Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 68

67. Nicola’s Study Abroad

Then a few months. Upon entering the snowy season, the ‘door’ was finally completed by the efforts of the Royal Palace mages.

Claire wanted to help too, but she wouldn’t be involved in building a door unless she was the one with the color of superior magic. Claire sent Dion instead because it was possible that Claire’s magic color might not be pale pink on the Noston side.

In order to make relations between the two countries stronger, Vique had offered that commemorative ceremonies should be held in one country or another. However, the King decided that implementation would be difficult given the amount of magic consumed and Nicolas’s schedule of study abroad, and that there would be no grand ceremony.

Even when it comes to ‘doors’, it does not travel effortlessly because it consumes considerable magic for one person to go back and forth. Originally, it was almost impossible to travel with metastatic magic, which was improved to ‘If you work hard, you can manage’.

Claire complained directly to Vik that she wanted to be useful, but broke into Vik’s order to ‘explore a little more of the trends in the Noston country’, and the operation of the ‘door’ is to be carried out by royalty and royal palace magicians around Nicola.

“Ma’am, Nicolas is here.”

Sophie peeks into her face from the lobby.

Tomorrow was Nicola’s day to study in Noston.

“Thank you for inviting us today”

“Welcome, and I’m sorry to call you. But Nicolas and I were happy to have tea again, and I’ve been softening up.”

“Oh, yeah.”

When Claire smiled tearfully, Nicola’s raised eyes seemed to return to their original adorable form only slightly.

Sophie brings a tea set put on the wagon. Today, Claire invited Nicolas to tea, along with a thank you and farewell to Vique’s birthday night party.

“… that’s a nice scented tea. Not bad.”

Nicolas dyed her cheek tells her to delude herself into being lit.

“Good! I heard Nicolas liked the citrus aroma, so I picked up the recommended tea leaves.”

The two sitting opposite each other smile at each other with cups in their hands. The grin directed at Claire from Nicola was not great, but it was an unimaginably calm time from the first encounter in her first life.

Nicola seems to accept what Vik and Claire think. I don’t dare to shake that topic on both sides, but right now, Nicola won’t try to break between Vik and Claire.

“Dear Nicolas. The Royal College of Aristocracy in the Noston Country has my sister…. that, in a child who is not very keen to study. It’s time for the baptism ceremony, but there may be some inconvenience for you. Be very careful with your sister.”

Claire wanted to say, ‘I’m not a bad kid’ if I could, but I want to avoid weirdly reassuring Nicolas and putting her in danger. In the first place, Charlotte, who emerges from reports of Asberto, his brother Oscar, and his aunt Anne before that, was the bad boy himself.

“… it’s rare for Claire to say something like that about your family.”

Nicola also forgets to make a mean look and makes her eyes full.

“Once you see her, you’ll see.”

Claire tends to lay low.

Claire had heard from Asbert that Charlotte was strangely isolated within the Royal College of Aristocrats.

On the face of it, it sounds like we’re having fun, but while we nose for the position of fiancée of the First Prince, we can’t keep up with the work and upbringing, and they’re avoided by some of the ladies.

Last month, the attempt to expel those ladies from the college went into his brother Oscar’s ear via Asberto, and he seems to have had a big eyeball.

(Though Dion’s curse was a last resort… we’re going to use it sooner rather than later)

Claire feels dark even though it’s a tea party with Nicola that I’ve been looking forward to because of. Nicolas, who guessed it, changed the subject.

“… His Highness Asberto of Noston has written to me several times to prepare me for study abroad. Thanks to you, I can safely go. Her Royal Highness is Claire’s childhood friend, isn’t she?… Thanks for everything”

The second half was whispering, but certainly, it was a word of thanks to Claire.

For the first time in his life, Asberto was closer to Charlotte than Claire before Charlotte awoke the magic. Of course, that could have been caused by the strength of Charlotte’s push.

Still, the type of Nicolas who speaks of what he thought in a reasonably free run is fundamentally very similar to Charlotte. In that sense, Claire expected Asberto and Nicola to have a good relationship.

“I’m glad to help you, Master Nicolas. Come back at the ‘door’ whenever you get lonely”

“… As a result of my baptismal ceremony the other day, I realized that even my magic might allow me to travel back and forth between the two countries. Now your father says,” Why don’t you go into the dormitory and walk through it? “Though I would never!

From Nicola’s story, Claire realizes that her magic is’ blue ‘. In this world, in order to protect oneself from special magic like the Count Meade family, it is common not to reveal much of the colour of magic other than those present at the Baptist ceremony.

Of course, cases of official necessity or special circumstances like the Martino family have become public secrets. Claire loved Nicola, who was strong but trusted in herself.

“Pfft. That’s Nicolas, isn’t it? I’m looking forward to talking about souvenirs. If you have any problems, talk to me about anything…. I can help you with anything I can do, not only about the Noston Country, but about your friendship.”

“… hey, anything?… I’ll remember…”

The two enjoyed the conversation with plenty of afternoon time before breaking up with a light hug.


The next day.

In front of the ‘door’ set up near the church in the Noston country, Asberto and King Noston awaited Nicola’s visit, now or now.

Asbelt’s left arm is wrapped around Charlotte.

“Are you still here? Nicolas of the Paft Country.”

Asberto complains to Charlotte, who says sweetly.

“Charlotte. Miss Nicolas is the daughter of King Puffett’s king brother, a clean royalty. Watch your mouth and ask for no disrespect.”

Honestly, there are few aristocrats who frown upon this behavior of Charlotte. Asberto even wanted to be honest and say, ‘Will you let go of my arm because I’m on official business,’ but Lord Martino, Charlotte’s father, got into his eyes and held his mouth.

“Miss Charlotte. How about some tea over there if you’re bored?”

Salomon whispers to Charlotte as he perceives Asberto’s displeasure.


Charlotte thrust Salomon’s suggestion further strengthens the power of the hand grabbing Asberto’s arm.

(… boring)

That was Charlotte’s first glimpse since Claire studied in the Papeet country.

Not only the Royal College of Aristocracy, but the Noston Nation does not have Charlotte and the sons of the same generation of Dukes. The absence of Claire, her half-sister, should have made Charlotte the most courteous ordinance to be treated.

This time, however, the suite she was using in the Royal College of Aristocrats quarters was ordered to dawn for Nicolas, and all the room conditioning was replaced with new ones.

When I entered school, all the furniture placed in the room was used by my sister the previous year. That was also fuelling Charlotte’s sentiment that it wasn’t funny.

In the meantime, Asberto told me the other day to help her around Miss Nicola. “As Fiancée of the First Prince,” when ordered to do so, as Charlotte, who has made the most of being her fiancée to leave her wanting power, she cannot go without saying no.

But even though you have surroundings to yourself, I absolutely didn’t like Charlotte to be surrounded.

(My baptismal ceremony is coming up… when the magic wakes up, you can chase Master Nicolas back)

Charlotte thought so as she grabbed Asbert’s arm hard.

The magic formation set up as a ‘door’ begins to glow on the lid. Finally, the venue shudders.

A moment later, Nicola arrived in the Noston Country.

When the sparkling light subsides, Nicolas steps out of the magic formation.

King Noston steps closer to Nicolas, who is looking around with hopeful eyes. As soon as she realized that, Nicola smiled adorably elegantly and greeted her with a curtesy.

“My name is Nicola Windsor. Please allow me to study abroad, and I am delighted.”

For some reason, the venue is flooded with hospitable air for the tricks and words that are not there.

Only two people, Lord Martino and Charlotte herself, were unaware of the air.

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