Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch138- Defeat?

Madara quickly extinguished the flames that encroached upon him using his Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction, shifting the flow of the battle. With rapid hand seals, he summoned forth his Wood Golem, aiming to use it as a barrier and as a means to retaliate. The towering figure loomed over the landscape, its massive arms reaching for Kai.

But Kai wasn't one to stand still. Utilizing Swift Release, he dashed around the golem, drawing out his short sword with a fluid motion. The blade, gleaming under the faint sunlight that broke through the mist, was enchanted with Lightning Chakra, making it even more lethal. With a deft swing, he aimed for the golem's leg joints.

Madara, always one step ahead, summoned another jutsu: Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame, sending a cascading wall of flames towards Kai, who promptly responded by evoking Lava Release, countering with molten streams that cooled and solidified upon contact with Madara's flames. This created a temporary barrier, allowing Kai a moment's reprieve.

Not wasting any time, Kai summoned forth his Dust Release, forming a large cube aiming to disintegrate anything caught within its range. However, Madara, with the precision and foresight granted by his Sharingan, narrowly dodged the incoming attack, jumping high into the air.

As Madara descended, he unleashed a flurry of attacks. First came his Fireball Jutsu, which Kai countered with Water Release, creating a vast water wall. But even before the smoke from the resulting steam cleared, Madara was on the move again, this time with his Kama aimed straight for Kai.

Kai, however, wasn't easily outmatched. With the swiftness granted by the Lightning Chakra Cloak, he deflected the strike with his sword. Their weapons clashed, sparks flying as metal met metal. They matched each other move for move, with neither willing to give an inch.

Suddenly, Madara made a bold move. Harnessing his Rinnegan, he used the Deva Path's power, manipulating gravitational forces to hurl huge boulders towards Kai. In response, Kai called upon his Magnet Release, manipulating the metallic components within the ground to create a protective dome around him. The boulders crashed against it, breaking into rubble.

"Your defenses are commendable," Madara said, landing gracefully a few meters from Kai, his Sharingan eyes watching closely.

Kai lowered his defensive shield, standing tall. "As are your attacks."

Madara smirked, swinging his Gunbai, generating a gust of wind so powerful that it uprooted trees and sent them hurtling towards Kai. But, with a mere gesture, Kai's Deva Path ability repelled the trees, sending them back towards Madara.

Without missing a beat, Madara sliced through the timber with his sword, using his Fire Release to set the debris ablaze. "You think these simple tricks can best me?" Madara taunted.

As if on cue, Kai rapidly used a series of hand seals, calling upon Boil Release. The environment around them grew intensely hot, creating geysers of acidic steam which threatened to envelop Madara.

Madara swiftly countered using his Wood Release, creating barriers of wood to siphon off the corrosive steam, but not before some of it seared through parts of his armor. However, as an Edo Tensei reanimated corpse, he felt no pain.

The stand-off between Kai and Madara was palpable. Their intense focus on each other, their measured breaths, and the latent energy between them hinted at the storm that was about to erupt. Observing Madara's previous attacks, Kai now had a wider repertoire of jutsus, having adapted some from Madara himself and some from Hashirama.

Drawing on this newfound understanding of the Wood Release, Kai rapidly executed a series of hand signs. Massive wooden tendrils shot forth from the ground, aiming to ensnare Madara. This was Kai's adaptation of the Wood Dragon, though not as refined as Hashirama's.

Madara chuckled, "Trying my own techniques against me?" He swiftly avoided the tendrils and, using Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation, set them ablaze.

"Let's see how you handle this!" Kai exclaimed, employing Madara's Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame, mirroring the jutsu that had been used against him moments ago. Twin walls of roaring flames converged, creating an intense explosion upon meeting.

From the smoke and dust, Madara emerged with his Gunbai, aiming to deflect any upcoming attack. Kai, not missing a beat, used Swift Release to appear behind Madara, his short sword glowing with Lightning Chakra ready to strike. But Madara, with his exceptional Taijutsu skills and the precognition granted by his Sharingan, dodged and countered with a swift kick to Kai's side.

Kai, however, was not so easily deterred. He channeled his ability to repel, sending Madara skidding across the field.

Madara grinned, his eyes glinting with a mix of mischief and malevolence. "Seems like I have to show you something even you can't copy!" He channeled an immense amount of chakra, and the surroundings pulsated with the energy. The very air grew tense as the gigantic, humanoid form of his full Susanoo began to materialize, its sheer presence casting a shadow over the battlefield. "Behold! This is the peak of Uchiha's pride!"

Kai, unflinching, looked up at the towering form. "Impressive," he casually praised, "but don't get too cocky."

"You might reconsider that after this!" Madara shouted, his voice echoing from within the Susanoo. He swung the gargantuan sword, causing a gust of wind so powerful it ripped apart the very ground Kai stood on.

Madara, his eyes filled with anticipation and even a hint of excitement, had fully expected his powerful swing to reshape the very landscape around them. He had envisioned great chasms splitting the land, mountains crumbling, and forests being obliterated in the devastating wake of his Susanoo's sword.

But, to his astonishment, as the dust settled, instead of witnessing a scene of unparalleled devastation, Madara's eyes met a magnificent blue ethereal shield that had stopped his sword in its tracks. Behind the shield, Madara's eyes widened in genuine surprise as he saw a colossal Susanoo manifest around Kai, its grandeur rivaling his own.

Unlike Madara's Susanoo, Kai's spectral warrior donned traditional samurai armor with shimmering wings extending majestically from its back. The Susanoo was aglow with a serene yet powerful energy, its mere presence challenging Madara's dominance on the battlefield. The legendary spear Gungnir, enveloped in blue flames, rested in one hand, while the Aegis Shield, a large circular shield adorned with divine emblems, pulsated with ethereal energy in the other.

"How...? You're not an Uchiha!" Madara exclaimed, his voice a mixture of disbelief and intrigue.

Kai, speaking from within his own Susanoo, replied with characteristic calmness, "I haven't used this for a long time, and never in front of a person who would live to tell the tale. It is normal for you to be surprised."

Madara gritted his teeth. "Fine then, let's see whose giant has the upper hand!" With that, he directed his Susanoo to swing its sword once more, clashing against Kai's Gungnir.

The resulting shockwave was tremendous, displacing air in a mighty gust and shaking the very earth beneath them. However, Kai's Susanoo deftly parried with the Aegis Shield, sending Madara's sword off its intended course.

Without waiting for Madara to recover, Kai commanded his Susanoo to thrust Gungnir forward with great force. The spear, glowing intensely with its blue flame, aimed straight for Madara's Susanoo's heart. Reacting swiftly, Madara utilized his own shield, deflecting the spear just in time, resulting in another explosive clash.

The clash of titans filled the landscape with blinding flashes of light and ear-shattering roars. As Kai's Susanoo fended off Madara's attacks with its Aegis Shield, it used its magnificent wings to ascend and gain a vantage point. Madara, however, wasn't about to let him gain the upper hand. Using his Wood Release, he summoned a colossal wooden creature that enveloped his Susanoo, merging with it to enhance its power and defense.

From the ground, this sight was a spectacle of awe. The two giants, radiant in their own might, dwarfed everything in the vicinity, turning the battlefield into an arena of gods. Trees uprooted, rivers redirected, and mountains trembled at their might.

As Madara's enhanced Susanoo lunged forward with newfound vigor, Kai's Susanoo, not to be outdone, launched its Yari with a Devastating Arc. A massive arc of blue energy, empowered by the ethereal flames of Gungnir, raced towards Madara, looking to cut through his enhanced defense.

Madara, however, deflected it using his sword, redirecting the energy blast towards the sky where it illuminated the heavens. "Using the same trick won't work on me twice!" he shouted, his voice echoing within his Susanoo.

Kai responded by channeling energy to his Aegis Shield. The shield began to radiate an even brighter light, and from it, Kai's Susanoo launched multiple ethereal spears, each one aimed at different points on Madara's gigantic wooden creature. "It's not the same trick," Kai retorted.

The spears struck with precision, weakening the wooden armor and causing it to splinter. Seizing this moment, Kai's Susanoo thrust Gungnir forward, aiming straight for the heart of Madara's wooden creature. The spear penetrated, causing massive cracks to appear across the creature's body. Madara roared in anger, using Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction to engulf the area around him in flames.

Using Swift Release, Kai maneuvered his Susanoo above the blazing inferno. He channeled energy into Gungnir and hurled it down with all his might, aiming for Madara's core. The spear, cutting through air and fire, met Madara's sword, resulting in an explosive clash that sent shockwaves in every direction.

Madara took this moment to counter, summoning a vast meteor with Tengai Shinsei. The sky darkened as the colossal rock hurtled towards Kai's Susanoo.

Scoffing, Kai's Susanoo unfurled its majestic wings, lifting him above the falling meteor's trajectory. With a mighty heave, he caught the blazing rock with his spear. Effortlessly, with the strength that only a deity-like construct could possess, Kai redirected the meteor's momentum, aiming it right back at Madara's enhanced Susanoo.

Madara's eyes widened in disbelief, his earlier confidence waning. "Impossible..." he murmured.

The blazing rock collided with Madara's wooden defense, the explosive impact turning the once formidable meteor to mere dust. The aftershock was palpable. Madara's Susanoo, along with the wooden creature, was left heavily damaged, smoke rising from various fractures in its form.

Taking advantage of this brief moment of vulnerability, Kai's Susanoo lunged forward. The earth trembled with every stride, and in the blink of an eye, it was standing atop the ruins of Madara's Susanoo, its foot pressing down on what was left of the once-mighty warrior's projection.

Madara, still in shock, gasped for breath, his ethereal form flickering in and out. He couldn't fathom the sheer power and skill Kai had demonstrated. "Who are you...?" he asked, genuine curiosity lacing his voice.

"I'm just someone seeking balance," Kai responded, his tone as even and composed as ever.

Before Kai could deliver a final blow, a chakra string attached to Madara's form began to glow brightly. It was Kabuto's reanimation technique pulling him back.

Madara, realizing he was being recalled, smirked, "Seems our dance has been cut short. But remember, we'll meet again."

Kai watched as Madara's form disintegrated into the ether, leaving behind a misty battlefield scarred by their duel. Taking a deep breath, Kai dismissed his Susanoo, the ethereal warrior dissolving into blue particles that danced away in the wind.

Silence descended upon the scene, the memories of a battle between titans echoing in the aftermath.


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