Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch125- Kage Summit!

After their hearty breakfast, the room was filled with the clinks of dishes and the ambient hum of conversation. Kai carefully wiped Reina's face clean, drawing a few giggles from the toddler as the cool cloth tickled her cheeks. Tsunade, observing the two of them, approached and took a moment to press her lips to the crown of Reina's head.

"Remember, little one, behave while I'm not around," she whispered conspiratorially to her daughter.

Reina responded with a bubbly laugh, her blue eyes dancing with mischief.

"It's time," Tsunade said, drawing Kai's attention. He nodded, signaling his understanding.

With one fluid movement, Kai scooped Reina into his arms, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. He then handed her to Mito, who had approached them. "I won't be long," he assured the redhead, his voice quiet and firm.

Mito nodded, her dark eyes searching his. "Stay safe."

Without wasting any more time, Kai and Tsunade left the house together. The streets of Konohagakure were already bustling with life, shinobi and civilians alike going about their day. The two made their way toward the towering structure that dominated the village skyline — the Hokage Tower.

As they neared the tower, the familiar silver-haired figure of Kakashi awaited them. Both of his Sharingan eyes surveyed the scene, looking seemingly bored. Seeing Kai and Tsunade approach, he waved them over.

"Everything's set?" Kai inquired.

Kakashi nodded. "Yes."

Today, Kai had a crucial mission: the Kage Summit. Instead of the usual protocols where the Kages would travel to a specific location, Kai had chosen a different approach. He'd decided to teleport to each Kage individually and then return them to a predetermined spot for the summit.

The reasons for this unconventional method were numerous. Foremost, when a Kage left their village, it often created a potential vulnerability. Kages, being the main powerhouses of their villages, naturally left a void that could be exploited. Secondly, while en route, they could be ambushed – especially now that they had become prime targets for Akatsuki. The final reason was the elusive Zetsu. Despite Kai's unparalleled abilities, he found Zetsu impossible to track. It was as though Zetsu was seamlessly melded with chakra, evading even Kai's heightened senses. This new approach to the Kage Summit was a way to sidestep Zetsu's prying eyes and ears.

With a touch to both of their shoulders, Kai, Tsunade, and Kakashi were whisked away, only to reappear in an entirely different space. The atmosphere was distorted and colors seemed muted. It was vast and empty, a seemingly endless expanse with a floor that reflected like water, but was solid beneath their feet.

Kakashi, taking in the surreal surroundings, voiced his surprise. "The Kamui Dimension?"

After a pause, he corrected himself, squinting slightly as he assessed the unfamiliar territory. "Wait. No, this isn't the Kamui Dimension. Kai, what did you do?"

While Kakashi was flustered, Tsunade merely drew closer to Kai, her trust evident in her silent support.

Kai shifted his gaze to Kakashi, answering calmly. "Kamui is just one dimension among many. So far, your eyes have been the sole keys to accessing it. Well, aside from me." He continued, "Considering Obito used it before you, it's likely compromised by Zetsu's surveillance. So, I sought out another vacant dimension for our use."

Kakashi, hearing Kai's matter-of-fact tone, felt a pang of frustration. It was almost as if Kai was dismissing the vast complexities of interdimensional travel, making it sound like an everyday errand.

Without waiting for a reaction, Kai gently held Tsunade's hand. "I'll fetch the others." With a soft touch to her forehead, he was gone. The silent dimension seemed even quieter without him.

Tsunade and Kakashi waited patiently in the unfamiliar dimension. The silence was palpable, broken only by the faint sounds of shifting clothing and breathing.

Soon, a soft distortion of space indicated Kai's return. With him, three figures materialized. Gaara, the Kazekage, stood with his usual composed posture. Beside him were Kankuro, his face painted in his signature puppetry designs, and Temari, her fan strapped to her back.

"Gaara," Tsunade greeted with a nod. Gaara returned it with a slight inclination of his head.

Kai's absence was brief before he returned, bringing along Oonoki, the Tsuchikage, Kitsuchi, and Akatsuchi. Oonoki, despite his age and small stature, always carried an air of authority. Kurotsuchi, with her lithe frame, and Akatsuchi, stout and robust, complemented him.

A raised an eyebrow upon arrival. "Kai," he greeted, his tone curious but undeniably respectful. Beside A were Darui, looking as relaxed as ever with his hand resting on the hilt of his blade, and C, his usual calm demeanor in place.

The final teleportation was just as smooth. Mei, the Mizukage, appeared with a poised stance. Alongside her were Chōjūrō, holding his signature Hiramekarei, and Ao, always watchful.

Kai stepped back, allowing space between each group. The dimension echoed with tension and curiosity.

"This place is…" Mei started, glancing around, her cerulean eyes reflecting the bizarre ambiance of the dimension.

With a mere thought, Kai materialized a circular table in the center of the expansive dimension, equipped with six primary seats for the Kages and several seats behind each for their aides. Indicating with a slight gesture for everyone to sit, he settled himself between Tsunade and Mei.

Kakashi, not taking a seat behind Tsunade as one might expect, instead took a spot next to her at the table, indicating his imminent promotion to a position of greater authority.

Raising a hand to capture their attention, Kai began, "We're in a separate dimension. It's secure and free from any outside interference."

A series of exchanged glances traveled amongst the Kages, each trying to gauge the others' reactions. The sheer enormity of Kai's Space/Time Jutsu was already enough to demand respect, but this... another dimension entirely was something else.

A's muscles subtly tensed, a reminder of his prior confrontation with Kai where he'd underestimated the man and paid the price. Respect for Kai, already substantial, deepened even further.

Kai, noting the quiet murmurs and contemplative faces, continued, "Kakashi will become the Sixth Hokage after this gathering. That's why he sits with us. Though I have deep ties to Konoha, thanks in part to Tsunade, I remain neutral in these proceedings."

A murmur of acknowledgment rippled across the table. The idea that Kai would remain impartial was, for most, unquestionable.

Darui was the first to voice his sentiments, "Congratulations, Kakashi." A chorus of similar sentiments followed, echoing through the dimension.

Kakashi, ever the calm presence, responded with a simple nod of gratitude.


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