed like surprise.

Master Mutaito, standing silently on the sidelines, watched with a calm but thoughtful expression. Roshi wondered if his master had already noticed the change in him.

Shen came at Roshi again, this time with more determination. He unleashed a barrage of punches, each one faster and stronger than the last. But Roshi blocked them all, barely breaking a sweat. His muscles responded with precision, his movements fluid and instinctive. He wasn’t even thinking—his body just knew what to do.

Roshi could feel it now—he had surpassed Shen. Not by a small margin, but by a significant one. His training, his dedication, and perhaps even the fact that he was once Ethan, a man who knew how this world would unfold, had all contributed to this sudden leap in power.

But as much as he relished in the newfound strength, it also made him uneasy. He hadn’t expected to grow this much stronger than Shen. It wasn’t just a small gap—it was noticeable. And if Shen, one of Mutaito’s best students, was struggling against him now, what did that mean for future opponents? King Piccolo, in particular, weighed heavily on Roshi’s mind.

The fight dragged on for a few more minutes, but it was clear to everyone that the outcome was inevitable. Roshi’s speed, strength, and reflexes were far beyond Shen’s now. With one final sweep, Roshi knocked Shen to the ground, ending the match.

The courtyard fell silent as Roshi stood over Shen, breathing heavily but clearly victorious. Shen lay on the ground for a moment, staring up at the sky, a mixture of frustration and surprise on his face.

"Alright, alright," Shen said, groaning as he pushed himself up. "I get it. You’ve been working harder than I thought."

Roshi extended a hand to help him up. "I didn’t expect this either."

Shen took his hand, getting to his feet. "Well, don’t let it go to your head. You’ve gotten stronger, but there’s always someone stronger out there."

Roshi nodded, though he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pride. "I know. And I have to keep getting better. There’s a lot at stake."

As the students dispersed and the match came to a close, Roshi found himself deep in thought. He hadn’t just gotten a little stronger—he had made a leap forward. And while it was reassuring, it also meant that the battles ahead were going to be even more challenging.

Master Mutaito approached, his calm gaze meeting Roshi’s. "You’ve made significant progress, Roshi," he said quietly. "But remember, strength alone is not enough. You must continue to train your spirit, as well as your body."

Roshi bowed respectfully. "Yes, Master."

As the sun began to set, Roshi walked back to his room, his mind still racing. Tomorrow, he would face even greater challenges, both in training and in the battles to come. But for now, he had taken a significant step forward.

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