Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch122- Good News

Kai carefully adjusted Reina in his arms as he picked up a spoon, skillfully maneuvering it to feed her some mashed vegetables. The room buzzed with casual conversations, everyone cherishing this unusual oasis of calm in their often chaotic lives.

Mikoto turned her gaze to Samui. "How are the sealing techniques coming along? I've seen you pouring over those scrolls."

Samui smirked. "They're intricate but fascinating. I've almost mastered the second set you gave me."

"Sounds like you've been busy," Tsunade commented, taking a sip of her tea.

Mito looked at Karin, who was seated beside her. "How did you find today's jutsu lesson? That formation I showed you can be tricky."

Karin scratched her head. "It was complicated, but the moment you explained the logic behind it, things started to click."

"Karin has a knack for analysis," Mito praised, "it's one of her strengths."

Kai glanced briefly at Tsunade before addressing Mito, "Heard you've been excelling in combat training."

Mito chuckled. "Thanks to you, I've got some excellent guidance. You make even the toughest drills seem straightforward."

He nodded approvingly. "It's not the training; it's how you use it."

Tsunade interjected with a playful tone, "Just remember, Mito, you don't have to be as stoic as your teacher here."

Mikoto chuckled. "Stoic or not, Kai's methods get results."

Samui nodded. "And they're incredibly efficient."

Kai looked down at Reina, who had just finished eating and was showing a visible sense of contentment. He wiped her mouth gently with a cloth.

Kai looked at Mikoto, who met his gaze with a soft smile. She rose from her seat and walked over to him. Taking a seat on his lap, in a manner similar to how Tsunade had done earlier in the office, she glanced around at the faces seated at the table.

"I am pregnant," Mikoto announced.

The room fell momentarily silent, the gravity of the news settling in.

Tsunade was the first to react, her eyes widening before breaking into a genuine smile. "Congratulations," she said warmly.

Samui's eyes met Mikoto's, her expression mirroring a sense of shared joy. "That's wonderful news."

Mito let out a chuckle, her eyes twinkling. "Wow, another one on the way. This family keeps growing."

Karin, sitting next to Mito, felt her eyes moisten a little. "It's... that's beautiful, Mikoto."

Kai's hand tightened gently around Mikoto's as he nodded.

Reina, unaware of the full significance of the moment but perhaps picking up on the room's collective emotion, cooed and clapped her tiny hands together.

Tsunade looked at Mikoto. "Have you thought of any names yet?"

Mikoto shook her head. "It's a bit early for that, but I'm sure we'll think of something suitable."

Mito turned her attention to Kai. "You're going to need a bigger table soon."

Kai looked at the table and then back at Mito. "A small change for something valuable."

Kai caught Samui's yearning look, her eyes drifting from Reina to Mikoto's belly. He offered her a subdued but unmistakable smile, his eyes meeting hers in a silent but powerful moment of understanding. She looked puzzled for a split second, her brows lifting in disbelief.

Kai nodded subtly, confirming what his eyes had already conveyed. No words were needed; Samui understood. Her eyes moistened, but she quickly concealed the tears. Her hand discreetly moved to her own belly, resting there for just a moment, her face transforming into a joyful but restrained grin. She understood that now wasn't the time to steal Mikoto's moment; her news could wait.

Mito, ever observant, picked up on the exchange but wisely chose to say nothing. She returned her focus to her plate, her mind abuzz with thoughts.

Mito wore a slight pout on her face as she picked at her food. She wasn't feeling jealous, exactly—it was more a sense of yearning, an impatience. True, she shared a deep connection with Kai. They kissed, they held hands, they trained together. But there was a line they hadn't yet crossed. It wasn't a lack of love; it was the intricacy of circumstance. Their pasts were entangled in a complex web of time travel and battle. She didn't blame him; he had met her under unique circumstances, trapped in her timeline where he couldn't be sure if they'd ever return to his. However, now that they were back in Kai's timeline, her desire to be more than just a student or friend to him was intensifying. She wanted to be with him wholly and carry his child, just like Tsunade and Mikoto.

As the conversation around the table continued to flow, Kai simply listened, only speaking when directly addressed. He could sense the collective happiness in the room, and that filled him with a unique form of contentment.

"Kai, do you think we'll need to train Reina early?" Tsunade asked, snapping him back to the present.

"Time will tell," Kai answered. "She's her own person. She'll make her choices when she's ready."

Mito watched Kai intently, almost as if she were studying him. "Maybe one day we could do a family training session."

"That would be interesting," Mikoto chimed in. "Wouldn't mind showing you youngsters how it's done."

Kai nodded. "Seems like it could be productive."

Karin felt a bit shy but ventured a question to Kai. "Do you think I could join? I'd love to learn from all of you."

Kai met her gaze and nodded. "That's up to Mito, your teacher. But I don't see why not."

As the evening wound down, Kai stood up from the table, Reina securely in his arms. "I'll put Reina to bed."

Tsunade rose from her seat and approached him. "Night," she said, sharing a kiss with Kai before ruffling Reina's hair gently.

Mikoto followed, giving him a soft kiss. "Goodnight, love."

Kai turned to Mito. She hesitated for a moment, and then stepped forward, offering him a brief kiss. "Night," she murmured.

Karin, feeling a bit out of place but wanting to be part of the ritual, offered a simple "Goodnight, Kai."

He nodded in response, exiting the room to put Reina to sleep.


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