Finding a Yandere in Reverse World

Chapter 25: Exit the Matrix

The sharp pinch in my arm jolts me awake. Another injection of something. My mind clears instantly as I wake up, the fog of yesterday's intoxication evaporating. Despite the blindfold, the chair bindings, and being naked, a smile spreads across my face for this is my dream come true.

"Good morning, Erica," I say, my voice groggy from just waking up.

Suddenly, warm lips crash into mine, cutting off any further words. The kiss is urgent and passionate. I lean into it as much as my restraints allow, savoring the softness.

She seems even more desperate for me than usual. She must really love having me in this position.

Our tongues dance, exploring each-other with renewed fervor. I notice something's off, the usual sharp taste of cigarettes is absent. My heart races, partly from the kiss, partly from a growing unease.

As we break apart, I can't help but ask, "Did you quit smoking? Just for me?" To think Erica would do something so hard just to live longer for me. It’s heart-melting and a testament to how important I am to her. I smile wide.


The lack of response sends a chill down my spine. I've grown accustomed to Erica's dominance. But this silence was fun yesterday, but i miss her voice.

"Erica?" I venture again, straining against the bonds. "You there, momm-" I catch myself, embarrassment flooding my cheeks. "I mean, are you okay?"

Still, no response. The room feels colder for somereason. The echoes in the room, I don’t recognize them. I swallow hard, my mouth dry. My heart pounds in my chest like a wild drum.

I sense movement. Erica's weight shifts on the chair as she straddles me, and I feel her hands roam down my chest. Her touch is tender, almost reverent like she's trying to commit every inch of me to memory.

My breath hitches as her fingers reach my stomach, teasing the sensitive skin just above my cock. I squirm in my restraints, wanting to touch her, to feel her close to me. But I'm helpless, bound, and vulnerable.

Her warm breath tickles my ear, sending shivers down my spine. But still, no words. She lifts herself slightly, and I feel her position herself above me. The anticipation is almost unbearable. Then, with a gentle rocking motion, she lowers herself onto me, taking me in inch by inch. I groan, unable to contain the pleasure that washes over me.

Erica begins to move, her rhythm slow and deliberate. Each roll of her hips sends sparks of pleasure shooting through my body, and I can't help but moan in response. But still, she remains silent, her focus solely on the connection between us.

The room is filled with the sound of our ragged breathing and the slick slide of skin on skin. Erica's movements grow faster and more urgent, and I can feel myself teetering on the edge of release. But just as I think I'm about to cum, she slows down, almost imperceptibly, dragging out the pleasure until I'm practically begging for more.

Suddenly, she shifts position, lifting herself off of me and maneuvering herself onto my lap in reverse cowgirl. The change in angle is dizzying, sending a jolt of pleasure through me that makes my head spin. She begins to move again, her hips rolling in a deliciously sinful rhythm that has me gasping for breath.

I can feel her muscles tighten around me as she chases her own release, but she never breaks her silence. Instead, she communicates through touch, her fingers digging into my thighs as she grinds herself against me. I can feel the tension building inside of her, and I know that she's close.

But just as I think she's about to cum, she stops again, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. She remains still for a moment, her body trembling with the effort of holding back. Then, with a low growl, she starts moving again, her rhythm erratic and frantic.

‘Wait, her pussy feels different. Not looser, it just doesn’t feel the same?’ I pause in wonder. ‘Who kidnapped me on halloween?’ I realize something isn’t adding up all of a sudden.

As I struggle to make sense of the sensation, I feel a pair of warm lips press against the back of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. My heart races, and my blood goes cold as I realize that this isn't Erica's kiss. The woman fucking me in the front couldn’t have kissed me from her angle. There's someone else here.

‘Erica wouldn’t share me. On god, I have no doubt of that.’ I organize my thoughts.

“Who the fuck are you two.” I stammer out as the woman in front of me tries to milk my very soul out of my body.

The woman behind me chuckles darkly, her voice low and husky as she whispers in my ear, "Surprised, darling?" She runs her fingers through my hair, gripping it tightly and pulling my head back to expose my throat.

The woman fucking me continues to move on top of me, her rhythm impossibly slow and torturous. I can feel every inch of her as she slides up and down my shaft, her inner muscles tight and pulsing around me.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I say out loud realizing i’ve just been regular kidnapped. The voice behind me. I'm nearly positive it’s Lindsey’s in hindsight.

“Lindsey!” I mutter, trying not to moan at rapists.

"Ah, you've figured it out so fast. Good boy, good boy." Lindsey's voice drips with venomous sweetness, her breath hot against my ear. She takes off my blindfold. I see a familiar waterfall of blonde hair on the naked body riding me. For a second, It really did look like Erica, but it’s that weird bitch, Lyra riding me like it’s her last day alive.

Lyra's eyes meet mine as she turns her head to me, a mixture of fear and determination in their depths. Her movements grow more urgent as if trying to prove her worth to Lindsey. The sensation is maddening, my body responding against my will.

"W-why?" I stammer, struggling against my restraints. The leather bites into my wrists, but I refuse to give in. "Why are you doing this?"

Lindsey laughs, the sound echoing through the dimly lit room. "Oh, Jason, my dear. Haven't you realized? I've been in love with you since the moment we met. You didn’t push me away. You even let me sit at your lunch table.” Her voice sounds blissful as she recounts the stupidest fucking ‘meet cute.’

She continued with a much more sinister tone. “Since then I’ve been watching from the sidelines as you fell deeper and deeper into Erica's clutches.

She shifted to a very soft tone. “But your new mommy is here Jason and i’ve read and reread your diary over a hundred times now.” She was panting like a mad scientist, all while I was trying my literal hardest not to blow my rope into Lyra.

“You stole my diary?” I ask, horrified and overwhelmed by all of this.

“Well technically,” Lindsey spoke with a slight smile. “Lyra did all the real work there. She was even the one who took you at the haunted house so I could have an alibi.” Lindsey laughed like an evil villain as she explained her plan.

My heart pounded in my chest as I listened to Lindsey's confession. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My entire world seemed to be crashing down around me, and I felt like I was drowning in a sea of despair.

‘She doesn’t want to just fuck this up for me. She wants to ruin my fucking entire life.’ I think to myself.

"Please," I begged, tears streaming down my face, "Stop this. I don't want to be here. I want to go home to Erica."

Lindsey's eyes narrowed as she looked at me. "Your body is betraying you, Jason," she said coldly. "You may think you love Erica, but your body knows who it truly desires."

‘After the Brooke situation, I’m not even surprised. Of course, I’m horny. I can feel shame about this later when I tell Erica everything.’ My mind panics.

"I don't care!" I cried out, tears streaming down my face. "I love Erica, and I don't want to be here!"

But my words fell on deaf ears. Lindsey just laughed cruelly as she watched me struggle. It was then that I felt Lyra's body start to tremble. She let out a moan of pleasure, and I could feel her pussy grip my cock even tighter.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, tears streaming down her own face. "I'm so sorry, Jason."

I hit my own limit. Lying somewhere in the mix of disappointment, embarrassment, helplessness, and complete bliss was me. A depraved venn diagram. I let out a cry of pleasure as I felt myself cum deep inside Lyra's pussy. It was a release I didn't want, but the feeling was undeniably good. Like my body simply loved being a plaything for these two psychos.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry” Lindsey just sat on top of me with what could only be described as restrained jubilation. She looked exhausted but happy. Her sorry was meaningless as she stared my way, a mixture of tears and a hunger for something more.

As I sat there, spent, I could hear Lindsey laughing in the background. I felt like I was in some kind of twisted nightmare, and I just wanted it to be over.

"Please," I begged. "Just let me go."

"Oh, Jason," Lindsey sighed, shaking her head in mock disappointment. "You still don't understand, do you? You're mine now, and there's nothing you can do about it." Her voice was filled with pure desire.

Lyra got up off of me and sat silently in the corner of the room on a couch. My cum slowly dripped out of her like she was a spilled container of yogurt. I couldn't help but feel betrayed by her presence, even as I pleaded with Lindsey for mercy. It was her loyalty to Lindsey that had led me to this situation, and I couldn't forgive her for that.

"Erica will come for me Lindsey." I spoke out something I genuinely believed. It was a promise and a threat.

Lindsey let out a cruel laugh. "Erica? Oh, Jason, you poor, naive fool. She's not even close to finding you. Your mother, your sister, your friends... they're all off on their own adventures. And even if they did somehow manage to find their way here, it would be too late, you’ll be outta this country before long."

She leaned in closer, her breath hot against my ear. "You see, as far as they know. I’m helping them look for you. It’s been days since you went missing. And every morning, I’m out there hitting the pavement looking for clues. and going to class” She laughed.

‘Days? Plural?’ I think in fear. ‘It only feels like I've been here for a night or two. What the fuck?’

I felt a wave of panic wash over me, threatening to drown me in its depths. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This couldn't be happening. Then suddenly, my dick hardened at the thought of being so helpless. I stared at it. Lindsey’s eyes went wide at it, too. I sighed, annoyed not surprised.

‘It’s still rape if I don’t consent, and im not some tragic monster that gets a hard on and just attacks the first thing I see. I don’t want her to fucking touch me.’

"You should be grateful," she whispered, her lips brushing against my ear. "I'm literally the perfect match for you. Everything in your diary was something I wanted to do to you before I even read it, Because I love you so much I want to take you by force.” Her eyes getting more and more manic as she tries to reason with me.

She takes it a step further as she straddles me. I entered her like she was my sheathe, and she took me all the way to the hilt. I let out a small moan as she attacked me with her slow movements.

“You want someone psychotic right? Someone that will literally do anything to keep you theres right? That’s what you wrote right?” She asks me with genuinely terrifying in her eyes.

I nod because she wasn’t wrong but I add “I wan’t Erica to be that psycho though not you. And Honestly when she saves me I’m confident she will be a lot more possessive of me after this. Rape me now and you will only make her stronger.”

She laughs as her movement speed nearly doubles, her inner walls feeling like heaven as she ground down on my cock.

She grabs my chin and pulls my face to look into her eyes. “Erica isn’t up to this task. She’s will never be possessive enough. She lets you have friends, she lets you drink in the presence of other women. She’s not in love enough. She’s not me. I would be so jealous. It would be so overwhelming. You wouldn’t be able to move an inch without telling me.” She was breathing heavily as she prattled on.

“You literally watch your best friend fuck me! That disqualifies you immediately! I want to be loved by a storm not some cuck.” I feel bad kink shaming her because a part of me does believe theres a world out there for a masochist cuck yandere but that time is neither here nor now.

She ignores my words. “Come on Jason just pick me. I am literally your perfect girl. And i don’t even have to change for you. I’m already cooked up and ready to be here.” She speaks and it feels like her eyes are becoming hearts as she looks deep into my own eyes.

I felt myself being torn apart, my heart longing for Erica, yet my body responding to Lindsey's twisted love. I wanted to scream, to protest, but all that came out was a pathetic whimper as she continued to manipulate my desires.

"Lindsey, please... I can't... I love Erica...I don’t care about that shit right now. Erica saved me. I am loyal to only her. If I switched for you now, it would just show that my love is valueless." I managed to get out my thoughts, but my voice was barely audible beneath her relentless assault.

Lindsey's eyes narrowed as she tightened her grip on my chin, forcing me to look into her determined gaze. "Oh, Jason," she whispered, her voice dripping with false sympathy. "You poor, confused boy. Don't you understand? Erica doesn't truly love you. She's just using you, playing with your emotions like a toy. But me? I would never do that."

With a sudden, violent thrust, she ground her hips against mine, drawing a gasp from my lips. "I would worship you, Jason. I would give you everything you ever wanted and more. All I ask in return is your loyalty, your devotion."

A part of me loved the sound of that. But no matter what she doesn’t make me feel safe at all. ‘Did i get lost along the way? Was the feeling of safety even in the repertoire of a Yandere? Who cares.’ My thoughts finally land somewhere.

She leaned in close, her breath hot against my ear. "Think about it, Jason. A life of luxury, of pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. A life by my side, where you would be cherished and adored. Isn't that what you really want?"

“No. I am more than just my fetishes. Even if Erica never becomes the ultimate Yandere I genuinely love her. Even if Erica was just at the right place and the right time it’s genuine how I feel about her.” I shrug at her. “No matter how much you rape that much will always be true.”

Lindsey's eyes flashed with anger, her grip on me tightening as she ground her hips into mine once more. "You dare defy me?" she hissed, her voice low and dangerous. "I could break you, Jason. Hurt you really, really bad. I could make you beg for my mercy."

My blood went colder than it did before. When I was little I watched the movie hostile and stayed up for 3 days straight with no sleep. My biggest fear in life is being tortured. It’s so bad that if someone even threatend me i’d roll over immediately.

‘I bet I could handle being waterboarded for a few minutes though.’ Even in my current state my mind can’t help but wander to obviously impossible situations.

She began to move against me faster, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she neared her climax. I could feel her wetness on my bare skin, her body shaking with the force of her pleasure. And then, suddenly, she was coming, her orgasm tearing through her like a storm.

"Oh, Jason," she moaned, her voice thick with lust. "You feel so good inside me. I could stay like this forever."

And then, without warning, Lindsey's demeanor changed. The look of ecstasy on her face was replaced by one of cold fury, and she reached behind her to grab a knife from the table.

"Breaking my toys is always my favorite part," she said, her voice dripping with malice. "Perhaps this will teach you to obey me."

She pressed the knife against my throat, drawing a bead of blood. I could feel the sharp edge of the blade against my skin.

I winced at the thought of dying here. It’s just such an annoying way to die.

Maybe it was the guilt of cumming in two different women that weren’t Erica. Maybe it was my anger but something made me make a suicidal decision.

I dug my neck further into the knife. "Do it," I dared her. “Without Erica, I don’t have the will to live anyway.”

Lindsey's eyes narrowed, her grip on the knife tightening. She seemed to really be weighing her choice in this moment.

Suddenly, Lyra appeared at our side. Still, snail trailing my cum out of her pussy. Miss Lindsey, please," she begged, her voice trembling. "You said he was the one.”

Lindsey hesitated, her gaze flicking between me and her loyal butler. She was considering Lyra's words. With a growl of frustration, she threw the knife across the room, where it embedded itself in the wall with a thud.

"Fine," she hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "I won't kill you. But make no mistake, Jason. You are mine now, and you will love me! Tomorrow, we will begin your training in earnest. And I promise you, it will be far more painful than any mere knife could ever inflict."

My eyes went wide with fear. ‘Fuck!’

She stood up, her movements fluid and graceful as she straightened her clothes. "Lyra, see to it that our guest is made comfortable for the night. I expect him to be in top form tomorrow."

With that, she swept out of the room, her neon blue hair trailing behind her like a silken banner. I let out a shaky breath, my heart still racing from the encounter. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had just narrowly escaped death... and that the real danger had only just begun.


[Lyra’s POV]

After cleaning up Jason, chaining him to his new bed, taking him for two more rides, showering him, and finally retaking him to bed, I was finished with my expected duties.

I couldn't help but watch him through the security monitors as he lay there, shivering and whimpering in his sleep. Despite everything he had been through, there was still a spark of defiance in his eyes that I couldn't ignore.

But as I watched him, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of guilt and shame. I knew that what we were doing was wrong, that we were violating him in the most heinous of ways. And yet, I couldn't stop myself. My desires and my needs always seemed to outweigh my conscience.

I found myself crying again as I stared at the monitor, tears streaming down my face as I thought about what I had done. I knew that I was the villain in this story, that I was the one who had destroyed Jason's life and taken him away from his loved ones. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to stop wanting to fuck him.


An image of Lindsey girlbossing her hardest.

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