
Chapter 7


I pondered what I should do now.

One could consider my position terrible.
A breeding stock for those strange creatures.
But I have some space for myself and my wellbeing is important to them.
As long I live, there is someone to produce... eggs.

This is madness!

Yet when there are eggs, this is what they want and so I shall live.
Do I want to live like that?
Making members of an insect species?

I don't see a way to keep on, if not complying or death.
I seem to be cared for here and this could be considered positive.

This is disturbing, yet they justified even their killing.
As Kyska doesn't even seem to know what humans are and they eat mainly this mushroom as they said, they don't seem hostile.
At least not much.
So they can't really be considered evil.

Also, I never heard of them before.
There were no incidents, so no reasons to despise them.
If not for the fact that I've got abducted and "this" happened.
But the alternative was being a slave and death.
This is not that much to hold against them.

Yet, I might at least ask for compensation.
If not for me as they seemingly are already set to give me everything I need, then for my family.
So I wake up.


<Ah, princess. Do you feel better?> (K)


I try actively to use words.


"Ieek; Iee; Ie! Hieew; hiev; heve; haeve! Ee; ea; a! ReeEEEk; reeeEkw; reequeesst!" (E)


This was terribly straining and difficult.
However, it came through as words.
These screeches are something that is driving me away from being human.
If there is even a chance to still be considered as one, then this is what I want.


<Oh, princess! You managed to recover your voice. Such willpower. This will be a favorable trait to fulfill your role. Yet, I need to inform you, that I as your nurse am specially adjusted to assist you. Most members of the swarm will not be able to understand vocal communication instead of the common combination of simple commands and pheromones.> (K)


This is distressing.
So I need to furthermore use those distressing screeches.


"But I've understood. However, you don't need to request things. Just order." (K)

"Iee; Iet; It's; juiieEz; just..." (E)

<Maybe my princess should settle to common communication on complicated terms.> (K)


Sadly she is right.
Talking is incredibly hard.
As if I would blindly balance on a rope.
That it would ever feel this foreign to me.


<Cre-creak/It's just... There is something I would wish for.> (E)

<Whatever it is, princess.> (K)

<Can I go to the surface?> (E)

<Oh no! Everything but this!> (K)

<Didn't you say...> (E)

<It is far too dangerous out there. And in addition, your body is still solidifying. I cannot allow that you put yourself in danger. Moreover in this condition.> (K)


It’s not like she has no point.
I constantly fainted and they are rather protective as it seems.
That’s no combination which grants me much freedom.


<Y-yes, I understand. But there is something very important to me.> (E)

<What is it? Maybe we can obtain it?> (K)

<I wouldn't know how. It's my family!> (E)

<Family?> (K)

<Is there a problem?> (E)

<I'm sorry. It seems I'm inept. What is a family?> (K)

<Oh! Well. A family is... how do I explain this? Something like a small swarm I guess. Aside from me, there were three other members. My parents, those who gave birth to me. And my younger sibling. Those are very important bonds to me.> (E)

<I believe to understand.> (K)

<You see, whatever happens to me, I want to know that they are fine. Then I could more assured do, whatever I shall do here.> (E)

<And why is there a problem to bring them? There are vast resources.> (K)

<There is a war going on the surface. Do you know what that is?> (E)

<Yes, naturally! There were a number of conflicts between the different swarms, which have settled down now.> (K)

<The place where your swarm brought me from was my home. They burned it down. I guess my family should have been running to a town. And I don't think we can contact them there that easily. At least we cannot show up there.> (E)

<Why that is?> (K)

<Because you are terrifying!!! Giant insect-like creatures with weapons for hands!> (E)


They are completely oblivious about that!


<The guardians were created for combat. Why should they look different?> (K)

<This is exactly the point! Humans look like they look. They aren't "created"! At most, they are trained and wear gear.> (E)

<Gear?> (K)


At this moment I become aware that none of the creatures I've seen until now was wearing clothes or had any kind of tool besides those attached to their bodies.
My own clothes have gotten rather ragged and barely serve their purpose.
The closest in that regard are these vessels made of earth.
They don't know what gear is.

Should I really introduce them to this concept and maybe make them more dangerous?
What if they use that against people?
Or even start an invasion?


<J-just first, the... the swarm isn't going to wage war against the surface, right?> (E)

<Why such an odd question princess?> (K)

<The thought simply came when I saw two guardians and a dozen fast creatures ripping apart eleven human soldiers. This was frightening and... even if you tell me I am not one, I simply don't want that this happens to innocent human people. War made them burn my home down. It is terrible!> (E)

<My princess, I am just your nurse. Such decisions are up to the queen. Yet, from my viewpoint, there wouldn't be any benefit. The numbers are decided by the number of princesses, the queen, and our food sources. The food on the other side is guaranteed by the mycelium. The supply is stable here in the center of the hive. Why should we extend our territory to such an unstable world as the surface?> (K)


This is convincing.
They don't need to fight the humans, as they have nothing they want.
I don't think that this creature would plot against me, so talking shouldn't hurt.


<Alright, I believe you. So, gear. This is something like this what I wear. It keeps me warm. And soldiers would wear hard foreign materials to protect their vulnerable parts. And they use tools. Something like the blades the guardians have for example, but not attached. They can take and leave them when they want. With their hands.> (E)

<Intriguing! Such a thing!> (K)

<And those swarm creatures are looking too foreign. They might decide to attack because they fear them.> (E)

<Then the swarm will retaliate.> (K)

<And this is exactly what I don't want to know my family caught in. Yet I'm worried. Refugees are just considered worthless mouths to fill. And my brother is so young. Their life might be threatened. If I could just do anything to know they are safe.> (E)

<I think I understand princess, but I need to ask you to not pursue this until your body has completely adjusted.> (K)

<And after that?> (E)

<Maybe there is a way. Now please eat a bit and then sleep. This way, it will proceed much faster.> (K)


This isn't the slightest bit assuring, considering it is the transformation of my body we are talking here about.
However, as I've understood it, the food has nothing to do with what happens.
My body transforms on its own.
The food simply keeps me going and so the change continues.


There are now again those mushrooms.
It might be a little bit monotonous, yet like bread, it works as a basic source of sustenance.
So I eat.

The portion is a little bigger than last time and I'm also provided this "nectar".
Kyska apparently wants me full this time.
I fear a little her intention behind this, as it surely has something to do with my body.

On the other side, it's food.
Nothing I should stop to take in.
Also, it might be stupid to ignore those who want to keep me alive.

So I am eating what is provided.
While I am eating it comes to my mind that I've forgotten to ask for something different.


<Ehk, Kyska?> (E)

<Yes, princess?> (K)


It is sometimes slightly exhausting to always get referred like this.


<Would it be possible that I could have a new set of clothes? Mine are quite ragged.> (E)

<Why? According to your explanation, they have no use here. You won't become cold within the hive.> (K)


This is true in the way, that it was constantly warm down here.
However, clothes are not just about this.


<It is because I don't want to be naked. Humans are used to them, so they feel shame when they don' wear them. It would really help me to ease my mind if I could cover myself.> (E)

<If it is like this, I will try to find some kind of replacement. Your wellbeing is what matters.> (K)



I knew this approach would work.
No matter how ridiculous, when it helps me Kyska will do what she can.
I am at a point where I believe her when she tells me she cares for me.
I finish my meal.

Yet soon after that, I again start to feel weird.
My head spins, my stomach pains much more, my back strains as if it is going to rip apart.
I feel a terrible itch short above my butt and my wrists start to burn and hurt when touched.


"Screaaahhk!" (E)

<Princess?> (K)

<Screeeak! Screeeh!/This hurts! My back hurts! Everything hurts!> (E)


I shout and become again aware of what kind of sound I make here.
Like an injured insect.
That's exactly what I am.


<Please, lay down princess. This will ease your pain.> (K)


Kyska insists and I also think that this tub makes me at least sleepy.
So I should go.
The substance in the tub makes the pain get better and I don't want to leave.
In this agony, I can't sleep well, yet as I grow exhausted, it comes closer and closer.

Finally, my consciousness fades away.


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