Fate weaver’s convergence

C88 Winters Crescendo 7

Fuck me this one had me excited because things can pick up from here! This is the intended end for volume 1! The establishment of our newest team of adventurers! Thank you all for your patience! And I hope you enjoy!

Edit: Also, holy fuck! 2000 readers, and damn near 400k views! Thanks again for reading!


“Okay, see you two at the guild!”


We did it! Fuck I’m beat though… 


I turned around for a moment, moving closer to inspect the Wyvern's corpse. The smell of burnt flesh was overwhelming the closer I got. 




Up close, I could see the burns that littered the bone and torn muscle, reminding me of my own that was just freshly healed. I looked at my sleeve, nearly burned to a crisp with bits of my own melded into it.


Stinks… It’s gonna follow me until I get cleaned up and changed.


Alert: System shutdown imminent! Mana reserves depleted! Estimated time until hibernation -  twenty minutes and fourteen seconds. Estimated time for recovery - thirty-five minutes and 30 seconds.


Timer: 20:14… 20:13… 20:12… 


Yeah, yeah. Count down from the best years of my life why don't you? What was I in then, High school? Shit, I should find one of the adults to take me back to the guild… Or those two?


By the time I’d turned around, Beryl and Vaughn both were rushing to the gate beneath the balcony. Beryl rushed to her mother, Sophia. Meanwhile, Vaughn was already speaking with his father. The tone seemed muted as they spoke at a level that only the two could hear. 


Already down to congratulate their kids. 


A strange part of me ached for that moment once more. I was never one to be jealous but surprisingly, I did feel envy towards them. Was I missing my old parents? I never had those moments with my mother or father, and the war ruined any hope of it occurring again. 


So that’s how you must feel. 


My mind traveled back to Kiyomi’s memories, to her- no, our dream. The itching feeling made me want Hatsumi. 


If Mama were here, she’d be proud… I wish she could be here. 


18:37… 18:36… 18:35… 18:34…


Times passing, I should get going. If I can get back in time to grab those tablets, the timer won't matter. Don’t wanna get in between them, they're enjoying the moment. 


With Wyrm-tooth sheathed and slung over my back, I walked towards the same gate with the intent of b-lining it to the guild. I was sure someone would give me directions back to the surface with little to question, even with the charred clothing. I’d made it some twenty feet or so into the small entranceway. Past my friends and the occasional healer, ignoring them as I kept my next movement in mind. At the far end was the exit, some of the healers heading out as they undoubtedly looked to spend their fresh coin. 


“Ah, excuse me… No, the fault was mine, but save me a pint at the pub if you’d mind owing me one, aye? Need to celebrate after today.”


A familiar voice echoed in the hall amongst rushed apologies only a second before I bumped into someone that rounded the corner.


“Ah- hey! Wha-”


It was less of a backward stumble for each of us and more like I’d launched myself into the other person. I probably didn't even realize if it was a normal person, I could have actually hurt them with my walking speed alone. Each of us had to reflexively step back to actually see each other. 


“Oh- sorry about that girl, didn't think you’d be in such a hurry to leave.”


It was Callum’s voice. Looking up, I was greeted by a weak smile and furrowed brows. ‘Sorry’ was a word expressed more in display than it was in tone from the appearance. 


Callum kneeled.


“I imagine you want your Ma to praise you right about now, aye?”


My face went hot from embarrassment, being called out by what may as well be a ‘mentor’.


This is another one of those moments I could do without your emotions, Kiyomi. 


I went silent, looking to the side to avoid eye contact.




“Nah, I went to see if that was all Lorn had to offer.”


I crossed my arms, cocking my hips to the side in an attempt to throw him off. Even my tail was thrown into the mix, whipping back and forth. To this, Callum smirked and suppressed a laugh. 


“Y’know, that denial would be cute-”


He leaned forward, looking my burned side up and down before flicking away a piece of material from my arm. 


“If it weren't for the charred clothes.”


Then, with an earnest smile, he looked me in the eyes and placed a hand on my head. 


“Aye girl, good job.”


His smile was near ear to ear as he patted my head. 


“I- wh- frg”


I puffed my cheeks while biting my tongue. Realistically, I’d like to talk back to Callum, but it felt like at that moment he’d simply laugh it off. After letting Callum have his moment, he stood and patted my shoulder. 


16:59… 16:58… 16:57…


“Come on. We need to get you cleaned up.”


Good, then I can get the mana-pills to shut the timer up.

3:21… 3:20… 3:19


Come on, it's somewhere in here- ah! There you are!


I fished the small phial from my dresser, quickly opening it to retrieve the condensed tablets of mana within. 


"One should do it, just trying to stay awake."


I bit down on the tablet immediately, crushing it between my teeth. Not long after, the system rang off with a list of notifications.


Alert: Hibernation suspended! Mana reserves at resting level. Countdown suspended.


About damn time, it was driving me crazy. Now, time for the bath.


The notifications continued for nearly ten minutes, with slight status modifications, updates to the classes I could take, and my health status. After a while, it became a very odd mixture of static and random numbers. It wasn’t until an hour into my bath that the white noise of nonsensical alerts stopped. 


If it weren't for nearly two years of this nonsense and peaking at a status screen, I’d assume I was going crazy… Still, it’s odd that of all things, the status system seems advanced past the point of nuclear-era fiction. 


I sighed, water dripping as I stood. 


I didn't assume it was necessary, but curiosity is getting to me on it. Maybe I should look into its history. Maybe the people of this world chalk it up to the blessings of the Gods’.


Another hour passed as I finished cleaning myself, dressing, and tending to Wyrm’s tooth. Oiling the blade as Callum taught me was something I wanted to do before he took me to Lorn. I took care of my weapons and equipment on Earth seriously, why should I not do the same here? Mysterious glowing sword aside, it was still a habit I did not want to form, neglecting a tool. I looked over the blade before placing it in its sheath. With maintenance complete, I looked to the window as I placed Wyrmstooth in the corner. The sun was setting, its light glistening off the snowcaps of the mountains. 


It should be about time, it's been a few hours at this point. 


Just as I thought everything was done, I was rejoining Callum in the living area before one last alert sounded out. 


Suggested class paths determined, compiling list, compiling skills, compiling possible sub-race results, compiling list skills to pass on to retainers.


It's done?


I almost stopped in my tracks ahead of the couch opposite of Callum. He looked like he was about to say something, but my pause made him stop.


Display updated information? 




The question hung in the air for a moment, giving Callum the opening to speak.


"What's that pause about?"


I shook my head, slumping onto the couch behind me.


"A bunch of information from the system, it's been rattling off since I took the medicine. Updates on my class selection, skills, so on."


"Ah, so it's about time we start making decisions, aye?"


"I'd figure so, I haven't looked at any of it yet though."


I sighed, exhaustion still dissuaded me from opening the listing. While my mana was recovering, I was still tired from exerting myself. 


"We can take our time, your friends have already made their choices. We have nowhere to be, so to speak.”


Lorns voice echoed from the entrance, the door closing behind her with a loud click. Avery was with her as well, tho she seemed less enthused than usual, almost serious. She walked across the room, taking a seat next to Callum. Avery seated herself not unlike Beryl, nestling her body to the ground next to the couch I was on. A sense of relief was felt with Lorn's posture, as if the day's events being behind us took a weight off her shoulders.


"Do you have any idea-"


Lorn inhaled.


"How hard it was to ready that wyvern for your examination? That thing-"


Lorn stifled a laugh as she posted her arm on the couch. 


"Was a damn struggle. However, that's behind us. And now we know for sure you three are more than capable of protecting yourselves. I'd be hard-pressed to say even mercenaries could take you down without a ballista and some fairly experienced mages."


She was happy.


Was it that much work?


I sat up, leaning forward onto my hands.


"Did you think we'd roll over? After that pep talk you shouted at the beginning, I had half a mind to cleave that thing in half right there!"


I swiped one of my arms downward, plastering the best toothy grin I could manage.


"Sure you could, with what you did at the pass as an example."


Lorn smiled faintly, looking to me, then Avery and back.


"Though, I'm sure what you've done so far is in part to his training."


Lorn tilted her head towards Callum.


"Have you looked yet?" 


"Mnm. Not yet."


"With the consideration that Vaughn and Beryl have already chosen, you are now our final admission. Though, that does not mean we can delay it past tonight. We have to file paperwork for the de facto leader."


"De facto?"


I asked, receiving a nod as Lorn shifted forward.


"A new teams leader is registered automatically to ensure cohesion. If there is no determined leader, it leaves room for mistakes… fatal ones. Usually, it would fall to a scout or a mage. They have a clear view over each team member, given they can manage to place themselves advantageously in any confrontation."


She leaned forward as I did, matching me at eye level.


"Your resourcefulness outweighs theirs. Your ability to research, consider, and organize is stronger. In the early years of a team, those qualities matter most for financial development and accepting contracts. Of course, the guild staff would never let such a new group fall into a pitfall as such, you will be responsible for gathering your resources. Supplies, money, coordinating with other teams. All of these things will need someone competent enough to manage."


Lorn sat back in her seat.


"With all of that in mind, Kiyomi, you're the obvious option. And I doubt the others would think differently, with how they follow you even against our knowledge."


I sat back, tail swaying as I thought.


Would I want it any other way? Trying to keep up with one of them taking the lead would be anxiety-inducing. It's not that I don't think they can handle themselves, but- 


I mulled over the thought.


They both don't have experience, not with that. I have years ahead of haggling, the ability to process a changing battlefield, inventory, money management… I could set us up fairly well supplies-wise.


It was my turn to post my head on my couch arm, nearly bumping my head into Avery's shoulder. 


Those two also followed me to the pass, ugh. Yeah, best that I can keep them within my sight. Otherwise, they'd do something that dumb again.


I groaned internally, thinking of the non-considered stress of managing funds and such.


At the least, I know I can handle this. Years of inventory and troop management. Yep, I've got a hold of it.


"So what next?" 


I mumbled, looking back to Lorn


"Well, you need to select your class. Beryl and Vaughn both had prospective mentors present."


Lorn left the statement in the air, as if a line was cast and she expected me to bite in place of a fish. It wasn't until a few moments passed that I realized the implication of those present.




"Uncle Cal' is already my mentor though. Shouldn't we be able to move on?"


I asked, sitting up and squinting at Lorn. 


The only other implication is Lorn herself, or-


"Wait, booby-spi- ow-ow-ow- ears hurt!"


Avery grabbed my ear, lightly tugging against it.


"A little on the brave side to be using that nickname in my presence. I heard whispers, but it seems I'll have to correct it myself."


Avery flashed a smile that felt entirely rife with annoyance. Her eyes looked as if they were nearly closed shut if it weren't for the small glint of color from the fireplace. With a final tug, Avery released my ear and relaxed her shoulders. Her demeanor softened as she crossed her arms.


"Not just myself, Kiyomi. We would both qualify as potential mentors, therefore giving you a wider range of knowledge and training. Especially since you will be accompanying me from time to time. The other two will have plenty of occupied time with their own mentors, this will give us both a chance to impart our knowledge."


"So, what class is it you're both referring to? I don't really know what either of you are. You aren't fighters like Uncle Cal. Scout?"


I asked, receiving a shake of the head from Lorn.


"Slayers. Whereas Vaughn would be the defensive line, and Beryl your support and artillery, you will do a brunt of the striking from the get-go."


Lorn leaned further forward.


"With your strength, you will wield the greatest ability to end a hunt Immediately. Think of yourself as an ax blade felling a tree. Without you there to provide the initial blow, Vaughn would struggle to hold the target in place long enough for Beryl to muster her magic. Inversely, you would also wield enough power to fell most beasts provided they lack mana break."


Lorn looked to the Bulette skull mounted along the far wall.


"Though most monster's you'll be tasked with facing will undoubtedly wield it instinctively. It's a trait more common here on the frontier."


So, in short, I have the ability to limit our exertion on a hunt.


"As a fighter, you will excel, yes. And as a scout, you'd be a force to reckon with in tracking prey. But as long as your focus is maintaining overall lethality? There is no better option than Slayer."


I was silent in response to Lorn's near-recruiter-like pitch. It felt reminiscent of watching recruiters for the army, marines, or navy touting their elite forces in an attempt to snatch up the more adventurous of my generation before the draft went into full effect. But I found it hard to argue with her words.


She's right. Tactically, it makes sense. Though the decision has to be informed. It would make me a shitty safeguard of Kiyomi's future if I simply made the decision on the spot.


"Would you mind if I considered the options for a moment?"


I asked aloud. It was a question lacking anxiety or insecurity. I could only pick once, therefore I couldn't let any of the immaturity I've let take hold to escape.


"Aye, pull up your status. We'll discuss it once more after you read through it."


Okay, here goes.




Name: Kiyomi Jormanr


Age: 10


Race: Lower Demon (High Demon, unattributed, selection preview enabled*)


Sex: Female


Class: Adventurer (– Unattributed, selection preview enabled*)


Level: 11(18)




HP: 1000/1000


MP: 542/1200




Constitution: ^6* (11)


Strength: 9 (18)


Dexterity: 8 (16)


Intelligence: 7 (15)


Wisdom:  7 (14)


Charisma: 8 (17)




Thirst: 928/1000


Hunger: 850/1000




Titles: Clan Matriarch, (Hidden), (Hidden)


Status: (Passive skill, Disguise(dispel ability, granted), in effect.


Skills: Disguise lvl5, Manapool lvl2, Violent impact lvl1, Endurance lvl1, Cleave lvl1, Evasion lvl1



Alright, class.



Class selection currently available…



Specialized in ranged or close combat using a variety of ranged or light weaponry, support, and high mobility skills.



Specialized in striking a given enemy with great effectiveness using a combination of buff and combat skills.



Specialized in direct engagements with multiple or larger enemies by using med mobility and various combat skills. Poorly suited for support.



So those are our choices, huh?


The orange text screen floated within my vision, the description for each remaining as I looked them over.


Lets see…

Displaying class details, Scout

Scout enables the user to take a more stealthy approach to fighting. Stealthy, precise, and a route to becoming a master class tracker or archer, its choice is for those looking to deal a deadly blow to enemies without making the user's presence known. 


Branching paths

Ranger, Sniper, Assassin


Skills associated

Evasion (improved): The user has heightened reflexes in the height of combat, enabling the ability to avoid an enemy's attacks to the point one may even evade some magics. 


Tracker: The user gains an uncanny ability to track their prey, in some cases even being able to sense mana tailing the presence of more potent enemies.


Hawkeye: The user gains the ability to ‘glass’ enemy’s as if their own eyes were a spyglass. (distance viewable is increased from a point of 300 meters by 100 per every 5 user levels)


Omophagy: The user can process most unprocessed foodstuffs.


Environmental resistance: The user now gains a moderate natural resistance to extreme environments through either a slowing or speeding of metabolism and the metered use of mana. 



Useful… though… would that compliment our team layout? Vaughn would be by himself on the front line. And Beryl? I doubt we’d be able to give her a wide enough opening if Im making potshots. This class… sounds as if it's directed toward humans and specific fauna. Should I even need environmental resistance, I can’t afford to spare the mana.That this class may force us to rely on ambush tactics. That and-


I looked to the hall, to my room, thinking of Wyrmstooth lying within. 


“Scout is off the table.”


I said flatly, grabbing Lorns attention. She raised her brows in a manner as if to say ‘What made you come to that conclusion so fast?’ before shaking her head and posting it back in her palm. 


Next, Fighter…



Displaying class details, Fighter

Fighter, the class for those looking to lock blades with man or beast alike. Rugged, utilitarian, and able to adapt to most battlefield roles. Bladework may come more naturally to the user and the ability to rally their allies by sufficiently occupying beasts in place of a traditional defensive role such as Cleric or Knight.


Branching paths

Dragoon, Hela, Armiger


Skills associated

Fighters reflex: The user's ability to evade an enemy's strikes, or even evade natural hazards, is increased. Facilitated through a temporary heightening of senses and their fast twitch muscle fibers. 


Fortified: When utilizing a shield or heavy armor, the user finds themselves as nimble as if they were donning textiles or hide.


Iron grip: The user will never find themselves at odds with their weapon. The user's arms reinforce their ability to maintain a firm hold on their weapon, never fearing disarmament even against a foes overwhelming strike. 


Rallying cry: When in formation, particularly beside more than one other ally, they possess a natural ability to rally and urge forward their group against even the worst of odds.


Nimble feet: The user finds themselves stable in even the most precarious of positions. Either through a loss of footing, being caught in an unfavorable position, or being caught between the claws of a beast and a hard place, the user will never feel off balance. The user will always find themselves in equilibrium. 


While it doesn't seem the worst, what do I stand to gain from it? For the most part, the listed benefits appear to be mute. My strength already enables so much more than fighter…


I looked at my tunic through my periphery. 


I wonder what wearing armor is like. The only armor I ever wore was a plate carrier and a fast helmet on Earth. It was less for the Ravagers and Sungrinders though, and more for the cultists or… Bad memory, killing normal humans wasn’t what I thought I’d be doing before then… I’d be competing with Vaughn at the least, he’s our monster wrangler, especially with Aggro.


I closed out Fighter, not wanting to outright pick Slayer before at least looking over it. 



Displaying class details, Slayer


Branching paths

Roughrider, Viking, Dreadnought


Skills associated

Close the gap: When combat is imminent, and confrontation unavoidable, the user is temporarily supported by a significant burst in strength and reflex, enabling the ability to traverse space at an Olympian speed or swing their weapon as if they were a Minotaur swinging its axe. 


Predatory instinct: Enables the user to track or sense their target enabled by heightened natural senses. 


Rush of the hunt: When the user's prey is determined, be it man or beast, the user is overcome with an almost adrenaline rush-like sensation, enabling a laser-focused pursuit.


Coup de grace: By prolonging an altercation, provided the target is not using mana-break, the user enables an instinctual knowledge of their target's vital organs. Their location and the best position direction to strike from. 


Pain tolerance: When under effect of ‘Rush of the hunt’, the user can shrug off injuries that could otherwise immobilize them from physical sensation. Note, this does not negate any immobilization or failure of the body to cooperate due to physical trauma. 



So that's it, aye? 


I dismissed the status entirely, glancing at Avery, who was watching me intently. 


“Have you finished Fighter yet?”


Avery tilted her head in an innocent manner, something uncanny for the Arachne. Given the weight of the decision, however, I could see her withholding her usual playful nature. I glanced at her leg which was cut off when I first met her. The exoskeletal leg was slightly shorter than the others, and its color was dulled. Looking to the table at the center of the room before asking aloud. 


“Did ‘Pain tolerance’ help block out the pain with your leg?”


I asked in a hesitant manner. 


“Ah… so you saw them… aye”


Avery sighed. 


“A little didn't do much for the pain when the rush was over. Disengaging from a fight causes the onset of pain to return within ten minutes unless you're healed before then. It doesn't help as Arachne that it aches until its regrown though. I doubt you’ll ever have to tackle that kind of thing.”


So she says.


I looked down at my lap. 


It’d be nice to negate the pain, I can keep myself up and about-




I had to stifle a weak laugh.


Yeah, and play the whole protective sister role like I’ve been falling into. And you're the youngest, arent you Kiyomi?

I looked to the Bulette mounted at the wall, then to the numerous trophies surrounding us in the stay-in quarters. 


A laser focus, the ability to quickly engage, heightened senses… I’d have known the Wolverines were there If I could have utilized it. I can know if I’m about to walk into an ambush, or a spider tor-


I shivered for a moment. 


Ugh, an immobilizing fear of Sungrinders… now I have a fear of Spider-tortoise.




I spoke, breaking the silence and giving cause of each of the adults now lounging in some way or another to sit up. Callum stood in a hurry, turning for the kitchen. 


“I’m grabbing us some drinks!” 


Lorn squinted, an honest smirk creeping across her face. It was more than likely in reaction to the sight before her. 


“I’ve made my choice. 


Blood dripped over my lip, the scent much more noticeable than before. Lorn clapped her hands together, standing just the same as Callum did. 


“Welcome to the guild, Kiyomi.”


With those words spoken, Avery nudged my shoulder, presenting a sheathed hunting knife to me. 


“Your Guild marker, you’ll need it to take contracts and mark your kills.”


Class selection made: Slayer

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