Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 33: The Dark Curtain Gradually Unfolds

Chapter 33: The Dark Curtain Gradually Unfolds

Coming out of the high tower of the Jedi Temple, Obi-Wan Kenobi grabbed Qui-Gon Jinn who was on his way, "Master, just leave this matter alone like this? Investigate through the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic? I'm afraid I'll be 90 years old by the time they remember this happening."

"You heard it too, this is the decision of the Supreme Chancellor." Qui-Gon shook his head and continued to move forward.

They passed by a room and saw a tall, gray-bearded old man holding a holographic communicator talking to a man in a gorgeous robe. Sensing someone's attention, the old man moved his fingers lightly, and the door of the room closed by itself.

"It's Master Dooku. He seems to be talking to Senator Palpatine. They've gotten very close recently." Obi-Wan sighed.

"Since the battle in the Mandalorian galaxy 10 years ago, my master has gradually lost trust in the Jedi Order. Now he is more inclined to solve problems through political means. The dispute between him and Senator Palpatine, the relationship is not strange now," Qui-Gon said.

"Okay, then, what about the Endor galaxy? Really don't care?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Let's investigate by ourselves." Qui-Gon Jinn boarded the spaceship and directly set the course to the administrative area of ??Coruscant.

Seeing his master's actions, Obi-Wan smiled and said, "So you don't trust the Senate anymore?"

"It's not that I don't trust them, but because there are too many things happening in the Galactic Republic, they don't have the executive power to cover everything." Qui-Gon-Jinn pointed to the co-pilot position, "But we have such executive power. "

... "...That's how it is, Mr. Senator." In the middle of the room, Master Dooku said indifferently to the holographic projection of Senator Palpatine in front of him.

"Well, a group of people drove a huge civilian spaceship to colonize the planet Endor, and then they killed the bounty hunters you sent." Palpatine smiled, "Okay, It seems that this matter is indeed worth noting, but it really shouldn't be something we need to pay attention to. Maybe after 200 years, the planet Endor will become a member of the Republic."

"With all due respect, Mr. Senator. Planet Endor is located in a remote area of ??the outer ring. Even if a sovereign planet rises there, the management of the Republic cannot touch it." Master Dooku shook his head and said.

"So this is what we are working on, Master Dooku. To turn the Galactic Republic into a better and more powerful country. A powerful country that can enforce orders and prohibit, and use all the resources of the entire galaxy with a single sentence. Once we have arrived on that day, we will be omnipotent." Palpatine said with open arms full of longing.

"You are a good man, a different politician, Senator Palpatine. But I have to remind you, in this decaying Galactic Republic, it is very difficult for a person like you to live too long." Dooku said in a deep voice.

"Even if I am assassinated tomorrow, I will die on the right path. My death will guide the way for those who come after me. The Republic needs people like me to die." Palpatine said seriously.

Dooku took a deep breath, bowed and said: "The existence of people like you shows that the Republic can still be saved. Thank you, Senator Palpatine."

Palpatine returned the salute, "It's my due, Master Dooku."

After shutting down the communications, Palpatine left the Galactic Senate Building and returned to his modest abode. He took off the gorgeous robe representing the Senate, put on a gray coarse cloth cloak, and covered his face with the hood. After confirming that no one was paying attention, he left here by a hidden passage in a hovering airship.

In a dark and complicated corner of the lower floor of the Coruscant Industrial Zone, Palpatine got off the airship, took out a unique communicator, and connected to the communication. A tough-looking woman with tattoos on her face appeared in the holographic projection. When she saw Palpatine, she growled and said, "You hide your head and show your tail, you are finally willing to contact me!"

"You'd better look forward to the next time maybe my mood is as good as today, and you Nebula Front are all under my control!" Palpatine's voice became dark and hoarse, like an old beast with a wounded throat roar.

The woman's temples twitched, apparently suppressing her anger. She lowered her head and said, "Tell me, our goal."

"Rima trade route, after 47 standard hours, a trade alliance merchant fleet will transport minerals to this place for supplies. Hijack this batch of minerals and send them to the planet Kalinda, and someone will help you handle the goods." Parr Patin said in a low voice.

"How will you be paid?"

"I will have someone to launder the money, and then you will get half of it, 2 million credits. And the other 2 million credits, this is another task: you will use your name through the bank trust fund This money goes to my agent."

"As long as you can get the money, it's a small matter. Tell me, to whom the credit goes."

"The current Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Senate, Finis Valorum." Palpatine spat out an amazing name in a distorted and greasy voice.

"Hahahaha, very interesting. We accepted this task."


Dawn planet outer space, mothership lower deck.

The solemn and solemn bugle sounded, lingering over the empty deck.

There was no military band, and the bugle sound was played directly by the Brain, but it did not affect the tragic atmosphere of the scene at all.

Tang Xiao was wearing a straight military uniform and stood at the head, maintaining a military salute posture and looking ahead. The main officials of the Fourth Civilization, Qi Jian and Clement stood in the back row, also maintaining the posture of a military salute.

In front of them, 100 marines were lined up on both sides, with assault rifles and bayonets in their hands, raised to the sky. In the middle are 42 metal coffins neatly placed, each with a Fourth Civilization mark etched on it.

This is a newly designed logo. The main body is a galaxy shape with only four cantilevers. Two long swords representing force and power are crossed at the back. On the top is the word 4TH. Below is the word Scourge, which represents the Fourth Group, or the fourth natural disaster.

These 42 coffins are the 34 fighter pilots and 8 crew members of the transport ship who were killed in this bounty hunter attack. This is also the first batch of fighters who died after the fourth civilization came to the world of "Star Wars", and everyone present understands that this is definitely not the last batch.

Tang Xiao took a deep breath and said slowly: "They are all the best fighters and the best pilots. I believe that if they are given an equal chance, each of them can easily kill the incoming bounty Hunters. But no... all they can fly are old Fighters."

His tone gradually increased, "But even so, they didn't flinch in the slightest! Knowing that their weapons couldn't penetrate the enemy's shields, and knowing that the enemy's laser cannons only needed one shot to destroy them, they didn't flinch in the slightest! Because every one of them knows that they are the guardians... the guardians of the last fire of our Fourth Civilization!"

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