Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 50 The Beast Team

Finally, no more beasts appeared.

However, the sound of fierce beasts fighting in the north of Flooded Valley continued until more than an hour later, it gradually calmed down, but occasionally there would be one or two low-pitched roars, which made people immediately think of the state of the beasts when they were eating.

So this shows one thing, the wild boar family is finished.

I don't have time to be emotional, and I'm not interested in regretting anything, and I don't want to know what is the secret that the wild boar family tried so hard to protect before?

Li Siwen was busy. Ever since the broken-toothed tiger appeared, he had predicted the result, and then he immediately started rebuilding the tree house.

There was no need to run away, unless he was willing to give up this thousand catties of wild pork.

Therefore, in order to prevent those beasts from eating the wild boar family and running to him to fight the autumn wind, a defense system is necessary.

Those old wild boars are extremely powerful and can overturn the tree house, but it doesn't mean that those leopards and tigers can overturn them. When he stands on the tree house with a mountain ax in his hand, he will kill as many as he wants!

Rebuilding a tree house is easy, since all the materials are there.

There is no need to lay a foundation, he just needs to hold a hoe and continue digging along the outside of the tree house. He only dug a one-meter-deep hole before, but he was overturned by a wave of wild boars. This time he summed up the lesson, He has to dig a hole two meters deep, and then bury the logs one by one, leaving five or six meters high on the top, and squeeze the sides with stones, and finally bury the soil, and move more than a hundred kilograms of stones Constantly tamping it, even using vines to tie it up is saved, and it is even stronger.

For such a circle of log walls, Li Siwen directly buried two rows, and tied them firmly with vines at the top, so that the main structure of the tree house took shape again.

And in the evening, the broken-toothed tiger with a bulging belly passed by Li Siwen's tree house, holding the corpse of a two-year-old wild boar in its mouth, weighing more than two hundred catties. It was more than a hundred meters, but the Broken Tooth Tiger did not stop from the beginning to the end, and soon disappeared into the depths of the forest.

But Li Siwen didn't think this was the end, the biggest test had just begun. After all, there were more than 30 wild boars in the wild boar family, which was a very large sum of food, even if the lord of the boor didn't know, otherwise he would have to be tempted.

Now the broken-tooth tiger actually left early, even if it was full and took away a little wild boar, it was enough to prove that it was the first carnivore to be eliminated when more food was distributed.

So what I'm going to face next may be a beast team!

Li Siwen thought about it, Fortunately, I have already gained the advantage in advance, and I have built the tree house, and with the reserve of more than a thousand catties of pork, as long as it rains every now and then, I can last for a month or even longer. That beast team is impossible.

It's just that this is the worst result. I will be delayed for more than a month, and many plans will go bankrupt, so I have to stand up and let those guys retreat.

At that moment, Li Siwen jumped down from the tree house while the daylight was still there, and transported back the big trees cut down today and the logs he had cut before one by one, and laid them flat on the top of the tree house as the roof, in order to strengthen the firmness , He even tied every third log with vines.

For the time being, only a one-meter-wide gap is left in the middle as an entry and exit area, which is also convenient for the smoke to escape.

Then he took back some stones, rearranged the two fire stoves, raised their height by one meter, placed them in the gaps, and set up a bonfire on them.

In this way, it can not only speed up the dissipation of smoke, but also form a deterrent to those beasts that try to sneak attack at night, and most importantly, it can speed up the drying of wild pork.

As for the double consumption of dry firewood because of this, hehe, he has no shortage of dry firewood at all.

When night fell and the bonfire was lit, Li Siwen hung strips of pork on both sides of the bonfire, while he himself used a mountain ax to quietly cut the remaining four hardest logs,

He was going to cut it into a giant three-meter-long wooden spear and a spare handle for the mountain axe. In this way, if he encountered a huge beast target like a big snake or an old wild boar in the future, he would be able to deal with it.

Cutting into the middle of the night, Li Siwen yawned, a little regretful, he had hoped to use this method to enter that mysterious and mysterious state of tranquility and enlightenment.

After adding enough firewood to the two fire stoves, he found a corner, took a mountain ax in his hand, and rested for a while. It was impossible to fall asleep. After all, he still hoped that a reckless beast would drill into it tonight. Come in and give him a snack.

As a result, nothing happened overnight, and the cautiousness of those ferocious beasts was astounding.

If all the heads are like the leopards of the past, it will be troublesome.

However, Li Siwen was also curious, what tragic events did these beasts go through, and how did they become more cunning than foxes?

After daybreak, Li Siwen inspected the wild pork meat first, and felt very proud. Since he had started to light the fire to air-dry and smoke it yesterday afternoon, it not only dispelled the pollution of mosquitoes and flies to the greatest extent, but also speeded up the air-drying speed. It's nearly half dry today.

There's definitely going to be heavy rain these days, and this will be my chance if that beastly team still wants to swallow me up.

With a sneer, Li Siwen continued to add firewood to the stove to smoke and roast wild pork, and then he jumped out of the tree house with a mountain axe in his hand. With a glance, he saw all around clearly.

There are no signs of ferocious beasts outside, but they can definitely appear silently at any time.

Li Siwen pretended not to care, jumped straight down from the tree house, and holding a mountain axe, he split open the crowns of the big trees that had been cut down these days, and placed them in the sun to dry them. Dry firewood is always there. .

As for the twigs with leaves, he collected them and prepared to spread them on the top of the tree roof. Speaking of which, the rainproofing of the tree house is a trouble, so we can only temporarily cover the leopard and wild boar skins.

In addition, since all the big trees around the tree house were cut down by him, there were only four big trees remaining as the support of the tree house. Next, he had to cut down these four big trees in half to prevent them from being struck by lightning.

Well, let's use level 3 logging skills and preserve the vitality value to make these four trees as hard as possible.

Li Siwen was thinking about it, and suddenly, more than ten meters behind him, a gray wolf lurked over at some point, jumped up with lightning, and bit his neck fiercely.

Li Siwen didn't seem to know anything about it, but the next second, he turned around abruptly, and saw an afterimage, the mountain cutting ax passing by with a sharp sound of piercing through the air, and the gray wolf was split twice without even howling. Half.

Even the splashed blood didn't fall on Li Siwen.

As if he had done an insignificant thing, he raised his head with a half-smile and looked over a hundred meters away. There, besides the black panther from yesterday, there were two other leopards, and a ferocious one, more than two meters high. The one-eyed black wolves didn't charge Li Siwen, they just watched cautiously.

There is no doubt that the gray wolf just now was just a small temptation.

Li Siwen also understands this. In fact, he has been pretending to clean up outside all the time because he wanted to show his prestige, telling these beasts clearly that it is possible to kill me, but he must pay a heavy price.

Because after the broken-tooth tiger left yesterday, he guessed that the ones who slaughtered the wild boar family were probably not a group of beasts, but a group of 'alone' guys.

I saw it today, and it really is.

The black wolf was several times more ferocious than the gray wolf just now, but it lacked one eye. Obviously, it had experienced a brutal fight.

The black panther looks mysterious like a ghost, but it lacks a tail.

As for the remaining two leopards, one was lame and the other was thinner.

So, they now form a temporary team.

It sounds really weird.

Of course, relying on them alone is not enough to kill the wild boar family.

Li Siwen turned his head again, and saw another beast team in another direction.

A two-meter-tall male lion, a fiery red fox, and a three-meter-tall black bear, but what surprised him even more was that behind them, an old sow followed obediently, and twelve others Little boar, what does this mean?

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