foreigner's journey

Chapter 56 Heather

Chapter 56 Heather
If given a choice, Miki Shintaro would escape this hunter world as quickly as possible and never return.

What a beautiful future, a bright future... Whoever loves it, whoever loves it, thinks it's not long enough?

He was really terrified of [Heather], even when he heard this name, he would tremble involuntarily.

Please don't blame Miki-kun for his cowardice, almost no one in his era is not afraid of [Heather]. This name seems to be an eternal nightmare.

Shintaro Miki comes from the earth in 2042, a world full of [supernatural powers].

Everything starts from the winter of 2020.

On December 2020, 12, at the Southern Central Hospital in Lyon, France, a 20-year-old boy named [Barre François] came to the hospital accompanied by his parents because he often felt inexplicable burning pain in his hands in recent months. Southern Central Hospital, but when he was patiently waiting for his number to be called in the lobby, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his arms, and then his arms were directly wrapped in flames, and the jet of flames burned the ceiling with large black marks .

The drenched teenager stood bewildered in the 'heavy rain' poured from the fire sprinkler.

This is the scene of the birth of the first [supernatural person] officially recorded in human history.

As if some inexplicable switch has been turned on, more and more [supernatural beings] have sprung up all over the world.

In general, the following rules can be summed up -

First, the awakening of [supernatural beings] must be after the biological age, which is generally recognized around the world as 'adulthood'.

Second, the abilities of the living [Supernatural Being] will never be repeated, but once the [Supernatural Being] dies, its ability will reappear on a random human in the world, and the time is uncertain (previously The official longest record is 1986 hours).

Third, the awakening of [Supernatural Beings] has nothing to do with any genetic blood or external factors, it is completely random.

Although there are a lot of [powers] awakened, most of them have no lethality or strange uses.Fingers can spray small streams of water (to consume water in the body), they can collect odor particles in the air through their tongues like a snake, their eyes will emit light (the maximum brightness of a 20-watt light bulb), and long hairs grow on their bodies... This ability is useless at all except to add some fun or trouble to daily life.

Besides, no matter how strong the ability is, can it be stronger than firearms and cannons?Can it be stronger than a nuclear bomb?

The governments of various countries either recruited or imprisoned those awakened who were "not too calm" in the early days of the "Awakening Era" or directly killed them on the spot. After a long time, almost all [supernatural beings] were honest and went to the official registration after awakening Reporting, there are more restrictions and protections than normal people, but it will not discriminate against you or confess you.If you really don't want to register, then obediently hide it for the rest of your life, don't show your abilities in front of outsiders, and continue to be your ordinary person.

This kind of day lasted for four years, until April 2025, 4, a day that is enough to be remembered by the whole world——

【Blood April Fool's Day】.

At the final scene of the 'Superhero Cup', the world's largest power player competition held by Hope Country, just as the players were fighting, a floating figure appeared in the sky above the field, and a slender iron rod appeared out of thin air in his hand and kept expanding and changing. Become a giant stick that covers the sky.

The next second, the huge iron rod made a terrifying roar and smashed downwards.

With just one blow, the Michigan Stadium, which can accommodate 10 people, together with the audience, staff, contestants, and even the pedestrian and vehicle buildings around the stadium, were all involved in the terrifying shock wave.

More than 15 billion viewers around the world watched the desperate scene live on live broadcast.

At the same time as the emergency rescue, the high-level officials of various countries also captured the full picture of the figure through the high-definition video before the live broadcast was interrupted.

A human male, with matte black hair like a crow's feathers, a handsome face with Asian features that doesn't seem like a mortal person, without a wave of indifference, 183cm tall, estimated weight of 69kg, wearing a suit that can't find the brand black tracksuit...

The information on the officially registered abilities of the world has been checked, and there is no information about this person at all.

Soon some relevant experts asked—is the iron rod in his hand a bit like the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in "Journey to the West"?

Coupled with this person's obvious Asian face, senior officials of various countries, especially the Hope State, angrily questioned the relevant departments of the Chinese Dynasty.But the Chinese side is also confused. If we had such fierce people, wouldn't we hide them as tactical weapons?Is it worth releasing such a big killer for your ugly country's broken game?
Just when the world was in anger, panic and suspicion, the mysterious man reappeared.

On July 2025, 7, Vandals appeared in Tokyo, Japan.

This time, he aimed at the Tokyo Sky Tree. The 634-meter tall tower in the world was shrouded in layers of dark clouds that suddenly covered the sky.With the terrifying light flashing enough to leave burn marks on the retina, a huge spear-shaped lightning flashed across the sky, hitting and smashing the tower at an astonishing speed.

This 634-meter-high tower, the world's tallest tower in the past, collapsed tragically with a ferocious roar.

Needless to say, this time he used the iconic weapon of Zeus, the god king in ancient Greek mythology—[thunderbolt].

From appearing to leaving, apart from destruction, there was no extra action or nonsense, and those think tanks were not even sure whether he was dumb.

This time no one is blaming the Greek government, because everyone can see that this man has no demands, threats or hopes at all. His only purpose is to 'destroy'.


In addition to using the weapons from myths and legends every time, there is absolutely no law at all, let alone the slightest scruples and compassion for human life, as if a child who lost his temper was slapping the sand in the park with a small shovel. The ant nests on the ground are purely for venting or fun.

People can't guess what his purpose is at all, and the scale of damage he causes varies from time to time. Sometimes thousands of people are killed, and sometimes he simply destroys buildings that no one exists, and does not take the initiative to kill anyone. Life, there were even two acts that were completely undamaged, just simply floated above the place where they appeared for a while and then disappeared.

It’s like [natural disasters] appearing at random times, random scales, and random locations around the world. They cannot be resisted, cannot be predicted, and cannot even be condemned in person.

Gradually, some people cursed him and hated him and called him the "devil king", but there were also a few lunatics with twisted personalities who regarded him as the savior of the last days, the king of supernatural powers.

There is no other reason, just because of this unparalleled destructive power, if it is placed in the superstitious ancient times, it can be regarded as a god.

Of course, countries have fought back, but the time and place of each other's appearance is irregular. It is impossible to deploy weapons and troops around the world to guard against it at all times, right?The regular troops who are making small troubles do not pose any threat to this mysterious devil at all, bullets can't touch his skin, and flames and lasers are useless.The strange thing is that he does not fight back against these attacks from the attacked area at all, as long as he shows up at the target location and does what he wants to do, he will leave on his own.

The days of fear and terror around the world continued until April 2034, 4, at the beach of Nha Trang, Vietnam.

Local residents witnessed the mysterious demon king standing in front of the beach with bare feet, letting the sea wash his feet, and looking at the horizon in the distance, as if he was looking at it or remembering it.

Some daring residents took out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos. One of these local residents happened to be an avid fan of the mysterious demon king. He took the initiative to talk to him in a central Vietnamese accent - "Who the hell are you?"

The Demon King turned his head slightly and slowly said a name.Then he flew into the sky and melted into the sea breeze and sunlight.

Later, when the mobile phone video was sent to the research departments of various countries, they were surprised to find that no matter which country people listened to the name in the video, as long as they heard it, the Chinese pronunciation and writing of the name would appear in their minds——


 PS: Two updates will be resumed on weekends!The second update is at 5:[-] pm.

(End of this chapter)

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