Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 84

Night of the Neighbors

From the window left open, the sober air of the early morning was entering.

In contrast to the heat in this room last night, the most awake Dion rubbed his eyes when he put his jacket on his shoulder, which remained placed all the way to his side.

“Mm-hmm… oh, Dion”

Apparently he woke up to signs of Dion’s crap moving. Donni is stretching out in the bench where he was lying.

Meanwhile, Keith was still sleeping well in his own bed. There’s a liquor bottle rolling beside him who fell asleep without a blanket, and it’s closer to ‘falling’ than ‘sleeping’.

“Morning, Donnie…. That, I don’t have Lewis, but what’s up?

“Oh. I said I was going to sleep in my room, and I got out at dawn”

“Oh well…. it’s morning . I don’t think I slept at all!

Dion, too, stretches out to imitate Donnie. Thus, drinking it down in Keith’s room was not so rare for them.

There is no holiday near the side of Vik, the next king. But my relationship with my husband is close. I often fall asleep late at night when alcohol comes in and the argument is incandescent.

“Yesterday… I wonder what happened to Vik ”

Dion laughs lightly at Donnie, who can’t keep her curiosity in check.

“I hope it’s going well”

Vique was clearly upset yesterday when he heard in this room that ‘Claire was told her thoughts by His Highness Asberto of the Noston Country’.

The person intended to be able to leave the room with room, but all four of them left on the spot listened to the footsteps rushing out at once the moment Keith left the room.

Neighbors and Dion face each other. And Lui spurted out, Dion smiled gently after exhaling heavily, and Donni laughed with his cheek cane.

Only Keith was a little tearful and soggy, so the three of us bashed our heads and blessed him.

“Keith has been with Vik since he was little, hasn’t he? That makes you cry.”

Lui also synchronizes with Doni’s words.

“Keith says a lot when he’s drunk. He said he was the one who turned Vik, who understood too much responsibility as a child, into that character.”

The new Dion, too, had heard the story.

“Oh, Keith told me that story the other day. He’s just studying and swordsmanship, so he took me out under the castle, taught me to play and let me see a lot of people.”

Keith, who remained heavily told, opens his mouth with his head polyed.

“… but I’m still very vigilant. I’m usually the ideal part as a master…… It’s good for everyone, but you’d only superficially deal with any warrant lady, wouldn’t you? When I think about Veek’s life, I was worried that he was all alone mentally. But I’m so glad you met someone who could really forgive my heart”

“… right”

Lewis, who had been with me until just now and slapped Keith on the head, was also running out of words when he realized.

Donnie, who felt the thoughts of the two seniors, talks to Dion.

“… but His Highness Asberto of the Noston Nation won’t give up either.”

“Oh, for once, Claire said no in seconds.”

“… you should have told Vik that.”


To Keith’s whining, a temporary silence comes. Dion was laughing innocently, but the three people who knew him in work mode understood that it was intentional not to let Vik know.

“Isn’t that just fine? I was worried because it seemed like I was making a bunch of brakes these days, Vike”

Lewis smiles and puts the herbal tea cup in his hand properly. And when I switched it to a transparent glass, I offered it to Donnie.

“I drink too. A toast, go out with Donnie today.”


Donnie laughed and received the glass and sat back next to the bench where Lewis sat because he could.

I was called to Claire’s outhouse the other day to ask her how she was going backwards. Claire didn’t make it clear, but it was a certainty that in them the relationship between Vique and Claire was something special in “Claire’s First Life”.

Was that a lover to each other or a fiancée recognized by the King? However, in “This Life,” we all felt that the two would undoubtedly be the symbolic presence of the future Paft nation. No one had to put it into words, it was obvious.


Donnie and Dion wake up and the sound of knocking on the door in the room where only Keith’s sleep can be heard.


When Donnie gently opened the door to keep Keith awake, it was Lewis there. Rarely for her, she looks such a subtle face, like in haste trouble.

“Donnie. Maybe a little bad”

“You’re early, Lewis…. What’s wrong?

It was only a few hours ago that Lewis left this room when he said he would sleep slowly in his own bed. Lewis was always true to his duties, but with a bewildered face, Donnie takes a breath.

“… Veek is not back in his room”


“Right now, I went to see what was going on in Veek’s room, and it was a stuffed shell. I asked the guards, but they’ve been saying it since last night.”

“… you’re lying, right? That Veek? That can’t be right?

“I don’t think I have that either. … there was alcohol in it and the warranty was”


Dion, who came to see how the two of them were suddenly silent in front of the door, said it was obvious.

“Ah, Veek.”

It was Veek who was behind the two people who interacted with him.

“… no need for extra prying.”

From a slightly obstinate look, it is certain that all current conversations had been heard.

“… sorry”

“Excuse me.”

Vique glanced at Lewis and Donnie, who would apologize as per the model.

“… Yesterday, when I got to the outhouse, Claire was falling asleep on the couch. If you’re looking at your sleeping face, so am I.”


Vique’s face is red on Lewie’s gavel with a light grin. Donnie and Dion looked at each other, perceiving that something was going on a little backwards.

“… I fell asleep in an out-of-house bench. So I haven’t been able to tell you anything. I was supposed to be in the office all day… but can I come out to Castle Town?”

“Oh. Come on.”

It was Keith who should still have been asleep who responded immediately. Soon he woke up and stood up from his bed, he continued.

“You must be with Claire, right? Then no escort is necessary. We’d rather sleep a little more than that. Hey, Dion.”

“Oh, right. If you’re with Vik, you don’t have my job either.”

Lui and Doni also retrieve the schedule and deliberately start checking the day.

“I’ll go to the clerk’s office first and get to work, but I don’t care if Vik doesn’t show up.”

“Yeah. Same for me to the right”

Veek received Dion’s care with his neighbors.

“… well…. evil but after please”

“” “” Your will “” ”

And the neighbors escorted the master back to his room on his own run for discipline.

“… I’ll bet dinner tonight that my date won’t be back till evening”

“I’m sure I’ll be back in the morning but I won’t bet anything”

Lui and Doni’s, some fun voice echoed down the hallway in the royal palace.

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