Fate weaver’s convergence

V2 C144

Sorry for the late update, been working myself into an early grave, lol. I have a better job, one where im constantly moving but its not at every hour of the day now. Regular posting to resume.


“This is home if you’ll have it.”


I waved down into the sinkhole, the run-down temple cleaner than when we found it. It was in disrepair, and our group was far from viewing it as a veritable haven, but it was ours. Michal looked upon it with awe, surprised he’d even be presented with a building in this state. 


“You spoke so poorly of the place, it did little justice to what you actually have here.”


He slowly made his way down the wooden steps we’d mocked together, the soil holding true under its support. His eyes turned to the pond at the sinkholes far end as we descended. 


“It really is a sight. How did you come by it?”


Vaughn took the lead.


“Found it while spelunking through the woods when I still lived nearby.”


Vaughn's words were interspersed with each step he took. 


“Fought our first monster here, a Bulette.”


Michal looked over his shoulder as he walked before shaking it.


“Heard those things were more common to the west, in Schwer. Didn't think they called the frontier home as well.”


I tilted my own.


It's the frontier Michal, I doubt we've seen everything when travel is limited to two weeks from any city.


“Well, they apparently do. Guilds put out a bounty for any further that rear their heads.”


“Hmph, well, that's a bounty I imagine to collect dust for some time.”


A sudden spout of red slime dozed from the soil at the base of the steps.


“Ah! What the hell-”




I damn near jumped past him, landing a few feet from the base of the incline.


“He-he hey boy! You miss me? Did you miss mama?”


I held my arms out, the red slime shooting forth now and taking form as it gradually took the vague shape of a dog, his six yellow eyes focused on my as he lapped at my face.


“I missed you too boy!”


For all the stress of the trip, the single most euphoric moment I was dying for came as I let Lapsha fill my arms.


Gods I needed this, my good ‘ol slime dog! It’s like therapy oh my god!


I hugged at the slime as Lapsha solidified, lifting it in my arms as the massive section of his body undoubtedly lay dormant under our feet. 




Michal looked to Beryl, who shrugged.


“Your room mate now, or do you want to be the one person that tell’s Kiyomi to get rid of him? I’m not, I don’t want her as an enemy.”




Michal looked back down to me, and I shot him a glare that sent the fear of Solah through him. 


“I’m keeping Lapsha.”


I said flatly, scowling at him.


“I fought tooth and nail for the guild to let me keep him. Isn't that right boy?”


Lapsha chirred, scrambling for purchase on my belts with his rear legs. 


Darn it, boy.


I found myself looking into Lapsha’s eyes and having to beat myself back. I sighed outwardly and let him down, his body squishing to the ground as I dropped him, then reforming. 


“We can’t take him into town or on hunts, he’s on lockdown here until further notice.”


I brushed my hands on my pants.


“So, for now, he stays here with you. Don’t worry about monsters.”


I raised my brow and looked to the side, staring at the mass of mana beneath us.


“Yeah, no need to worry. Lapsha will keep you safe. Let’s get you acquainted, the temple isnt as shoddy as it seems on the outside. ”


Michal slowly nodded, possibly wondering if I was as crazy as my predecessors at this point. The tour went as expected, showing Michal each of the shrines we’d left untouched within the temples main room, ensuring him that the floor was perfectly fine given we’d already replaced and rotten lumber, and even showed him to the three rooms that were relatively barren. He took his pick, and lay down a majority of his belongings, with the exception of a rather hefty pouch of gold, his life’s savings. 


I should be sure to pay him back for this, as unwanted as I made the help, he’s doing us a favor.


He held his hands out at the room he’d picked, separated from the main room for residence. It had a old stove, a small fireplace, and a shoddy wooden frame for a bed. After leaving his belongings, he’d pointed something out hat I’d preferred unmentioned. 


“You have a temple here of each of the God’s, except Orion. It’d only be right to replace it—“




Vaughn, Beryl, and myself all responded in unison.


“That bird god has no place here.”


Vaughn spat, pointing to a faded place in the floorboards. Michal was actually taken aback, but it was something we couldn't expect him to take lightly without an explanation, as much as it made my blood curdle when bringing Orion up.


“We’ll tell you over time, but Michal—“


I shook my head.


“You should know well ahead of time, that Orion has no place in any of our thoughts other than sheer abhorrence.”


I spoke evenly, the memories of earth, and the festival still fresh in mind, even after nearly two weeks to get over them. 


“I can only venture a guess as to why, but that will have to wait a time. Orion is no fan of Demi-humans—“


I nodded to Beryl.


“And especially not a fan of me, at least from what I can gather.”


I thumbed at myself. 


“Long story, after we’ve hunted together a while, we’ll tell you. Not yet though, I need to trust you.”


That's something I've damn well called into question, my value of the word ‘trust.’


The image of Vaughn and Beryl's disappointment crossed my mind.


And that leaves me to show it in full.


Michal seemed more inclined to our disposition thankfully, nodding in considering.


“Apologies, and I wouldn’t expect less.”


He looked about the main room.


“So you intend to completely renovate it? A home away from home?”


I looked to the rafters myself, taking a tally of the beams that still seemed damaged.


“That’s the plan, make it a useful point for dropping off equipment, weapons, so on. That and a welcome place away from each of our families.”


Turning back to the door, Beryl and Vaughn both seemed ready enough at the mention to go back to theirs. Vaughn, for his father’s condition, and Beryl , missing her mom’s.


Regardless of what comes, I do kind of miss Mama and Callum.


“We should head for the gates proper by now, no doubt we could all use a good nights sleep by ourselves again.”


Rubbing at my cheeks, I could feel I needed a bath just by the uncomfortable texture of my hands.


“Yeah, lets head home— Ah, Michal.”


I turned, Michal raising his head a moment.


“Come with us for now, we need to get you registered with our party.”


“Heeey, welcome back Kiki! It’s about time you three got back— who the hell is this?”


Avery was the first to greet me, her emphatic smile and positivity cut down completely by the twenty-something Michal. The priest seemed to move closer to Vaughn as Avery reared her body at full height.


“Did you take on an short mission? Kiyomi, those can be a bit more troublesome.”


She crossed her arms, tonguing one of her canines under her lips.


“New party member, a dedicated healer. We picked him up in Krakow temple of Solah.”


“Apologies for the lack of greetings, but, may I know why the arachnae woman is looking at me like I’m a piece of meat?”


I gestured between them both.


“Michal, this is Avery, former adventurer, slayer class. She’s the lead monster carver for the guild here in Brenton, my ‘aunt’, and she’s also one of my teachers for my class.”


Avery seemed to tone back her hostility if only a bit, listening to my introduction of Michal as I emphasized the favor he’d done by not pursuing ‘destruction of property.’


“Auntie Avery, this is brother Michal, he’s a priest of Solah. We picked him up after I managed to somehow severely maim one of the temple walls there with my sword. We owe him just a little bit.”


I did my best to seem indebted as I held my fingers close together.


“He offered his position as healer and in exchange for not rightly charging us for the damage, he just wanted to get out of the city. What was it you called it, Michal?”


“A pilgrimage? No, a mission, being as I’m not really aiming to go anywhere specific. Kiyomi and her team offered me something beyond being a simple priest.”


He nervously tried to back himself up with his own wording, attempting to make it obvious he had no ulterior motives.


Come on Avery, please don’t vibe check him. I just want to get this over with so I can go to my room, for fuck sake please don’t make a scene right now. 


Avery looked between each of us, then back to Michal, her mandibles brushing against her cheek as she worked out her own decision. With a sigh, they dropped, and her eyes all turned to the main counter.


“Best get him registered first so Lorn can’t make any calls against it. Don’t get ahead of yourself if you’re trying to pull what I think you are, another adult doesn't mean they’ll raise your tag range for hunts.”


Pointing one of her carving swords at Michal, then back to the counter.


“Don’t make me regret trusting her on this. Michal, was it?”


She dug the tip into the wood, hard enough that it would’ve made her wince for her blade if she weren’t trying to put on a show.


“You’ll get acquainted with us soon enough, I’m sure Callum will make a good enough example.”


“Thaaanks auntie.”


I rolled my eyes at her, ushering Michal to the counter.


“Think I nearly soiled myself.”


Michal joked half heartedly.


“Yeah yeah, if that’s your reality check then we’ll need to go over your idea of proper intimidation.”


I pat his shoulder as we walked to the counter, pulling my own hunting knife to hand to the clerk. 


“Team ‘Hollow-point’, wanting to register a new member. A healer we picked up in Krakow.”


She looked between us awkwardly, the second person to be caught off guard by our wayward friend that we dragged away from his veritable ‘hole in the ground’.


“Kiyomi, he looks in his twenties, are you sure that’s a good idea?”


I tilted my head.


“Since when was our party known to have ‘good’ ideas.”


I bit at my cheek.


“We need a healer, and one fell in our lap. Don’t worry, Uncle Cal will take care of him.”


I patted Michal’s shoulder.


“What’s the damage?”


The clerk raised her brow and shook her head, as if brushing over something. 


“We’ll take care of it, just leave him here. Consider this a favor.”


She nodded, standing to fetch some paperwork. I looked to Michal, taking my knife and sheathing it as I did.


“You have enough food to get you through the night? The pond’s water is drinkable, so that’s your only worry for now.”


I dropped my pack, pulling one of my sleeping furs from it.


“Take this, since it’s getting colder you may need it in case we can’t get you more in time.”


He took the fur in hand.


“You’re just leaving me here?”


I gestured to the door, Vaughn and Beryl no longer behind us as they each parted for their homes.


“You have a roof to sleep under, and a few coins on your person. The main plaza has food enough if you need something right now. Me? I have someone to speak to, and even after that, I have to talk with my mother. Then bed, I sure as shit miss my own bed.”


Michal nodded, rolling the fur up under one of his arms. He held out a hand for me to shake, and for some reason, I found myself refusing.


“Michal, I have to know you better, I—“


I relented a moment. 


“I’m thankful, but this week has been a lot.”


I returned the hand shake with hesitance.


“Be here tomorrow morning, I’ll take you to meet Aethelwulf and then we’ll take up a stalker hunt and you can get a feel for the team.”


“Stalkers? You all have a high enough rank to hunt them.”


I shrugged.


“We can only take so many a year, but yeah.”


I motioned to the stairs.


“I live here, so I’m headed upstairs. Have a good night, and be safe getting back to the temple, okay?”


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