Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 86:


Lennox Carlyle quietly repeated that name.

‘How does Juliet know Dahlia?’

“Your Highness, I don’t want to die.”

The image of Juliet clinging desperately to him, coughing up blood, flashed through his mind.

It was hard to dismiss it as just something said in panic, as there were many points that weighed on his mind.

“Lennox, I’m sorry.”

Watching her die in front of him was a nightmarish scene he never wanted to witness again.

With eyes that briefly closed and then opened sharply, Lennox looked fierce.



“Send someone to Lucerne. There’s something to look into.”

* * *

Juliet hurriedly left Carlyle’s mansion on a carriage.

In fact, she was a bit upset.

‘After all the trouble of being worried and visiting, what the…’

Moreover, she had quite a bit to tell, including what she did in Lucerne and the disappearance of the butterflies.

Very upset, Juliet realized only upon reaching the reception room of the Count’s mansion that she had left something at the Carlyle mansion.

“…My hairpin.”

She remembered carefully tying up her hair before leaving, but now her hairpin was nowhere to be found and her long hair trailed down her back.

‘It was my favorite.’

She must’ve dropped it somewhere in the bedroom when she fell onto the bed.

The leaf-shaped hairpin adorned with pearls was one of Juliet’s treasured items. But she didn’t want to go back for it.

Sighing lightly, Juliet sat at a desk in front of a large window. Gazing out at the garden, she noticed something odd.

The garden looked professionally maintained. The once neglected circular fountain was now clean, and new rose vines were in the maze garden.

‘Did grandfather take care of it?’

But then Juliet remembered she had only been back to the County for about a week.

‘It would’ve been difficult to complete the repairs in just a week…’

Furthermore, Lionel had left abruptly just yesterday.


Hearing a voice from behind, Juliet looked up to see her nursemaid, Yvette, standing at the entrance of the reception room with a tea set.

“Why are you carrying that alone? It’s dangerous.”

Juliet rose from her seat to take the teacup from Yvette.

“Miss, I know this mansion’s layout by heart.”

Yvette said with a gentle smile.

“Even if I can’t see, this much isn’t a problem.”

Juliet nodded, looking into Yvette’s silvery-grey eyes.

But as she sipped her tea and looked around the house, she noticed not only the garden but various parts of the mansion had been repaired.

‘…There wasn’t enough money to hire a gardener.’

Confused, Juliet tilted her head.

“Do you like it?”

Before Juliet could ask what had happened, Yvette said with a bright smile.

“While you were away, a gentleman visited the mansion.”


“The one you always talk about.”

Startled, Juliet nearly dropped the lid of her teacup.

“Duke Carlyle?”


Hearing the unexpected name, Juliet pressed her lips tight.

Her face grew hot.

Ever since she followed Duke Carlyle to the North, Juliet’s return to the Count’s mansion was once a year, around the time of the New Year’s ball.

The servants of Count Monad were like family, and Juliet didn’t want to worry them.

So, even if it wasn’t true, she wanted them to know she was doing well in the North.

After all, she thought it wouldn’t matter. Lennox Carlyle wouldn’t care what Juliet did.

Thus, the lie began…

“He seemed very kind, as you always said.”

That’s not possible.

Juliet blinked in surprise.

“Although I didn’t see him, I knew from his voice. And when he said the mansion was in bad condition, he provided a gardener and repairmen.”

Juliet swirled the empty teacup in her hand. Then, with a bitter smile, she replied:

“…Yes, you’re right. He’s a very kind person.”

There was still warmth in the teacup, but it felt somewhat empty.

“Kind and… always considering me.”

I see.

Juliet realized that her insignificant lie had been caught by Yvette.

In fact, everyone in the mansion probably knew about it long before.

Everyone was aware that Juliet Monad was the Duke’s temporary lover, and that she could be discarded at any time.


For some reason, this situation seemed comically tragic to her.

She thought she had abandoned her pride the moment she chose to stay by the side of a man who would never truly love her.

“Excuse me, Miss. I have something to tell you.”

An elderly butler entered the reception room and called out to her.


When Juliet went out, she saw a maid and two servants standing near the entrance.

“What’s going on?”

“Actually, the food delivery hasn’t arrived today, Miss.”

This meant that preparing dinner for the evening would be difficult.

“Why didn’t the delivery come?”

Juliet tilted her head in confusion.

She thought the dinner issue could be easily resolved by just serving potatoes to the clueless guests.

“I’m sorry, Miss. The thing is…”

Upon hearing the servants’ explanation, Juliet was flabbergasted.

In essence, servants from other families had been causing minor and major disruptions for some time, making it difficult for them.

From major tasks like repairing carriages and stables to minor tasks like buying groceries or necessities. It wasn’t just one specific family’s servant causing problems; they took turns causing disruptions.

And the astonishing reason they were doing this…

“Because I refused their invitation?”


Juliet’s expression turned icy.

It was a childish threat.

Juliet finally realized the pettiness of it all and let out a soft sigh. So that’s what it was all about.

“They probably want to make a spectacle out of the woman scorned. They want me to be the center of attention as the rejected one.”

“There’s no need for that, Miss. I’ll find another route to get the groceries.”

The elderly butler tried to reassure her.

But Juliet had a gut feeling that this wasn’t going to be resolved easily.

Aristocratic servants have their own solid networks. Going against them would impact all the relationships they had built over the years.

Right now, it might be just about food supplies, but there’s no telling what might come next.

‘Unless I move to a remote mountain, this will continue.’

“I’ll handle it.”

Juliet had no intention of giving up the family and mansion left by her parents.

* * *

Juliet gathered all the mail she had received. She dumped it all in the middle of the living room.


“Wow, what’s all this?”

Envelopes spilled onto the floor. Eshel and Teo, who were passing by, each commented.

“Looks like you’re popular?”

Teo sat down and marveled at the number of invitations.

“I thought you didn’t have friends… or maybe not?”

Instead of answering, Juliet let out a light sigh.

“They’re not friends.”

All were invitations to tea parties or salon gatherings.

In a way, it was a kind of tradition.

People in the social circle, keenly interested in every move of Lennox Carlyle, always wanted to know what happened to his ex-lovers after their breakup.

“Some grew too arrogant and went bankrupt.”

“One actress, thinking too highly of herself, was even fired from a minor role.”

“They act as if they’re something special…”

And so on.

They just wouldn’t give up their long-standing source of amusement. They wanted to make fun of Juliet now.

“They probably want to see me in ruins.”

There are always those who enjoy gossiping about others’ misfortunes.

Juliet sighed heavily.

“If that’s what they want, I’ll give them what they’re looking for.”

She couldn’t avoid it forever.

“Let’s show them exactly what being rejected looks like.”

Despite her cold determination, Juliet mumbled:

“If I knew it would come to this, maybe I should’ve lived a more virtuous life.”

Contrary to her words, Juliet wasn’t really regretful. She had no intention of passively falling apart or becoming the tragic heroine of a sad tale.

“Let’s go with this one.”

After much contemplation, Juliet picked up an invitation.

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