Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch111- Stronger

"Don't let Obito's twisted perception dictate your emotions, Kakashi," Kai began, his words measured and calculated. He paused for a moment, his voice firmer when he spoke again, "He was still a child in his heart and mind, trapped by an obsession with love and ready to plunge the world into chaos because of it. It wasn't your wrongdoing."

Kakashi's hand clenched into a fist, trembling slightly. The weight of the past pressed down on him. "But it's true, isn't it? I killed Rin."

The temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees as Kai turned his gaze fully onto Kakashi. "Rin made a choice – her sacrifice," he emphasized. "It wasn't a matter of your actions, but of honoring her brave decision. You need to understand, I'm not telling you this to console you," Kai's voice deepened, his words crisp and pointed, "I'm acknowledging a brave Kunoichi's decision, a credit that Rin rightfully deserves. She made a choice that Obito, in his later deluded state, couldn't – or wouldn't – grasp."

Kai leaned back, allowing a brief pause before continuing, "The Obito who gifted you with your first Mangekyo – he might have understood Rin's decision. The one who fell under Madara's influence, who Sasuke killed, was merely a shadow of the boy you once knew."

Kakashi’s eyes darted between the eye sealed in the tube and Kai, struggling with the whirlwind of emotions, memories, and regrets. Tsunade, sensing the turmoil within him, tightened her grip on Kai’s wrist, her own way of seeking support.

The Hokage's room remained silent for what felt like hours but was only a few moments. Kakashi finally broke the silence, his voice soft yet firm. "Rin was... she was brave. More than any of us ever gave her credit for."

Kai inclined his head slightly, acknowledging Kakashi's statement. The action was simple, yet it conveyed a wealth of understanding.

Taking a deep breath, Kakashi met Kai's gaze. "What do you intend to do with that eye?"

Kai, after laying out the mechanics of Obito's Mangekyo Sharingan, stared at Kakashi for a moment before making a resolute statement. "I intend to implant this Sharingan into your right eye."

Kakashi's surprise was palpable. He took a step back, eyebrows furrowing as he processed Kai's declaration. "It's impossible," Kakashi uttered in disbelief. "The one I already possess depletes my chakra in minutes. With both, I'd be gone in seconds."

Without a word, Kai rose and approached Kakashi. His powerful presence caused the air to grow thick, as chakra, thick and concentrated, began to coalesce around his hand. It was so intense, so vivid, that both Tsunade and Kakashi could see the chakra visibly manifesting.

"That's the Lotus Seal," Kai intoned, pressing his dense chakra-filled hand onto Kakashi's shoulder. The sensation was unfamiliar, yet not entirely uncomfortable. "After examining Orochimaru's Cursed Seal, I devised this. Its mechanics surpass his creation and offer none of its drawbacks."

Kakashi, despite the overwhelming pressure, managed to cast a glance at the Lotus Seal. It was an intricate design, shaped like a lotus and imprinted onto his skin. The beauty of its craftsmanship was undeniable.

"This seal provides you with an additional chakra reservoir. Not only that, it constantly absorbs Nature Chakra, adapting your body to harness it. In a few months, you'll be proficient," Kai's voice held a confidence that was both reassuring and intimidating.

Kakashi looked down at the seal, then back up to Kai. "How does it work?"

"The lotus tattoo," Kai began, his tone matter-of-fact, "will serve as a telepathic bridge between us, allowing efficient communication. Moreover, by channeling the potency of Nature Chakra, your abilities will witness enhancement, surging beyond Orochimaru's seal."

Kakashi then questioned, "How is it safer than Orochimaru's? His seal has caused... complications."

"It manages and balances the chakra flow, ensuring it doesn't overload. In essence, it protects the user from adverse effects like petrification while granting unparalleled strength."

Kakashi, while absorbing the information, pondered aloud, "So, with this seal, I could withstand the strain of both Mangekyo?"

"Precisely," Kai nodded.

Kakashi, battling with a storm of emotions, took a deep breath. "Alright," he said, determination evident, "let's do this."

In the dimly lit expanse of the Hokage's office, Tsunade and Kai prepared to undertake the delicate procedure on Kakashi. The room bore witness to a medley of emotions and events, and this evening was no different. Tsunade's fingers moving with expert precision as she began to remove his right eye. The process, while seemingly straightforward, required immense expertise and delicate care.

Kakashi, although accustomed to numerous battles and wounds, felt an involuntary shiver of anticipation. The removal of an eye wasn't an everyday experience, after all. However, he trusted Tsunade implicitly, and Kai's earlier explanation of the Lotus Seal had instilled in him a newfound confidence.

As Tsunade worked, Kai stood adjacent, ready with Obito's Mangekyo Sharingan. There was a depth in his gaze, hinting at memories of past battles, victories, and, perhaps, losses. His eyes locked onto the eye in his hand for a fleeting moment before refocusing on the task at hand.

The atmosphere was thick with concentration. Kakashi, lying still, could feel the minute shifts of Tsunade's chakra as she worked, the gentle yet firm touch of her fingers, and the faintest sensation of emptiness as his eye was gently removed.

Without wasting a second, Kai stepped forward, expertly placing Obito's Mangekyo in the newly empty socket. With a delicate maneuvering of chakra and intricate hand signs, he began mending the tissues and nerves around the new eye, ensuring a seamless integration.

The procedure seemed endless to Kakashi, yet it was over in mere minutes. He could feel the distinct chakra from both Mangekyo Sharingan coursing through him, but remarkably, there was no overwhelming drain. Instead, he felt reinvigorated, an unfamiliar yet welcome energy pulsating through his body.

Slowly opening his newly formed pair of Sharingan, Kakashi blinked a few times, adjusting to the sensation. The dual Mangekyo stared back at Tsunade and Kai, three tomoe in each spinning slightly as they acclimatized.

Kakashi sat up, taking a moment to orient himself. The world around him was sharp, more vibrant, each detail crystalline. He turned his gaze to Kai, his gratitude evident.

Mustering his voice, Kakashi simply stated, "Thank you, Kai."

Kai met Kakashi's gaze. There wasn’t a smile, no obvious warmth in his eyes, but something subtler, an unspoken understanding that only warriors of their caliber might share. He inclined his head slightly, a gesture Kakashi had come to recognize as one of Kai's few ways of expressing acknowledgment.

The silent moment between them was interrupted by Tsunade, who, with her typical assertiveness, announced, "You need rest, Kakashi. Your body has undergone a significant transformation. Give it time to adapt."

Kakashi nodded, appreciating the Hokage's concern. "Understood," he replied.

As Kakashi prepared to leave the office, he paused momentarily by the door, turning to look at Kai once more.

Once the door clicked shut behind Kakashi, the room returned to its habitual stillness. Tsunade moved closer to Kai, their proximity conveying more than words ever could.

Kai captured Tsunade's wrists gently, ensuring not to hurt her, bringing them to the wooden surface of the desk above her head. Holding them there, his fingers brushed against her skin, his touch both gentle and firm. Tsunade's pulse quickened, the sensation sending shivers down her spine.

Leaning down, his lips found the swell of her chest, pressing a soft kiss there, savoring her warmth. Tsunade's breath caught, her chest rising and falling with heightened anticipation.

Their eyes met, a world of understanding passing between them. The shared history, the battles, the pain, and the solace they found in each other. In this moment, words were unnecessary.

His gaze, usually distant and piercing, was now fixed solely on her, revealing a depth of feeling that he rarely showed. The intensity of it caused Tsunade's heart to flutter, and she momentarily found herself lost in his eyes.

Tsunade attempted to move, to bring him closer, but his grip on her wrists tightened just slightly, enough to keep her pinned but without causing discomfort. His gaze flitted to her lips, and she parted them in anticipation.

However Kai did not rush. He seemed to savor the build-up, leaving Tsunade breathless with anticipation.

She could feel every inch of his skin pressed against her, the warmth radiating from him. Every touch, every kiss, every shared glance was a testament to the deep bond they shared, forged through years of battles, challenges, and shared moments.

His grip on her wrists loosened, and Tsunade's hands immediately found their way to the nape of his neck, pulling him down to meet her lips. The kiss was fiery, filled with a desperate need. The world faded away as they lost themselves in each other, the only reality being the two of them and the overwhelming connection they shared.

As their heated moment wound down, they found themselves wrapped up in each other, the remnants of clothing discarded haphazardly around the office. Tsunade's fingers traced lazy patterns on Kai's skin, each touch igniting sparks that belied the calm after the storm.

"You are... remarkable," she murmured, voice filled with wonder and appreciation.

Kai placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. His actions spoke volumes, as they always did.

The room returned to its signature silence, but it was no longer heavy with anticipation. Instead, it was the peaceful quiet of two souls connected, sharing a moment in time.


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