Film and TV: Obtain Alpha Dog at the beginning

Chapter 767 Miss Wang, No. 27, The Bund

"Forgive me for asking, how big is the scale of investment Mr. Qin wants to make?"

After the scene was covered, and it was time to talk about some substantive content, Zhao Chu asked calmly.

Qin Hao stretched out a finger: "One hundred million Hong Kong dollars."

"Oh? As far as I know, even in Hong Kong, Hema is not on such a large scale, right?"

To be able to achieve the position of director of the Investment Promotion Bureau at this age, Zhao Chu is naturally not an ordinary person. He has done his homework before coming here.

"Although Hong Kong's economic conditions are better than those of the mainland, the area is still too small. The total population is less than 6 million, less than half of Shanghai. HK$100 million is only an initial investment. I am very confident that in the next few years, Increase the amount of investment by two to three times." Qin Hao said seriously.

A trace of enthusiasm flashed in Zhao Chu's eyes. The investment of 100 million Hong Kong dollars in 1987 was no longer a small amount. The most important thing was that the country was in urgent need of foreign exchange at this time. Although the purchasing power of Hong Kong dollars was not as good as that of the US dollar, it was still precious.

"With all due respect, Mr. Qin, with the current consumption level in the mainland, it may be difficult to adapt to the market positioning of Hema's high-end supermarket, right?"

Despite his heartbeat, Zhao Chu is still relatively cautious when it comes to introducing projects.

Qin Hao was not angry. He was the one who bought the goods. If the other party didn't ask anything, he would feel unsure.

"So, my plan is to re-formulate a supermarket chain brand, first station it in Shanghai, and then introduce Hema after the consumption level in the mainland gradually improves."

Zhao Chu nodded slightly when he heard this: "Mr. Qin grew up in Shanghai and has a thorough understanding of the mainland market."

"I still need Chu Zhao to give more advice."

"Haha, easy to talk about."

After that, neither Qin Hao nor Zhao Chu continued to discuss it in depth. This kind of project involving hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in investment cannot be negotiated in a day or two, and it is not even something that Zhao Chu can make the decision on alone. Follow-up needs to be done Negotiate through formal settings.

To put it bluntly, the meeting between the two of them was to contact each other in private. Only when both parties are willing can they be qualified to discuss it at the meeting.

After three rounds of drinks and five delicious dishes, Qin Hao and Director Zhao also talked a lot about the future economy and opinions. Among them, Director Zhao asked the most about how to communicate with foreign businessmen. Qin Hao also knew everything, and he also took the opportunity to ask insinuating questions. Regarding some policies on investment in Shanghai, Zhao Chu's answers were limited to information about some documents that had been issued, but their insiders' interpretation of the policies was far better than the outside world, which benefited Qin Hao a lot.

"Okay, let's do this for today. We'll talk again one day when you get to the bureau."

"Okay, then I'll send it to Director Zhao."

Qin Hao sent Zhao Chu to the entrance of the Red Heron Hotel and called a taxi for him.

Along the way, many people greeted Chu Zhao warmly. At the same time, the scene of Chu Chu holding Qin Hao's arm and having a "very happy conversation" became a hot news on Huanghe Road.

"Boss Boss, do you think that's Mr. Qin? The one next to him seems to be Director Zhao?" Jin Meilin's foreman pointed at the entrance of the Red Heron Hotel.

Seeing this, Lu Meilin opened her mouth slightly: "It seems that this Ah Hao is really famous in Hong Kong. He can actually be related to Zhao Chu. The business they are talking about must be big."

"Who says otherwise? Director Zhao specializes in attracting investment. If there are no projects worth more than 10 million yuan, there is no need for him to take part." Lu Meilin said and warned the foreman.

"When Mr. Qin comes next, he will receive you according to the highest standards and notify me as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

"I know."

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and as expected, Abao made a mistake in the electric vacuum stock. He lost 10,000 yuan and only had 5,000 yuan left. Although Abao didn't say anything, he had an angry expression on his face. , which already explains the problem.

Seeing this, my uncle put away the newspaper: "Do you know about the Empire State Building in New York?"

“What about the Empire State Building?”

"It takes an hour to run from the bottom to the top of the building, and it only takes 8.8 seconds to jump from the top. This is stocks. If you want to make money from stocks, you must first learn to lose."

The dissatisfaction on Abao's face gradually faded, but the words he blurted out immediately made his uncle almost swear.

"Isn't that right? Ahao made his fortune from stocks. I think he made all his money by buying stocks."

The corner of my uncle's mouth twitched: "If you had his qualifications and abilities, you wouldn't need me to teach you here."

"Now, next time you buy this stock, you still have a principal of 10,000 yuan. You will wait for two weeks and then sell it all when the time comes."

"Ah? Still buying it?"

Seeing his uncle's displeasure, Abao could only nod angrily: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Afterwards, Abao went to Qin Hao and complained wildly: "You said this old man is also very strange. If he is good, he will not tell you clearly, but he will wait until I lose 5,000 yuan before telling you. It is not easy for me to make money, 5,000 yuan." It will take me several days to collect treasury bills."

Qin Hao smiled and scolded: "You kid, don't take advantage of me and act like a good boy. My uncle is using you as his apprentice."

"Do you think your uncle asked you to buy losing stocks just to make you feel uncomfortable? This is testing your ability to execute. Remember, stocks are both speculation and investment. The biggest difference from gambling is that you must have the ability to stop losses in time. , you must not have a gambler's mentality, now it seems that you have passed the first test, and now this is the second test."

"Do as your uncle says and don't be too smart."


Two weeks later, the same electric vacuum stock made Abao five times the profit, and Abao realized the charm of stocks.

"How about it, exciting?"

"It's exciting, it's so exciting. Let me tell you, uncle, I haven't had a good night's sleep this week. I'm afraid that when I wake up the next day, the stock price of Electric Vacuum will fall back again." A Bao said with excitement.

Uncle narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile: "Then why didn't you throw it away in advance?"

"That's not what you said before throwing it away in two weeks."

"Okay, quite obedient."

Abao couldn't wait to ask: "Uncle, which stock should we buy next?"

"Don't daydream about getting rich overnight. Have you forgotten what I told you? Do you want to jump off the roof?" My uncle glared at him angrily.

"Let me tell you again, stocks are investments, not gambling. If you really want to make your company bigger, you have to walk on two legs, one is stocks and the other is foreign trade."

Abao said angrily: "I always said I wanted to do foreign trade, but you asked me to buy some stocks."

"Have you got the foreign trade order now?"

"not yet."

"If you don't have an order, what kind of foreign trade are you doing? Why don't you hurry up and hurry up?"

"Oh." Abao pursed his lips, thinking: This old man has a really weird temper.

A Bao's first foreign trade order was brought to him by Liu Sen. Liu Sen didn't know this brother very well. Last time we had a quick meeting, he had the impression that this brother was not suitable for business, but he still gave it to A Bao. If you have a chance, make a trial order first. The so-called trial order is actually a larger quantity of samples. After the goods are delivered and the other party is satisfied, you can then put them into mass production.

According to the policy in 1987, all foreign trade orders at that time had to be approved by the Foreign Trade Bureau. On the one hand, it was to prevent domestic factories from maliciously lowering prices with each other in order to obtain foreign trade orders. On the other hand, it was also to firmly control the foreign exchange. After all, these days Foreign exchange is a scarce resource.

"This is No. 27 on the Bund? It doesn't look like much." Abao looked at the building in front of him curiously.

Qin Hao shook his head: "Don't just look at things on the surface. Let's put it this way. Any clerk here has an export quota of tens of millions of dollars in his hand. All factories doing foreign trade in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai must look here. Act with a face."

While they were talking, the two of them had already entered the foreign trade building. It was crowded and messy. The corridors were crowded with factory owners and businessmen who came to carry out foreign trade orders. It was common to see several people surrounding one person arguing with each other. Don't worry about being surrounded. The one must be the clerk from the Foreign Trade Bureau.

"Comrade, may I ask where your Section Chief Jin is?" Abao finally stopped a clerk.

The other party pointed to the upstairs in a hurry: "Up there," and then hurried away.

Qin Hao and Abao went upstairs, but were stopped by a clerk. The clerk asked about the order, then pointed downstairs and said: "For small orders like yours, just go downstairs and wait, Jin Ke Very busy."

When Abao went downstairs, he couldn't help complaining: "What's the matter? The trial order is not an order? After it's done, the five million US dollars will come."

"This is how doing business in the Mainland is. The first thing you have to consider is how to deal with the authorities. The Lord of Hell is so difficult to deal with. You are starting from scratch. It's like a game. You have to pass one level after another and learn from it. ."

My uncle worked here before he was imprisoned, so he naturally understands the situation here. The reason why he didn’t say hello and let A Bao come over by himself was because he wanted to temper his temper. From the moment A Bao completed the test of his uncle, his uncle Trying to train him.

"You're such a brat, how can you talk?"

At this moment, an angry voice came from behind. When Qin Hao turned around, he found a big wave wearing glasses and staring at him with his hands on his hips.

"We meet again, Big Wave." Qin Hao smiled at the other party.

Da Lang pushed up his glasses and looked at Qin Hao doubtfully: "Who are you? Have we met?"

"Also, my name is not Da Lang, my name is Wang Mingzhu!"

Qin Hao spread his hands: "Okay, Miss Wang, have you forgotten the last time we met at Hulian Commercial Building?"

"Oh, you were the one who didn't allow others to laugh that day." Wang Mingzhu looked stunned.

"That's my friend."

"Hmph, it's all the same."

Qin Hao smiled: "So Miss Wang, you work here. It just so happens that my friend has a foreign trade order. See if you can help."

Wang Mingzhu snorted: "You are really thick-skinned. I know you very well. Why should I help you?"

"Once born, twice familiar. The Buddha said that it takes five hundred times of looking back in the past life to exchange for passing by in this life. This is the second time that we have met, which means that we have looked back at least a thousand times in the previous life. Oops, it hurts my neck. It’s sour, isn’t it considered ripe?”

Phew, Wang Mingzhu couldn't help laughing, and finally laughed out loud.

"You're quite interesting in what you say. Okay, bring me the list and take a look."

Abao immediately handed over the order. Wang Mingzhu glanced at it and frowned: "This order is so small."

"This is just the first batch of trial orders. There will be mass production orders worth five million US dollars later." Abao quickly explained.

"Okay then, let me ask for you."

"Thank you very much, Miss Wang."

Wang Mingzhu then found a round-faced woman and whispered in her ear.

"This order needs to be approved by our section chief. Let me go and ask for you when the section chief will be free."

Abao breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

"I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free." Qin Hao said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Wang Mingzhu immediately stared at Qin Hao: "What are you doing? You want to bribe me? Tell you, I am a national public official. Do you know that you are committing a crime?"

"Oh, it's not that serious. According to the criminal law, what I did was considered an attempted bribery at most."

"Pfft." Wang Mingzhu covered her mouth and chuckled, rolled her eyes at Qin Hao, and then trotted upstairs.

While waiting for others, Qin Hao told Abao: "If you meet Section Chief Jin later, don't mention my uncle."

"Why?" Abao looked confused.

"It's my uncle's private matter. It's not convenient for me to tell you. If he doesn't want to tell me, don't ask. Everyone has their own secrets."

"Then how did you know?"

"Do you think I would just casually hire a prisoner who had just been released from prison to work for me?"

While talking, Wang Mingzhu had already come down and said seriously: "My master is very busy and has no time now. Just wait here for a while."

With that said, Wang Mingzhu entered a room and continued to tear off stamps.

However, neither Qin Hao nor Abao saw Section Chief Jin until they got off work, so they had no choice but to go back first.

When she walked out of the Foreign Trade Building, Wang Mingzhu happened to be pushing her bicycle past.

"Miss Wang, let's have dinner together."

Facing Qin Hao's invitation again, Wang Mingzhu held the bicycle with one hand and put her other hand on her hips: "Humph, I don't want it. I have food to eat when I go home, so don't try to bribe me."

After that, he rode away on his bicycle.

Abao looked at Qin Hao suspiciously: "Are you interested in big waves?"

"It's none of your business. I have something to do tomorrow, so you can spend your time here."

"Oh, wait for me."

The next day, Abao came to the Foreign Trade Building again. Seeing him alone, Wang Mingzhu couldn't help but curiously asked: "Where is your friend?"

"He had something to do, so he didn't come."

"Oh, he runs a handbag company like you?"

Abao was not happy when he heard this: "What is a leather bag company? Mine is a trading company. It is officially registered. I will pay every penny of the taxes that need to be paid."

"So how much tax did you pay last year?"

"Ahem, the company only opened this year. What taxes did we pay last year?"

"It's still a leather bag company."

Abao was speechless for a moment and could only say angrily: "My friend is in big business. Hema Supermarket in Hong Kong knows that he is the big boss. He will open a supermarket in Shanghai soon. He always It’s not a leather bag company anymore.”

"Are you telling the truth? Hema is going to Shanghai?"

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