Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 94 - Countermeasure

  Piltvor Supreme Council-emergency meeting.

In the huge meeting room, thirteen people sat around the big round table.

The good round table in the dark wood looks quaint and elegant, but because these people don’t say a word, the whole conference room looks a bit empty-even the bright yellow carpet gives a gray color in the gloomy weather. feel.

  Piltwolf’s situation now exceeds all members’ imagination.

  The public sentiment was fierce, and the sound of protests came and went one after another, and pointed directly at the core.

People who can sit here may not be politicians, but at least qualified politicians-they know exactly what the protests mean now.

  Piltwolf is not a Noxus-this city that advertises freedom and progress, the power of the people has never been small.

   Many times those Hex scientists and Hex inventors who did not enter the management committee were silent majority, but when they stood together and made their voices clear, there was no way for the Supreme Committee.

   They are not businessmen—the Supreme Council has some ways to deal with businessmen, but there is no way to deal with these people.

  Why did Jess become the guardian of the future?

   Although there are reasons why he defeated Victor, but more importantly, Jess is a native Mrs. Piltworth, an independent Hex inventor!

   For this kind of person, even the Supreme Council can’t do too much-so if you can’t suppress it, you can only wear a high hat.

   Future guardian.

   It seems that this high hat works very well. Jess’s growing arrogance is basically no longer related to his former colleagues, and he is increasingly relying on the research and development funds granted by the Supreme Council.

For the impact of Zuan’s upheaval, the Supreme Council also initially planned to take the word drag. Although it was prepared, the core was to consume it with Zuan-when Zuan couldn’t support it, Mrs. Piltworth Can only follow himself to the dark.

  However, the word dragging formula is now invalid.

  Although the committee members still don’t know why the group of people who only know how to work with their heads down has become enlightened, it is no longer important in the case of fait accompli, what matters is what they do next.

“We need a sharp knife.” Rotating committee member Jagu Midarda finally sighed. “Let’s drag on… I’m afraid we are giving Zu’an a chance-now, should we take a step forward or take a step back?” ?”

   No one succeeds.

Going further means taking a more aggressive strategy, and taking a step back means temporarily easing. Now this is the most important issue before the Supreme Council.

   Seeing no one saying, Jia Gu activated the voting device.

   “Red is further, blue is a step back-you can make your own choice.”

The button of the voter is on the inside of the armrest of the chair-red on the left and blue on the right. No one will know which one you pressed.

At the center of the round table, the numbers behind the red and blue signs began to jump.

   Results… Unexpected 6:6.

  Jia Gu shook his head.

  The committee members are all old foxes. When there is a profit, they fight for the first, and now when they have to take responsibility, everyone has a tacit understanding.

According to the regulations of the Supreme Council, two rounds are required after the voting is initiated. The first round of sponsors will not vote, and the remaining 12 people will vote-if there are differences in votes, then the results will be based on the votes; if there are no differences in votes , According to the opinion of the initiator of the vote.

   The meaning of this rule is to “definitely divide responsibilities”.

   Now, the pot was thrown on Jia Gu’s face.

  Okay, in fact, the result of 6:6 is not all because everyone is dumping the pot-remember the identity of the members of the Supreme Committee?

   Some of them are chaebols, who control the large business groups of Piltworth; some are learners, who control and monopolize cutting-edge Hex technology.

   The two are often standing together, but when faced with the Zuan issue this time, they had a disagreement.

   Chaebol is willing to make limited concessions.

  Although equal exchange with Zu’an will cause them to lose a lot of wealth, but their family is big and has a lot of funds in hand. Even if they cooperate on an equal basis, these funds can ensure that they always take the lead.

   But it is impossible to learn concessions.

  Let’s see who is doing this time!

   Not those independent businessmen, but those independent Hex scientists and Hex inventors!

  This fully demonstrates that the chaebols still keep the repression of the small merchants~www.mtlnovel.com~ But the scholars have lost their repression at the level of knowledge!

   If I open another mouth at this time…

   Consider Zan’s popular belief in Ghana—Once a large number of lies are broken, the collapse of an academic empire is much faster than the collapse of a commercial empire.

   And still the kind that can’t be saved.

The foundation of the chaebols is wealth, and the foundation of the chaebols is knowledge-in the case that the chaebols themselves stop progressing, they are struggling to hold others back to ensure their status, so they are the most determined “stubborn” send”.

   So at this time, the scholars have chosen a radical strategy, and only a radical strategy can keep their stubbornness.

   Now, the final voting right is back to Jia Gu.

   Jagu Midarda comes from the Midarda family-this family was born as a small businessman. After the development, they made a lot of technology investment. Among the thirteen people present, the origin is the most complicated.

  Looking at the gloomy or hypocritical faces of other lawmakers, Jia Gu pouted.

   A group of bad old men.

Unlike the hereditary families, Jiagu can sit here on his own struggle-the Midalda family was not long ago, and squeezed out the last family to join the Supreme Council, unlike those who want to retain their own interests. There are other ideas in Jia Gu’s heart.

  If you solve the crisis yourself, can you go further?

  Looking at the confident smiles of the chaebol representatives, Jia Gu finally made his choice.

   The red light was on, Jia Gu chose an aggressive strategy.

  Jia Gu made his own choice, and the other twelve people were dumbfounded.

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