Fate weaver’s convergence

C75 Winters story 5


Attention reader, sections involving the secondary voice will be omitted in the near future. That includes EVERY lone pertaining to it. There will be minor changes to prior chapters as it's taken out, but overall no change to the story regarding any other character. Only the secondary voice.

Thank you for your patience all, this past week hasnt been the easiest. With it though we got solid planning for the bext couple of arcs muscled out. The next chapter will be roughly 1500-2000 words thanks to pounding out most of this branch of the arc in 2 chapters already. This one is ROUGH because I need to go back and edit it tonight, apologies for that. Thank you all for your patience, I hope you enjoy... 

Deleted a section from the original posted chapter after sleeping on it, didn't feel right pacing was too fast and didn't feel natural.

The field was set, with our effort. Small false emplacements made of cheap wood, blunted spike barricades lining portions of the field to create maneuvering obstacles. On each end of the snow covered training field was a scaled down wooden replica of the city's gates, marking the final line both as an objective and the marker of defeat. 



"Everyone looks to be here."


Stannis leaned against one of the barricades, producing a cigarette case from his gambison and pulling a cigarette free.


"Rules are same as usual, keep your place within your shield wall until your captain says otherwise. This is a test of your ability to follow orders and communicate as usual."


Stannis lit his cigarette, taking a long draw from it before continuing.


"Being as the goal is to broaden your capabilities as well, Maeve is captain of team A, and John is Captain of team B. Any questions?"


John tilted his head for a moment in confusion before asking aloud.


"Wasn't I going to be on Maeve's team?"


Stannis shrugged, echoing some smoke.


"Plans change, be ready for that when the time comes. In the case of military movement, unless you're high enough in position your station could change at any given moment. If a change happens on the battlefield due to a death or injury to severe to handle there, you need to be able to take or relinquish the reigns."


Stannis pointed to myself, I was sitting on the center support of the same barricade as I waited.


"Kiyomi, this will be an example for you. While the environment and tactics are different, the ability to make decisions in a dynamic environment follows over completely."


Nodding slowly as I followed, Stannis directed the teams to their positions and the formations they would be taking. Defending team lead by John would be forming a Skein, or a V formation. They would be guarding the front of their emplacement between the two barricades as well as two flanks. Attacking team was free to disperse at Maeve's discretion. 




Stannis held out his free hand to assist me off the barricade.


"Come with me for a second."


Stannis motioned towards the defending side, prompting me to join him.


"So how exactly am I the objective?"


I looked up as we walked, curious of my rope.


"Well, you're the Lady of the castle. If the enemy gets through to you and gets you to the other side-"


Stannis pointed to the opposite end of the field.


"That's their victory condition. They have roughly half an hour to do so, with four attempts In total."


Stannis grabbed me from underneath my arms, raising me up and sitting me on top of the gate.


"They'll be at this for two hours?"


I squinted and tilted my head. Sure the wargame seemed rather simple, but the attrition of straining yourself for that long would definitely leave them all winded by the time we were done. Stannis continued talking for a moment as I thought.


For a military exercise, the goal sounds kinda… game-ish? There's no big strain on soft skills. It sounds like basic… training.


Looking back over the group for a moment, the realization dawned that they weren't kitted like they should have been. 


Spears, shields, self-furnished armor, or gambison. This is a basic exercise from how Stannis worded it, and they've kitted nothing like anybody the guards I've seen around the city at all…


Most guards I've seen either wielded swords or crossbows. Armor was usually the same style of helmet with chainmail over a gambison. Uniform, unchanging, and standardized. They all made the markings of a legitimate close-quarters force for the city. Nothing about the group today held the markings of guards for the city. It was more akin to a primitive militia. A majority weirded spears, along with shortswords in some cases where they could jab through the shield wall.


I have a feeling they're being trained for a different purpose than keeping the peace as volunteers. The training is too repetitive, being weekly… And if they were keeping the peace in the city, they'd be better off with firsthand learning. On top of all that, wouldn't the guard train in their standardized equipment? 


'Train as you fight' was a common motto for every bit of training I'd taken part in on earth. You train in the armor issued, with the weapon issued, in the tactics you were going to actively use as much as possible.


But to be working with this objective too, the question is eating at me… it's like they're being trained for frontline work…


...Like the civilians, we had to catch up to speed on earth...

I began to tune out the noise in the background, my memories of training teenagers and adults terrified out of their minds on basic riflemen skills. Flashbacks of sudden swarms of monsters, uprisings, or raids of cultists. The sights of the gore and fear, and sadness-




"Huh- wha?"


"I said, are you ready?"


Stannis was waving a hand in front of my face, furrowing his brow as he did.


"Maybe I should set you off to the side, you spaced out for a minute there. Are you good?"


"H-wuh? Y-yeah! I'm good, let's do this."


Stannis looked at me sideways before shaking his head for a moment.


"If you've held up as you have already, I guess there's no cause for concern at the moment."


Stannis waved his hand to the others, signaling everyone to form up.


"Listen, their weapons are blunted so don't worry about much of anyone getting hurt. Feel free to kick and scream at'em though."


Stannis chuckled before stopping.


"Ah- don't overdo it by the way. I saw what you did to that overgrown weasel back at the pass."


I made a mock salute, returning in a joking tone.


"Yes sir."


Ruffling my hair, Stannis stood back and smiled as he walked to the edge of the yard.


"Have fun kid! Alright, teams! On my mark you'll begin your first round!"


I nodded to Stannis, the questions eating at me momentarily.


I'll ask him later, though I doubt he'd discuss much with a kid my age. Not like Callum would.


Stannis grabbed a small hourglass from a table to the side.




Turning the piece to its side, Stannis looked to everyone for a nod.




With the boom of Stannis's voice, the teams began moving. Team A, my defenders, were Maeve, Juno, Hector, Fjord, and Janus. Whilst team B, the attackers was John, Barry, Timur, Blaine, Deirdre, and Rosa.


Maeve, Juno, and Hector moved to the center opening in unison. The clatter of wood and metal echoed off the walls of the courtyard as they did so, mirrored by Timur, Blaine, and Rosa. John moved up just behind his shield wall, turning the tide in numbers yet hanging back. Maeve, leader of the defenders, held her Halberd by clutching it between her side and arm. While she did not appear to have much ability to wield it in that manner she was still able to keep the opposition at a distance as her teammates did the same with their spears. 


With the centerline established the remainders of team A, Deidre and Barry each rushed for the flanks as fast as they could but were cut off by the last of Maeve's team. Dierdre was met by Fjord and Barry was cut off by Janus. 


"Hold, not one of them passes!"


Maeve yelled as their spears began contacting.


No matter which way I look at this, Maeve and her team have been given the harder half of the training. All John's team has to do is get to me and bring me to the other side. On the opposition, Maeve and her team have to hold out long enough to keep me out of the other teams hands.


Maeve along with her team members held out, the clattering of spears echoing as team B attempted to push forward. Maeve, Juno, and Hector each managed to somehow pin their spears to the team B moved. Time after time they'd have their shield pinned while attempting to jab their own forward in order to break the makeshift pike line. 


A stalemate, either until Maeve loses patience or John decides to act. What are the flanks up to?


To the left, Deirdre and Fjord stared each other down for a moment. Fjord stood to the side of the barricade, fidgeting as he nervously held his shield up with his spear pointing just over it. Deirdre on the opposition moved forward with confidence, her shield up at an angle as her spear pointed forward along its side. Something swung at her hip that was difficult to make out though. 


He's not positioned in a way that he seems inexperienced, but why is he nervous?


Deirdre pressed forward, promoting a reflexive jab from Fjord with his spear. As luck would have it, Deirdre managed to deflect it to the side and advanced rapidly with her given opening.


"I'm not getting hit by that fockin mace again!"


Fjord yelled as Deirdre's own spear was deflected overhead. They were a pair of matched fighters at first glance. Fjord looked familiar, as if he were a guard I'd seen from time to time. Even his armor was familiar, to the point that I'd finally recognized as the alternate armor of the gate guard. Deirdre herself was harder to pin down until she yelled.


Oh shit, she's one of the morning shift clerks!


The memory of the hardlined clerk yelling at swaths of adventurers as they crowded her coworkers in the morning rush.


"Maybe do better, Fjord! Until then-"


Deirdre slammed her shield into Fjords, staggering him momentarily. As he tried to regain his footing, grabbed the shaft of Fjords spear before slamming her spear into it. The wooden shaft cracked and split from the hit, fragments of wood falling to the ground as Fjord loosed his grip on it to reach for his back up. Grabbing as a pommel to his side, Fjord unsheathed a Gladius before backstepping to regain his footing.


"Left flank holding!"


Fjord yelled across the field as he used his newfound space to kick off. Launching his own shield into Deidre's he was able to push her just far enough back they were in line with the barricade once more.


"Not so easily, southerner!"


Deirdre yelled as she brought a mace from her own belt. The blunted head slammed against Fjords shield as he struggled to hold her back. For now, the two found themselves at stalemate, trading blows as each tried to make ground against the other.


The flanks will falter by the layer rounds at this rate, will they rotate? 


Finally, I brought my gaze to the last pairing. Janus and Barry seemed to be scuffling already at this point. Janus shouls have been well rounded range wise, though his spear was thrown to the ground while an arming sword occupied his hand. The two were clashing to the point that their breath was already becoming ragged. Janus was struggling the most, as Barry seemed to easily over power him. Of the entire group, these two appeared the youngest, Barry just shy of hitting his twentieth while Janus was a fresh adult at sixteen or seventeen. Of the entire group, these two seemed to have the most emotion behind their clash as each of their swords clashed. They were obviously inexperienced, but a better match to each other. If any other person faced them one on one, it would have been clearly one sided. Janus slowly gave ground, unable to keep up with Barry's advance as he still wasn't as strong thanks to their difference in age. Blow after blow was unleashed on Janus's shield and the boy simply took it the best he could before he looked down to find Barry's foot hooking behind his heel.


"Wait, cra-"


Janus's heel was yanked from underneath him, sending him tumbling as Barry followed up with a bash of his shield's edge into the marred wood of Janus's own shield.


"Lines broken! Hold!"


Maeve yelled, prompting each of her team mates to tighten their formation. Almost immediately after Barry was seen toppling Janus, the three were compensating for the fallen team member so they could maintain lines. Maeve raised her Halberd overhead as she dropped her shield to the ground, clasping it in both hands. With the weapon in full use, Maeve brought it down over the line in full force with a powerful grunt. With the weighted head of the Halberd flying down into Blaine's shield, it was a wonder how it didn't split the iron ring framing it before it forced his arm down and suddenly stopped as itanaged to slam into his collarbone.


"God's dam-"


Blaine exclamation cut off as he fell backward under the force of the crushing blow, air escaping him at a rate difficult to recover as he dropped his equipment and held his neck and shoulder weakly.


"One down and out! Barry, don't forget your place! Janus is right behind you still!"


Stannis yelled across the courtyard, throwing out small pointers as the battlefield shifted in its dynamic.


"God's damned-"


Blaine gasped.


"Fuck, my collarbone is snapped."


The downed fighter complained


"You'll live Blaine, just move out of the way enough we don't hurt ya on accident."


John said as he tapped Blaines foot with his own, jogging forward into the line.


"Fjord, drop Deirdre and cut off Barry! He's faster!"


Maeve yelled as Barry made way to my own position atop the mock gate. I was the objective, so it only made sense to treat me on higher priority than the line. It was even more so realizing anyone still in the fight would have to disengage to cut Barry off and retrieve me. 


Looking back to Fjord to see if he could make way, he actually managed to break away using an opening. Deirdre drew back on her swing for her mace in an attempt to force Fjord back, only to open her shield up for a full planted kick. Dierdre stumbled back as Fjord began to run for me, her push forward faltering at the moment. Barry and Fjord both rapidly approached, the sounds of ragged breathing and weighted steps pounded against the dirt. If it weren't for the fact that Fjord had obviously worked in this environment for much longer, Barry surely would have reached my position if not for the plant of Fjord's shoulder into his back. 


"Gah, sunnova-"


"Canny grab the princess if ya can't get back to yer own lines anymore! Come on, see if ya can bust free!"


Fjord wrestled Barry to the ground, attempting to gain some kind of leverage so he could take the younger guard out of the fight. It wasn't long though before Deirdre was on top of them as she sent her boot heel into the back of Fjord's helmet and sent him over Barry.


"Howdy princess, sorry you had to see that. mind making this easy on me? I got ya lunch back at the guildhall~"


Deirdre attempted to bargain with a forced smile as she stepped over Fjord who was clearly knocked out. 


"I dunnooo, uncle Stan said I could give you a struggle if I wanted."


I played my part for a moment, buying my defender's time as I stalled for just long enough.


"Come on, thunk of all the treats I got ya while your mum wa- Aaaaargh! Fuck a duck sideways on a horny mule! Fuck! Gods damn you Maeve, that fuckin hurt!"


Deirdre's bartering was cut off by a timely throw of a shield that huddled into her back. The line had broken in a clear show of poor leadership skills and match up, meeting one of the basic failure points in pike lines. 


If there's not enough discipline, they'll give way. Not the same reasoning but me, I'm a spectator… And it's funny watching Deidre squirm right now.


Deidre fell to her knees as she placed both her hands to her back in an attempt to alleviate her pain. In the midst of the cursing and wails, Maeve managed to peel away from the shield wall. She was moving back to secure me from Barry, who at this rate was pushing Fjord off at last 


"Maeve, your cakes smell like shit and they taste of piss warm beer!"


Deirdre wailed in anger as she continued to rub her back, being forced to the ground by a sudden push forward.


"Just don't choke on them like you usually do Deirdre." 


Maeve chuckled back at Deirdre's taunts as she forced one more competitor from the game. Barry however still made a marketable foe as he managed to jump to his feet at last. Arming sword in hand, he faced an enemy that couldn't efficiently fight him unless she gained some distance. 


"Sorry but the game is ours Maeve!"


Barry launched himself forward, thinking hus shorter range gave him an advantage.


I don't think this is gonna pan out- oof, damn!


I winced at the sound of metal clanking against metal, the cause being the armored elbow of a particular ork managing to slam into the plate helmet of a boy too confident for his size.


"That makes victory assured for us, numbers in our favor now. What do you say princess?"


Maeve smiled happily as she planted her Halberd to the ground. Looking to me for some sort of childish praise.


What do I say here? Bring me their heads? You broke the line so all I really can do is this now.


A wooden shield was brought down hard onto the top of Maeve's helmet, a nearly comedic clank echoing as it nearly split down the center and dropped the towering woman. From behind where she stood, John was revealed as he greeted me in a sing-song tone.


"Aye, Kiyomi. Reckon you're on our side now?"


The characteristic smile of the farmer could nearly be seen through her greeting alone as he stood in front of me. Looking past him, it was a no brainer that the minute Maeve moved off the line that her team would've crumpled. With her gone, all John needed yo do was step in and relevel the playing field. Everyone situated at the centerline was now sitting or leaning against the barricade as they caught their breath and licked their wounds at this point.


I couldn't imagine Stannis was impressed by any degree considering this a rather rough start.


Looking to my Uncle for a day, I was surprised to see a rather amused smirk as he leaned against a support post. Noticing me taking him into account, Stannis spoke across the yard.


"Well? Do you think they earned it?"


He yelled aloud through his smile.


Shrugging in response, I raised my arms in surrender.


"I surrender sir Knight! What are your terms?"


I made a jokingly posh accent as I asked, coaxing a laugh from John as he walked over and helped me onto his shoulder.


"Well, I'm sure a position for Lady of the castle is open for you. Can't promise sweet's and such like Deidre though."


We joked back and forth, in some part already amusing me as John was the one left standing.


"Your terms are acceptable! But I still want some sweets."


John chuckled in response as he stepped over Maeve with me in tow, a grumbling Deirdre following just behind.


"Oh the potato farmer gets the damned victory walk but I have to bring her snacks to talk to'er."


Stannis shouted across the yard as John walked me back through the barricades, marking the end of the first round.


"Victory to team B, you've got twenty minutes to get healed up and down some water. See you all then for the team shuffle."



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