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N135- Haku vs Hidan

Upon Kai's subtle command, Haku and Jugo took to motion, selecting their adversaries with a clarity that spoke of understanding and trust. Haku swiftly moved toward Hidan, his steps elegant yet determined, while Jugo faced off against Kisame, his frame emanating a silent challenge.

Kisame, wielding Samehada, grinned, his sharp teeth contrasting against the darkness of the cave. "A battle of raw power, is it?" he quipped, sizing up Jugo.

Jugo merely stared, his eyes unyielding, waiting for the right moment to strike. There was no need for words; his intent was clear.

Haku stood face to face with Hidan, who remained stunned by Kai's remarkable insight. Kai had not only perceived Jashin-sama but also deduced the intricacies of his Jutsu. However, a glimmer of hope remained for Hidan: Kai hadn't divulged his findings to the pretty boy gearing up for a duel. Slowly, Hidan's confidence began to resurface. After all, even if Kai was aware, Hidan was immortal. Victory was still within reach!

He was no stranger to adversity. "Kai might have figured out a few tricks," Hidan smirked, twirling his triple-bladed scythe, "but that doesn't mean I'm out of this fight."

Haku remained silent, his calm demeanor juxtaposing Hidan's cockiness. Without warning, Hidan lunged forward, scythe swinging wildly. Haku evaded, his nimbleness evident as he danced around the sharp blades.

Haku, his piercing eyes locked onto Hidan, observed the nuance of his opponent's movement. The silent dance between the two fighters began, a rhythm of attacks and evasions that played out with deadly precision.

Hidan, still riled up by Kai's perceptiveness, attempted to unleash his rage upon Haku. With a swift and fluid motion, he sent a flurry of kunai in Haku's direction. Each blade, glinting menacingly in the cave's dim light, was aimed with deadly intent.

However, Haku's agility was unparalleled. With ease, he dodged each projectile, his movement resembling that of a graceful dancer rather than a battle-hardened shinobi. But even as he evaded, Haku had to be vigilant.

Hidan, growing frustrated, closed the distance between them, his scythe whirling with increasing velocity. As they clashed, the sounds of metal meeting metal echoed, punctuated by the distant roars and grunts from Jugo's ongoing battle with Kisame.

But Haku was prepared. Drawing a series of seals in the air, a protective barrier of ice formed around him, deflecting Hidan's relentless assault. Hidan grunted, his scythe momentarily lodged in the icy defense. Pulling it free, he eyed Haku warily, realizing that this wasn't going to be a straightforward fight.

Determined to gain the upper hand, Hidan began setting up an array of traps around the cave. Chains, spikes, and tripwires – all laced with his unique chakra signature, ready to ensnare Haku in his deadly embrace.

Haku, sensing the malicious intent, remained unfazed. He had his own array of techniques and was prepared to use them to their fullest. As Hidan lunged once more, Haku's hands came together, forming a series of rapid seals. Suddenly, the atmosphere grew cold, and ethereal shards of ice began to spiral around him, forming Haku's Ice Senbon technique.

The cold intensified as Haku's Ice Senbon surrounded him, taking shape in the form of needle-like projectiles. Each senbon shimmered with deadly precision, awaiting Haku's command.

Hidan's eyes darted about, trying to assess the situation. His arrogance dimmed, replaced by a grim determination. "You think some pretty ice is going to stop me?" he sneered, but his bravado was thinly veiled.

In response, Haku launched a barrage of Ice Senbon towards Hidan, the shards moving with such speed that they were nearly invisible. However, Hidan, relying on his agility, managed to dodge most of them. But with each dodged attack, another one seemed ready to take its place. The cave echoed with the sound of senbon clinking against stone and the occasional thud of stray shurikens from Jugo's battle.

Hidan retaliated by hurling kunai in Haku's direction, but they seemed sluggish and almost predictable against the intricate dance of Haku's Ice Senbon. Haku deflected them effortlessly, even sending some hurling back towards Hidan, who narrowly evaded them.

But Hidan had more tricks up his sleeve. With a swift movement, he activated a few of the traps he'd set earlier. Suddenly, the ground beneath Haku shifted, chains trying to wrap around his feet. However, Haku used his ice techniques to form a protective layer around him, freezing the chains instantly.

The battle intensified as Hidan unleashed a flurry of shurikens and kunai, each laced with his chakra. But Haku was not to be outdone. With each projectile that Hidan launched, Haku countered with a whirlwind of ice needles, creating a spectacular display of offense and defense.

Haku, sensing the diminishing moisture in the cave, realized the immediate challenge. The environment was not in his favor. The limited humidity meant that every ice formation drained more of his own chakra. His heart rate increased subtly; the realization that he was potentially going to be deprived of his primary weapon added an edge to the battle. But Haku was a shinobi trained for adversity. He wouldn’t let the surroundings dictate the outcome.

Hidan, sensing this slight shift in Haku's demeanor, grinned. "What's the matter, pretty boy? Ice melting away?" His tone was mocking, yet there was an underlying tension. He knew he had to seize this potential advantage.

Haku decided to switch tactics. He moved in close, engaging Hidan in hand-to-hand combat. The swift rhythm of their exchange was like a dance – a series of jabs, kicks, and evasions. Haku's movement, though less fluid without his ice, was still precise. Every evasion, every counter-attack, had purpose.

With a swift motion, Haku launched a set of kunai, laced with chakra, towards Hidan. Hidan dodged, but the kunai weren’t the true threat. As they hit the ground, they created a temporary barrier, trapping Hidan.

Taking advantage of Hidan's momentary confinement, Haku quickly formed a series of hand signs, and with a focused exhale, sent out a wave of mist. The cave's atmosphere changed dramatically; visibility dropped as a thick fog enveloped the area. Hidan's sneering voice echoed, "Trying to hide?"

In the mist, Haku's silhouette moved like a phantom. With the mist's cover, he was everywhere and nowhere at once. The occasional shimmering of his ice techniques was the only hint of his location.

Hidan, realizing the challenge, started setting off his previously laid traps, attempting to disrupt the mist and possibly injure Haku in the process. Chains rattled and spiked pits opened up across the battlefield. A rogue kunai, another stray from Jugo’s ongoing battle, flew right past Hidan, barely missing his face in the mist.

Relying on his auditory senses, Hidan swung his scythe in the direction of the faint sounds Haku made. Every swing, however, only met air. The frustration was mounting.

But Haku was facing his own challenges. The mist was a double-edged sword. Though it gave him an advantage, it also masked Hidan's movements. The moisture it provided was also minimal, not enough to fully replenish his ice techniques.

Suddenly, Haku felt a sharp pain in his side. Hidan, in a stroke of luck, managed to land a glancing blow with his scythe. Haku retreated, the wound superficial but alarming.

Hidan laughed, the sound echoing eerily in the mist-laden cave. "Got you!"

Haku's fingers brushed against his side, feeling the warm wetness of blood. The wound wasn't debilitating, but he felt a pang of frustration. He'd been too complacent, too predictable. In a moment of distracted introspection, the realization hit him like a kunai to the chest: a droplet of his blood had stained Hidan's weapon.

His heart raced. The implications were dire. As expected, with a sickeningly triumphant grin, Hidan raised his scythe and licked the weapon, the taste of Haku's essence setting his ritual in motion. Haku's eyes widened in alarm as he saw Hidan's skin morph, turning a grotesque shade of black interlaced with white patterns.

The weight of his error bore down on Haku. In a fleeting moment, his gaze slid to Kai, who was perched at a distance, clearly perturbed. Kai's small movements betrayed a hint of concern, leaning forward as if ready to intervene. Haku's heart sank further. He'd failed the one person who'd shown unwavering trust in his abilities.

However, before Haku could wallow further in his thoughts, the cave was suddenly filled with the resounding roar of a colossal wave. Turning swiftly, Haku caught sight of Kisame's monstrous water jutsu barreling toward Jugo. The sheer magnitude of the wave threatened to engulf the entire cave.

Without missing a beat, Haku summoned his chakra and manipulated the raging water. With a series of hand signs and intense concentration, he managed to freeze the wave in its tracks, converting the liquid onslaught into a massive icy structure. Jugo emerged from the frozen tide, gratitude evident in his eyes as he shot Haku a nod of acknowledgment. Haku returned the nod, glad for the small victory.

The turn of events had left the atmosphere thick with tension. Kisame's aggressive surge of water provided Haku with the one resource he was starting to lack. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him. Here he was, moments ago concerned about the dwindling water source, only to be handed a deluge by the enemy. Freezing the water had been a two-fold strategy; it provided him with a manipulable weapon while simultaneously denying Kisame any control. Haku’s clever maneuver also indirectly shielded Jugo from Kisame’s formidable assault.

As the ice settled, a sudden clatter of shurikens flying past and embedding themselves in the icy structure reminded Haku of the chaotic duel between Jugo and Kisame. The battle environment was volatile, with every clash between Jugo and Kisame sending stray weapons, debris, and chakra-infused attacks in all directions.

On any other occasion, Hidan would've cursed Kisame for his recklessness. Handing Haku a replenished source for his jutsu would typically be seen as a tactical blunder. But now, with a smirk playing on his lips, Hidan's confidence was unwavering. "That drop of blood is all I need," he whispered to himself, eyes locked on Haku. The essence of his ritual had been activated, and the power it promised was close within reach.

Panicking wasn't Haku's nature. Despite the dire situation, he gathered his thoughts, resorting to the techniques he had mastered over time. Bringing his fingers together, he activated the Lotus Seal. Immediately, a flurry of ethereal ice shards formed around him.

Haku's breath became measured. He could feel an unfamiliar sensation seeping into his body. It was as if his very essence was being ensnared by a dark force, one that threatened to engulf him completely. An unsettling chill ran down his spine, his very soul recognizing the impending danger.

As Haku focused on harnessing the power of the Lotus Seal, the darkness encasing him became more palpable. The realization was immediate and horrifying. Hidan was on the brink of completing his ritual, evident from the dark tendrils snaking around Haku's body.

The walls of the cave seemed to close in. Hidan's laughter echoed, mingling with the distant sounds of Kisame's roars and Jugo's retaliations. The pressure was unbearable, but Haku was not one to succumb without a fight.

With the precision that had become his trademark, Haku swiftly summoned his Ice Mirrors, seeking refuge within them. His only hope was that if he could slip into one of these mirrors, perhaps the dark force ensnaring him would be left outside, unable to penetrate the icy sanctuary.

As Haku entered the mirror, the room held its breath. The very atmosphere tensed in anticipation. Seconds felt like hours. And then, as if time had snapped back into place, the sinister shadow encircling Haku dissipated. The ritual circle beneath Hidan faded, its menacing glow extinguished.

Hidan's face, once flush with anticipation, paled in disbelief. "Impossible!" he spat out, eyes darting to the mirrors that shimmered around the cave.

From within the icy reflection, Haku's voice emerged, clear and unyielding, "Underestimating an opponent is a fatal flaw."

Hidan, never one to be deterred for long, snarled back, "This isn't over, ice boy!" With a swift motion, he hurled his scythe towards one of the mirrors.

The glinting shards of Haku's Lotus Seal technique, the Frozen Petals Surge, began to circle him menacingly. Each petal appeared delicate, but its sharp edge gleamed with a chilling promise of pain. As the ice petals whirled, the dimness of the cave began reflecting off them, creating an almost ethereal dance of light and shadow.

Hidan snarled, "Fancy tricks won't save you." Without warning, he lunged, trying to close the distance between them. The petals reacted immediately, converging to shield Haku and repelling Hidan's assault. As Hidan withdrew from the attack, a cold burn marked his arm where a petal had grazed him. The burn began to spread, the creeping frost threatening to immobilize the limb.

Infuriated, Hidan released a flurry of kunai, aimed directly at Haku. However, they were either deflected by the petals or went astray, diverted towards Jugo and Kisame's ongoing battle. One particularly large rock, thrown off by Jugo's sheer power, nearly took Hidan's head off, but he evaded just in time, cursing under his breath.

Using this momentary distraction to his advantage, Haku activated the Mist's Whisper. The cave was instantly enveloped in a thick fog, cutting off visibility. But for Haku, it was as if a sixth sense had awakened. He could feel the movements, the intentions, even the emotions of Hidan within the fog. Every shift, every thought, was an open book.

From the midst of the mist, Haku's voice echoed, "You can't hide from me." Hidan's frustration was palpable. Every attempt to pinpoint Haku's location was thwarted, his moves anticipated and evaded with uncanny precision.

Haku then decided to escalate the fight. Drawing upon the Mirror Garden technique, a series of floating mirrors materialized within the mist. The mirrors refracted the limited light in the cave in intricate patterns, mesmerizing and disorienting Hidan further. The beauty of the patterns belied their deadly purpose. As Hidan's gaze was caught by the reflections, Haku launched a surprise attack, his petals aiming directly at Hidan's vital points.

However, Hidan was not to be underestimated. Sensing danger, he activated one of his prepared traps. Suddenly, chains erupted from the ground, aimed to ensnare Haku. But they met the chilling embrace of the Frozen Petals instead, which promptly froze them in place.

Within the depths of the mist, Haku could feel Hidan's mounting frustration, and perhaps a hint of fear. It was the perfect time to introduce a new technique.

Summoning his chakra, Haku initiated the Chakra Blossom. From his palms emerged delicate ice flowers, blossoming in mid-air. As they bloomed, they absorbed the ambient chakra, depleting Hidan's reserves while boosting Haku's. The flowers also acted as a shield, their icy petals deflecting any incoming attack from Hidan.

Haku, now in complete control of the battle environment, decided it was time to go on the offensive. With a swift motion, he directed his Frozen Petals Surge at Hidan. The petals, previously defensive, now turned aggressively, their razor-sharp edges aiming for Hidan's vitals.

But Hidan wasn't done yet. "You think you've won?" he growled, dodging and deflecting the petals with swift motions. In a desperate bid, he summoned all his chakra, attempting one last, massive attack.

The smoky tendrils of the Mist’s Whisper, enhanced by the Lotus Seal, had transformed the cave into an otherworldly domain. Every step, every breath, was magnified, as if the very walls were privy to the battle’s ebb and flow. The ever-present sounds of Jugo and Kisame's confrontation kept Haku alert.

Haku, sensing the chakra drain from Hidan, decided it was time to tip the scales. The Frozen Petals Surge, with each ethereal petal floating around Haku like a celestial guardian, seemed ready for a command. And command he did. With a motion of his hand, the petals rushed towards Hidan.

Hidan, sensing the imminent danger, swiftly unleashed a barrage of kunai in Haku’s direction, hoping to scatter or at least deter the petals. Yet, each kunai that soared toward Haku was effortlessly deflected.

Seizing the moment, Haku intensified his assault. The ethereal petals swirled, descending on Hidan with razor-sharp precision. Each time a petal grazed Hidan, it left a chilling burn that began to spread, threatening to immobilize him.

Hidan mustered his chakra for one final attack. He put all his belief and power on this attack but sudenly a tremor that resonated throughout the cave halted everyone's movements momentarily, even in the midst of their fierce battles. Hidan looked on in alarm as the tremor's origin became clear. Jugo, having mustered all his might, unleashed his Crimson Lotus Fist upon Kisame. The force was so overpowering that Kisame was launched like a projectile, crashing into the cave wall with such intensity that the ground shook beneath them.

The dust and debris from the impact clouded the air, further obscuring the vision of those within the cave. Yet, for Haku, the tremor was a blessing in disguise. Taking advantage of the distraction and chaos, he deftly moved between his mirrors, appearing behind Hidan in a fluid motion. Without hesitating, Haku's blade sang through the air, slicing through Hidan with surgical precision. Hidan's pieces fell, even before he could comprehend what had transpired.

As the dust settled and Haku emerged from his mirrors, Kisame, recovering from Jugo's powerful blow, caught sight of his fallen comrade. His gaze moved from Hidan's scattered remains to Haku, then finally resting on Kai, who stood at a distance, observing the aftermath with his keen  eyes.

Hidan, despite being sliced into multiple parts, began hurling curses and swear words into the air. The twisted gift from Jashin allowed him to remain alive in this gruesome state. His voice echoed within the cave, filled with rage and disbelief, but the others dismissed him, focusing instead on the immediate threat that remained: Kisame.

Kisame's eyes darted between his fallen ally and his opponents, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on him. He knew the disadvantage of being captured. The secrets he held could jeopardize the entire Akatsuki organization. Gritting his teeth, Kisame decided on a last-ditch attempt, preparing to summon a school of sharks to obliterate both himself and Hidan, ensuring their secrets would die with them.

However, Kai, sensing Kisame's intentions, acted swiftly. With a mere gesture, Kisame found himself paralyzed, collapsing to the ground, every muscle in his body refusing to obey his will. The overwhelming power of Kai's ability left no room for resistance.

Kai's voice, composed yet stern, echoed throughout the cave. "Sit tight. The battle's ended."


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