Fate weaver’s convergence

C73 Winter’s story 3

Sorry about the wait. Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoy~

"Okay Kiyomi, come here."


Chessa turned me back around slowly. Unexpectedly, she took my hand in her own and pulled me close.


Wait, what is this situation?


"No better time to learn than now. I reckon Hatsumi hasn't taught you how to shoot a bow, aye?"


Chessa asked, bringing her bow into my hand she'd taken.


"No, I've… never shot a bow."


Plenty of guns, never a bow.


"We'll go slowly then, aye?"


Chessa wrapped our hands around the grip of the bow, shifting by hand around the grip until both our fingers made a pseudo sight to aim from.


"Now, whatever you do, don't use that violent impact skill. I imagine either the bow would shatter or nothing would be left of our quarry. We need only do this with the strength of our pull."




Chessa nodded at my confirmation, carefully taking my other hand in hers. Adjusting her stance behind me as she grabbed an arrow from her quiver, Chessa brought our opposite hands to the string of the bow.


"Watch close as he grazes. Notice how he's relaxed? The sound of the wind is obscuring our speech just enough. Now, gently pull the drawstring back with me."


Chessa gently guided my hand backward, pulling against the string. The bow bent as the string was pulled but the tension was nearly non-existent for me.


"Good, with your strength you can handle a 30 kilo draw like it's a toy. Glad I chose to guide you or you would've snapped the thing. Now, wait for the right moment…"


The wind continued to blow as the Elk walked around slowly through the clearing, his cow slowly leaving the area as she herself rubbed her snout through the snow for some remnant of grass. While I continued to watch the Bull, Chessa loosed her grip on my hand around the bow and began to tilt my hand holding the bow slightly.


"You want to provide a good point to shoot from, so having a point of aim off of your knuckle is the easiest way to remember until you get enough experience."


With my hand in place, Chessa clasped her hand back around mine.


"Now, we simply wait for him to give us his side so we can hit his heart."


Nearly a minute passed as we before our Bull Elk turned his body to the side, looking out to the distance. 


"Just to the left of his shoulder…"


Chessa silently adjusted our aim.


"And… now!"


Together, we released the drawstring. As it did, the bow reverberated as its body took back its original shape and propelled the arrow forward. The Bull Elk stood out in the open, unmoving against the fate that was about to befall it. The arrow soared through the air so quickly, that it was honestly a surprise when it found its mark on the side of the Elk. A sudden, violent spurt of blood shot out onto the snow as the arrow impacted. The Elk shuddered and stumbled before taking flight, attempting to outrun the looming death that was already grasping it. The elk made it roughly eighty meters before slowly dropping to its legs. It was not a moment after that the Elk slowly dropped its head, its massive antlers still holding it at an angle even as they dug into the snow.


"Good shot Kiyomi!"


Chessa released my right hand and placed it on my head between my horns, ruffling my hair as she did.


"Let's go see our quarry."


There wasn't much to think over the walk to the Elk, only that the sudden rush of adrenaline was strange. It was a different rush than combat, and I felt some kind of overwhelming need to go 'yeah! We did it!'. When we reached the Elk, its size truly dawned on me. The thing was massive but akin to any other Elk you'd broadly see. Compared to the other elk that was present earlier, it just seemed larger.


"Good, he's not breathing. Means we hit home perfectly."


Chessa kneeled and carefully laid her head on the side of the elk's body. She began pondering for a moment after raising her head.


"Kiyomi, what we're about to do is a tradition passed down from the Hunters lodges."


Chessa motioned for me to sit next to her as she pulled out her short sword. Chessa slowly slid her sword into its belly along the elk's ribcage.


"What are you doing?"


I asked, leaning close as she ran the blade along the rib cage.


"You'll see Kiyomi. Just give me a moment."


Chessa spoke as she made the wound wider, spilling blood onto the snow as she did. After a few minutes of reaching the blad deeper and deeper, she finally pulled the blade free and wiped it clean of blood for the most part using her hand.


"Hey, Kiyomi, do me a favor and look at this."


Pointing to something, she motioned me to come closer with the blood-soaked hand.


"What is it- ah, what the heck! What even ew! For Solah's sake, why?!"


Chessa reached forward with my guard dropped, placing her thumb between my brows and smearing upward into my bangs. As I was recoiling in disgust, she topped it off by grabbing one of my horns and using her thumb to smear blood against them as well.


"As part of the tradition, a young hunter smears the blood of their prey along the center of their brow. The next, is to cover their natural abilities as a predator. In your case, history points to demons being carnivorous."


Chessa lowered her hands as she leaned over the Elk and reached into its ribcage.


"The smear along your forehead is for your perception, the blood on your horns for your natural weapons. Granted you really didn't perform a feat here since we had nature and magic to help."


Chessa rolled her eyes as she continued.


"Usually you would coat your hands if you were a typical humanoid. And lastly-"


Chessa grunted as she pressed her arm further in as she grabbed something.


"Ugh, always difficult. Would be easier if we could dress him here!"


With one last grunt and a sickening tearing sound, Chessa slowly pulled her arm free.


Ugh, I know I turned that one wolverine into a pile of gore but still…


Pulling one last time, Chessa removed her arm from the Elk's insides with a mass of flesh in hand, a strange mist of mana falling from it as she did.


"Wait- is that-"


Why the hell did she pull out that?!


"The character of the elk, or the spirit." 


Chessa held the heart towards me.


"Some say, a hunter's first targeted quarry defines them. And while it may not have been chosen for you, the fact this hinting trio is going well means it must be close."


Guiding me close by my shoulder, Chessa gently places the heart in my hands. It was still, and warm. The mana from it gave off a strange feeling as its weight settled.


"The Elk is a symbol of pride, ever moving, strong, and passionate. It's a creature that can survive and even thrive with all the beasts that exist. This Elk's heart symbolizes your internal journey and your ability to press on. With partaking in it, your spirits will intertwine and it will define your key qualities."


Chessa smiled as she raised my hands close to my chest.


"I'm… lost. What am I doing?"


Be respectful, she's being sincere with her culture here.


Chessa placed her hand underneath my own.


"You will consume the Elk's heart. Just a bite will do, but you must swallow what you take."


Oh… oh God… I think I'm gonna be sick.


"Are… you serious?"


Chessa nodded silently, bowing her head as she did. 


"Isn't this unsanitary?"


"It's fresh, and you're eight suns already. Any sickness that would have taken you before won't now. At most you may not have an appetite afterward."


Chessa was thankfully understanding, putting up with my questioning. I still struggled with the concept as I continued staring at the heart.


"A… small one?"


Chessa smiled softly.




But… we chose to hunt it.


"Didn't you want to hunt an Elk? It doesn't feel legitimate. Should I?"


Adjusting her position, Chessa dropped to her rear.


"The original goal was to hunt a Boar. But the first tracks I noticed were to him."


She gestured to the dead beast next to us.


"I was never one to believe in fate or any of that stuff, but something felt right about guiding you with an Elk."


Is it really that deep? What was hers?


"W-what was your first?"


Chessa looked back down to the Elk, smiling softly.


"A Boar…"


Looking back at me, she pulled a necklace out from her collar.


"I took its tusk as a memento. I was taken out by Lorn actually… our trip was vastly different though."


Chessa pulled up her sleeve next, revealing a scar along the bottom of her forearm.


"She wouldn't help me get it healed either. 'It's a sign of fighting your own nature' she said. 'You shouldn't cover that up’. I personally think she just didn't want to pay for the potion. Enough about me though… this is your moment, I just wanted to go hunting."


Looking at me expectedly, Chessa remained silent. Revealing a gentleness to her she never really let surface. I was always unsure how she looked at me. Whether she saw me as a burden, imposing where I should have never been. Or if she simply couldn't open herself up. Neither of those obstacles was present. It was just someone satisfied with passing on their tradition, content with anyone as long as they joined her.


"I just take a bite?"




"Okay… here it goes!"


Bringing the heart to my mouth, digging my teeth into it. Blood that was still lingering within the chambers poured out slowly as I clamped down and tore at the muscle. The best way I could ever describe it would have been like taking a bite out of spongy copper. Pulling free, I chewed for a few moments to break down the piece as much as I could before swallowing. Soon after, what felt like a rush of water flowing over my body as a faint light obscured my sight.


That wasn't the worst thing in the world, why was I-

"Where am I?"


Looking up, I was alone. There were no trees, no Chessa sitting as she waited, and no Elk beside us. 


What the hell is this? Did the thing give me a seizure? Am I in a coma now?! Wait please don't be a nightmare!




"Gah! What the fuck?!"


Feeling the breath of something against my neck, I stumbled forward and went to draw my sword. The sight I was met with was beyond confusing. 


"Okay… I've snapped. I'm seeing things."


An Elk towered over me. To be more specific, the Elk I'd just placed an arrow in.


"Hey guy, you're uh- you're not about the arrow are you?"


The Elk took a step forward, its head still lowered as it snuffed at me. I sat there for what felt like forever before it stood at full height and stepped back. Slowly turning away, the Elk shuffled the snow and emitted a faint light as it did.


What the hell even is this trip?


In the next moment, the Elk began fading and Mana emitted from its entire body. With that, the same flash of light obscured my sight once more.

"Well? How was it?"


My sight faded back in to reveal a smiling Chessa sitting across from me the same as she was before the vision.


"How was what?"


I played dumb with Chessa for a moment as her smile slowly dissipated. 


"I must have been wrong, you spaced out for a moment."


Chessa moved to stand for a moment before squinting back at me.


"Are you bullshitting me?"




Chessa pouted for a moment before standing.


"That's pretty mean, and here I was showing you your spirit."


Tilting my head to the side, I apologized.


"Sorry, it's just. That was really weird. What did I just see?"


"The self-revelation of your spirit."


Chessa looked up, breathing in deep before exhaling and throwing the bow back over her shoulder. 


"Now place that heart back in him. We have to get him back home and dress him. Here isn't a good place."

"Y'know, if you want to take her out again from time to time you can ask."


Hatsumi closed the door behind her quietly, looking to Chessa as they moved back to the living room.


"I might take you up on that offer. She listened a lot more than I thought she would. I honestly thought she would've dragged me down to the point we wouldn't have caught a thing." 


Chessa spoke as she took a beer from the center table, sitting on the couch as it popped open with a hiss.


"What all did you talk about?"


Hatsumi grabbed one for herself, taking a seat next to her friend. With her tail wrapped over their laps, it looked as if they were drinking under fur. 


"She asked about the runes, and about the tree."


Hatsumi quieted down as Chessa.


"She didn't say anything rude did she?"


Chessa shook her head.


"No, she was actually really receptive…"


The two sat there quietly, each taking a gulp of their respective drink


"So why did you want to talk?"


The two continued to sit in silence.


"I nearly shunned her…"


Hatsumi looked over to her friend, her eyes red as if she was about to cry.


"I miss Yui so much… I… I nearly shunned an innocent, sweet little girl for not wanting to let go! I helped you deliver Yui! I- I helped raise that girl and-"


Chess choked on her own words for a moment, letting out a jagged exhale as she fought back the tears.


"Chessa I know you were the one that found her… The pain is still fresh."


Hatsumi clasped both of her hands around her drink as she spoke.


"You were practically Yiu's second mom. I know it was tough for you too."


Chessa lifted her drink up as she took another swig, drinking down much more than her first. Gasping for air as she lowered it, Chessa leaned forward onto her knees.


"So whose spending time with her tomorrow."


Hatsumi took a drink next before speaking.


"Tomorrow is Stanis. Everyone wanted time with her, and with work being dead now I figured it was the best time. It gives me enough opportunities to go to the keep and discuss the organization of all the new construction and strategies with Frederick and his advisors."


"No end to the anxiety of war, eh?"


Hatsumi shook her head and lifted her feet, placing them on the center table.


"Not when the Empire is getting involved. Apparently some raiders, church knights, or who the hell ever fuckin killed an entire cohort. Well, in response a courier was dispatched and now Brenton and a hand full of other fiefs are being blamed. We're estimating an entire Legion being here in five suns."




Chessa sighed as she responded in an exhausted tone.




"Any reason they're taking so long?"


"Beats me, retaliation maybe? Might come and collect a heavy tax or something. The Lords and Ladies here can't afford it though. So we're anticipating a fight."


Hatsumi took a long gulp, nearly emptying her bottle.


"Callum gets her last… It's gonna be bloody, so to avoid getting angry I'm gonna be out of town at the time. Traveling with the Baron to discuss it with the other nobility."


Hatsumi raised her drink toward Chessa.


"To continued happiness."


The two cringed their bottles together before downing the last of their contents. 


"Ahhh, let's blow this skewer stand! Let's go drink with Avery!"


Hatsumi placed her bottle on the table and stood, stretching her arms right after.


"Hell yeah! Girls' night out!"


Chessa chimed, doing the same.

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