Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 762: Assault on Cato Neimoidia (Part 2)

Chapter 762: Assault on Cato Neimoidia (Part 2)

How terrifying the Plague's 500-Meter Hypermatter Railgun is, it is difficult to measure it with numbers. The only thing that can be known is that none of the Battleship Deflector Shields currently in service can withstand the full power of this Hypermatter Railgun.

Not even the previous Malevolence Super Battleship.

What's more, the Plague is still Overloaded!

Overloading the Engine and increasing the Energy level in a short period of time, is equivalent to obtaining greater power by overdrafting the life of the Engine.

This increases the Power of the Plague's Hypermatter Railgun by at least 50%!

The Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught is 8,000 Meters Long. It is already a very exaggerated Warship, but after all, it is from the previous era. The entire Warship required more than 43,000 Crew to operate, which wasted a lot of space. Moreover, due to the background of Ruusan Reform at that time, all aspects of Equipment could not be perfect.

The Ragnarov-class Titan Battleship is just the opposite!

As a Dazzling Beam of Light shot directly at the side of the Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught, the Battleship's Deflector Shield was instantly broken, and the Huge Projectiles continued to punch a terrifying hole in the Battleship!

At this time, the Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught was not completely defenseless. It was not directly scrapped by one shot like the previous Flagship Golden Light, but the Shell still hit a deep hole in the middle of the Battleship. A large hole with a diameter of more than 800 Meters and a diameter of more than 600 Meters.

At this time, the Battleship still has not lost its ability to move, but most of the Turbolaser Turrets have misfired, the Battleship's Gravity Generator has also been destroyed, and now the entire Battleship is beginning to tilt.

There is no doubt that even if this Battleship has not been scrapped, it has basically lost its Combat Capability.

As for Republic Squadron 7, they lost their Flagship for the second time.

At the same time, the Trade Federation Guard Fleet was also firing all Turbolaser Turrets, engaging in fierce exchanges of fire with the Battleships of the 7th Squadron. Tens of Thousands of Vulture Droid Starfighters took off from the donut-shaped Lucrehulk-class Battleship and pounced on them fiercely.

Not only that, mixed among these Vulture Droid Starfighters, there is also a Starfighter with a similar shape but larger size and looks more ferocious!

This type of Starfighter is more than three times as long as the Vulture Starfighter, with a total length of 12.48 meters. The dish-shaped fuselage, which is exactly the same as the Vulture Droid Starfighter, also provides a larger volume.

Compared with the Vulture Droid Starfighter, an Ultra-Light Droid Starfighter that relies on quantity, this is a truly powerful weapon — the Hyena Droid Bomber!

As a New Generation Bomber jointly developed by the Trade Federation and the Techno Union, the Hyena Droid Bomber has extremely powerful firepower and inherits the consistent compactness and efficiency of the Droid Starfighter. Its combat effectiveness directly surpasses the current BTL-B Y-wing Bomber of the Galactic Republic.

In an extremely important Purse World like Cato Neimoidia, this new type of equipment will naturally be equipped as soon as possible.

After the Starfighter Group of the Trade Federation Defenders broke into the Battlefield, the 7th Squadron, which once again lost its command, almost immediately fell into chaos! And unlike last time, this time, they didn't have any time to reorganize their Command System!

Almost every Republic Starfighter was entangled by several Vulture Droid Starfighters, and then a Formation of Hyena Droid Bombers rushed directly towards the Battleship, launching deadly Proton Torpedoes one after another.

At the same time, other Warships from the Trade Federation's Guard Fleet also joined the Battle Group, exerting their powerful firepower.

In fact, the Warships in the Trade Federation's Fleet are much more advanced than the Warships in the 7th Squadron. The Providence-class Destroyer is the latest type of Warship, the Munificent-class Frigate is a Capable Warship, and Rookery the Lucrehulk-class Battleship also underwent many modern upgrades during the refit process.

But the reason why they did not dare to take any rash action before was because they did not want to affect their precious Purse World due to the outbreak of fighting. On the other hand, the 7th Squadron had Huge Battleships such as the 8,000-Meter Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught, a 4,000-Meter Praetor-class Star Battlecruiser, and the 2,500-Meter Procurator-class Star Battlecruiser.

However, these Huge Battleships are no longer a threat.

The emergence of the Titan Battleship Plague made these Huge Battleships targets for the Plague's 500-Meter Hypermatter Railgun.

It fired only three times, destroying two Mandator-class Star Dreadnaughts and more than 1,000 Starfighters. Such Terrifying Firepower directly frightened the Operators of the Republic Fleet.

The Battle quickly developed out of control. The Warships of the 7th Squadron were bumping around like headless chickens, completely losing their ability to Coordinate Operations.

At the same time, the Plague also stopped Overloading its Engines and did not continue to fire its Hypermatter Railgun. Instead, it attacked with other Weapons equipped on the Titan Battleship.

Even if the Hypermatter Railgun is not used, the Extremely Powerful Energy Core of the Plague can still exert terrifying firepower, and the Rays emitted by those Heavy X-ray Laser Turrets are almost devastating.

Having failed to severely damage the Plague before the Trade Federation Fleet took action, the 7th Squadron also lost this opportunity forever.

And now, the Plague is using its Terrifying Firepower to tell the Republic Officers and Soldiers of the 7th Squadron what the deterrent power a truly Huge Battleship should have!

In the Constant Battle, the Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught that was hit in the middle by the Plague also suffered constant impacts. The Republic Soldiers on the Battleship were undoubtedly brave. They controlled the Hundreds of Turbolaser Turrets to shoot at the target but with almost no effect.

As the Battle progressed, the Huge Hole made by the Plague's Hypermatter Railgun began to be torn apart, getting bigger and bigger.

A Procurator-class Star Battlecruiser flew over and tried to catch the Star Dreadnought with a Tractor Beam to slow down the process, but it was ultimately unable to do so. The Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught is too huge and cannot be pulled by a 2,500-Meter Procurator-class Star Battlecruiser.

Finally, the Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught was completely broken into two pieces, completely turning into a Huge Space Coffin.

This is the same fate as the rest of the 7th Squadron.

In Coruscant, the Capital of the Republic, and Dawn in the Endor System, two Voices were heard at the same time, one was an Angry Roar, and the other was a Proud Laugh.

The Subspace Transceiver was connected, and Nute Gunray's cramped figure appeared in front of Tang Xiao. He said in a trembling voice, "I disobeyed Lord Sidious's order... He will kill me, he will definitely Kill me!" "He won't kill you, at least not now. Because if he kills you now, he won't get anything." Tang Xiao said with a smile.

However, now, his iconic smile seemed as terrifying to Nute Gunray as a demon.

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