Fate weaver’s convergence

C80 Winter’s story 10

part 2 of the upload! Hope yall enjoy! Thanks for being here!

"I hear you Sarah! Stay out of the wa-"

"Focus on me, Rat!"

The knight who fought Papa forced all of Papa's attention to him.

"Come Juro, you aren't through here! If you fall, so do your men-"

The figure gestured with his sword to the battle raging behind them, while the odds were in our favor once more, it was an ever changing result as each side traded blows. Two more men had fallen by the time Sarah and I entered the woodline, and more followed each minute. 

"Go to hell-"

Papa did not allow the knight to finish speaking as Wyrms tooth suddenly charged with mana, the blade glowing an off putting yellow as he forced mana into it. The method was not unlike Mama, but it was crippled in comparison. It could not still cut steel as if held by Mama, but should the knight lower his guard, Papa could still rend him in half even with a half effort swing. Even with that consideration, Papa was now at least hitting enough force to deform the thin kite shield that deflected his blows.

"You and your-"

Wyrm's tooth was slammed into the shield at full force, forcing the knight to give some space as he compensated against the force of the blow.

"-Bloody vulture-god-

Once more father struck, using the recoil of the first impact to shift the blade and swing from the opposite side in and upward motion.

"-will burn!"

Wyrms tooth clashed with the blade of the Knight. Sparks sprayed outwards as metal contacted metal and a strange form of mana arced between them. The Knight kicked outward, landing a strike in Papa's stomach and forcing him to stumble backwards.

"I am Sto-ar, and that 'Vulture' will see those of your blood on pikes in his hunting grounds!"

More of the guards fell, leaving seven struggling to hold back the enemy. Even as nearly a dozen peeled away to see that Goro and the raptors were silenced. They struggled under the weight of the enemy. They were faltering, and Papa could see this.


Papa mouthed the words, trying not to distract his men. Desperate for a blow that could by time, mana suddenly exploded from Papa's hand. Air began swirling around his hands as he looked rapidly between his opponent and to our guards from his periphery. 

It wasn't but a moment before Sto-ar made his own move, armor creaked and metal groaned as he moved on the offensive. Mana could be see building from behind his shield for just a split second before he raised it. With the raising of his shield, Papa prepared to deflect Sto-ar's strike before being surprised by a sudden burst of red energy that sprung forth like a lance.

Papa panicked at the sudden strange magic, veering to the left and opting to release his own built up Mana. Papa spun around as he sidestepped, maneuvering Wyrms tooth as if he were about to swing at Sto-ar himself. Sto-ar's mysterious attack missed Papa, striking one of the guards in the side and further weakening the defense. Papa clenched his jaw as he planted his feet, mana now traveling along the blade. Wyrms tooth was no longer simply a glowing blade that could rend limbs. Wind encompassed the blade, it's current ripping through the calm air surrounding it. 


Papa screamed as he swung, the rush of air extending from the blade some five meters or so before slamming into the unprepared Sto-ar. The sound of metal being slammed by air was similar to the crack of lightning. It echoed through the forest as Sto-ar was sent flying into the downed tree by the crashing wind. Sto-ar's shield even seemed to lose its color, bare metal being exposed as paint was torn or burned away by the hot, rushing air.

"That's our opening, we need to break off into the fore-"


A near inhuman bellow rocked the forest. Each of the remaining five guards flinched in response, neatly faltering as the Morisson attackers payed nearly no mind to the roar. Even the raptors gave pause, leaving Goro on his own to face down just over half a dozen enemies. Sarah and I both turned our attention to the roar. 

A mangled figure of a man emerged from the woodline. Tattered clothes and torn chainmail that once belonged to what must have been a Morisson hung loosely from its gaunt body. The clothing was burned, showing it must have already been struck by Sarah. Attop its shoulders sat a head that was no longer human in appearance. It wore the face of a bear robbed of its hide, snarling and hungry. 


The thought ran through my head as I felt an unnatural sense of fear for the beast.

"God's, the rumors were true-"

Sarah muttered before gasping, yelling to father immediately after.

"Juro! Break away! Now!"

Just as Papa turned his head, the beast that must have been the missing mage shrieked before shooting mana forth whilst advancing on our party. The same red magic rushed from its hands as it stamped forward with its still contorting legs.

What is that horror?! It's not natural! No monster mother spoke of this could have been close!

I shook as I clung to Sarah's hip, watching the onslaught as the beast attacked our party and Morrison alike. The raptors fell first, Goro just barely managing to evade the magic as it slammed into the crowd and dispersed it. Man after man fell, the magic tearing at this as if it was a fire consuming kindling. Anyone winged by the magic, faltered before eventually succumbing only moments later as the mana spread across their body and focring them to collapse. The smell of burning flesh and a strange chemical flooded the air almost immediately. All plantlife struck was not burned, yet turned a bloody shade of red.

"Juro! Break away damnit! Run!"

By the end of the initial onslaught, only half of the Morrisons, Goro, and Papa stood. The beast set father in its sights as it next focused solely on him.

"Shit! Kiyomi! Stay here and stay low!"

"Wha- please, don't leave me!"

What is this terrifying feeling?!


Sarah planted a hand on my back and forced me to the ground in a single violent motion. My body was forced down into the grass, my body unable to fight against her strength. 

Sarah's body tensed as she activated one of her skills before launching herself through the air at such speed that any foliage around us shook from the sudden air pressure. 

Landing almost perfectly between father and myself, mana instantly swelled along her left shoulder and down her arm as she pulled it back. She shifted her hips as if she were about to force her weight into a punch before her entire body released all tension and she swung forward. A flame shot forth from her arm so hot that I was able to feel the uncomfortable heat. It was not a natural fire either, as sparks fell from the torrent of flame and continued to burn in small pools. The flames were a bright yellow, with small billows of raven black smoke escaping anywhere they were halted. 

The beast that found itself the victim of her ire staggered as it was engulfed. No roar escaped it, nor yelps, shrieks, or cries. It was silent, only the screams of dying men or those escaping the fire were heard. 


Sarah screamed, refusing to loosen her attention from the monster.

"We need to leave!"

She yelled once more, breaking father from his trance as he made to run for the same woodline that I hid within.

"Don't let them escape! Impetum! Impetum!”


The beast bellowed once more, it’s partially burned body standing at full heiht as it began advancing on Sarah. 


Sarah screamed as the beast approached.

“I’m with you!”

Papa yelled as her turned heal alongside Sarah and brought Wyrms tooth to bare, the same wind forming around it as before.


Papa yelled then whistled, drawing the attention of his Mount and signaling the drake to his side. Goro leapt through the air, galloping past Papa and Sarah. Goro ran straight for the wood line, finding his place within the woods as he slinked into the woods behind me. Goro circled, finding his place off to the side a few meters behind me. His draconic eyes were glued to the inhuman monster.

Goro is here! Things will be okay! Auntie and Papa can fight that thing!

I watched intently as I clenched the knife I held in my palms, my nerves nearly overcoming me as I felt myself shake.

“Juro, if you’re going to do it, do it now!”

Papa shifted his hands around Wyrms tooth once more before swinging in an upward motion towards the beast. The whirlwind of air cut against the ground as he did, throwing up gravel, mud, and dust as the air rushed to feed the flames. The blaze engulfing the monster grew two fold in a matter of seconds as it rose above the tree line. Sarah could be seen faltering from such a drain of mana, and Papa seemed as if exhaustion alone would take him at this rate. They were banking on the flames engulfing the beast so we could continue without the pursuit of such a danger. Hopes were falsely placed however, as the beast leapt through the flames. If I could have heard, I could have sworn Sarah gasped for air as if it had been her last as the monster crashed down upon her and crushed her shoulder.


She screamed in pain, something I could never recall hearing from her. The monster moved to claw at her, it’s left arm raising behind it as it opened its palm.


Papa jumped into the fray, Wymstooth ever lit by the flow of mana. He’s blade swung from his left, severing the beasts hand at the wrist just in time to divert it. It’s massive arm planted the now severed wrist bones into the ground as it failed to make its mark. The monster roared in pain for the first time, Wyrms tooth actually having succeeded at wounding it semi-permanently. Had father let up, the monster would surely have simply consumed him with its mana. It recoiled once more with Wyrms tooth separating muscles and tendons as it cut into the beast’s side. The beast stumbled to its right, freeing Sarah of its weight. With her body now uncovered, she struggled to breath as she gasped in pain. Raising her still intact arm, another torrent of flames burst forth and forced the beast back to further give Papa the time he needed to prepare.


Papa yelled one last time, signaling the drake to raise his body and leap from the woods behind me.

Just as Goro jumped from the forest, Papa used a combination of his skills to break the distance and one the killing blow. An almost mythical layer of water generated across his body, air flowed around Wyrm’s tooth, and the ground rumbled beneath him as he was suddenly launched forth at a superhuman speed by a pillar of stone erupted from the road. Papa yelled as he flew, Wyrm’s tooth’s glow becoming nearly white in comparison to its dulled state earlier in the fight. He sliced through the fire with the strange coating of water as he was nearly untouched by the flames. In the next instant he was seen rolling along the ground with the monster, it’s maw clamped down along his shoulder and Wyrm’s tooth planted firmly in its chest. Papa screamed in pain as he struggled to free himself, bones popping as the creature endeavored to crush him while it breathed its final breath. 

“Juro, you dumb bastard!”

Sarah clambered to her feet, grabbing onto Goro’s saddle in a rush whilst the drake nearly threw her onto his back using his massive head. Goro ran forth with his new passenger, attempting to reach his master before he could be broken by the death throes of something he couldn’t recognize the scent of. 


The monster attempted to roar one last time as it released Papa, it’s remaining hand filling with the red mana. Goro was just in time to save his master thankfully, his maw clamping down and snapping bone in just enough time to tear the limb free with a sickening and wet tearing noise. The beast shuddered as its limb was torn free, one single shriek escaping it before the drake dropped one of his paws onto its neck, breaking it instantly. 


Sarah coughed, blood falling with saliva as she struggled to speak.

“Juro, hurry.”

 Wrapping one of her legs into the saddle, she reached down with her arm to grab his own that was outstretched. Wyrm’s tooth was haphazardly thrown into its sheath as he weakly saddled himself in front of Sarah. 

“What in the name of the Gods’ are these monsters?"

Papa strained the words free as Goro changed course, raising his paw from the monsters throat. Blood and mud splattered to the side as they made their way towards the wood line.

“Kiyomi! Up!”

Was all Papa could manage as he bore the pain with each bound from Goro.

“Take my hand!”

Papa yelled one last time, his breathing strained as he reached his left arm down to reach for me. Goro never ceased his movement, continuing to run into the wood line even as Papa’s hand clamped down onto my wrist and yanked upward. I yelled in pain as I felt my body raise into the air before landing across the saddle. A strange wet warmth covered my stomach as I landed. Upon properly seating myself, the sensation continued to my inner thigh, rear, and tail. Looking down, my fear was confirmed. 


Blood was seeping into my clothes from behind me, soaking the saddle and smearing along Goro’s scales as we Galloped into the wilderness with not a single direction to speak of. 


I wanted to look back, expecting to see the image of those fears. The only thing that stopped me was one of Papa’s arms wrapping around me and pulling me close to him. His arm was soaked in his own blood as well, further feeding my worry.

“Auntie? Can you-“

“Kiyomi, quiet. For now, close your eyes and be still.”

Papa’s tone was as if he were pleading, causing my stomach to feel as if stones were dropped into it.



Papa was silent this time, squeezing me closer as I called out to Sarah only to receive no response. The only signal I even had that she was present was her feet bouncing limply against Goro’s sides.

Again it’s- it’s happening again, I-

Hide it away! I thought to hide it away!

Blood… s-so much blood… I can’t… auntie, I- Papa-

My thoughts were a mess as I felt myself taken by exhaustion. With my sight blurring and senses failing me, I found everything fading to black.

Lady Solah!, If you ever intended to guide us, please do it now! Help!

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