Flip The Script

Book 1 – Ch 15 – Unpunishment

Toshi was standing in a line that stretched out into the hallway.





He was stuck at the end because he usually wound up coming late due to the fact he took a few minutes to organize his notes. Consequently, Kenko ended up eating later too, despite Toshi's insistence that he didn't have to wait. Toshi glanced back down the hall with a soft smile, hoping Ruri would be pleased with his gift. She always seemed so melancholy. His mood shifted as he noticed Naora and her followers loitering near the bathrooms at the hall's end. Her claimed 'territory'. While Hinako held sway as the school's 'boss', she couldn't be everywhere, and an uneasy truce existed. That part of the hallway belonged to Naora, plain and simple.


She had a habit of harassing any boys passing through the area on their way to lunch. As a result, most boys opted for the longer route around or used the stairs, navigating through to another stairwell to avoid her by coming down on the other side of the lunch room. That seemed like too much effort for Toshi. He preferred to walk straight past that corner. The number of girls gathered there varied. It was considered the 'bad girl' spot of the school, and members came and went. Naora held court there, and only her friends dared to use the girls' bathroom on that corner. No boys risked entering unless absolutely necessary, enduring crude remarks shouted from the entrance the entire time.


Toshi also faced catcalling and other crude comments while passing through that section. Many boys hurried through, visibly embarrassed, and often complained during lunch about having to endure 'running the gauntlet'. Other boys couldn't fathom how Toshi managed it daily, but he usually just shrugged it off or joked, saying things like, "I think they're funny." Truthfully, he didn't let it bother him. He understood from experience that the girls only said those things because they knew they didn't stand a chance with him. If he were to ever turn around and show interest, he was sure it would likely silence them all as they scrambled to figure out what to say next.


The line moved and he turned to step inside when he heard someone from down the hallway shout, "NO!" He stopped and backed up a step, standing up on his toes to try and see what was going on. It was hard to tell since the three had cornered some poor soul.

Toshi squinted, "Wait a sec... is that?"

Kenko looked back at Toshi, "Hey. The line moved up." He pointed at the open door.

Toshi stepped out of line to get a better view. Kenko saw all the color drain out of Toshi's face and heard him say quite clearly, 'Fuck.'




Toshi sprinted down the hall.



Naora was annoyed.




She didn't like it when she was told no by her lessers and certainly not from this little bitch. She grabbed the girl by the arm and hauled her into the women's bathroom. Naora growled at the one girl inside using the mirror, "Get Out." That was all that needed to be said. The girl scurried out as fast as she could, not even taking the time to pack up her stuff, just scooping it up and holding it to her chest. Naora's cohorts followed behind with an intimidating swagger. Naora practically threw Ruri into the back wall of the bathroom. Ruri fell against it and slid to the floor. The three formed a semi-circle around the little girl who was cowering before them. She held the bag in a death grip, her back against the wall, and all hope faded from her eyes as Naora spoke.


"I think it has been a while since I taught you how things work around here.



Toshi ran down the hall and came to a stop in front of the women's bathroom. Kenko was right behind him. Toshi stood there and stared into the bathroom, frozen in indecision. Going into a bathroom as a guy back in his old world could result in criminal charges. He was fairly certain that didn't apply here, but he couldn't be sure.


What he did know is that he thought he saw Naora dragging Ruri in there.


Kenko caught up, "What are you doing?" He looked at Toshi, the bathroom, then back again, "Wait. You-" At that moment another girl stumbled out of the bathroom, looking fearfully over her shoulder as she rushed out. She almost bumped into Toshi but stopped just short.

Toshi grabbed her by the arm, "Did Ruri just get dragged in there?"

The girl Toshi grabbed looked surprised and answered more out of reflex, "Short girl, black glasses, pigtails?"

Toshi let go, "Thanks." The girl took a few steps away, but not entirely leaving. She was curious about what was going to happen next.

Kenko figured that part out and stabbed a finger at Toshi, "Now wait a minute-" Toshi didn't listen and just rushed in.



Kenko kept on talking, his voice rising.



Inside everyone heard some boy outside shouting, "You can't go in there!" Everyone turned to look at the entrance and watched Toshi come bursting inside. He stopped at the doorway. Naora and her two followers turned to face him. Ruri just gaped at him, as if reality had just turned on its head.


Toshi came to a stop to assess the situation, then resumed strolling in as casually as could be, "Love the decor." He eyed some of the graffiti on the wall next to the sink, "For a good time call-" He turned to look at the three and did some 'tsk-tsk-ing' as he shook his head in a disappointed fashion. He finally noticed what Ruri was holding, then checked his shoulder, "Oh? Hey!" He pointed at Ruri, "You found it!" He smiled at her, "Thanks for finding it for me." Then gestured for Ruri to come to him, "Could you bring that over here? That'd be great." Ruri was about to stand up when Naora held out her hand flat behind her. Ruri stopped moving and trembled in fear even more if such a thing was possible. Toshi raised his head and jutted his chin towards her. He spoke in a calm, and confidant voice, "Everything is going to be fine."

Naora laughed as the three of them closed in on their new target, "Everything is going to be fine? What? You think you're just going to show me your smile and everything will go your way?" She eyed him up and down while licking her lips, "Well... actually... There IS something you could show me." She let the rest of the sentence hang in the air. Her two friends started to snicker.

Ruri stopped shaking. Up until this point she had been terrified, but three girls threatening to sexually assault a boy in front of her? No... not a boy.


A friend of hers.


For the first time in her life, she felt far more anger than fear. She slowly started to stand up, her face becoming flat and expressionless. Toshi noticed this and looked straight into her eyes as he shook his head slightly. Naora glanced over her shoulder at Ruri, only long enough to give her a contemptuous look, then refocused on Toshi, "Don't tell me she's your girlfriend."

Toshi shrugged, "She's a girl. She's a friend. Draw what conclusion you like." He held up a finger that he waggled at her, "But nobody hurts my friends."

The three snorted with contempt. Naora smirked, "And what are you going to do about it, my little Pochi-kun?" Toshi's eyes darted about for a few tense moments before he got a look of realization. Naora noticed this and looked curious, "What?"

Toshi smiled cheerfully and relaxed his posture, "I just realized something." Toshi slowly tilted his head to the side and cracked his neck, "This is reverse world."

The girl to Toshi's left squinted, "Huh?"






That's when Toshi punched her in the face.

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