Fight to break the sky

Chapter 164 The assessment of a first-grade alchemist

At the gate, there was a slender man with eyebrows as clear as the cold springs on the snow-capped mountains. He had a delicate face, slender eyebrows, and a slender body. He was wearing a tight-fitting silver dress, silver clothes and The warm jade-like skin contrasts with each other, giving the woman a special metallic cold aura that is difficult to conceal. What is most surprising is that this silver-robed woman actually has long hair. Silver hair hanging down the waist.

This kind of silver is not the kind of pale silver that mutates due to some disease. It is as soft and fluttering as silver threads, but it gives the woman in silver robe a strange attraction.

After looking at her carefully, Xiao Yan was amazed in his heart. No wonder this woman can make most people in the hall look hot. With such a style and temperament, she is really good.

Compared with her, the woman named Linfei lacked such an ethereal temperament, especially the soft three thousand silver threads on her hair that were pure silver but did not tarnish, which made some women even more confused. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

After sweeping his gaze, Xiao Yan slowly withdrew his gaze, turned slightly sideways, and very consciously made way for him.

The silver-robed woman walked up slowly, walked past Xiao Yan without looking away, and walked straight towards Frank.

Standing aside, Xiao Yan sniffed the faint body fragrance left behind wherever she walked, and praised with a smile in his heart: "Excellent."

"Teacher!" When she came to Frank, a faint smile appeared on the delicate cheeks of the silver-robed woman. The smile in that moment was like the snow lotus blooming on the iceberg, which made people feel astonished.

"Haha, you are finally here. Old guy Otto can't wait for a long time." Staring at the proud student in front of him with soft eyes, Frank smiled happily.

"Master Otto!" The silver-robed woman turned her head slightly and bowed slightly to Otto, who was rolling his eyes.

"Xue Mei girl is still so polite, better than me...cough, okay, okay, let's start as soon as we come." He nodded with a smile, Otto turned around, but he looked at his student's pout. Xiaozui couldn't help but shook his head and quickly changed his words.

Nodding slightly, Xuemei walked into the stone platform under the gaze of everyone. There was only an empty platform between her and Lin Fei.

The two of them looked at each other, and there were faint sparks flickering. It seemed that there was no harmony between the two of them.

"Hmph, don't blow up the cauldron again later. It doesn't matter if you fail. Don't disturb me." She patted the same type of medicine cauldron in front of her with her jade hand. Linfei straightened her pretty nose and hummed softly.

"I think even if there is no interference, the possibility of your failure should not be small." Xue Mei smiled faintly. Although she seemed a little cold on the surface, she still had a strong attitude towards this opponent who had been competing with her for several years. It is difficult to maintain absolute calm.

"Ahem, okay..." Seeing that the smell of gunpowder between the two was gradually getting stronger before the assessment started, Frank shook his head helplessly, and then smiled at Xiao Yan beside him: "Little guy, go over there, I'm looking forward to your performance, haha, but it doesn't matter if you fail, you still have a lot of time."

Judging from the meaning in his words, it seemed that Xiao Yan did not have high expectations for successfully passing the assessment.

Shrugging, Xiao Yan looked along Frank's finger, but couldn't help but shake his head, because he found that his position was exactly between the two women who smelled of gunpowder.

The two women who were tit-for-tat with each other couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan after hearing Frank's arrangement. Although Xiao Yan was not the kind of handsome man who would make women fall in love with him after just one glance, at least he was so handsome. It didn't make people feel disgusted when they looked at it, so the two of them didn't object. After a casual glance, they withdrew their gaze and began to inspect the medicine refining equipment on the stone platform.

Shaking his head helplessly, Xiao Yan ignored the jealous glances from the young colleagues behind him and slowly walked into the stone platform. He glanced at the two women's different beautiful styles from the corners of his eyes. , which made him comfort himself, and then he began to inspect the tools on the stone platform.

The basic requirement for a first-level alchemist is that he must successfully refine the elixir individually. As for what kind of elixir it is, this can be set by the Alchemist Guild.

Xiao Yan picked up a piece of parchment on the stone platform, and then looked at it. This prescription was a prescription for a pill called a power-accumulating pill. The effect of this power-accumulating pill can make the person who takes it feel better. Although this kind of elixir can only increase the strength a little in a short period of time, it can only be ranked in the middle of the first-grade elixirs, but it is undoubtedly a bit difficult for newcomers who are taking the test for the first time.

Holding the power-accumulating pill prescription in his palm, Xiao Yan glanced left and right, but found that everyone seemed to have received different prescriptions, and looking at the expressions of the two women next to him, they seemed to have no idea what he needed to refine. The elixir is quite confident.

"Is this old man deliberately making things difficult for me?" Xiao Yan muttered in his heart, and glanced at the smiling Frank, then shook his head helplessly, and turned his gaze to the stone platform again.

On the stone platform, three copies of the medicinal materials needed for this power-accumulating pill are also neatly prepared. In other words, if anyone uses up all three of the medicinal materials during refining, the assessment will also be Just declare failure.

Beside the medicinal materials, there are also several jade bottles with quite good color, presumably for the final purpose of holding elixirs.

His eyes briefly scanned the general objects on the stone platform, and Xiao Yan slowly calmed down. With his current alchemy skills, it would not cost much to successfully refine this power-accumulating pill. With his strength, and thanks to the help of Zihuo, he is now even more powerful in refining medicine. A mere pill that has just entered the ranks of first-class medicine can hardly make him feel distressed.

Since no one had announced the start of the assessment at this time, Xiao Yan glanced casually on both sides and roughly glanced at the medicinal materials placed on the stone table of the two women. Xiao Yan pursed his lips and passed by Yao Lao. Now he just glanced at these medicinal materials and could vaguely guess what kind of elixir they wanted to make.

"Rejuvenation Pill, Condensing Fire Pill... Damn it, why is my prescription more difficult?" Xiao Yan muttered dissatisfiedly. Compared with Xuemei and Linfei's prescriptions, his Accumulation Pill is undoubtedly the most difficult. kind of.

"Damn it, these two old guys are using power for personal gain..." In desperation, Xiao Yan could only slander Frank and Otto in his heart.

"Is the inspection completed? If there is no problem, then... the assessment begins!"

His eyes swept across the stone platform. When he saw that no one spoke, Frank waved his palm, and a burst of energy came out of his palm. Finally, it hit the ancient iron clock on the top of the hall. Suddenly, there was a clear ringing sound. It sounded loudly in the hall.

Hearing the bell ringing, all the candidates in the stone platform, except Xiao Yan, quickly put their palms on the fire mouth of the medicine cauldron, and fighting energy surged out of their bodies. Suddenly, with a few puffs, There was a muffled sound, and the medicine cauldron was filled with flames.

When the flames in the medicine cauldron started to burn, a transparent light curtain slowly began to rise on the outside of the stone platform. The light curtain formed a square shape, wrapping all the candidates inside.

With the opening of the light curtain, the whispers in the hall became completely silent. Everyone was paying close attention to the movements of the candidates in Shitai. Occasionally, they saw newcomers with quite good control. They will nod secretly.

Standing on the stone platform, Xiao Yan turned around and looked around, and found that the flames in everyone's medicine cauldron, except for Xue Mei and Lin Fei's fighting spirit flames, were deeper, without exception. All of them are light yellow in color. Obviously, their true strength should be below the four-star Dou Zhe.

Inside the stone platform, everyone started refining their own medicine. Only Xiao Yan was still looking around stupidly. With this appearance, he stood out from the crowd and it was difficult not to attract attention.

"That little guy...what are you doing?" Frank asked in confusion as he looked at Xiao Yan with a frown.

"Um...I don't know." Otto spread his hands and was also a little confused. This little guy doesn't even know how to make a fire, right? If that's the case, wouldn't it be too comedy?

"Ahem...does he have a letter of introduction from his mentor? Let's see who trained the students..." Frank waved to call one of his subordinates and said.

"President, he doesn't seem to have a letter of introduction from his mentor, but his record says he is an alchemist named Yaolao..." The subordinate flipped through Xiao Yan's information and said with a wry smile.

"Yao Lao?" Frank blinked blankly, and turned his head to look at Otto: "Have you heard of this name?"

"I have been working in the Jia Ma Empire for decades... I have never heard of an alchemist qualified to accept students called Yao Lao." Otto was also confused about this unfamiliar name.

"Forget it, let's ask in detail after the time is over. Looking at the current situation, I think we seem to have been entertained by that little guy."

Angrily throwing the information in his hand to his subordinates, Frank looked slightly unhappy. After all, such a funny incident happened in the branch under his jurisdiction. If word spread, it would probably be laughed at by the Alchemist Guilds in other cities.

When Frank and others outside were angry at Xiao Yan's actions, within the light curtain, Xuemei and Linfei also looked at this young man with some astonishment. His behavior was really too different. This guy thought that now Are you playing?

At this time, Xiao Yan naturally didn't know that his hesitation had attracted so many people's attention. After pondering for a long time, he sighed softly, placed his palm slowly on the mouth of the fire, and said helplessly in his heart: "Forget it. If the flame is unique, then it should be unique. Anyway, it’s impossible for them to capture me and cut me into slices for study..."

After comforting himself in this way, the fighting energy in Xiao Yan's body began to surge, quickly passing through the meridians, and then following the palm of his hand, with a soft sound, it passed into the medicine cauldron.

"Bang." With a muffled sound, raging purple flames suddenly burst into flames from the medicine cauldron.

At the same time, outside the light curtain, Frank was taking the tea cup from his subordinate angrily. He had just taken a sip when he suddenly caught sight of the purple flames rising from Xiao Yan's medicine cauldron. He opened his eyes wide, and with a "pop" sound, all the tea in his mouth was roughly sprayed out...

The tea wet the skirt of his clothes, but Frank couldn't care about it. He pointed at Xiao Yan in the light screen with trembling fingers, and said in horror: "Purple flame? Strange fire???"

Hearing the sound, the whole hall fell into dead silence for an instant, and eyes suddenly turned to Xiao Yan in the light curtain...

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